I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 188 Digging the Wall?

Chapter 188 Digging the Wall?
"...That's right, as expected of Master Uncle, the Medicine King's Collection is really beneficial to people!"

Guan Ren said gratefully.

The Medicine King Collection is by no means as simple as it appears on the surface!
In this treasure book, not only the connection between the properties of medicines is recorded in detail, but also tens of thousands of prescriptions are recorded, ranging from ordinary prescriptions to fairy prescriptions, all of which have relevant records!
Although this is just the record of Yao Busi's refining medicine when he was young, it is enough for Guan Ren now!
And after a night of absorption and digestion, although Guan Ren can't say that he has fully grasped these things, he has already deeply imprinted this knowledge in his mind!
As long as he needs, he can call and check at any time!
The current him can be said to be a talented young man with good alchemy knowledge, and what he lacks now is just more practice.

This is just like fighting. No matter how many moves and combat skills you have mastered before, you can gradually integrate them into your body and truly turn them into your own fighting weapons after you have been on the battlefield with real swords and guns!
The same is true for alchemy.

Although Guan Ren's experience and knowledge are already terrifying, if they are not transformed through practical operations, they are still just a powerful "theoretical school".

No matter how strong the theory is, it cannot be turned into one's real combat power. In the final analysis... it is still useless!

But now that Guan Ren has the Medicine King's Book in hand, his room for improvement and speed must be much greater than other people's!
This thing is a treasure that countless pharmacists have dreamed of but can't get at all!
Just like the divine sword is to the swordsman, the Medicine King Collection is comparable to a divine weapon in the minds of those alchemists!

Even more than that!

"You...you really are... no, you have to let me slow down..."

Yao Busi raised his finger and pointed at Guan Ren, wanting to say something, but in the end he couldn't say anything.

This talent... Is he still human? ? ?

The refining records of the Medicine King Collection are recorded in the entire Xuanlingmen. The fastest of them took two days and one night, but Xiang Guanren completely absorbed the refining in just one night. In ten thousand years... this is the first time I have encountered it!
"How can this be Brother Fang's disciple? This is clearly a super invincible and monstrous genius disciple specially tailored for our pharmacists!!!"

Yao Busi's breathing was a little short, and he couldn't care less about his dirty self now. He kept looking at Guan Ren, wondering what he was thinking about.

When the pill furnace exploded just now, he can completely protect himself without injury, and he doesn't have to be so ragged and embarrassed as he is now.

But Guan Ren's talent made him make a different choice in an instant!

Although he knew that Guan Ren came from another world, even if he died once, it wouldn't matter, but for some reason, at the critical moment just now, he just couldn't control his body, and rushed forward in the blink of an eye, using his body to block Guan Ren. Inflicting an instant fatal injury, and then using elixir to set up a barrier to cover the entire courtyard, this prevented the entire Daoxuan City from being blown into ruins in this elixir refining accident.

Although this series of operations only happened in an instant, only a few people in the depths of the explosion vortex clearly understood the thrill of it. Except for a few people, everyone will be buried in it!

"Uncle, what are you thinking?"

Guan Ren asked aloud, a look of worry flashed in his eyes.

My Uncle Medicine King was blown out of his mind just now, right?If this is the case, can he still help to treat Ling Wanrong and Qingqing's grandma?

Although he obtained the inheritance of Xuanling Alchemy Technique, and also refined the Medicine King's Book, but these need time to digest slowly, and it is not impossible for him to cure the two illnesses by himself. , it just takes some time, and now neither Ling Wanrong nor Grandma Qingqing's illness can be delayed, so in comparison, it is more convenient to leave it to Yao Busi to solve it!
"No... I didn't think about anything, do you want to think about it and come under my sect?"

Yao Busi stared at Guan Ren.

At this moment, he was holding his breath and concentrating, his hands trembling slightly, his whole state was more tense than when he was refining the divine elixir!

If this matter is told, no one in the entire Tianlin Continent will believe it!
The dignified Tianlin Continental Medicine King is so nervous that his hands are shaking in order to accept disciples?

is it possible?

Bragging is not a draft!
"This... uncle, I have a teacher..."

Guan Ren smiled wryly, this medicine does not think about it, it is really the same after a while, before he was furious and complained that his stinky feet had suffocated him, and almost killed him, but now he is so good that he is standing in front of him with a face full of smiles , I want to make myself a disciple...

These two attitudes are so different that it is difficult for him to adapt for a while.

"Uncle, why don't you go take a shower and change your clothes?"

Guan Ren couldn't help but speak aloud when he thought of the seriousness of the cleanliness addiction.

"Leave this alone! Don't change the subject! What do you think of my proposal just now?"

"What do you think?"

"Adore me as your teacher!"

Yao Busi stared at Guan Ren, and said in a deep voice: "As long as you nod your head, I'll take care of it, senior brother. As for you... I will always be by your side and teach you the art of refining medicine carefully, so that I can take care of everything I have learned in my life." Learn, all for you! What do you think?"

"Is this... is it poaching?"

To be honest, Guan Ren was a little moved, and the price Yao Busi offered was too tempting!

Although Fang Hai is his teacher, he only gave him a token of the mysterious spirit and taught him the technique of forging the mysterious spirit. Like Yao Busi before him, he wants to pass on what he has learned all his life and follow him closely The benefits of carefully teaching such a thing are nothing compared to it!
Comparing the two, Guan Ren would naturally be able to tell who gave the better conditions.


"I think it's better to forget it. The uncle's performance is very sincere, but I already have a teacher. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be where I am today, so... I choose to refuse!"

Guan Ren's eyes sank, and his heart was bleeding.

"Are you sure you don't think about it anymore?"

Yao Busi stared at Guan Ren, and said, "And even if you join my sect, you can still accept the most basic inheritance techniques from other seniors, it won't affect you!"

"Uncle, please stop talking. I have made up my mind. If I want to blame... I can only blame you and I for getting to know each other too late. Since I am already the teacher's disciple, I will not recognize him as a teacher anymore! This is... the principle question!"

Guan Ren said in a low voice.

People do and don't do something.

He was betrayed in his previous life, and finally fell into the siege of the demon army, and died of exhaustion after fighting.

He is very sensitive to the word "betrayal".

Now asking him to worship Yaobusi as his teacher, in his opinion, is essentially the same as betrayal.

Therefore, he resolutely chose to refuse.

"Sorry, I still refuse! Let me betray the teacher, I can't do it!"

Guan Ren justly spoke and said firmly!

Yao Busi was silent when he heard the words, his eyes sank slightly.

"But what you said just now is correct. Even if you have a teacher, you will not be affected by the opportunity to learn the art of inheritance from other uncles at Xuanlingmen. Since you are so optimistic about me, even though you cannot be my teacher, But this does not prevent you from being with me in the future and teaching me carefully, so why not..."

Guan Ren changed the subject, and a smile appeared on his face.

He had to fight for the medicine king's inheritance, after all, this inheritance was no small matter!
"Bah! (°°)! You have a good idea! Do you think this old man will be fooled? Huh! After passing this village, there will be no such shop! Want to whore for nothing? In your next life!"

Yao Busi was furious when he heard the words, he blew his beard and stared and said: "Why don't you go to heaven? How can you take all the good things? You want me to be a licking dog? There is no way!"

 The second update!Guess, is there a third update today? (smirk)
(End of this chapter)

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