I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 202 Bai Li!clear rain! [2 in 1! 4000-word chapter! 】

Chapter 202 Bai Li!clear rain! [Two in one! 4000 word chapter! 】

Guan Ren turned his head to look, and saw not far behind him, a 14-year-old girl in a white sword robe held a rapier in her forehand, pointing at them from a distance.

"Little girl, may I ask if you have identified the wrong person? We don't seem to know each other?"

Violet frowned slightly and asked aloud.

"Stop talking nonsense! Hand over my brother!"

The white-robed girl frowned, her tone was cold.

"Girl, you've got the wrong person."

Guan Ren spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Impossible! You are a high-ranking official! It was you who mysteriously disappeared my brother!"

The girl's almond eyes widened, she gave Guan Ren a hard look, and said with an unkind expression.


Guan Ren was stunned when he heard this.

Since the other party called out his game ID, it can be seen that he did not admit the wrong person.

As for her brother?

Guan Ren said that he didn't know who it was.

However, it seems that he has offended quite a few people. The number of players who played Wolves in the World before alone exceeded 2000. Therefore, the elder brother that the girl was talking about had no concept in his mind at all.

"Who is your brother? Do I know him?"

Guan Ren looked puzzled.

"Bah! Stop pretending to be stupid!"

The white-robed girl's eyes sank when she heard the words, and she tapped the ground lightly. Her whole body instantly turned into a white afterimage and rushed towards Guan Ren!

Seeing the girl's posture, Guan Ren's eyes were fixed, and he saw a familiar smell from it.

this hair...

Just as Guan Ren was frowning and thinking, the white-robed girl had already stepped forward, grabbing out the thin sword in her hand, aiming at Guan Ren's throat.

Guan Ren, on the other hand, had no intention of dodging at all, and was still frowning in thought, recalling this familiar movement.

Who on earth is it?
At the critical moment, the Guichen sword in Shenxi's sword box trembled slightly, and an inexplicable sword intent instantly enveloped Guan Ren. At the same time, the sword stabbed by the white-robed girl was lifted by a huge force, instantly Get out!

With a soft clang, the rapier fell to the ground, and the girl in the white sword robe stepped back five or six steps one after another, her pure white cheeks also turned red due to the surge of power.

"How is this possible! He didn't even move! He actually bounced my attack away!"

A look of shock flashed in the girl's eyes. Her talent was at a top-notch level among her peers in the clan. She didn't expect that now that she entered the game, she would not be the opponent of this person in front of her!

Just like a girl, Guan Ren's eyes were also full of shock at this time.

His shock was not because of how sharp the girl's attack was, but because of the system notification sound coming from his ear, which reminded him of the movement technique he was just familiar with, where did it come from!

【Ding!You have been maliciously attacked by player [Bai Li]!At present, the right to self-defense has been obtained, and the target of revenge will not increase the killing value!And the target death explosion rate is doubled! 】

Bai Li?

Guan Ren stared blankly, and thought to himself, "The surname is Bai? Could it be the Bai family? That is to say... this girl's brother... is Bai Qi?"

Reminiscent of the seemingly familiar movement technique displayed by the girl just now, at this time he already had a rough guess about the girl's identity in his heart.

This guy Bai Qi... actually has a younger sister?

I never heard him say it in the last life...

This girl... Although she has a bit of a savage personality, she looks quite cute.

As for strength, compared to Bai Qi half a month ago, he is not the same, but everyone is improving, and he is not at all clear about Bai Qi's strength now.

However, after more than half a month of training, there should be some progress.

But when Bai Li asked his brother to find him, it really made him dumbfounded.

Get rid of it, it was obviously your brother who provoked first, and I was just passively fighting.

What's more, he didn't know where he was for a long time, and he came to me to ask for someone. Isn't this a joke?
"Hmph! Just wait for me! When I improve my sword skills, I will definitely let you hand over my brother!"

Bai Li pursed her lips, raised her powder fist resentfully, bent down to pick up the rapier that fell on the ground, turned and left.

Seeing the petite figure drifting away, Guan Ren and Violet looked at each other, an uncontrollable smile flashed in their eyes.

"This little girl is really cute."

Violet asked curiously, with a smile on the corner of her mouth: "But do you know who this little girl's brother is?"

"I know now."

"who is it?"

"White up."

"White up?"

Violet frowned slightly when she heard the words, and asked curiously: "But that Bai Qi from the Bai family?"


Guan Ren nodded without shy away.

"What... what happened to him?"

Violet looked at Guan Ren curiously.

"It's nothing, it's just that he came to find fault at the beginning of the game and was defeated by me, so now he is working hard and preparing to get back to the game one day."

Guan Ren shrugged helplessly and said, "But as for where he is now, I'm not too sure."

He was telling the truth, although he added Bai Qi's friend at the beginning, but the latter seemed to be afraid that he would know his whereabouts, and blocked all his information from Guan Ren, so Guan Ren could only see whether he was online or not, No other information is known.

Guan Ren also tried to contact him, but all he got was a system-like recovery—【The player is busy, please contact me later...】

It can be seen from this that Bai Qi is deliberately avoiding him!
"You...you defeated that swordsman genius from the Bai family?"

Violet's eyes were filled with shock when she heard the words.

"It's just in the game, don't treat it as real."

Guan Ren waved his hand and said with a faint smile, "The Bai family is a colossus, a swordsman genius like Bai Qi, how can I be his opponent?"

"Although it's only in the game, it's not easy..."

Violet shook her head slightly, still unable to hide the shock in her heart.

"It's not as mysterious as what you said, you have actually seen Bai Qi before!"

"I have seen?"

Violet was startled when she heard this.

"Yeah, do you remember the little boy who was chattering behind my ass when I first took you through the dungeon of Hell in Falling Star Valley? He is Bai Qi! Not only is he called Bai Qi in the game, but he is also called Bai Qi in reality. !"

Guan Ren said indifferently: "If I say that, do you still think he is a myth? After all, this guy is just a joke at heart..."

"...Unexpectedly, he turned out to be the swordsman genius from the Bai family?"

Violet was a little surprised when she heard the words, because she only heard what the elders of the clan said about this swordsman genius of the Bai family. The genius has been cultivating in the Sword Valley of the Bai family all year round, so the outside world knows little about his appearance and related information. If it weren't for Guan Ren's opening this time, she still wouldn't know that the one who followed Guan Ren non-stop The clamoring man in white turned out to be the kendo genius of the rumored kendo family, the Bai family!
"Put away the doubts in your heart, this is the truth."

Guan Ren smiled faintly.

"And how did you find out?"

"This is..."

Guan Ren was stumped by Violet's question.

I can't say that I and Bai Qi had a fateful friendship in the last life, can I?
"He has a sword slave, and that sword slave told me about it."

"I see."

Violet nodded when she heard the words, but she still looked suspiciously at Guan Ren.

Because Guan Ren's tone of voice just now seemed to be deliberately covering up something. For her, things like intuition are more convincing.

"Okay, let's go to your guild as soon as possible, otherwise you will make your guild leader wait in a hurry, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you?"

Guan Ren quickly changed the topic.

"Almost forgot the business!"

Sure enough, Zi Luolan came back to her senses when she heard the words, a flash of anxiety flashed in her eyes, she didn't care about continuing to dwell on Guan Ren's words before, and walked forward quickly: "Hurry up and follow, or that girl Qingyu will have to deal with it later." complained!"

"Huh—so dangerous!"

Seeing Violet's back in a hurry, Guan Ren couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

But thinking of this kid Bai Qi, he was still a little angry.

Isn't it just to increase strength?To be so secretive, to block my news!I really don't know what this guy is thinking!

Is it possible that I am worried that I will know the training content and training direction, and I am afraid that I will carry out targeted training?
Is there any mistake, I am very busy here, how can I have that kind of free time?
Besides, as far as your brushes are concerned, I have already figured them out in my last life, so why do I need any targeted training?
Isn't this funny?
Alas, how dare you imagine that one day you will make a comeback and defeat me?I really don't know what this guy is thinking...

Guan Ren shrugged helplessly. If the virtual synchronization came earlier, maybe Bai Qi still had a chance. As for now... Guan Ren can say very responsibly that even if Bai Qi trains day and night, he wants to beat He is no different from the Arabian Nights!
After all, the gap between the two of them in the game is getting farther and farther...

Shaking his head, Guan Ren stepped forward quickly, chasing after the direction Violet left.


"Ah Choo! Ah Choo! Ah Choo! Ah Choo!"

In an endless snow field, a blizzard continued to rage, and a man in white with a giant sword sneezed four times in a row.

"Damn it, ever since I played this ghost game, I've been sneezing from time to time, I really don't know if it's a game bug or a system setting problem!"

Bai Qi frowned a little irritably, and said to himself helplessly.

In front of him, a video screen was playing at this time. In the screen, a man holding a sharp sword raised his hand and swung his sword. A grayish-yellow sword energy instantly covered the surrounding area, and all the people within the coverage area of ​​the sword energy Players can't die at all!
The whole video, from beginning to end, only takes less than five seconds, but Bai Qi is staring at the video, replaying the picture non-stop.

"This guy... really improved a lot!"

Bai Qi frowned, looked down at his hands, and said in a deep voice: "It seems that we have to work harder! Otherwise, it will be impossible to defeat him if this continues!"

Regaining his mood, Bai Qi continued to brave the blizzard towards the depths of the snow field. On the snow field behind him lay countless corpses of monsters. As time went by, they were gradually covered by the blizzard.

"Going forward, it is the base camp of the Scourge Army. There...should there be stronger enemies waiting for me to challenge?"

Raising his hand to hold down the bamboo hat above his head, Bai Qi's steps became more determined.


"Wow! I have admired you for a long time! You are the god Lan Lan said, right? That's great! With your help, I can definitely pass this hidden mission!"

In Ting Yu Pavilion, a girl in a long blue dress stared at Guan Ren, and said happily, "Isn't that right, my god? You can definitely lead me through the mission, right?"


Guan Ren was taken aback by the girl's sudden enthusiasm, and subconsciously took half a step back, a little at a loss.

"Well... let me introduce you, she is Qingyu, the president of our Qingyu Pavilion, she has a relatively... straightforward personality, so...you don't mind."

On the side, Violet rubbed her eyebrows worriedly, and said with a sigh.


The corner of Guan Ren's mouth twitched slightly when he heard this.


Why didn't I feel it?

Looking at this posture, it is simply too scary, right?
Guan Ren kept backing away, as if he saw the situation was not good and was about to run away.

"Qingyu! If you do this again, be careful to scare people away! At that time, you will never pass your mission!"

Violet couldn't stand it any longer, grabbed Qing Yu, and forced her back on the chair in the living room, then said with a sigh of relief: "Okay, tell me about your mission quickly, so that you can prescribe the right medicine. "

"...Why are you so fierce to others? They have no malicious intentions, and I am the president, I..."

"Okay, okay, stop quickly! The most important thing now is the task! If you don't want the great god you waited so hard to be scared away by you, then be normal."


Qing Yu frowned when she heard the words, sighed helplessly, and finally chose to compromise: "Okay, then I'll...be a little more normal."

After the words fell, Guan Ren was suddenly taken aback, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Because he didn't know if it was an illusion, he suddenly felt that the breath of Qingyu in front of him seemed to be completely different from before!

This feeling is like a sudden change of person!
"Hello, I am the president of Qingyu Pavilion, my name is Qingyu, very happy to meet you."

Qing Yu said with a smile on his face.


The sudden huge contrast made Guan Ren feel a little uncomfortable.

"I came to you this time, mainly to ask you to do me a favor and kill a level 50 obsidian boss. Do you think it's okay?"

Qingyu's eyes were clear, and she was a completely different person compared to before.


"Thank you. In terms of remuneration, I will give you a satisfactory result."

Qing Yu smiled slightly when she heard the words, and said lightly.

"The reward will be waived, and it will be treated as my favor for Violet."

Guan Ren shook his head slowly.

"That can't be done. She is her and I am me. This time you are helping me, not her, so the reward... I must pay for it!"

Qingyu said in a deep voice: "This matter is settled like this. This is the relevant information about the Obsidian-level boss. Please prepare well, we will leave at any time."

After the words fell, Guan Ren received a list of attributes, which recorded information about Obsidian BOSS.

With this thing, it will indeed be of great help to kill the BOSS.

However, when Guan Ren looked at the top of the list, he froze for an instant.

"What? Is the difficulty of monsters too high?"

Qing Yu saw Guan Ren's stunned expression, and a ray of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"You guys made a mistake at the beginning, this boss is not Obsidian-level, but... Fairy-level!"

Guan Ren's eyes darkened, and he said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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