Chapter 177 Moon Sea City

A trace of astonishment flashed in Guan Ren's eyes.

This was his negligence, but now he is clinking poor, and there is no extra gold coins for Guan Xiaoyun to upgrade the backpack level.

"Xiao Yun, what grade is your backpack?"

Guan Ren asked aloud.

"Just the junior backpack from the beginning."

Guan Xiaoyun replied seriously.

"...Are you sure it's enough?"

Guan Ren was stunned.

"Just barely."

Guan Xiaoyun thought for a while and said.


The corner of Guan Ren's mouth twitched slightly. The initial backpack only had twenty storage slots, but Guan Xiaoyun said it was barely enough?
Of course, this is not what Guan Ren is most concerned about. With Guan Xiaoyun's current backpack level, if he wants to upgrade to a super backpack, he needs to upgrade four times in a row. The amount of gold coins that needs to be spent each time is greatly increased. It takes [-] gold coins to get down together Right now, he only has [-] to [-] gold coins, which is not enough for Guan Xiaoyun.

"Well, here are some gold coins, you can upgrade your backpack to a high level first."

Guan Ren transferred [-] gold coins to Guan Xiaoyun. This amount of gold coins is enough for the latter to upgrade his backpack to a high-level one. Although the high-level backpack is not like a super backpack with a thousand storage slots, it still has five hundred slots Yes, barely enough.


A smile appeared on Guan Xiaoyun's face, he turned around and left cheerfully.

"This time I'm really poor..."

Guan Ren looked at the less than [-] gold coins left in his backpack, and a bitter taste appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Soon, everyone finished upgrading their backpacks and returned to the teleportation square.

"It seems that everyone is ready, so let's go now!"

Guan Ren formed a team to pull everyone into the team and came to the side of the teleportation formation.

[Ding, please choose the destination you want to send! 】

"Moon Sea City!"

【Ding!Choose success!The teleportation fee is 400 gold coins!Would you like to confirm the delivery? 】

"...four hundred gold coins?"

The corner of Guan Ren's mouth twitched, but thinking of the generous rewards of the Moon Sea City dungeon, Guan Ren still gritted his teeth and chose OK!
【Ding!The transmission will start for you in three seconds!I wish you a pleasant journey! 】


[Transmission starts...]

The white light on Guan Ren and the others disappeared in a flash, and then all the figures disappeared in the teleportation square.

The surrounding scenes were spinning, and by the time Guan Ren got used to it, they had already arrived at the destination of this trip, Moon Sea City.

【Ding!Your team has arrived in Moonsea City! 】

When the system notification sounded in his ears, Guan Ren looked around, and a familiar feeling came to his heart instantly.

Moon Sea City is a third-tier city in the northern part of the Profound Sky Empire. The sunshine hours in this city are very short, so most of the day is spent at night.

However, in this way, a relatively rare ore-moon energy stone was also produced in Moon Sea City!

Guan Ren's trip was precisely for the moon energy stone.

He intends to exchange all the dungeon points into moon energy stones, because his Shenxi sword box is still in its initial state, and the various attribute bonuses have been unable to keep up with his current pace, so he must strengthen the Shenxi sword box Just a click.

However, the Shenxi sword box was forged by an ancient craftsman with the power of the stars, so if you want to strengthen it, you must use the power of the stars.

And the moon energy mine absorbs moonlight energy all the year round, so it contains some star power, which is used to strengthen the current Shenxi sword box, which is the best choice!
After all, now that Guan Ren is equipped with the Lingxiao Sword, and combined with the bonus of vigorous Qi and blood, his current upper limit of health has exceeded 1000 million. From this point of view, the [-] health points per second of the Shenxi Sword Box The amount of recovery is obviously not enough.

Therefore, Guan Ren now urgently needs to complete a strengthening of the Shenxi sword box, so as to enhance his battery life.

"Let's go, let's brush up the copy."

Guan Ren checked the direction and walked quickly to the Dungeon Square.

"Brother, how many level dungeons should we brush?"

Guan Xiaoyun asked curiously from the side.

"Start with level 10 dungeons, and work your way up slowly!"

"But... everyone is level 25 now!"

Guan Xiaoyun looked puzzled: "Will the experience be returned for level 10 dungeons?"

"Give it! Why not?"

Guan Ren smiled when he heard the words, and said: "We are not doing ordinary dungeons, we are doing hell-level dungeons!"

"Hell level?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

Is it so fierce?
Among so many people, the only one who was relatively calm was Violet, after all, he had personally experienced the strength of Guan Ren when he was brushing the books.

That scene...was simply crushing.

"I'm just a crispy skin. There will be a lot of hell-level dungeon monsters. I'm afraid..."

Just want to eat ass and frown slightly, although it is only a level 10 hell-level dungeon, it is still a bit of a challenge for him. After all, he is just an assassin, and brushing is not his best field.

"Relax everyone, it's easy."

Guan Ren smiled slightly. Since it was a dungeon, it had to embody the essence of "scraping".

Leading the team to the dungeon plaza, Guan Ren directly chose the hell-level difficulty and entered the dungeon space.

【Ding!You have entered the Hell-level Difficulty Shallow Moon Valley! 】

[Mission 1000: Defeat [-] Light Moon Demons, Mission [-]: Defeat the three unknown creatures in Qianyue Valley, Mission [-]: Destroy the central stone statue of Qianyue Valley, and defeat the Light Moon Cutter! 】

A total of three tasks were added to the task list the moment everyone entered the copy of Qianyue Valley.

Now everyone's position is at the entrance in front of Qianyue Valley, and looking into Qianyue Valley along the entrance, groups of Qianyue demons are wandering around with maces in their hands.

[Lv13. Shallow Moon Devil (Hell): A devout follower of the Shallow Moon Cutter, powerful.Health value: 10000, energy value: 4000, attack power: 2200, defense power: 1800, skills: heavy blow, charge blow]

"What? Any plans?"

Just want to eat fart frowned, asked aloud.

"No plan, just swipe!"

Guan Ren looked at these hell-level shallow moon demon men without any thoughts.

In the Mobei Territory, he was used to the level [-] gold bosses, so he was not interested in these Qianyue Demons whose HP was over [-] and whose attack power was only in the early [-]s.

Summon Vampire Bats!

Regarding these monsters, Guan Ren himself was too lazy to do anything.

With a wave of his hand, Guan Ren directly summoned a thousand vampire bats and charged into the Qianyue Valley!

【Ding!Your team successfully killed the Light Moon Demon! 】

【Ding!Your team successfully killed the Light Moon Demon! 】

【Ding!Your team successfully killed the Light Moon Demon! 】

【Ding! ...]

The entire team, except for Guan Ren, was immediately stunned.

This... When did he become a summoner?

And the number of monsters a bit too scary, right?

The system prompts kept ringing in their ears, and everyone suddenly had an illusion in their hearts.

Are we... playing the same game as him?

Guan Ren stood quietly, closed his eyes, and waited patiently.

The attributes of the vampire bat completely crushed those shallow moon demons, so in just three to five minutes, the shallow moon demons in the entire shallow moon valley were completely wiped out by the vampire bats!


A roar came from the valley, and three huge unknown creatures over five meters tall and covered in pitch black appeared in the valley.

[Lv14. Light Moon Valley Unidentified Creature (Hell Level): Gold Level Boss, a monster formed by the fusion of Light Moon Demon's sacrificed life, powerful.Health value: 240000, energy value: 100000, attack power: 4400, defense power: 2800]

 At noon, I will update a chapter first. Many people say that the update is not enough to read, so I plan to load the code recently.

  Tens of thousands of changes every day to see if it can last for a few days.

  I will update all the other updates at around [-]:[-] pm, and everyone can watch them at that time.

  By the way, although it is said to be 2200 updates, I have more than [-] words in each chapter, or even more, so if I say five updates, it is equivalent to six updates for others. You should be able to see the appearance of [-] a day. Is it one o'clock?
(End of this chapter)

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