I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 312 How much has the spiritual attribute soared? [5th ​​update!Ask for a reward! 】

Chapter 312 How much has the spiritual attribute soared? [Fifth update!Ask for a reward! 】

Guan Ren stepped forward, holding a sword in one hand and a mysterious envelope shining with lavender light in the other, and rushed directly into the crowd of dozens of extremely cold ghosts!

Let's do it!
The corner of Guan Ren's mouth hooked, and he poked the envelope crazily a hundred times a second!
How about obsidian-level bosses getting together?
Under his frenzied bombardment, even with a life limit of over 4000 million, he still couldn't survive ten seconds!

The range of each flame explosion can cover about ten extremely cold ghosts at the same time.

So every ten seconds, a group of extremely cold ghosts fell to the ground.

Profound Spirit Collection Technique!
With sharp eyes and quick hands, after the first batch of extremely cold ghosts died, Guan Ren performed the mysterious spirit collection technique on their bodies that were about to dissipate!
【Ding!Collection succeeded!Congratulations on obtaining Soul Fragment (Obsidian Level) × 1! 】

【Ding!Collection succeeded!Congratulations on obtaining Soul Fragment (Obsidian Level) × 1! 】

【Ding!Collection succeeded!Congratulations on obtaining Soul Fragment (Obsidian Level) × 1! 】

【Ding!Successful collection...]

A series of ten system prompts sounded, and there were a total of ten Heiyao-level soul fragments in Guan Ren's backpack!
[Soul Shards (Obsidian Grade): Fragments that condense pure soul power, which can enhance the user's soul power after use.Use effect: upper limit of mental power +1000, mental attribute +54. 】

[Soul Shards (Obsidian Grade): Fragments that condense pure soul power, which can enhance the user's soul power after use.Use effect: upper limit of spiritual power +1800, spiritual attribute +96. 】

The attributes of each soul fragment provide bonuses to mental power and mental attributes, but the values ​​are not fixed.

Under normal circumstances, starting from a gold-level boss, the soul power of the boss can be formed into soul fragments.

And gold-level soul fragments can provide a bonus effect of [spiritual power +20-100, spiritual attribute +1-5], while the bonus effect of amethyst-level soul fragments is [spiritual power +101-600, Spiritual attribute +6~30], as for the obsidian-level soul fragments, the bonus provided is [mental power +601~3000, spiritual attribute +31~150], as for the fairy-level soul fragments above, Guan Ren I don't know.

Now the soul fragments in Guan Ren's backpack are only a rough estimate, and they can already provide him with a bonus of about 1000 spiritual attributes!

"Why does the shipment rate feel like it's been slashed?"

Guan Ren frowned slightly. If he remembered correctly, when he was fighting against the Extreme Cold Ghost in Torre Castle, just one body provided him with ten soul fragments.

Why is it only a piece of work to collect it this time?

Shaking his head slowly, Guan Ren didn't have time to think about it, he kept attacking in his hands, and the flame explosion swept across the surroundings, covering another group of extremely cold ghosts!
Ten seconds passed in the blink of an eye, and more than a dozen extremely cold ghosts were killed by Guan Ren again!

Profound Spirit Collection Technique!
【Ding!Collection succeeded!Congratulations on obtaining Soul Fragment (Obsidian Level) × 1! 】

【Ding!Collection succeeded!Congratulations on obtaining Soul Fragment (Obsidian Level) × 1! 】

【Ding!Collection succeeded!Congratulations on obtaining Soul Fragment (Obsidian Level) × 10! 】

Suddenly, an unusual system notification sounded in Guan Ren's ear!
Ten dollars!

From an extremely cold ghost, he collected ten soul fragments!
Other than that, everything else is one piece!
what happened?

Guan Ren opened the message record on the system prompt page, checked it carefully, and suddenly realized it!
After the system prompt text that collected ten soul shards, there were two more glittering texts——Critical Strike!
It can be a critical attack!

From this point of view, he was lucky enough to trigger the critical strike effect when performing the mysterious spirit collection technique, so he collected ten soul fragments at once!
But the ten times crit effect of the collection technique is a bit too cool!
Wouldn't it be cool if this could be triggered all the time?

However, the ideal is full, and the reality is very skinny.

The following dozens of extremely cold ghosts did not trigger a collection crit even once!

Such a result made Guan Ren doubt whether his lucky value was added to others!
Damn, anyway, my current lucky value is over 120 points, why is the effect so bad?
It took Guan Ren about a minute for the wave of monsters to clear up.

And the black Yao level soul fragments on his body also saved 70 yuan.

【Ding!The monster is being refreshed, please wait patiently...]

A system prompt came from his ear, making Guan Ren frown slightly.

Isn't this monster refreshed instantly?Need to wait...

Is it too bad?

Doesn't this mean that part of my time is wasted on long waits?
In fact, there is no way to do this. Under normal circumstances, monsters can be refreshed in time. The problem is that the speed at which Guan Ren spawns monsters is too vigorous!
A wave of 1 extremely cold ghosts spawned, all of which were level [-] obsidian-level bosses, were all wiped out by him in a minute!

Calculated in this way, it only takes one second to deal with an extremely cold ghost on average, which is simply insane speed!

At this moment, it is really understandable that the monster spawning room cannot be brushed.

This is really too fast for Guan Ren!
If this were any normal person who came to challenge the monster spawning room, it would never be like this!

Guan Ren spent about half a minute in the long wait.

Brush brush!
In the midst of a flash of light, sixty extremely cold ghosts appeared again in the space of the monster spawner!
"Fortunately, I didn't make me wait for ten, twenty, ten minutes, otherwise I would really be scolding my mother!"

Guan Ren made his way secretly, and once again held the mysterious envelope in his hand and plunged into the encirclement of the extremely cold ghosts.

"Haha, you are surrounded by me!"

Guan Ren laughed loudly, and then started a frenzied flame bombardment!
Boom boom boom!
Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom boom!

A hundred flame explosions per second directly blasted a group of extremely cold ghosts without the slightest temper!
Profound Spirit Collection Technique!
【Ding!Successful collection...]

Boom boom boom...

Profound Spirit Collection Technique!
【Ding! ...]

Boom boom boom...

Repeatedly, although the process is simple, but because of the soul fragments, Guan Ren never tires of the whole process.

For five hours, Guan Ren never stopped bombing.

"Phew - I'm too tired!"

At this time, Guan Ren finally felt a little tired. Before the monsters were refreshed, he turned back to the console and chose to pause.

【Ding!Paused successfully!Monster spawning room has stopped monster refresh! 】

Guan Ren sat down with a plop, opened his backpack, and looked at his five hours of harvest, the fatigue in his heart dissipated in an instant.

In five hours, the number of soul fragments on his body reached a terrifying 12588!

In addition, there are many other accessory drops!

There are [-] pieces of obsidian-level equipment alone!

And Guan Ren's backpack space was also taken up by half!
"I seem to have found a way to make a fortune?"

Guan Ren looked at the mountain of equipment and props in his backpack in disbelief, and muttered to himself.

Now he finally knows why QQ Xiaobing is unwilling to give him the free permission to refresh the designated monster service. This function... is really abnormal!

Especially for someone like him whose damage exploded!
"With so many soul fragments, how much can my spiritual attributes soar?"

Guan Ren looked at the mountain of soul fragments in his backpack, and chose to refine the soul fragments!
【Ding!Do you choose to refine 12588 soul fragments? 】


With firm eyes, Guan Ren said in a deep voice.

He had some expectations, to what extent would his spiritual attributes skyrocket after refining these soul fragments?
【Ding!Choose success!Soul fragments are about to start refining, please be prepared...]

【Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven...】

Guan Ren's eyes, nose, nose, and mind were all concentrated. At the moment when the system countdown ended, the obsidian-level soul fragments in the backpack began to disappear rapidly. At the same time, streaks of gray soul energy surged up rapidly, and finally wrapped Guan Ren. A huge light cocoon of soul energy was formed!

【Ding!Refining succeeded!Mental power +2100!Spiritual attribute +100! 】

【Ding!Refining succeeded!Mental power +1400!Spiritual attribute +70! 】

【Ding!Refining succeeded!Mental power +1000!Spiritual attribute +50! 】

【Ding! ...]


The system beeped endlessly, and at the same time, Guan Ren's spiritual attributes began to increase rapidly!
The energy light of the soul light cocoon became more and more intense, and finally enveloped the entire monster spawning room, and the entire space became gray.

Time passed by, and I don't know how long it took, until all the soul energy around the body was absorbed, and Guan Ren slowly opened his eyes.

 The fifth watch is over!I'm about to collapse... Please give me a reward~!

(End of this chapter)

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