I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 193 9 Turn Chapter Soul Pill!

Chapter 193: Nine Turns Returning Soul Pill!
Yao Busi was short of breath, staring intently at the flagon in Lily of the Valley's hand.

"Yes, this is the wine I made with keel before."

Lily of the valley nodded slowly upon hearing this.

"Give it to me!"

Yao Busi urged.

"Then the barrier seal on my father..."

"Just leave it to me!"

Yao Busi hurriedly said.

"Thank you, Senior Medicine King!"

Lily Lan smiled when she heard this, she helped Ling Wanrong to the side of the crowd, and handed the keel wine to Yao Busi.

"Haha, although the brewing method is a bit rough, it is a serious keel wine, and it is also delicious in the world!"

Yao Busi opened the jug and took a sip, a look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes: "The girl is not bad, she actually managed to get a keel, she doesn't look like an ordinary girl."

"Senior Liao Zan, please treat mother's illness first."

"Don't worry, I have seen it from afar just now. Your mother's illness is not difficult to cure. You just need to take the soul-suppressing pill that I made by myself. Take one pill a day for three days and you will be cured." , back to the original!"

Yao Busi smiled faintly when he heard the words, raised his hand, and a square box the size of a palm appeared in his hand: "Take it, there are exactly three soul-suppressing pills here, which are enough to cure your mother's illness."

"Thank you, Senior Medicine King!"

Ling Lan happily took the medicine box, took out a soul-suppressing pill, and fed it to Ling Wanrong.

The elixir melted in the mouth, turned into a cloud of gray energy that gathered between Ling Wanrong's eyebrows, and slowly disappeared.

5 minutes, fleeting.

When Ling Wanrong opened her eyes again, everyone noticed that there was a ray of divine light in her eyes compared to before.

"Lan... Lan Lan, I... I... get well soon..."

Ling Wanrong opened her mouth and spoke hesitantly.

Although it is still difficult to coherent, it is enough for people to understand the meaning of her words.

Compared with before, this is already quite effective!

"Great! It really works!"

Seeing this, Ling Lan and Ao Zhan were overjoyed, and looked at Yao Busi with gratitude.

"Don't worry, after eating the three soul-suppressing pills, she will naturally recover."

Yao Busi smiled slightly, turned his gaze to Guan Ren, and said, "How about you, kid? Can you give me the wine?"

"Look at what you said, am I the kind of person who reneges on debts?"

Guan Ren scratched his head, his face embarrassed.

"Whether you pay or not depends on whether you give me wine."

Yao Busi's gaze sank slightly, and his tone could not help but speak without giving in.

"Success, can I give it to you?"

Guan Ren saw that there was no way to continue procrastinating, so he could only take out two pots of top-quality Shaodaozi wine and handed them to Yao Busi.

"Ruzi can be taught!"

Seeing this, Yao Busi grinned, raised his hand, and took away Guan Ren's Shaodaozi wine. At the same time, he threw a bottle of elixir to Guan Ren, and said in a voice, "This is the Nine-turn Resurrection Soul for you." Dan, remember to keep quiet!"

Guan Ren's hand sank, and a bottle of elixir appeared in his hand, and his heart suddenly became more at ease.

Originally, he thought that Yao Busi would renege on his debts, but it seems that the latter did not do so, and actually gave him a bottle of Nine-Turn Returning Soul Pill!

[Nine Turns Returning Soul Pill: Fairy quality, a powerful elixir that can revive the dead, flesh and bones.How to use: 1. Take it in advance, add the soul-resurrection state to yourself, and resurrect with full state after death, the soul-resurrection state lasts for one day, the theoretical resurrection limit: nine times (actually based on the drug energy, the higher the level, the more resurrections ); 2. Taking it in battle can regenerate characters whose souls have not dissipated after death. It can only be used once (the actual effect is based on the energy of the drug. The higher the level, the higher the level of character that can be revived). 】

good stuff!
Guan Ren was ecstatic in his heart, there were ten pills in this bottle of Nine Turns Returning Soul Pill!

To Guan Ren, this was a life-saving pill!

However, the only pity is that this bottle of Nine-turn Soul-Returning Pill is only of ordinary fairy quality, so the efficacy of the medicine should not be very good. From a conservative estimate, its soul-returning effect must not be able to reach the upper limit of nine times. Even though Guan Ren's level is only 29, the energy needed to revive the elixir is not much, but he can be revived three times, and he is already thankful.

However, it is difficult to predict the specific effect before it is actually used.

【Ding!Do you use the mysterious spirit decomposition technique for decomposition? 】

break down!

Guan Ren turned his back, holding a Nine Turns Returning Soul Pill in his hand and chose to disassemble it.

【Ding!Decomposition succeeded!Congratulations on getting the [Nine Turns Back to the Soul Pill Formula]! 】

【Ding!Decomposition succeeded!Congratulations on getting some materials! 】

Listening to the system notification sound in his ears, Guan Ren glanced at the extra top-quality medicinal materials and a prescription in the backpack space, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly.

In fact, for him, the most important thing is to get the prescription of Nine-turn Huihun Pill!

Now that I have the mysterious spirit disintegration technique, I didn't expect it to be successful all at once!

Originally, he was worried about what would happen if the spiritual attribute was not enough, but now it seems that there is no obstacle at all, and he was directly allowed to get the Nine-Turn Returning Soul Pill!
Haha, this is so cool!
This is equivalent to, he exchanged a pot of top-quality Shaodaozi wine for nine Nine-Turn Returning Soul Pills, plus a complete Nine-Turn Returning Soul Pill recipe!
For Guan Ren, it was a huge profit!
One must know that he has as much as he wants for this top-grade Shaodaozi wine!
It would be even better if there were more deals like this.

By the way, didn't Zhang Banxian still want to tell me a fortune teller in exchange for a drink?It seems that this is also a potential customer...

Guan Ren pondered in his heart, his eyes kept turning around Yao Busi's body, which made the latter feel a chill in his heart.

"What kind of eyes is this on your boy?"

Yao Busi frowned angrily.

"That... Uncle, calm down, can't I stop watching it?"

Guan Ren came back to his senses, and quickly turned his eyes to the side.

"Senior Medicine King, what should we do with the seal on Daddy's body?"

Suzuran asked worriedly.

"The barrier seal on your father is full of domineering earth-type energy. To deal with it, I need enough wood-type medicinal materials to refine wood spirit pills to release the seal. This process will take about two or three days."

Yao Busi said in a deep voice: "In this way, I will stay in Dragon Blood City for a few days, and it won't be too late to go back after I finish dealing with the matters here."

"Thank you, Senior Medicine King!"

"Hehe, thank you, it will be free. If you can bring me some good wine, it would be great!"

"Don't worry, Lily of the Valley will definitely pay more attention these few days!"

"Not bad, but don't forget to collect the medicinal materials as soon as possible. The enchantment seal on your father's body needs a lot of wood-type energy to remove!"

"Okay, Lily of the Valley has made a note!"


What happened after that had nothing to do with Guan Ren.

Ao Zhan's trial mission was completed, and he obtained the qualification to enter the Shenlong Ancient Tomb as he wished. As for Yao Busi, he was arranged by Ao Zhan to live in a small courtyard not far from the City Lord's Mansion, and Ling Lan was busy Went to collect medicinal materials, only Guan Ren was left with nothing to do.

"Master, please do your work first..."

"and many more!"

Yao Busi stopped Guan Ren.

"Uncle, do you have anything else to order?"

"Are you really planning to collect the medicinal materials for the Punishment Pill?"

Yao Busi frowned, and said in a deep voice: "It's too early for you to get involved with the demons now!"

"Master, don't need to say too much, I already have a plan in my heart."

"Since that's the case, then I won't persuade you anymore, but remember one thing - never let the gods and demons battlefield start too early! I hope you can keep this point in mind!"

Yao Busi's eyes darkened slightly, and he said in a solemn tone.


When Guan Ren heard this, his heart was shocked.

He didn't expect that Yao Busi would say such a sentence!

"Hey...you may still be confused now, but listen to me, you are right, the premature opening of the battlefield of gods and demons will be a devastating disaster for you and the people around you!"

Yao Busi shook his head, sighed and said, "So, please keep this matter in mind!"

"Thank you, Uncle, for reminding me!"

Guan Ren replied that he knew what Yao Busi was worried about better than anyone else, but Yao Busi actually told him this in advance, which shows that the Xuanlingmen behind him...is not simple!
 The third update!Ask for a ticket!Ask for a reward!Crab……

(End of this chapter)

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