Chapter 330: Hot as hell!


"I'm the captain! Everything is up to me!"

The captain of the teleportation guard's face sank, and he said coldly.


The members of the guards were silent when they heard the words, and could only continue to attack.

It is generally said that the authorities are in the dark, but the bystanders are clear.

But now they are here, it is indeed the other way around.

Although it seems to outsiders that they have the upper hand, only those who have actually participated in the war can realize how terrifying this adventurer from another world named Daguanren who is wanted in front of him is!
From the start of the battle until now, they have been led by the nose for half an hour!
It seems that their side has the upper hand, but in fact it feels very uncomfortable in my heart!

Because they know very well that even if they seem to have the upper hand now, this is deliberately given to them by the other party!

As long as he wants, he can turn the situation around at any time!
Therefore, after he yelled, the members of the guard team felt bad, and immediately turned their heads to signal the captain to stop, but what they didn't expect was that the captain insisted on going his own way, and still ordered them to act forcefully!
However, they belonged to subordinates, so they could only bite the bullet.

If you make a move now, even if you lose the battle, you have nothing to say. If you are lucky, you may be able to save your life.

But if they disobeyed the order and retreated without authorization, they would be notified afterwards, and they would definitely die!
Disobeying military orders on the battlefield is a death penalty according to the Tianxuan Empire's decree!

Alas, there is no way, who made them subordinates... I can only go up!
After Guan Ren yelled, all the players were stunned, filled with reluctance.

After all, in the eyes of everyone, this is a great opportunity to collect points!
It's only been half an hour, it's really unsatisfactory!

If only I could brush it for a while longer...

Everyone had their own thoughts in their hearts, and some people quit as soon as they saw it. After Guan Ren yelled, they retreated decisively and ran far away without staying.

But even so, there are still a large group of people who are unwilling to reconcile and want to make a good fortune in the end.

Some players who came late felt it was unfair, and still refused to retreat, and kept attacking Guan Ren from a distance.

"It's almost time, half an hour is enough for them to collect hundreds of points, right? Since there are still people who don't listen to persuasion, then don't blame me..."

Guan Ren looked at the remaining half of the players, shook his head slowly, and twitched his mouth slightly.

In fact, from the bottom of his heart, he doesn't want all these players to retreat obediently. After all, if this is the case, the theory of mutual benefit and win-win situation will not hold true.

He acted here for half an hour, if he didn't get a little reward, it would be too unjustifiable.

Guan Ren would never do a loss-making business!
At that moment, Guan Ren brandished his spear in a sweeping sweep, knocking away the attacks of the people in front of him, and then retreated quickly, replacing it with the Seven-Colored Lingxiao Sword in his hand!

The Jinlinghu head knife has not yet been refined, so the level is too high, and it cannot be equipped for the time being.

But to deal with these rookies, one sword is enough.

After many days of actual combat practice, Guan Ren has become more and more proficient in using the art of controlling the sword. He has absorbed more than [-]% of the method of controlling the sword with qi!
Let's start now, whether it is the attack power or the attack range of the sword energy, they are all terrifying!
Swing a colorful half-moon sword energy horizontally!
The sword energy is condensed, the momentum is compelling, and the speed is fast.

In the blink of an eye, a large area in front of him has been covered.
1500000! -1500000! -1500000! ...

A series of damage figures floated above everyone's head.

The obsidian-level NPC guards are alright, but less than one-tenth of their health has been lost, but other players who have not left and insisted on earning a point will be miserable. With just one sword, more than two thousand players were turned into a massacre on the spot. The white light disappeared!

The players in the other directions couldn't help but gasp when they saw this. The tragic scene in front of them finally brought them back to their senses, and they turned around and were about to run away!
However, because everyone panicked, the crowd pushed and shoved, but they couldn't disperse!

Many people fell to the ground because of the crowd and were thrown to death!

Guan Ren gave them ten seconds before, in fact, to let them use the teleportation scroll to leave after leaving the battle, but these people were greedy and refused to evacuate, so they couldn't leave the battle now and couldn't use the teleportation scroll to leave.

Guan Ren looked at the shoving and panicked crowd with a faint smile, and slowly shook his head.

Sorry, I've already given the chance.

Now... I just want to take back the reward that belongs to me.

Brush brush!
Three swords in a row, three huge seven-colored half-moon sword energy flew out in the blink of an eye, three pieces of white light flashed, and many players around the teleportation square of Dragon Blood City died again!
【Ding!Kill the residents of the Profound Sky Empire!Kill value +10! 】

【Ding!Because it is in the A-level wanted state!The killing value is extra +50! 】


The system beeped incessantly, because Guan Ren was in the wanted state, so the killing value increased by every person killed was six times that of usual!
With one strike, 2000 people died.

Back and forth, Guan Ren chased and swung more than a dozen swords, and only then did he wipe out all the players around him!

But correspondingly, his killing value also increased to a terrifying situation!

【Ding!Notice!You've risen to the top of the kill list!The current killing value is 2! 】

【Ding!Your kill value exceeds 100 million!Obtained the talent title: Blood Slaughter! 】

[System Announcement: The kill value of the player [High Official] has exceeded 100 million points!As the player whose killing value exceeds one million for the first time, the system rewards the talent title: Blood Slaughter! [Blood Slaughter: The title of talent, after equipment, you will get the talent of blood slaughter, which will increase your combat effectiveness! ] Note: Killing talent title, kill 100% drop! 】

A system notification sound that resounded through the sky surrounded the entire mainland of Kyushu, and everyone's jaws almost dropped in shock!

100 million killing points!
If it is a normal killing, you need to kill 10 people to do it, right?

This is too strong, right?

In addition to shock, everyone's heart was filled with fear.

What's more, after opening the killing list of the leaderboard, the killing value of the high official is not only 100 million, but more than 200 million!

More than 200!
Simply insane!
How many people have to be killed...

"This guy... is too unexpected."

In the distance, Violet opened her mouth slightly, already stunned by Guan Ren's series of operations.

In one second, with more than a dozen sword strikes, everyone was slaughtered!
Instead, there was the blood-red aura on Guan Ren's body in the distance, and... a purple-red ID!

Because of being wanted, Guan Ren's ID was forcibly displayed, so even if you are far away, as long as you are in Dragon Blood City, you can see the three big red characters above Guan Ren's head from a distance!

(End of this chapter)

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