I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 166 This is the person we should follow!

Chapter 166 This is the person we should follow!
Still have a lot of backpack space?

rest assured?

Listen quickly, is this speaking human words?
Hua Ling rubbed the center of her brows worriedly, the reward method she chose had to go on with tears in her eyes...


【Ding!Collection succeeded!You have obtained the best black iron ore × 999! 】

【Ding!Collection succeeded!You have obtained the best black iron ore × 999! 】

【Ding!Collection succeeded!You have obtained the best black iron ore × 999! 】


In the warehouse where the top-grade black iron ore is stored in Badao City, Guan Ren's figure is like the wind, shuttling between them, large pieces of cargo boxes piled up in the warehouse disappear!
At the gate of the warehouse, Hua Ling could only watch the rapidly decreasing inventory, with blood dripping from his heart.

"Okay, I'll just take half of it, otherwise you will be useless."

A few minutes passed by, Guan Ren glanced at the extra 40 black iron ore in his backpack, smiled happily, went back to the warehouse door, and said to Hua Ling: "Thank you for this reward! "

"...Ah, that...you're welcome."

Hua Ling came back to his senses, looking at the top-grade black iron ore with only half of the stock left, feeling bitter in his heart.

"Since everything is done, I will take a step first! There are still a lot of things waiting for me to deal with when I go back! See you later!"


Hua Ling nodded his head dully.

Guan Ren looked at Hua Ling who was in a daze, shook his head doubtfully, turned and left.

But just in case, before he left, he specially bought a few return scrolls of Ba Dao City, so that if he wanted to come back in the future, he wouldn't have to spend a lot of time on the road.

After buying the scroll to return to the city, Guan Ren opened the backpack. If I remember correctly, Qi Wantian took the backpack of the Thirteen Guards of Jianying and gave it to him before he entered the abyss space. He has been busy all this time. I didn't have time to check it, but now Guan Ren doesn't want to waste time on the road, so I plan to check from these backpacks to see if there are any ready-made scrolls for returning to the city of Tianjian City. If there is, it will help He is very busy.

"Hey, sure enough!"

Guan Ren opened the first backpack, and with a random glance, he saw the scroll of returning to the city of Tianjian City that he wanted. He immediately took out the scroll and chose to use it, ignoring other things!
【Ding!Successfully used the Heavenly Sword City Return Scroll! 】

A sword light flew out from the scroll, and then instantly wrapped Guan Ren's body, the light slowly dissipated, and Guan Ren's figure also disappeared between the sky and the earth.

At the same time, a sword glow suddenly flashed in the teleportation square of Tianjian City thousands of miles away, and Guan Ren's figure appeared.

"Haha, it's really convenient to have a scroll to return to the city!"

Guan Ren laughed out loud. Now that he has returned to Tianjian City, he just needs to go to the Sword Master's mansion and bring Ling Wanrong back to Dragon Blood City.

"Thirteen Guards of Sword Shadow!"

Guan Ren gave a loud shout.

Not long after the words fell, thirteen figures flew down and landed beside Guan Ren.

"This is the backpack you carried before. I just used a scroll to return to the city from it. Now... I return them to you. I only hope that you can unite as one in the future and guard Tianjian City together!"

As Guan Ren said, he waved his hand, and thirteen backpacks shining with black light appeared on the ground in front of him: "Now I have just become the sword master of Tianjian City, and I am not very familiar with many aspects, so Jianyi comes out! "


"From now on, you will be the acting city lord of Heavenly Sword City. During the period of time I will be away, help me take care of things related to Heavenly Sword City for the time being!"


"As for the others, if you assign them relevant positions, you don't need to ask me for instructions on these matters."

Guan Ren's eyes sank, and he said lightly: "However, one thing must be paid attention to. Anyone who deliberately tries to resist this sword alliance will be severely punished! Do you understand?"


"If you need me, please feel free to contact me!"

As Guan Ren said, he took out the Sword Master Command, called up the menu interface, and assigned Jian Yi the role of acting city master.

"You have strength and potential, so you must work hard!"

Guan Ren said in a deep voice: "Now the Heavenly Sword Record is in my hands. If you work hard, I will give you a chance to comprehend the Heavenly Sword Record!"

"Thank you, Lord Sword Master!"

The thirteen guards of Jianying cheered up when they heard the words, and shouted in unison.

Heavenly Sword Record!
This is the Heavenly Sword Record!
It is the comprehension of Lord Sword God about sword cultivators ten thousand years ago!

If they have the opportunity to use it for comprehension, even if they only understand a little bit, it will benefit them a lot!
Compared with the selfish former sword master, this point is really different!
Have courage!Have strength!with potential!
Such a sword master is the one they should swear to follow!
The Thirteen Guards of Jianying looked at each other, their eyes filled with determination!

"I still have something to do. I want to leave the Mobei Territory, so I will leave the matter of Tianjian City to you first!"

Guan Ren said in a deep voice: "When I come back, I will give each of you a set of fairy equipment, so work hard, understand?"


The Thirteen Sword Shadow Guards gasped when they heard this!
They heard it right, what Guan Ren was talking about was fairy equipment!

Moreover, it is a set for one person!
You know, the equipment of fairy quality was exclusive to the sword master before!
Anyone else want to use it?Don't even think about it!
On the one hand, this is because the former sword master was narrow-minded and wanted to monopolize the best resources; on the other hand, for the Mobei Territory, which has been isolated from the outside world for thousands of years, their forging technology has long lagged behind the outside world. There are too many, even if you have good forging materials, it is extremely difficult to forge a decent piece of equipment!

"Of course, I'll put my ugly words in front of you. If you make a mess of Tianjian City when I come back, I won't let you off easily!"

"Yes! Please rest assured, Lord Sword Master! We will not let you down!"

The thirteen guards of Jianying each had firm faces, and they assured each other.

"That's great. The area of ​​the original Oasis City was covered by my previous forbidden spell, and now it has turned into a body of water. Next, send people there to renovate it. In the future, the water supply of Tianjian City will depend on it!"

Guan Ren ordered: "Also, we have now formed an alliance with the Sword Dynasty, and there may still be some small frictions at the beginning. Regarding these, you should pay close attention to them. If anyone wants to use this to make trouble , one word - die!"


"Okay, the general things are these. Regarding the enchantment issue, I will take action to solve it when I come back. At that time, the Sword Dynasty will no longer have to be isolated from the outside world."

After finishing speaking, Guan Ren turned and left the teleportation array square, and walked towards the sword master's mansion.

The thirteen guards of Sword Shadow looked excitedly at Guan Ren's retreating back, and silently clenched their fists!

Is this the current sword master of their current Heavenly Sword City?
Looks like a trustworthy leader!
The Sword Dynasty has been isolated by the barrier for tens of thousands of years. If Lord Sword Master can really settle this matter, then he will undoubtedly be the biggest benefactor in the eyes of all the residents of Mobei Territory for thousands of years!

They have been imprisoned in the Mobei Territory for too long for generations, and wanting to go out and see the outside world is a wish that each of them has had since childhood!
(End of this chapter)

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