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Chapter 309 Woohoo, I can’t eat sugar when I’m sick...

Chapter 309 Woohoo, I can’t eat sugar when I’m sick...

"Don't listen to him! They're..." Bang!

With a muffled sound, the yelling in the communicator that just wanted to eat farts stopped abruptly.

"Hehe, there was a little accident. Next, how about we talk about business?"

"No talk!"

Guan Ren frowned when he heard this, and after a cold drink, he hung up the communicator directly.

Sure enough, all of this is a conspiracy of the Ered people!

He remembered that he just wanted to eat farts and said that the Atlas virus was controlled by the Eridians, and it could be transferred in the human body through the induction of the virus itself. The Red people are playing tricks in the dark!
work with them?
What a joke!
As for just wanting to eat farts and his wife, Guan Ren doesn't care now.

If they hadn't come, Guan Xiaoyun and Guo'er wouldn't have ended up in this situation!
And from the screams on the communicator who just wanted to eat farts, Guan Ren already knew that their positions had been exposed, and it was conceivable that most of this was due to the "credit" of the former!

Maybe the Ered people threatened him with the life of his wife who just wanted to fart, but since this was his choice, he had to bear the corresponding consequences himself!

From the very beginning, Guan Ren found Chi Fart only to get more information about the Atlas virus!

Let him join him, just to see him helpless and pitiful.

But the series of things that happened now chilled Guan Ren's heart!
There is nothing wrong with making such a choice for the one he loves, but he planned it on Guan Ren's head!

"Hmph, this kind of thing happened to me again."

Guan Ren couldn't help but recall the scene in his last life when he was surrounded by the demon army at the last moment, and a cold light appeared in his eyes!

A traitor is a taboo in Guan Ren's heart!
If it weren't for the fact that you don't think about medicine, the consequences would be unimaginable!
Guan Ren got up, put away the alchemy stove, took three medicine bottles and left the yard, and returned to the room where Guo'er was lying on the third floor.


"Humph! Useless stuff!"

In a secret cave in the depths of the Devil's Triangle, a man wrapped in a purple aura kicked the dying Just Want to Eat Fart to the ground, and spat.

"Brother Yu! Are you okay?"

A frail woman rushed forward with a worried face, trying to help him up.

"Go away!"

The man looked angry, and pushed the woman away, with a look of disbelief on his face: "You...you...have always been theirs! You lied to me!"

"Brother Yu, I..."


I just want to eat ass and frown, my heart is bleeding,

The woman I love the most, unexpectedly, treats herself as a pawn!
She's been deceiving herself from the start!
In fact, she...was on the side of the Ered people!
From the beginning, she was acting!
And because of her, I foolishly did something that betrayed my friend!

How stupid of me!

"Brother Yu, listen to my explanation..."


Just wanting to eat fart exhausted the last bit of strength and yelled hoarsely.

After exhausting his energy, his heart was ashamed, and he raised his hand to pat his temple!

Now, he no longer has the value of continuing to live...

One hundred dead.

"Hmph, want to die? It's not that easy!"

The exposed white chin of the man wrapped in purple aura slightly tilted up, and said lightly: "Number 6, watch him! Don't let him get into trouble!"

Welcome down, the man raised his hand and waved, a burst of purple energy came out of his hand, turned into a rope, directly tied up Just Want to Eat Fart, and flung it towards the corner of the cave.

The latter snorted and fell into a coma.

"Sir, he..."

"What? I feel bad? It's just acting, don't get too involved..."


"Also, that kid refused our cooperation."

The man said lightly: "The induction of the god's gene was suddenly cut off. There may be something wrong. It's just that the plan has not yet started. I am not suitable for being exposed to the city, so..."

"I understand."

"Do well, I will give you some power, with this power, your strength will be enough to crush all the families of Seablue Star!"

The man spoke slowly, raised his hand and slowly slid across the graceful curve of the woman, and the faint purple energy soaked into the latter's body along his hand.

The woman frowned slightly, but did not dare to make any movement of resistance.

With a cry, the woman's body trembled for a while, and she lost her strength for a while, leaning towards the man.

"Work hard, if you behave well, I will allow you to take this kid as your male slave, how about it?"

The man put his big hand on the woman's slender waist, pointed at the unconscious woman in the corner who just wanted to eat farts, smiled slowly, turned around and disappeared into the cave.


The woman looked back at the man who was huddled in a coma in the corner of the cave and just wanted to eat farts. Tears rolled down the corners of her eyes, and there was a trace of sourness in the corner of her mouth.

"Brother Yu, don't worry... You were the one who protected me before, and from today onwards, I will never let anything happen to you! Never!"


On the other side, Guo'er who had taken the elixir on the hospital bed finally woke up from the coma,

"Hey, what's wrong with me?"

Opening her sleepy eyes, Guo'er looked around, and after seeing Guan Ren and the other big guys with worried expressions, a hint of doubt flashed in her eyes.

"Oh, my chest hurts!"

Suddenly Guo'er's face turned pale, and she bit her lips tightly, with a very painful expression on her face.

"Eat this and you'll feel better."

Seeing this, Guan Ren quickly fed Guo'er the Guben Peiyuan Pill.

"Huh? It really feels better! Big brother, what is this? It's sweet, is it sugar? And... and why did Guoer fall asleep before?"

After taking the elixir, Guo'er obviously felt much better, and immediately started pulling Guan Ren's arm and asking questions.

"It's okay, Guo'er is just sick. Recently, as long as you follow my advice and take your medicine on time, you will recover in a short time."

"Sick!? Uuuuuuuuuuuu......"

Guo'er immediately made a bitter face when she heard the words, tears almost fell down.

"what happened?"

"Sister Qingqing said that sick children can't eat candy, and Guoer can't eat candy anymore, woo woo woo..."


The corner of Guan Ren's mouth twitched slightly, and he gave a bitter smile, and said, "It's okay, you can eat sweets with this disease, and you can eat as much as you want!"


Guo'er stopped immediately when she heard the words, and looked at Guan Ren with joy.


"That's great! Guoer wants to eat candy! Lots and lots of candy!"

"All right, all right! I'll buy it for you! As long as you're obedient, take your medicine on time."

Guan Ren couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this.

"Yeah! That's great! I've got some candy to eat! I love you, big brother!"

Guo'er eats happily as if honey is coming out, with a sweet smile.

"These Yirad people, who have suffered thousands of knives, are really sorry to attack such a cute loli..."

 The second update!How better is today?Intertwined……

(End of this chapter)

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