I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 355 Was Someone Preempted?

Chapter 355 Was Someone Preempted?
A flash of divine light flashed in Zhang Banxian's eyes, and he raised his head to stare at the pitch-black figure wrapped in pitch-black demonic energy.

"You want to find the Frozen Throne, right? I can help you with this, Kuang Xiao."


The black figure was startled when he heard the words, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes.

Zhang Banxian's name... really deserves his reputation!
From the beginning to the end, he didn't say anything, but he didn't expect him to count all of these!
"Since it's a deal, tell me, what do you want from me?"

Kuang Xiao's eyes darkened, and he said lightly.

"It's very simple. Find something. I'll help you find the Frozen Throne. As for you... just help me find my lost secret disk."

Zhang Banxian smiled lightly and said, "How about it, do you want to do this deal or not?"

"I don't even know where to find the secret disk! But if you can help me find the Frozen Throne, how about so many people under my command to search for the secret disk at your disposal?"

"It's fine if you say so. I've done the calculations before I come here. When I come to you, I'm sure I'll be able to find the Tianji disk!"

Zhang Banxian chuckled lightly when he heard the words, and said, "Since we've settled the deal, let me go."

"Come on, untie!"

With a wave of Kuang Xiao's hand, the five-flowered tie on Zhang Banxian's body was immediately untied.

"Happy cooperation!"

Zhang Banxian stood up, stretched slowly, and said with a smile, "Is there any good wine?"

"Come here, bring up a few jars of good wine from the cellar!"

"As expected of the legendary mad owl, it's refreshing! I like it~"

Zhang Banxian stroked his goatee, smiled lightly, and looked at Kuang Xiao's eyes with a flash of deep meaning.


Kuang Xiao was silent when he heard the words, but suddenly his heart tensed up. Zhang Banxian's eyes seemed to penetrate his heart, seeing him right through!

This person... is not simple!
"Haha, take it easy, as long as we've had a drink together, we're friends. I'm very friendly to friends!"

A smile flashed across Zhang Banxian's eyes, but he felt a little helpless in his heart.

Taking this step is actually a helpless move.

Because for some reason, even if he tried his best to use all his means, he still couldn't figure out the current whereabouts of Tianji Pan!
This was the first time he had encountered such a thing.

But the secret disk is very important. In order to finally get it back, he had to find another way. After calculating the news that there will be a secret disk in cooperation with the laughing man, he hastily arranged this meeting.

In fact, the success of this strategy is also due to the lack of IQ of the team that arrested him.

Otherwise, if you want to get them into the set, I'm afraid it won't be so simple.

"Stand back, everyone else."

Kuang Xiao dismissed with a wave of his hand, dismissed all the people in the hall, took the wine jar to Zhang Banxian, and said lightly: "Shall I have a drink first?"

"Haha, that's exactly what it means!"

Zhang Banxian's eyes lit up, he reached out to take the wine jar, skillfully patted off the mud seal, and drank with his head raised.

"Good wine, hahahahahaha..."

Seeing this, Kuang Xiao smiled wryly and shook his head.

This person is not at all out of touch.

I hope he can really help me find the Frozen Throne, otherwise...

The killing intent flashed in Kuang Xiao's eyes.


"Uh, you said this invincible lobster king, was it killed quietly?"

Next to the huge garbage pit in the depths of Garbage Bay, Guan Ren stepped on a flying sword, looked down at the empty area below, and frowned.

According to the map marks, this should be the shelter of the Invincible Lobster King, but for some reason... They stayed here for 10 minutes, but they didn't wait for the legendary Invincible Lobster King to appear!
"This... shouldn't be? After all, there is no relevant record on the map of the inheritor..."

Ling Lan is also a little puzzled, this is her first time here, and she has only a half-knowledge about Trash Bay: "Should we wait?"

"Then we have to wait until the Year of the Monkey..."

Guan Ren shook his head when he heard the words: "The record on the map is very clear. If you stay in the area where the garbage pit is located for at most 3 minutes, the invincible lobster king will definitely show up. But in this situation... I seriously doubt the legendary invincible king. The Lobster King has already moved, or...he was killed in advance!"

Guan Ren frowned.

The map in Linglan's hands is only in charge of the inheritors of the dragon blood warriors of the past. Logically speaking, these inheritors should be the strongest people in the past, but the invincible BOSS cannot be dealt with by being strong, so the possibility of defeating the invincible lobster king is different. There is someone, but this person is not the inheritor of the dragon blood warriors of the past, so the information about this has not been updated and recorded on the inheritor map in time.

"Then...wouldn't we be here for nothing?"

Ling Lan asked with a frown.

"It's also impossible."

Guan Ren shrugged his shoulders and said, "However, it's hard to say whether it's for nothing. After all, this is the lair of the invincible lobster king. Maybe there are still some good things left! Wait a moment, I'll use my mental power to search .”

After the words fell, Guan Ren closed his eyes, and the surging mental power spread out like sea water, covering the entire area within a radius of [-] meters!

Now his spiritual attribute is close to 500 million points, and it is still very easy to achieve this.

Guan Ren was highly concentrated, exploring every inch of the surrounding area!
This is a garbage bay, there are countless kinds of waste. If you want to search carefully to find useful props or materials, it is a laborious task and you must concentrate on it.

Um?This is……

However, when Guan Ren's mental power explored an underground area, he was shocked to find that his mental power seemed to be separated by an invisible barrier, and he could no longer enter an inch!

Opening his eyes, Guan Ren Yujian flew a certain distance, came to the area that isolated his mental power, and punched in the air.

boom! ! !
The energy impact, the area that was originally empty, unexpectedly exploded with a huge bang as if there was a wall of air!

"Is this a blindfold?"

Guan Ren frowned slightly. If that's the case, then there are probably good things hidden behind this cover-up!

However, just as he was thinking about how to solve the invisible wall of air in front of him, the system prompt sounded suddenly by his ears, which almost shocked his jaw.

【Ding!Notice!Your attack hit the invincible lobster king who is mating!It has been completely enraged!Please proceed with caution! 】

Guan Ren was stunned, where did the Lobster King come from?
Is it...

Guan Ren's eyes were fixed, and he looked down at the area that he thought was the air wall before.

I saw a faint luster in the air in that area, and then, a huge purple shadow like a mountain suddenly appeared!

 Recommend a book by a big guy, everyone remember to read it!


(End of this chapter)

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