I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 198 Three Fairy Bosses!

Chapter 198 Three Fairy Bosses!

【Ding!Named successfully!You have become the Lord of Heavenly Dream City! 】

At the same time, the Tianjian Token of Tianjian City in Guan Ren's hand gradually changed slightly. On top of the original sword shadow mark with awe-inspiring sword spirit, a floating colorful auspicious cloud appeared.


The corner of Guan Ren's mouth curled up. In this way, the hidden mission he took was considered completed!
Leaving the secret burial space, Guan Ren summoned the thirteen guards of Jianying, briefly explained to them the upgrade of the main city this time, and after dispatching some simple tasks, he crushed the dream-eating city return scroll that he had bought in advance. Back to the crumbling Dream Eater City.

After identifying the direction, Guan Ren flew with his sword and quickly flew in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.

"This breath...is that kid!"

The dejected and self-pitying Kong Yuan, who was far in front of the city lord's mansion, raised his brows, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, he stood up, jumped, landed on the shoulder of the summoned sword soul, and rushed towards the direction of the breath. go!
Now that you have rushed back, don't blame the old man for being rude!

No matter what, it is absolutely impossible to talk about Shimeng City and destroy it in the hands of the old man!

Soon, as both sides were on their way quickly, the two met soon!

"Boy! Where did you hide the core of dream building! Hurry up and hand it over! Otherwise... don't blame me for being ruthless!"

A gloomy light flashed in Kong Yuan's eyes, and the whole person was already on the verge of erupting!
If it wasn't for his rationality telling him to find out the whereabouts of the dream core first, he might have been unable to restrain himself from killing Guan Ren long ago!

In his opinion, although Guan Ren's level is not high, his strength is amazing, but even so, the latter succeeded just now because he was caught off guard. Now that he has reacted, he has full confidence Guan Ren can be dealt with!

After all, as the only orthodox spiritual summoner in Dream Eater City today, although he is old, he is also very strong in terms of strength!
Even though Guan Ren is very strong, there is a limit!
Wanting to fight against him at full strength is simply a dream!
In the final analysis, they are just adventurers from another world who feel the call of Tianlin Continent and come here. Compared with them, the orthodox Tianlin Continent aborigines, their strength is more than a star and a half behind at the starting point!
What's more, he is still a powerful spiritual summoner?
Although it is far behind the predecessors of Dream Eater City in ancient times, it is more than enough to deal with this kid in front of him!
"Senior, calm down! What I did just now was really abrupt, but... this is a last resort, please listen to me explain to you!"

Guan Ren quickly waved his hands to explain: "I did this because..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Quickly tell me the whereabouts of the dream-building core! Otherwise... I will kill you personally, and then use the method of telepathic summoning to trap your soul and torture myself!"

Kong Yuan frowned, interrupted Guan Ren's words, waved his big hand, and summoned two burly summoned monsters beside him again, one of them was a minotaur, holding a trident halberd, with a ferocious face, making him The other one is a sharp-billed thunderbird humanoid monster with wings on its back, holding a thunder hammer in its hand, and an electric current fills its brows!

"This... three fairy-level bosses!"

Guan Ren glanced over Sword Soul, Minotaur, and Thunderbird, and was shocked to find that these three monsters summoned by Kong Yuan were all at the level of fairy bosses!

And their levels are all above level [-]!
All life values ​​are above [-] million points!
It would be fine if there was only one head, but now there are three heads directly, and there is Kong Yuan who can continue to summon monsters to help the battle at the side, which makes Guan Ren frowned, and the whole person's breathing becomes dignified in an instant .

"Let me ask you one more question! The core of dream building... Where are you now!"

Kong Yuan frowned, the anger in his heart had gradually made him lose his mind!
The Dream Food City is now in danger. If the core of dream building cannot be regained quickly, the entire Dream City will be destroyed!
This would make him an eternal sinner in Dream Eater City in an instant!
Seeing this, Guan Ren became anxious, Kong Yuan had obviously lost his mind, and it was obviously unrealistic to tell him the cause of the incident directly!

Is there only one battle?
Guan Ren gritted his teeth fiercely, raised his hand and took out the City Master Order of Tianmeng City from his backpack, and shouted: "Look! This is the continuation of Dream Eater City! It has not died! It has been reborn now! It is now called Tianmeng City! It has now...become a first-level main city!"

After the words fell, Guan Ren's eyes narrowed, and he urged the power in his body to inject the Tianmeng City City Master's Token, causing it to instantly emit an aura intertwined with sword energy and colorful energy, instantly covering the area where Guan Ren and Kong Yuan were located!

Since talking doesn't work, let me tell you the actual situation!
This... was the last thought that came to Guan Ren's mind!

If this is useless, then this battle is inevitable!

If there is a real war, Guan Ren will never choose to back down!
After all, since he chose to come back this time, he came here to complete the mission!

If he couldn't get the "dream space" rewarded by the final mission, then everything he had done before would be meaningless!
Not only that, but he was judged to have failed the mission, and in the end all attributes were forcibly reduced to 1 point!
Although he has a systematic plundering function that can help him plunder attributes to grow, but so far, the systematic plundering function can only help him plunder the five basic attributes!
As for fixed attributes, he has not yet successfully plundered a case, so if the basic attribute is reduced to 1 point, it is really no pain for him, but if the fixed attribute is also reduced to 1 point, what is his situation? But it's not so good!
After all, for Guan Ren now, fixed attributes can only be improved by free attribute points obtained through each upgrade or special rewards from the system. The system rewards are equivalent to all in vain!
This is absolutely unacceptable to him!
So, this time, no matter what, he can't back down!

Even if he took ten thousand steps back, he still has the summoning function of the mysterious spirit token on his body. Once he sees that the situation is not good, he will find someone to help. Although it is a bit shameless, but in the end... this task, no matter He has decided on the final result and direction, as well as the final reward!
After all, according to the requirements of the mission, he has actually fulfilled the requirement of upgrading the City of Dreams to a first-level main city. Logically speaking, he already has the qualifications to obtain the final reward of the mission!

 There will be another update later, and there are two updates in total today.

(End of this chapter)

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