I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 332 A Cloud Piercing Arrow?

Chapter 332 A Cloud Piercing Arrow?

Guan Ren suddenly remembered something terrible, and quickly turned on the system and turned on the looting function.

If this thing is not opened, you may lose a lot later!

Fortunately, I was quick-witted and remembered!

The stick in his hand kept hitting, until Master Kung Fu Rabbit had a big red bump on his head!

As for why there is only one bag?

Needless to say, in order to pursue the ultimate attack speed, Guan Ren only stared at one place and smashed it!

"Master, hello, what did you bring this time?"

With a smile on his face, Guan Ren leaned over and asked.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Master Kung Fu Rabbit's anger soared at Guan Ren's "greetings", he immediately took out a carrot-shaped candy from his backpack, and was about to swallow it.

Profound Spirit Collection Technique!
Guan Ren's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he shot at the moment Master Kung Fu Rabbit made a change!

【Ding!Collection succeeded!Get Passion Carrot Candy x 1! 】

【Passion Spice Carrot Candy: A radish candy that combines hundreds of radish flavors. After taking it, it will add a hundred kinds of buffs to itself! The buff status can be superimposed!Duration: 10 seconds. 】

I grass!

This thing... is simply awesome!
One hundred random buffs, and they can be superimposed!
Damn... If I was really eaten by this guy just now, I would cry to death?
Although the buff only lasts for ten seconds, it's abnormal enough!

Hundreds of buffs!

What is this concept?
Simply creepy!
"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The props in his hand were snatched by Guan Ren, Master Kung Fu Rabbit was so angry, he took out his hand back and took out a lollipop that was shining with colorful lights from his backpack.

Damn, I know this!

I have one on me!
Invincible lollipop!
Look at my mysterious spirit gathering technique!
【Ding!Collection succeeded!Get Invincible Lollipop × 1! 】

Guan Ren's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he was unambiguous at the moment, and directly snatched the things from Master Kung Fu Rabbit again!
[Invincible Lollipop: Carrot-flavored lollipop, sweet and delicious, is one of the favorite candies of bunnies.Function: After use, make the target enter an invincible state for 10 seconds! 】


Guan Ren's eyes lit up, this time he really made a fortune!

In just a short time, he got two top-quality props!

Guan Ren quietly used the mysterious spirit gathering technique on the backpack behind Master Kung Fu Rabbit, hoping to get all the good things directly.

However, the reality is cruel, and the system prompts ringing in his ears made Guan Ren give up.

【Ding!Insufficient spiritual attributes!Collection failed! 】

Nearly 1000 million spiritual attributes, still unable to collect successfully, it is really hard to say...

You must know that this spiritual attribute is enough to collect existences like Tianmeng City!

A Kung Fu Rabbit Backpack...how can it be so difficult?
Guan Ren's face was full of bitterness, but there was nothing he could do.

After all, there must be a lot of good things in Kung Fu Rabbit's backpack, and if he could easily get them, it would be too unreasonable.

Could it be that we can only hope for the kill and plunder rewards of the plunder system?
But counting on random looting with slightly more functions, the things you get are definitely not as much as grabbing the backpack directly!
It's just that his mental attributes are not enough now, so he has to settle for the next best thing...

"Master, master, come on... what else is there, hurry up!"

Guan Ren kept waving the stick in his hand, urging the Kung Fu Rabbit Master who was being pressed under him, and the shadow of the stick kept falling, hitting the same position, making the latter grin in pain.

Now Guan Ren's idea is very simple, he wants to catch big fish with a long line, and wants to give Master Kung Fu Rabbit more opportunities to use props, so that he can take advantage of the opportunity and use the mysterious spirit collection technique to snatch it!
Although there is no way to directly collect the backpack, but the things in the hand are still possible.

Eat me!
Master Kung Fu Rabbit took advantage of Guan Ren's stupefied, and immediately counterattacked violently, twitching his backhand with a stick.

【Ding!You have entered a stun state!Duration 5 seconds! 】

【Ding!Affected by spiritual attributes!The stun time is reduced by 4 seconds! 】

Two system prompts sounded in his ears, and Guan Ren was dizzy and frozen in place.

Master Kung Fu Rabbit took the opportunity to take a breath, distanced himself from Guan Ren, put away the golden carrot stick in his hand, and replaced it with a token!
"What is this token?"

Guan Ren, who came to his senses, couldn't understand it, but no matter what, as long as it was in the hands of Master Kung Fu Rabbit, grab it first!
As for what this token is and what it is useful for, you will know it when you get it in your hand!

Before that, he deliberately bought a loophole for the other party. Although Master Kung Fu Rabbit had put some distance away from him, it didn't have much impact.

You know, the coverage of his mysterious spirit collection technique is huge!

It's not just available face to face!

Profound Spirit Collection Technique!
The corner of Guan Ren's mouth twitched, and he was looking forward to this carrot-shaped token that shone with orange light.

【Ding!Insufficient spiritual attributes!Collection failed! 】

what! ?

Guan Ren was taken aback, and unbelievingly used the mysterious spirit gathering technique again.

【Ding!Insufficient spiritual attributes!Collection failed! 】

Insufficient spiritual attributes?
what's the situation?
Logically speaking, it shouldn't be...

Whether it's passion radish candy or invincible lollipop, didn't they all be collected successfully?
How about slices of this carrot-shaped token...

Is it because of the distance?

Guan Ren raised his brows, and immediately used the Void Shadow Step, space jump and teleported to the side of Master Kung Fu Rabbit, and used the Mysterious Spirit Gathering Technique on the latter!
【Ding!Insufficient spiritual attributes!Collection failed! 】

Still lack of spiritual attributes!
It seems...it has nothing to do with distance!

The reason why the collection failed should be a problem with the token!
This token is not simple!
Or... is already bound to the other party's soul!

Only in this way can it be explained why the collection failed.

Because if you want to collect soul-bound items, the spiritual attributes you need will increase tenfold!
So it is reasonable for Guan Renhui to fail!

It's just... what is he doing with the token?
Guan Ren's eyes were serious. At this moment, he believed that the other party would definitely not target the target indiscriminately!

Master Kung Fu Rabbit held the carrot token in both hands and raised it above his head. He was muttering something in the end. At the same time, the orange light on the token rose sharply, finally gathered together, and blasted out towards the night sky!

With a sharp sound, the light condensed on the token shot straight into the night sky like a rocket!

The energy exploded, forming a =(:з」∠)_ figure in the night sky!
Afterwards, Master Kung Fu Rabbit looked at Guan Ren provocatively, and made a provocative gesture of wiping his neck with his hands.

"What kind of operation is this?"

Guan Ren was stunned, and thought to himself: "Could it be... the legendary Cloud Piercer?"

(End of this chapter)

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