I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 317 Bleeding is Impossible to Bleed

Chapter 317 Bleeding is Impossible to Bleed

Guan Ren, who had been hiding in the dark using the kamikaze night suit, finally waited for the opportunity for Kareem Abdul-Jabbar to be alone. Seeing that the opportunity was hard-won, he immediately shot, and the icy thrust hit Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's lower back directly!
【Ding!Successfully hit the target!The target is frozen! 】

For a moment, Kareem staggered, and loosened his hold on the figure of Blood Soul.

It's now!

Guan Ren's eyes were fixed, and he raised his hand out!

Profound Spirit Collection Technique!
With the support of today's powerful spiritual attributes, coupled with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's lack of reaction, the blood soul figure was directly collected by Guan Ren and got into his own hands!

Without further ado, Guan Ren threw the blood soul figure into his backpack, and then pulled the red-haired man back violently!

"This is the return scroll of Ice and Snow City. You are the son of Mo Moda, right? Go find him."

Guan Ren kept his story short and his tone was hasty.

"You are……"

"Here to save you!"

Guan Ren said in a deep voice, "Don't hesitate, this is your only chance! Just leave it to me!"

After saying that, Guan Ren threw the red-haired man out with a strong shake!
"Where did the bastard come from! How dare you sneak attack me!"

Jabbar came back to his senses and saw Guan Ren leading the red-haired man back, his expression changed immediately, and he was furious. Without a word, he chased up at full speed, trying to keep Guan Ren and the red-haired man behind!

However, under the freezing effect of the icy spikes, his movement speed was greatly reduced, which made him completely unable to do what he wanted!

Not only that, Guan Ren also took the opportunity to release a soul clone, and made up for Kareem Abdul-Jabbar with a icy stab!
【Ding!Successfully hit the target!The target is frozen! 】

The power of extreme cold invaded the body, and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's body directly turned into an ice sculpture, staying in place!
"Let's go! Go back and remember to ask your father to prepare task rewards for me!"

Guan Ren turned his head and shouted, then turned his head and rushed towards Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

In fact, Guan Ren's original plan was to run away after saving the person, but after he heard what Kareem Abdul-Jabbar said and saw the latter's series of skills, he suddenly changed his mind.

If he can get this skill in his hands, it seems to be the most correct choice for him!

Therefore, Guan Ren finally waited for the opportunity for Kareem Abdul-Jabbar to be alone, and then made a lightning strike!
"Thank you!"

The red-haired man thanked him from a distance, and then left the Extremely Cold Abyss using the city return scroll of Ice and Snow City.

As for Guan Ren, he rushed back directly in the opposite direction, holding the colorful Soaring Sword in his hand, and launched a frenzied attack on Kareem Abdul-Jabbar!
[LV71. Fairy Boss: Bloody Lord Jabbar (Abyss level): One of the twelve lords of the Scourge family, proficient in the power of blood and soul!The current leader of the Bloody Legion, the vanguard of the Scourge!Health value: 12 billion, energy value: 5 million, attack power: 500 million, defense power: 360 million, skills: primary skills of the blood soul system, intermediate skills of the blood soul system, advanced skills of the blood soul system, master skills of the blood soul system . 】

Abyss level boss!

Guan Ren fixed his eyes and took a deep breath.

In fact, in the world of Tianlin, there are actually three standards to measure the strength of an enemy. The first standard is the experience level, and the second standard is the grade, such as the boss grade. Barr is a fairy-level boss.

And the third standard to measure strength is the qualification level in brackets after the name!
Under normal circumstances, the qualification level is divided into four levels from low to high: ordinary, elite, brave, king, and abyss.

The higher the level of aptitude, the stronger the means of attack mastered!The attributes will be higher!Correspondingly, the strength will be much stronger!

Especially at the king level and abyss level, people with these qualifications often have extremely powerful exclusive talents or skills!
Not only that, relatively speaking, enemies with high aptitude levels will have more combat experience!

As for the abyss-level fairy boss, Jabbar, the bloody lord, is even more powerful than level 70. He can be regarded as Guan Ren's most powerful enemy in a head-to-head confrontation so far!
If he had encountered such an enemy before, Guan Ren would definitely run away without saying a word, because it was unnecessary, and it would be very difficult to deal with!
But it's different now. After two full days of cultivating in the monster spawning room, Guan Ren's current strength is no longer comparable!

He thinks he can still deal with the bloody lord Kareem Abdul-Jabbar!
Moreover, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is strong enough, and it can just be used to test the effect of his strength improvement in the past few days.

Of course, the most important thing is that Guan Ren has a plan, and he wants to choose Kareem Abdul-Jabbar to implement it!

Although the bloody Lord Jabbar is not an ice monster, but because of his high level, his own resistance is quite strong. Even the freezing effect caused by the secondary damage of the ice spike can only control it for a while. seconds or so.

"Damn human boy! How dare you ruin my good deeds!"

After recovering, Jabbar was furious and launched a violent attack with lightning speed, aiming at the soul clone on the side is a black tiger's heart attack!
The speed is so fast that it is unpredictable!
Although Guan Ren noticed it, but because the distance was too close, he couldn't dodge it for a while.

The soul clone took a solid punch and lost millions of health points.

"It's quite fast!"

Guan Ren was secretly startled, it was indeed an abyss-level fairy boss, and it was unambiguous!

But compared to Guan Ren's astonishment, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, who succeeded in the sneak attack, was even more shocked!
No blood!

The grass didn't even bleed!


If he didn't bleed, he wouldn't be able to use the blood-soul skills against the enemy!
If you don't use skills, he is just a big boss with powerful attributes!

And this is exactly where the soul avatar is so powerful!
Not to mention that there will be no bleeding, as long as Guan Ren's spiritual attributes are strong enough, the soul clone will not suffer from any control effects!
This point is also applicable to Guanren who is the body!

Now the spiritual attributes of Guanren have exceeded 900 million, which is naturally worthwhile!

This is also the reason why Guan Ren still dared to fight with the bloody lord Jabbar after seeing his terrifying skills!

His spiritual attributes are enough to support him to be immune to bleeding under Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's attack.

Bleeding is impossible to bleed, it is impossible to bleed in this life...

Guan Ren looked at the bloody Lord Kareem Abdul-Jabbar with a bewildered expression, and the corner of his mouth slightly curled up. When the latter hadn't recovered, his figure rushed up like the wind!
With the super high spiritual attribute bonus, the function of the magic glasses has also been greatly enhanced!

If it had been two days ago, Guan Ren would never have been able to detect the weakness of the bloody Lord Jabbar so easily with his magic glasses!

But with the support of more than 900 million points of spiritual attributes today, it's quite different!

Now in Guan Ren's eyes, there are no less than [-] weak spots on Kareem Abdul-Jabbar!

 Second more...

(End of this chapter)

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