I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 151 Red and Blue Drinks!

Chapter 151 Red and Blue Drinks!

"Look at how careful you are, your brother and I will still hurt you? You can drink it as soon as you are told. This is a good thing!"

Guan Ren frowned, pretending to be angry.

"Okay, why don't people drink it?"

Guan Xiaoyun frowned, opened the bottle cap with some reluctance, put his nose up, and sniffed it carefully, and found that the two bottles of drinks smelled fresh except for the color which seemed to be irresistible. People repel.

Sensing Guan Ren's expectant gaze, Guan Xiaoyun stuck out his tongue, closed his eyes, and moved his small mouth to take a sip of the red drink.

Although it was only a small sip, the taste of the drink was sweet and sweet. After drinking it, Guan Xiaoyun swept away his exhaustion, feeling like he was full of strength and full of energy.

"Brother! What kind of drink is this? I just took a sip, and I feel relaxed and full of energy!"

A look of shock appeared on Guan Xiaoyun's small face, and he tried to take another sip.

"Okay, don't drink this red drink, and try the blue one."

Guan Ren stopped Guan Xiaoyun who was still drinking the red drink, pointed to another blue drink bottle, and said, "With your current physical condition, taking a sip of this is enough to keep you in excellent health for a day If you drink too much, you may go too far."

"Okay, then I'll try this blue bottle again."

This time, Guan Xiaoyun obviously didn't have the previous repulsion and resistance, but impatiently unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip of the blue drink.


A cool feeling swept over the whole body, and the refreshing and sweet feeling spread from the throat to every corner of the body, finally raising Guan Xiaoyun's mental state to the extreme.

After taking a sip of the blue drink, she suddenly felt that her eyes and ears were clear, and her perception of the surrounding things became clearer than ever. This kind of mental state was simply a state that she had never reached since she was born!

If the red drink before made people energetic, then the blue drink now can also make people energetic!

"Brother! This drink... where did you get it?"

Guan Xiaoyun stared at Guan Ren curiously, feeling a little uncertain.

Since she was discharged from the hospital last time, she always had a strange feeling that although her brother was still a brother, he had changed a lot.

Many times, his behavior became unpredictable for her. All in all, his whole body exuded a strong sense of mystery.

Although she didn't know why Guan Ren became like this, she could feel that the latter seemed to have a reason for doing so.

But Guan Ren kept silent, and she didn't dare to ask.

Only this time, facing a drink with such miraculous effects, she finally couldn't hold back her inner curiosity and couldn't help asking.

"You don't have to worry about where it came from. I just want to ask you, if this thing is diluted and sold as a drink, how will the sales be?"

Guan Ren took back the two bottles of red and blue drinks and asked Guan Xiaoyun who was beside him with a smile.

"That's needless to say! The sales are absolutely exploding! What green ox, war donkey, or Xi Peng's special drink, all of them have to stand aside!"

Guan Xiaoyun said without hesitation, but as he spoke, his face suddenly turned aside, and he looked at the mysterious Guan Ren with some curiosity, and asked in surprise: "Brother, you went to see Sister Violet this time. Yes, sell these drinks, right?"

"Little smart ghost, you are right. Many companies will join in this Tianlin update. This will have a big impact on the global market!"

Guan Ren's eyes darkened, and he said calmly, "If I can seize this opportunity this time and use these two drinks to stand out from the global market, we, brother and sister, will not have to worry about running out of money in the future."

"Brother, what you said...does it work?"

Guan Xiaoyun frowned and asked.

You must know that with the game update and the global economic depression, it is very difficult for a brand-new brand to gain a firm foothold in the global market.

"Whether it works or not depends on whether Violet is willing to cooperate."

Guan Ren said in a deep voice, "It's just right, I will also take this opportunity to test her out to see if she has the possibility to become my future ally."

"Brother, why are you so mysterious?"

"Oh? Is there any?"

"Of course there is! My intuition tells me that you sell this red and blue drink, you must not just want to make money!"

Guan Xiaoyun pouted and said dissatisfiedly: "It's just that someone is pretending to be mysterious and doesn't want to tell others!"

"Hahahaha, little sister, it's not right for you to say that. My brother has his own reasons for doing this. I won't tell you. It's just that the time hasn't come yet."

Guan Ren laughed loudly when he heard the words, rubbed Guan Xiaoyun's little head, and said dotingly.

"Hmph, I don't care anyway! If you don't tell me, you're a bad brother!"

Guan Xiaoyun said angrily.

"Smelly brother is stinky brother, anyway, the time is not up, I will never tell you!"

Guan Ren smiled slightly, with a look of reticence.Don't follow Guan Xiaoyun's set at all.

"You... hum!"

Guan Xiaoyun felt a little wronged. Guan Ren was so obviously hiding something from her, but he was unwilling to confess it to her, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

"Little girl, be good, after you can deal with an Amethyst-level boss alone, I will tell you the whole story, how about it?"

Seeing that Guan Xiaoyun was unhappy, Guan Ren had no choice but to comfort him.

"This is what you said! Don't go back on your word!"

Guan Xiaoyun fixed his gaze on Guan Ren upon hearing this.

"Of course, your brother, when did I fool you?"

"No, you must pull the hook!"

"Come on, there are so many people on the street, you and I are both old and young."

"I don't care! You must pull the hook!"

Guan Xiaoyun didn't give in at all.

"Okay, good, pull the hook, pull the hook."

"It's almost there."


Because Guan Ren's new residence was not very far from the Violet Club, so within a short while, Guan Ren brought Guan Xiaoyun to the Violet Club.

Holding the purple gold card, Guan Ren went all the way without hindrance, found the manager of the clubhouse, came to the secret private room on the top floor, and had a conversation with Zi Luolan.

"This matter involves a lot, so let's discuss it in detail."

After listening to Guan Ren's plan to launch red and blue drinks on a global scale, Violet was silent for a while, and finally gave a reply.

"Okay, how soon can you arrive."

"About three hours."

"It's okay, I'll wait for you. This matter really needs to be discussed."

After the video call was terminated, Guan Ren leaned on the sofa, closed his eyes and rested his mind, discussing future plans with Li Chen'er.

"Chen'er, you said I did this, is it right or wrong?"

"I don't think there is a problem. After all, now only you can bring various props from the world of Tianlin to the Seablue plane. If you can use these resources to subtly strengthen the physical fitness of the whole people, it will be a great thing for the future. Good thing."

"But if I do this, I'm afraid I will cause myself a lot of trouble, right?"

What Guan Ren was most worried about was the safety of his younger sister Guan Xiaoyun. He never told her the whole story and the stakes of this matter, but made a decision on his own. , is undoubtedly very unfair.

"What are you afraid of! If someone comes to make trouble, aunt will help you deal with them! Besides, with your current strength, even if someone wants to make trouble, they will be looking for death!"

"You think highly of me, but just to be on the safe side, you should be careful."

Guan Ren smiled wryly. By doing this, everyone on Planet Seablue entered the era of national evolution ahead of time. This news is a provocation to those hermit families who think highly of themselves!
At that time, they will definitely follow the clues to find him. At that time, I am afraid that he really will not have many stable days to live.

But in order to make the Seablue Star plane as strong as possible before the catastrophe comes, this sacrifice is worth it!
Next, it depends on the meaning of violet.

If you can get her help, you can naturally save a lot of trouble.

But if they can't reach an agreement, Guan Ren's plan will undoubtedly be slowed down.

The red and blue drink is actually made by blending and diluting the life restoration potion and spirit restoration potion of Tianlin World. Judging from Guan Xiaoyun's performance, after diluting the powerful restoration potion by a hundred times, it only takes one sip to make ordinary people Optimum physical and mental state.

Of course, red and blue drinks are just the first step for Guan Ren to enter the market. As time goes by, he will gradually add some materials that can improve human physical fitness to his products, gradually reaching The purpose of the evolution of the whole people.

Of course, this requires a huge capital chain and promotion resources to operate, which is a relatively slow process.

But for the current Guan Ren, this is indeed a way to steadily improve the combat power of Seablue Star's entire population.

In addition, all he can do is to delay the progress of the natural disasters and disasters expansion as much as possible in the game world, so that the opening of the battlefield of gods and demons can be postponed as much as possible, so as to give Seablue Star more time to increase combat power.

Of course, he also has a lot of things to do on his own, such as healer Xiaoyun's one billion sea blue coins, collecting Tianxuan Qi to lift the level seal, getting the wishing tree seeds, getting the dragon god's blood, and completing the tasks of the seven ancient towns , to clean up the mess in the Mobei Territory, and look for the Xuanling Medicine King to obtain new inheritance power...

All in all, after the update, he will be very busy.

A bunch of things are piled up together, which makes people very headache.

However, there is no way to do this, because for Guan Ren, each of these matters is very important.

"Hey, I really don't know what happened. After living a new life, why are you getting busier and busier?"

Guan Ren sighed with a gloomy face.

 The second update!This chapter is more than 3000 words!So my friends, stop saying that I am short and weak!

  Of course, today is still the third watch, but the Chapter 3 update is estimated to be after ten o'clock in the evening, so friends who can't wait can go to bed early and watch it tomorrow.

  Finally, seeing that this baby is working hard to update stably, everyone votes for recommendation votes and monthly tickets, and by the way, give a reward to support it!


(End of this chapter)

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