Chapter 171 Ten... 15 billion! ?
He had already checked the current exchange rate of gold coins on the way when he came here. The current exchange rate is that one gold coin can only be exchanged for ten sea blue coins, and this value is constantly changing with the passage of time. I can't believe it. In a week, it will drop to a 1:1 exchange ratio.

So if you want to exchange gold coins for sea blue coins, you have to do it as soon as possible!
Especially for people like Guan Ren who are in urgent need of Seablue Coins, every minute of delay, a lot of Seablue Coins will evaporate from their fingers!
"Qingqing! Where's Qingqing?"

Guan Ren entered the store and looked around for a week, only to find that Qingqing was nowhere to be seen!
This girl, is she still asleep and not getting up?
Guan Ren was in a hurry, since he couldn't count on Qingqing, he had to come and exchange the gold coins himself!
At that moment, Guan Ren quickly walked to the counter, opened the store management system, and planned to exchange the gold coins in the store into sea blue coins by himself.

However, when he opened the store management system and hadn't had time to operate it, he was suddenly shocked by the interface in front of him!
"This is……"

Guan Ren stared dumbfounded at the amount in the store's remaining funds, which had been divided into two currencies, namely gold coins and sea blue coins!

Among them, the gold coins are only in the early [-]s, but the number of sea blue coins is frightening!
[-] million sea blue coins!
Guan Ren read it right, there are [-] million Aquamarine coins in the store's remaining funds!
Who did this?

Guan Ren was dumbfounded.

The update came out of nowhere, but he was forced to go offline before he had time to do any orders, so it must not be what he ordered!
Is it...

"Boss, you are back!"

Just when Guan Ren was puzzled, Qing Qing, who was wearing a cute pink nightgown, rubbed her sleepy eyes and walked down the stairs. When she saw Guan Ren who was busy in front of the shop counter, her eyes lit up, and she said in surprise .

After careful calculation, the boss hasn't come back to the store for half a month!
Coming back today, Qingqing couldn't help but become happier!
"Qingqing, let me ask you, how come there are sea blue coins in the remaining funds of our shop?"

Guan Ren asked impatiently.

"This... I heard from Xiaoyun before that you seem to need sea blue coins very much, so I sold all the extra gold coins and exchanged them for sea blue coins a while ago. That... I can't do anything wrong right?"

Qingqing said cautiously, her eyes dodging: "I'm sorry boss, I... I made my own claims before, if you are unhappy, please punish me!"

"Punishment? How is it possible!"

Guan Ren laughed loudly, couldn't help kissing Qingqing's face, and said, "I really love you! You did a good job! What you did before is what I wanted but didn't have time to do!"


Qingqing groaned, lowered her head, her little face was filled with red.

"Ah...well, I'm sorry, I was so happy just now, I couldn't hold back for a while..."

Guan Ren's face was embarrassed, and he wanted to slap him. Although Qingqing was his shop assistant, and he still had the other party's identity card, he couldn't do it like this!

Lost, lost...

After all, he is a person who has lived a new life, so why can't he control himself?
"It''s okay, ever since the boss brought Qingqing to the store, Qingqing...Qingqing has been yours..."

As soon as these words came out, Qingqing buried her head even deeper, and the blush on her face spread to her ears.


Guan Ren was stunned when he heard the words, he didn't know what to say for a while.

This she confessing her love to me?
But right now, he doesn't think about it at all!

In the current crisis, if you can't guarantee that you can go through the [Battle of Catastrophe] and relax now, you are choosing to die slowly!
Therefore, these things about children's affection are not suitable for him now!

"Well, you did a good job this time. From now on, the boss's logistics will all be handed over to you!"

Guan Ren quickly changed the subject and said, "But when did you exchange the Seablue coins? There are already [-] million!"

Qingqing raised her head slowly when she heard the words, the blush on her face hadn't completely dissipated.

The boss said that she would be responsible for all the logistics in the future, which made her heart as sweet as honey.

"That... I sold the Seablue Coin three days ago. At that time, the exchange function hadn't come out yet..."

Qingqing said frankly: "Besides, there are more than [-] million seablue coins in our store. Due to the size and level of the store, our store inventory can only hold [-] million seablue coins at most. As for the other extra seablue coins, I will I have already asked Miss Ling Lan to help us put away the store!"

"What did you say? And?"

Guan Ren was completely dumbfounded when he heard this.

He remembered that he didn't put much effort into the store's affairs!
Why did you suddenly have so much extra money after not coming back for half a month?

"Yes, if I remember correctly, there seems to be one billion sea blue coins in Ms. Ling Lan's place?"

Qingqing frowned and recalled.

"There's still... one billion more!?"

Guan Ren opened his mouth wide in surprise, his face full of disbelief!

He just racked his brains and couldn't figure out where so many sea blue coins came from!

"Well, at least one billion more."

Qingqing nodded obediently.

"Very...very good."

The corner of Guan Ren's mouth twitched, he couldn't think of what to say.

But if this is the case, he now has 15 billion Seablue coins!

And to treat Xiaoyun's Atlas virus, he only needs one billion sea blue coins!


Guan Ren let out a sigh of relief. With this as a guarantee, he finally doesn't have to worry too much about money anymore!

But to be able to do this now is also thanks to Qingqing's method of selling gold coins before the update!

If not, with the current exchange rate, even if all the previous gold coins are exchanged, there may not be [-] million sea blue coins in hand!

So in this matter, he owes Qingqing a big favor!

"Qingqing, has grandma's condition improved now?"

Guan Ren suddenly remembered something and asked aloud.

Unexpectedly, when Guan Ren's voice fell, Qingqing, who was originally smiling, suddenly froze, and a look of helplessness flashed in her eyes: "Although I found the best doctor in the city to prescribe a prescription for grandma, although grandma's mental state is like It's better than before, but now her legs and feet are getting weaker and weaker."

"Don't worry, after a while, I will go out and find a famous doctor myself to help grandma get well!"

Guan Ren comforted him.

Now that he has Fang Hai's letter of introduction on him, it's time to find some time to use it up.

He now has a secret disk on his body, as long as he knows the name of the person, he will not have to worry about finding the person!

Therefore, it is just around the corner for him to get the inheritance of Xuanling Alchemy Technique!

"Thank you boss! I'll take care of grandma's affairs!"

Qingqing's eyes were full of gratitude.

"Don't worry, you are mine, grandma's illness, just leave it to me!"

Guan Ren said in a deep voice, "By the way, I still have a bunch of backpacks here, so I'll pack them up for you first. I still have something to do, so I'll go first!"

After finishing speaking, Guan Ren's eyes fell on the one who had been waiting at the door of the store for a while and just wanted to fart: "Let's go, let's talk in another place."

Time to talk about the Atlas virus thing.

 No way, the hand is useless.Tomorrow four more, today autistic, retreated in despair.Don't spray... blah blah.

(End of this chapter)

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