Chapter 314: Real Fun!

There is still half an hour left, and Guan Ren can't be idle, so after thinking twice, he opened his backpack and took out a cheat book that he got from Torre Castle earlier - "Mechanical Essentials".

【Ding!Do you want to study "Mechanical Essentials"?Note: Learning mechanical skills requires one hundred thousand points of mental attributes! 】

One hundred thousand points?

Drizzle only.

Guan Ren shook his head and smiled, and directly chose to study.

【Ding!Spirit attribute reduced by [-] points! 】

A system prompt sounded next to his ear, and then, the simple book in Guan Ren's hand, which was comparable to a thick dictionary, suddenly turned into a white light and penetrated into the depths of his brows.

Countless knowledge quickly floated through Guan Ren's mind. Under his current powerful spiritual attributes, this knowledge was quickly absorbed and deeply imprinted in the depths of his mind!

Time passed minute by minute, until the last bit of information was digested and absorbed by Guan Ren, his closed eyes finally opened suddenly.

At the same time, a system prompt sounded from the ear.

【Ding! Successful learning of "Mechanical Essentials"!Study completion: 99.9%! 】

The corner of Guan Ren's mouth curled up. This kind of study completion is already top-notch!
The reason why there is still 0.1% incompleteness is because he still lacks the practice of theoretical knowledge.

Don't underestimate the last 0.1%, it is far more difficult to digest the last 0.1% than to digest and absorb the previous 99.9% of theoretical knowledge!
"The [-] points of spiritual attributes are quite worth the money."

Guan Ren thought back to the content recorded in "Mechanical Essentials", and thought to himself.

A bunch of magical technology products are simply a powerful equipment collection!

What magic crystal Barrett sniper rifle, what element blasting landmine, what mechanical turret... All kinds of powerful props are dazzling and overwhelming.

But it wasn't until he finished all the studies that he realized that the book "Mechanical Essentials" was actually from the Meidi District of Tianlin Continent!

This thing was originally the work of Heimerdinger, the original god of machinery in the US imperial server, which recorded his understanding and experience in mechanical technology in detail, but for some unknown reason, it should have appeared in the American imperial area. The super treasure book actually appeared in Kyushu District!

It's a bit intriguing...

Could it be that Heimerdinger was taken away after he was educated by our Kyushu district boss?
Guan Ren was thinking in his heart, his heart of gossip was burning.

【Ding!Space restoration complete!After ten seconds, the simulated ice field space will continue to refresh monsters for you! 】

At this moment, a system notification sound suddenly sounded in the monster spawning room, bringing Guan Ren back to his senses.

"It's finally fixed, it seems that it's time for my brushing fun again!"

Guan Ren twitched his mouth, looked at the simulated ice field space that had been restored and restored to its original state, stepped out, and waited for the refreshment of the extremely cold ghost!
Although the whole process was monotonous and boring, for Guan Ren, it was indeed an unprecedented joy!
Countless equipment and props, plus soul fragments that can greatly increase the spiritual attributes, for Guan Ren, this is the real fun of brushing!

Brush and be happy!

It goes round and round, day by day and month by month.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

The time to spawn monsters was finally passed happily. At the same time, Guan Ren's spiritual attributes also soared to an astonishing 900 million!
If he didn't need to spend time refining those soul fragments halfway, his spiritual attributes could be even higher!
Of course, in terms of attributes, Guan Ren didn't just improve his spirit. The system's plundering function also allowed him to improve his attributes a lot in two days!

The current Guan Ren, apart from the shockingly high spiritual attributes, also has strength, physique, agility, and intelligence attributes all over 30 points!

Especially strength and physique, directly reached 50 points!

But even so, the backpack space with a space of 50 grids under the ultra-high 50 physique attribute expansion has been directly filled with massive equipment and props!

Because the attributes of each piece of equipment fluctuate to some extent, Guan Ren has no way to stack them.

Although a lot of materials can be obtained by dismantling, for the current Guan Ren, the equipment is obviously more valuable than those materials, so in the end, Guan Ren just disassembled each equipment to obtain the design drawings and did not continue to disassemble the equipment.

Now he has more than [-] sets of [Extremely Cold Ghost Set] suitable for various professions!

This is an obsidian suit!

If you take it out and sell it, you can get a lot of money.

It's just that the equipment level of the extremely cold ghost suit is level 55, judging from the current player level, it is not enough to equip them at all.

But even so, if you sell it to QQ Xiaobing, these suits can also be exchanged for a lot of Q coins, but now Guan Ren has the right to use a prosperous shop in the trading square of Frost Dragon Palace, so it is better to sell it yourself. Best deal.

"The opening of the Shenlong Ancient Tomb will be at twelve o'clock tonight. I still have eight hours, which should be enough!"

Guan Ren controlled the console to close the monster spawning room space and left the QQ space.

"This is……"

After walking out of the room, Guan Ren was surprised to find that the surrounding scene was completely different from when he came in.

"Hey, are you finally willing to come out? If you don't come out again, I will wonder if your kid died inside!"

QQ Xiaobing kept guarding the door, and when Guan Ren appeared, he immediately approached with a smile on his face.

"How is this going?"

Guan Ren pointed to the completely different scene around him, and asked with a frown.

In the past, the Frost Dragon Palace lived deep in the bottom of the extremely cold ice field, and it was extremely cold. Now, although the surrounding area is still cold enough, but looking up at the sky, it is no longer the ice crystal dome shining with blue light.

"Khan, didn't you just move the Frost Dragon Palace here?"

"Moved here!?"

"Yeah, this is the space where Torre Castle is located. Although it is not very wide, it is enough to fit the entire Frost Dragon Palace."


Guan Ren fell silent when he heard the words. He originally typed it out and went directly to the extreme cold abyss to find the vanguard of the Scourge Clan, and then rescued Mo Moda's son. The Frost Dragon Palace has been moved away!

If I remember correctly, the space coordinates where Torre Castle is located are near Falling Star City, and the distance from here to the extremely cold ice field, even if he advances at full speed, is enough for him to run for nearly a day!

But now, there are only eight hours left before the opening of the Shenlong Tomb!
This is too fake, right?

This moved the entire Frost Dragon Palace here!

Why didn't I feel anything at first?

"By the way, now this place has changed its name from the previous Frost Dragon Palace, and now we do as the Romans do, and change it to Frost Dragon Castle!"

QQ Xiaobing smiled and blinked at Guan Ren, and said, "How about this name? I thought about it for a long time before I came up with it! Is it domineering? Is it mighty?"


The corners of Guan Ren's mouth twitched slightly when he heard the words, and seeing QQ Xiaobing's unbearable appearance, he wished he could just beat this guy to death!
"How did you move? Why don't I feel anything?"

"This is what you're talking about, Frost Dragon Palace... oh no, it's Frost Dragon Castle, which is actually an artifact. I'm the owner of this artifact, so it's not surprising that I can just put it away and move it away. ?”

 The second update!I don't know how many updates I can write today, my hands are tired...

(End of this chapter)

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