I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 345 Facial Piercing Machine!

Chapter 345 Facial Piercing Machine!
Guan Ren bowed his head and opened the Kung Fu Rabbit backpack he had just snatched from the backpack master.

"...there are quite a lot of things!"

Looking at the pile of things in the backpack, Guan Ren's eyes flashed with excitement.

This time, besides the six bottles of mantra potions that Guan Ren brought from the backpack master, there are many other good things in the backpack!
As Guan Ren has seen before, there are sheep and sheep sticks, invincible lollipops, passion radish candies, and bunny toy water polo, and besides these, there are four new props.

[Bunny’s Chili Candy: Explosive and strong chili flavor, after use, it will add the [Spicy Baby] status to itself, the attack power will increase by 50%, the critical strike rate will increase to 100%, and the critical strike damage will increase by 100%. There is a certain chance to trigger the burning state, causing a certain amount of real damage to the enemy every second, and the duration is 30 seconds. 】

[Specially made fine lime powder: If you can't beat it, run away!A special product made by Tutu Kingdom, which can block the enemy's perception ability after use for 10 seconds! 】

[Sixteen Flavors Sky Blue Pill: Tutu Country's special macho pill, after use, puts itself in the state of [Ultimate Hegemony], recovers 30% of its health every second, and lasts for 30 seconds.Ultimate Body: Ignoring any negative status, the pain is temporarily eliminated. 】

[Facial piercing machine: special shotgun made by Tutu Country, dual-wielding weapons, 5 rounds of shrapnel per shot, bullet capacity: 1. "Smash his face!": When the attack hits the enemy's face, an additional bullet will be fired. 】

"...As expected of a thing from the Tutu Kingdom, it is fierce."

Looking at the properties of these props, Guan Ren was extremely surprised.

These props, even if you take out any one at random, are rare and good things, not to mention... Guan Ren got so many at once!
Needless to say, chili candy not only increases the damage, but also explodes the critical strike effect, and more importantly, the attack has a certain chance of additional real burning damage!
The special lime powder can directly block the enemy's perception ability, whether it's escaping or killing people, it's the best!
As for Liuwei Tianlan Wan, there are ten more flavors than Liuwei Dihuang Wan!The domineering state is even stronger and invincible, definitely the first choice for tough enemies!
There is also the last shotgun, which is simply a fairy equipment!
Although the ammunition capacity is only one round, and it is a dual-wielding weapon, it can spray 5 rounds of shrapnel per attack!
If you operate with Guan Ren's limit of 100 attack speed, you can shoot 500 shots per second. If you attack close to the body, you can shoot a total of [-] shrapnel!
It is equivalent to a five-fold increase in attack speed in disguise!
Of course, this is not the most powerful!
The most powerful thing is that there is a line of red letters at the bottom of the shotgun face piercer - "Smash his face!" This scarlet letter special effect allows Guan Ren to fire an extra bullet when he hits the enemy's head!
That is to say, if the operation is sharp enough, Guan Ren can spray a total of 10 shrapnel with one shot!
And under the support of the limit attack speed of one second, that is 1000 shrapnel!
If combined with hard control skills, this face piercer shotgun is ridiculously strong!
It's like an artifact!

Guan Ren sighed in his heart.

If there are any shortcomings of this shotgun, it is that he does not have any basic attack power bonus, everything needs the bonus of his own attack power and the attack power of the clip bullet.

What is even more deceptive is that the face piercer uses a special magazine, so ordinary shotguns cannot be loaded into it, so if you want to use these things, you must also have the special shotgun made by Tutu Country. !

"Look back and see if the gun master Xiaohe has these ammunition on his body. As a gun master, there should be no shortage of bullets, right?"

Guan Ren thought about it and put away his backpack.

After this harvest, now he has three sheep and sheep sticks, two invincible lollipops, five passion radish candies, ten toy water polo bunnies, ten chili candies for baby bunnies, Five packs of specially made high-quality lime powder, one bottle of sixteen-flavored sky blue pills, [-] capsules, and one facial piercer.

Coupled with an extra kung fu rabbit backpack, his harvest this time can be said to be very rich!
Now he still has more than 20 hours of 30-layer soul-returning special effects on his body, and he doesn't believe it. With so much preparation, he will overturn his car when he goes to the Shenlong Ancient Tomb this time!

This time, I must get the blood of the Dragon God!

Guan Ren's eyes darkened slightly, but his heart was firm.

Half an hour is fleeting.

But a group of young ladies from the Qingyu Pavilion Guild are still excited, acting like crazy.

"Hahaha! It's so exciting! After half an hour of swiping, I already have 5000 points!"

"5000 points? My sister is not good! My sister has 7000 points!"

"Stop talking, do you know how much older she will be?"

"How many?"

"Thirty thousand points!"

"Wow! Isn't this too ruthless? How can I do this? Even if I spend two hours alone, I can't do so much!"

"Otherwise, what do you think! This is the president!"

"Oh, I really am the most salty fish..."


"Okay, half an hour is up, everyone stop!"

At this moment, Violet shouted and stopped everyone.

"It's not enough..."

"Not fun."

"Let me get to [-]?"


A group of people had unfinished looks on their faces, and their hearts were empty.

"Half an hour is more than enough! There are still opportunities in the future!"

Violet smiled angrily and said: "The water flows forever! And I just learned that among the players who fished in troubled waters just now, the one with the most points did not exceed [-] points, so... you should be content!"

"……All right."

"Oh, that's all it takes."

"Just barely."


"Okay, let's go! Go see what you can exchange for."

With Violet's order, the guild members could only obey the orders, and returned to Falling Star City using the city return scroll.

The system stipulates that point redemption can only be carried out in the city that is registered and bound.

"It's finally over."

Guan Ren heaved a sigh of relief, lowered his head and thought for a while, and planned to go back to the shop first, and simply say goodbye to everyone. After all, he will not be able to get out of the Shenlong Ancient Tomb this time.

Thinking of this, Guan Ren stepped forward and rushed towards the shop.

"You're slack..."

At this moment, a sigh suddenly descended from the dark night sky, causing Guan Ren's already stepped footsteps to pause.


Guan Ren's face changed when he heard the words, and he looked around, but found nothing!
A faint unease appeared in his heart, and at the same time, the heart of heaven's punishment in his heart even trembled slightly uncontrollably!
 There will be two updates recently, and there will be explosive updates after New Year's Day.

(End of this chapter)

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