I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 36 Testimonials on the shelves!

Chapter 36 Testimonials! (Contains high-energy spoilers!)

At twelve noon today, the book will be officially on the shelves.

I didn't want to make a speech at first, but thinking of what happened since I wrote the book, I still couldn't help but want to say a few words, pouring out my bitterness, and I hope you guys don't blame me.

It has been almost two months since the book was opened, and the time flies so fast.

In fact, the author started writing novels at the beginning of the year, and because of this, he had a fight with his family at that time. Because he was not understood, he took his little savings and went out to rent a house in a fit of anger.

It took more than half a year to write the book, but the results of the book were simply horrible.

For a long time, I could only rely on 600 yuan a month to eat steamed buns and pickled mustard.

In fact, I thought about giving up writing in the middle, but whenever this idea arises in my heart, I always tell myself, wait, wait.

At that time, I locked myself in the room and wrote for a whole day.

At that time, I thought, since the grades are not good, then I will update more and win by quantity!
The update volume of [-] words a day, the friends who accompanied me at that time should know that it was like being in the Shura purgatory field, suffering mentally and physically.

I couldn't keep up with nutrition, coupled with high-intensity work, my body was quickly destroyed.

I never knew that I would suffer from rhinitis one day.

How uncomfortable rhinitis is, I wonder if anyone can empathize.

The doctor said to take part in more outdoor sports to enhance the body's immunity, and then it will get better.

But at that time, I was busy writing every day, and there was no free time for me to do this.

Almost every day, except for eating and sleeping, I have to sit in front of the computer and stare at the screen all day.

Fingers also often suffer from sore joints from mechanically tapping the keyboard repeatedly, which eventually leads to tenosynovitis.

All in all, instead of earning money, I earned myself a whole lot of problems.

This situation has lasted for nearly a year, and my little savings have been exhausted. Due to the need to make ends meet, I can only finish the last book and start a new preparation, which is what you are seeing now. book.

This book holds so much hope for me.

Because my family had given me an ultimatum some time ago, if my grades were not good, I would give up writing a book and find a job that I didn’t like, clock in to work or a life that I didn’t like.

This is not the result I want.

In the end, I'm actually reluctant.

I can't bear to part with the works that I typed out word by word day and night.

I am even more reluctant to accompany me all the way, friends who like my work and have always supported me.

It is very rare for a person to be able to engage in a job he likes and to be recognized by some people.

So I cherish this sense of recognition very much.

It is precisely because of this sense of identity that I was able to grit my teeth and persevere all the way to resist the disease when my life was in confusion, and finally walked through.

This sense of identity is something that I can hardly get in my daily life.

My family looked at me coldly, thinking that writing online novels was pyramid schemes, and that I was brainwashed.

Not to mention the elders, in their eyes, except for teachers and civil servants, other jobs are not doing their jobs properly. For this reason, they often pointed their noses at me and said some harsh words.

There are also some people who you once thought were friends, but they feel that getting along with you is worthless, and eventually become indifferent, walk away from you, and become fellow travelers.

Of course, there are also some sincere friends. They will often encourage you, help you, and accompany you to vent your anger when you are hit hard. Brace yourselves and carry on.

In the final analysis, this is because most people have a sick mentality of laughing at the poor but not laughing at the prostitutes.

In the eyes of most people, enthusiasm and sincerity are worthless at all.

All they care about is money.

You said you like writing?
But do you make money?

Do you have five insurances and one housing fund?

Can you pay the initial down payment for buying a house in the third ring road?
this is the truth.

I'm not afraid of being laughed at by everyone, because I'm in my 20s now, and when I get married, my family will also want to help find a blind date or something.

And the funny thing is, when it comes to my work, I always introduce myself to them very sincerely as an internet writer and love writing very much.

However, every time, the feedback I got was the same.

Some people, pretending to be polite, have dinner with you, and finally run away.

Some people, with a straight face of sarcasm, trample on the industry you love, and talk about the so-called legitimate industry in their hearts.

Others didn't say a word, just got up and left, as if they had encountered a plague god.

Some people may think that I am too sensitive, but isn't the word sensitive the quality that every qualified writer should possess?

An author, only by feeling the world around him more keenly, can he integrate the world he experiences into his works, right?
In fact, sensitivity is not necessarily a bad thing.

At least for writing, it doesn't count.

Having said so much, some people may jump out and say a few words without pain: You are selling miserably!

Admittedly, in a sense, this is indeed selling miserably.

However, those keyboard warriors who just jump out and type out words without thinking, are you not those people who have become corrupt and insensitive in the urban society wrapped in reinforced concrete?
Reading is originally a process of communication between the mind and the text.

Reading is a kind of pastime, but is it not an adventure from the spiritual world?

After all, I write books and you read books, which is essentially a relationship between serving and being served.

Since it is a service, it is divided into free and charged.

There is a free period for new books, and after they are on the shelves, there will be a charging period.

I have no right to interfere in other people's decisions, so I can't put you here to pay for reading.

But there are some things I still want to say.

A chapter contains 2000 words.

For handicapped people like me, it takes two hours to complete.

And you only need less than 1 minute to browse through it.

After it is over, he will leave a sentence "short and weak" jokingly.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, subscribing to a chapter is actually not expensive.

It's only a dime.

Even if you pay less for a pack of instant noodles, it is enough to subscribe to the content of thirty chapters.

But for this dime, I need to type for two hours.

Of course, after the dime is divided by the website, what you actually get is only about three cents. If you are an iOS user or you don’t subscribe to QQ, the money you get in the end... is even less than nothing.

According to the market price, a steamed bun costs one yuan, which means that at least 30 people need to subscribe to a chapter before I can afford a steamed bun.

From this point of view, writing online articles is really miserable.

This is self-deprecating.

But now that it's on the shelves, I should also show my update attitude.

Within 24 hours of being on the shelf, if the first order (the highest subscription for a single chapter within 24 hours of being on the shelf) exceeds [-], then congratulations everyone, this book will not be eunuch.

If the first order exceeds 1000, three chapters are guaranteed to be updated every day.

The first order exceeds 1500, and the minimum guarantee is to update four chapters every day.

The first order exceeds 2000, and five chapters are guaranteed to be updated every day.

No matter how high it is...you can kill me if you have the ability!

In addition, book coupon subscriptions will not be counted as subscriptions, so if you can help to make a first order, remember to use book coins to subscribe on the day it goes on sale.

Next, is to add more systems.

Thousands of rewards add another chapter.

The leader adds ten more chapters.

This is the simplest and crudest way.

In addition, I will add updates from time to time when I am in a mood.

Having said so much, to sum it up, it is nothing more than two sentences.

First, please subscribe!

Second, ask for a reward!

Of course, referral tickets are also required!
Because when there are more recommended votes, I will be in a good mood, and when I am in a good mood, I will especially like Jiageng!
So, everyone should understand what I mean, right?
Finally, I hope this book can accompany you for a long time.

Okay, that's it.

I'm going to code!

[As for those who click in because they want to see spoilers, I want to say: Are you thinking about farts? 】

(End of this chapter)

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