I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 162 This Way of Greeting Is Something Wrong?

Chapter 162 This Way of Greeting Is Something Wrong?
Guan Ren looked at Qi Wantian expectantly. If he could get this kind of ability to travel through space, he would be very comfortable.

"Hahahaha, brat! You have a good idea!"

Qi Wantian laughed loudly when he saw this, and joked: "You have a teacher, if I teach you everything, then my senior brother won't beat me up in the future?"

"Just teach one more."

"Teach one more? No, you can't teach more than one! If you want to learn more, let him teach you when you see your brother in person. I don't want to cause trouble!"

Qi Wantian kept shaking his head when he heard the words, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

If there was anyone he was afraid of in Xuanling Sect, it would undoubtedly be his senior brothers.

In front of them, he was just a little brother, and he couldn't be tough at all.

Seeing that there was no way to obtain abilities, a trace of disappointment flashed in Guan Ren's eyes.

But he has nothing to say, after all, what Qi Wantian said is true, his teacher is Fang Hai, not Qi Wantian.

"Don't be downcast, you kid. Among other things, our Xuanling Sect is definitely the most united sect in the entire Tianlin Continent! If you meet the seniors of the same sect in the future, learning a little bit from them will be enough for you It is of great use.”

Qi Wantian stroked his goatee, smiled and comforted Guan Ren and said, "As for me, it is enough to pass on a mysterious spirit collection technique to you. If you want to gain more abilities, you should work hard to explore and understand this world." Bar!"

"……All right."

Guan Ren completely gave up.

If there is no mistake, the mechanism of this game is like this. Except for his teacher Fang Hai, the other seniors of the same school will only give him one inheritance at most.

As for wanting more inheritance?

Sorry, find someone else!

Can't find it?That is your own problem!

However, Guan Ren is not the kind of person who is cheap and acts obediently. He has already obtained the powerful mysterious spirit collection technique from Qi Wantian, and he has already made a lot of money!
"Uncle Qi, shall we go to the Emperor of Swords now?"

Now that he had no more thoughts, Guan Ren directly opened his mouth to return to the topic. He hadn't forgotten that he came to Basword City to reconcile the two dynasties of sword and sword.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome! Just let him come to us by himself!"

Qi Wantian frowned when he heard the words, shook his head and rejected Guan Ren's proposal, took a deep breath, and shouted: "Old Daohuang, your grandfather is here, hurry up and come out to meet him!"

A loud shout resounded through Ba Dao City!
What a shame, my Uncle Qi is too hardcore, right?

We are here to make peace!

You are so stubborn, I'm afraid you didn't come here to find fault with me, did you?

"Uncle, you... restrain yourself!"

Guan Ren said anxiously: "I am here this time to make peace with the Dao Dynasty! You are pushing us to the opposite side!"

"Fuck, you brat didn't say it earlier!"

Qi Wantian was taken aback when he heard the words, blowing his beard and staring.

"I told you before I came here! You forgot!"

Guan Ren looked helpless.

"Oh? Really? Then... sorry, I accidentally forgot, hahahaha..."


Guan Ren's face was full of black lines, Qi Wantian had already said that, what else could he say?
"He Fangxiao is young? How dare you play wild in Ba Dao City!"

There was a roar of anger, followed by an extremely domineering saber energy piercing the sky, aiming directly at the high sky where Guan Ren and the others were!

"Damn it, the sword dynasty and the sword dynasty are really living and returning! The majestic sword emperor, is this little capable? If the sword god is present, he will be so angry that he sees his inheritance become so rubbish. ?”

Qi Wantian looked at the huge saber energy soaring into the sky, and a look of disdain flashed in his eyes.


Guan Ren didn't dare to say more, because in his opinion, the power of this saber energy was already very strong!

Even the surrounding space trembled, indicating that this saber energy was about to reach the power of shattering space!
"Martial nephew, get out of the way, and let the old man teach him how to use this saber energy!"

Qi Wantian pulled Guan Ren behind him, reached out and took out a small medicine-picking knife from his body, and slashed lightly at the powerful knife that was coming towards him.

With a stabbing sound, a dark crack was drawn in the space, and then disappeared.

At the same time, a slap-sized saber aura shot out as a stream of light, colliding with the oncoming huge saber aura attack!
With a loud noise, the huge saber energy instantly collapsed!
But the palm-sized saber energy is like a broken bamboo, directly tearing apart the space and blasting towards the ground below!
In the blink of an eye, a huge crack with a length of one thousand meters appeared on the ground of Ba Dao City, dividing the street below into two halves!
【Ding!Ba Dao City is under a strong attack, and the defensive array is automatically activated!During the opening of the formation, you cannot leave! 】


Hearing the system prompt that suddenly sounded in his ears, the corners of Guan Ren's mouth twitched slightly.

Regarding Qi Wantian's strength, Guan Ren was already numb.

It was just a random blow, and it actually directly triggered the protective formation that the sword god left behind in the city of the sword!

With such strength, it's no wonder that he accidentally punched the sword master to death because of losing control of his emotions...

With this strength, who can bear a punch!
"Could it be...is this the strength of the Xuanling Sect?"

Guan Ren was secretly shocked.

If this is the case, then the strength of Xuanlingmen is too strong!

Why haven't I heard of it in the last life?
It's weird...

"Senior, please hold your hand high! If this goes on like this, you will tear down the entire Ba Dao City!"

Just after Qi Wantian made a strike, a panicked voice suddenly came from the distant sky, followed by a figure approaching quickly.

"Are you the current sword king?"

Qi Wantian frowned slightly as he looked at the muscular man with gray hair in front of him.

"Yes, I'm here! Excuse me, what's the matter with senior looking for me this time?"

The King of Swords was sweating profusely, trembling with trembling, he didn't have the majesty of the King of Swords at all.

Just kidding, he almost split Badao City in half with a single blow, and also triggered the self-defense function of the city defense formation. With this kind of strength, he still puts on airs?Isn't this looking for death?
Brush brush!
After the Knife Emperor, a group of more than a dozen people quickly followed up. After seeing the performance of the Knife Emperor, all of them looked in astonishment.

Is this... the domineering and powerful Sword Emperor they knew before?

This contrast... is too big, right?

"What are you still doing? Hurry up and salute!"

The Emperor of Swords glanced back at the people behind him, his tone sank.

When everyone heard the words, they immediately came to their senses, did not dare to neglect, and bowed and saluted one after another.

"Well, excuse me! Compared to that old boy who is the sword master, you are much better! Not bad!"

Qi Wantian stroked his beard, nodded very usefully, and said: "Let my nephew finish the sentence first, as for my affairs, it's not too late to talk about it later!"

"Well... Hello everyone! I am the new sword master of Tianjian City. I am here this time to discuss something with you! Don't worry, everyone. It's a good thing. Relax..."

Guan Ren stood up from behind Qi Wantian, his face a little embarrassed.

You must know that not long ago, he had a good relationship with the Dao Dynasty. This time when Qi Wantian came up, he was almost split in half by Qi Wantian's first main city. This way of greeting, even he himself was embarrassed.

"It turned out to be you!"

Suddenly, behind the Sword Emperor, a woman with ear-length hair and short hair flashed surprise in her eyes when she saw Guan Ren, and she couldn't help but exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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