I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 184 Broken Legs?Do you still dance?

Chapter 184 Broken Legs?Do you still dance?
"No! I can't die!"

Guan Ren's eyes sank, and a ruthless look flashed in his eyes.

Unlike other players above level [-], he can bind the resurrection altar of the second-level main city as a resurrection point. If he dies this time, he will be sent directly back to the resurrection altar of Dragon Blood City!
If he wants to rush back, it will take at least an hour, and that's not all, he has to waste another forbidden scroll to successfully enter Daoxuan City!

This is not a small loss for him!

You know, there is only one forbidden scroll left on him now, and he has to keep this scroll as a spare, so he can't be forced to waste it like this!

Shadow Walk!
At the critical moment, Guan Ren's eyes were fixed, and he used the shadow step to escape without saying a word!

boom! ! !
But in this way, Guan Ren escaped a catastrophe, but Zhang Banxian who was not far away from him almost suffered disaster!
Enveloped by energy, the space fragments bombarded Zhang Banxian in an instant!
Although the latter took defensive measures as much as possible between lightning and flint, but even so, he still flew backwards under this attack, smashing a shallow figure on the wall of the courtyard!

You know, in order to prevent unnecessary troubles caused by the explosion of the alchemy furnace due to the failure of refining medicine, this courtyard has been blessed by the power of the medicine king dozens of times, so the defense is naturally strong, but even so, when the medicine king is furious Under the blow, there is still a shallow mark on the wall that has been blessed!

"Brother Yao...you have...you have something to say..."

Zhang Banxian's face was pale, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Just that moment, he almost lost his breath in an instant!
And it wasn't until this time that he suddenly woke up. Yao Busi, who usually drank with him as his brother, actually had such a strong strength!
It stands to reason that if a person studies one subject, it will be difficult for him to be equally powerful in other aspects.

But Yao Busi's performance today left him dumbfounded!
A medicine refiner is so powerful?

Did you make a mistake!

It's not that Zhang Banxian looks down on Yao Busi, but in his opinion, even if Yao Busi is strong, it should be strong in refining medicine.

For example, if a elixir enters the stomach, the combat power will soar instantly, or if some medicines are released randomly, the enemy will be dizzy and weak.

In Zhang Banxian's expectation, Yao Busi should be stronger in the way of refining medicine, just like himself, he is better in Taoism, but if the body is head-to-head, he must not be able to compare with those who are physically strong.

But what about medicine?

This person completely subverted his perception of the world of the strong!

A pharmacist's physique is comparable to those of those who are physically strong!
If he continues to take another power-enhancing elixir, wouldn't it be ruined?

Damn... At first I thought that our strengths were about the same, but now it seems that I am a fucking joke...

Zhang Banxian was miserable, and his face was gloomy.

Is this really in line with the old saying?
If you compare people, you will die, and if you compare goods, you will throw them away?
Damn, there really is no harm without comparison!

And there's that kid named Daguanren, how old is he?Already mastered the space system skills?Jump directly into the space to dodge the attack?

Is this world too crazy?
Why does it feel like anyone is more aggressive than me?
Could it be that I have lived alone in Daoxuan City for too long, so I am ignorant and ignorant?
Zhang Banxian looked dazed, glanced at Yao Busi, who was furious, and then at Guan Ren, who was afraid of panting heavily, feeling that his brain couldn't turn the corner.

What is the origin of these two?
"Hmph, this is the person you brought? It's fine if you don't wear overshoes, but you still come in with bare feet?"

Yao Busi's gaze sank slightly, he glared at Zhang Banxian and said, "I'll settle the score with you after I get rid of this kid!"

"Holding the grass, fortunately, the reaction was quick, and I almost died!"

On the other side, Guan Ren looked scared, but after seeing Yao Busi's face, he was shocked.

"This... Are you sure it's my uncle? So young?"

Guan Ren was a little unbelievable, because if he only looked at it from the appearance, Yao Busi seemed to be a young man in his 20s, not as old as Qi Wantian, Fang Hai and others at all!

Looking at Yao Busi, who looked like a small butcher, with a face as white as jade, and dressed in a white robe, Guan Ren was deeply moved.

As expected of the king of medicines, all kinds of medicines are taken internally and applied externally, which directly preserves youth forever, right?
If those female players knew about this, wouldn't they go crazy instantly?

The point is... there will be virtual synchronization in the future!

If you can get this set of recipes in your hands, how can you count the money until your hands cramp?

Guan Ren's eyes gleamed, staring at Yao Busi with bad thoughts.

"Damn brat, what kind of eyes are you looking at?"

Yao Busi's gaze sank and he ran away.

With one punch, the powerful energy hit Guan Ren!
I jump!

I jump!

I jump jump jump!

Guan Ren has a shadow step close to him, and frequently uses space jumps to dodge attacks.

After several times of missed attacks, Yao Busi's face was gloomy, his lips were tightly pursed, and his heart was already furious!
Is this kid a monkey?Jumping up and down, it makes people so happy!

Love to dance, right?I will make you unable to jump!

A sneer flashed in Yao Busi's eyes, and a black elixir appeared in his hand when he raised his hand.

"I let you dance!"

As soon as his eyes sank, Yao Busi directly crushed the elixir, and the pitch-black energy barrier instantly enveloped the space where the courtyard was located!

At the same time, a system notification sounded in Guan Ren's ear.

【Ding!Yao does not want to use [Black Magic Pill]!A black magic barrier is formed!The space in the enchantment is locked, and you cannot use any space skills! 】

When Guan Ren heard this, his expression suddenly changed.

If there is no shadow walk, he will not be able to avoid Yao Busi's attack!
It's going to be cold now...

"Boy, are you going to dance again?"

Yao Busi twitched the corner of his mouth, and punched out again, aiming at Guan Ren!
"It's over, it's over..."

Seeing that he was about to be hit, Guan Ren was shocked. If I had known this, I would have lost my temper.

Soul clone!

In the nick of time, Guan Ren immediately summoned a soul clone and used his defensive skills to block the attack with all his strength, while his own deity took advantage of the gap gained by the clone, stepped on the flying sword, and quickly dodged aside.

With a bang, Guan Ren only felt a tingling pain in his head.

【Ding!The soul clone has been destroyed! 】

The soul clone lasted only a second before it was completely destroyed!

"Hmph, don't even try to run away!"

Yao Busi turned his eyes and locked on to Guan Ren again. As soon as he clenched his fist, he was about to punch again!

"I admit defeat! I admit defeat! No more fights, no more fights..."

Guan Ren yelled, the soul clone was destroyed, and his condition was very bad now, it was already difficult for him to carry out such a high-intensity evasion operation, so he had to admit cowardly and surrender.

"Hmph, admit defeat? Sorry, I don't accept it!"

Yao Busi's gaze sank slightly, and a look of disdain flashed in his eyes.

Although he admitted that it is really rare for Yiguanren to have such a talent, but he has lived for so many years, what kind of genius has he not seen?

He despises a spineless "genius" like Guan Ren from the bottom of his heart!
In addition, Guan Ren smoked him with stinky feet before, so this time, he will not be relentless!
Damn, I can't listen to this talk at all!
Seeing that it was almost over, Guan Ren didn't care about other things at the moment. He directly used the emergency summoning function of the Xuanling token, and at the same time, he didn't forget to shout: "Uncle! It's me! I'm your nephew! Don't kill me!" ..."


A bright white light suddenly shone from the bodies of Guan Ren and Yao Busi.

Affected by this energy, Yao Busi's hands froze, his brows were tightly frowned, and his eyes were full of surprise when he looked at Guan Ren.

A fellow junior?

And at such a young age, he became my nephew?

Those senior brothers of mine are actually interested in accepting disciples?

A look of doubt flashed in Yao Busi's eyes.

Since ten thousand years ago, they haven't accepted apprentices anymore, right?
"Say, who is your teacher?"

 There will be two changes today, and three changes tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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