I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 335 This Is Common Sense!You kid is dead!

Chapter 335 This Is Common Sense!You kid is dead!
【Ding!Hit by the sniper bomb of Lie Yan Death!Enter the burning state of flame death!The life value is reduced by 500 million life value and life limit every second!Duration 10 seconds! 】

【Ding!Fire is immune to absorption!The flame death state is transformed into a recovery state!Recover 500 million health points and the upper limit of 500 million health points per second!Duration 10 seconds! 】

The current Guan Ren not only recovers 500 million health points per second under the condition of his own fire immunity absorption, but also the upper limit of health is also increasing every second!
The state of flame death lasts for ten seconds, that is to say, this buff can last ten seconds on Guan Ren!

In this way, when the flame death state is over, Guan Ren's upper limit of health will be directly increased by 5000 million points!
Coupled with the previous life value, his upper limit of life value will directly reach 8000 million points!

Originally, Guan Ren thought that the Elite Rabbit Squad would kill him this time, but what he didn't expect was that the gun master actually gave him a hand from afar!
In this way, he doesn't have to worry at all!
Although, even after he was hanged, the soul-returning state that he had given himself by taking the Nine-Returning Soul-Returning Pill could bring him back to life directly, but it is of course best not to die. Save this chance of resurrection and stay in Shenlonggu. Wouldn't it be better to reuse it in the tomb?

Because of the Yangyangbang, Guan Ren's state is very poor now, and his offensive and defensive attributes are only 1 point, so it is impossible to fight back, but now the frozen state on his body is over, although he has been forcibly turned into a bird without A big fat sheep with any offensive ability, but his attributes have not been affected except for the offensive and defensive attributes!

Even if the skills cannot be used, the ten times acceleration function of his system still exists!
Not only that, but his own agility is very high. In this way, although he is now a fat big white sheep, his speed is very fast!
How do you say that?

Flexible dead fat.

The total time to transform into a sheep is less than ten seconds. Now that Guan Ren is out of the frozen state, coupled with his rapid movement, it is not difficult to delay until the end of the transformation state!



The Elite Rabbit Squad was shocked by the sudden accident and whispered to each other, expressing their incomprehension.

Afterwards, everyone turned their heads together and looked at the firearms master who was dodging his eyes and showing embarrassment on the high platform in the distance behind him.

"Chirp quack! Googoo quack!"

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp! quack quack!"

The other members of the elite rabbit team yelled, obviously very dissatisfied!
According to the original cooperation, Guan Ren should die under the gun master's shot!
But who knew, after being shot, this guy became even more alive and kicking!

In the end, the gun master had no choice but to raise the sniper rifle in his hand again, and reluctantly took out a golden sniper bullet from his body!
In order to make up for his mistake just now, he had no choice but to take out the strongest sniper bullets that he had treasured for many years, in order to kill Guan Ren directly with all his strength!

After seeing the strong golden light from the gun master in the distance, the elite rabbit team looked at each other, and finally shook their heads slowly, then they stopped chattering about the fault of the gun master, but cooperated together to block Guan Ren's retreat !
After all, they know this sniper bullet very well. It is by far the most powerful sniper bullet on the gun master!

If they could hit the big fat sheep incarnated by Guan Ren, even if they didn't instantly kill the latter, it would be enough to make up for their previous mistakes, so that they could easily kill the former!

It's just that this sniper bullet is extremely precious, there is only one, if you make a mistake, all your expectations will be in vain!
Therefore, they can only do their best to assist the gun master to complete this deadly sniper shot!
And the gun master on the high platform in the distance has an unprecedented dignified expression!
He never expected that Guan Ren would be immune to fire energy!

This kind of ability is often only possessed by the existence above the god level!

He used the flame death sniper bomb to attack before, just because Guan Ren was in a frozen state at that time, and at that time, if he used this kind of sniper bomb with the opposite energy to attack, the damage output could be maximized. If it was successful at that time, now Guan Ren may have turned into a fragrant roasted whole lamb.

It's just that he has calculated thousands of times, but he didn't realize that with Guan Ren's current strength, he also has the ability to be immune to absorption!
This is a mistake!
And this mistake almost wiped out their previous perfect cooperation!

But fortunately, Yang Yang Bang's curse transformation time lasted for ten seconds, and now he still has a chance to remedy it!
The sniper bomb he used this time was called the Golden Rainbow Sun Bullet!
It is the most overbearing sniper bullet on him so far!
The golden rainbow sniper ammunition is a gold-type energy ammunition known for its attack power!As long as he can hit this human kid, no matter how many tricks he has, he will definitely die in the end!
This is his confidence in Jinhong Guanri sniper bullets!
Even if a god-level master is hit by this sniper bullet without any preparation, even if he does not die, he will be seriously injured and cannot heal himself!
This shot has poured all his strength into it!
unsuccessful?That is absolutely impossible!

As for immune absorption?

Even a god-level master would be proud to have an ability to be immune to absorption, let alone an adventurer from another world?
Could it be that he is immune to absorbing other energies?
And this energy also happens to include gold energy?

Do not make jokes!
Even if it can be immune to absorbing two kinds of energy at the same time, then the other energy is absolutely impossible to be the gold system!

Because, invisible mutual generation and mutual restraint, mutual restraint of the five elements immune absorption, will never appear in one person!
This is common sense!

Now Guan Ren's body has demonstrated the ability to absorb fire-type energy. Even if there is a second type of immune-absorb ability, this energy should be wood-type or earth-type, which is related to fire-type!
It is absolutely impossible to be the metal system that is incompatible with the fire system!

Therefore, with this shot, this human kid will definitely die!
The gun master took a deep breath, adjusted his breathing, and lay down on the high platform, concentrating on aiming at Guan Ren, who was gradually blocked by his teammates!
Boy, you are dead!
The corner of the gun master's mouth curled up, as if he had already seen the scene of Guan Ren's body being bombarded by sniper bullets and blood spattered on the spot!

The gun master poured the energy of his whole body into the sniper rifle in his hand, then hooked the corner of his mouth and pulled the trigger!

(End of this chapter)

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