I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 366 Unexpected joy, level 5 system!

Chapter 366 Unexpected joy, five-level system!

Aaron frowned tightly, and said in a deep voice: "Don't forget, if it wasn't for the eldest brother, the two of us would be..."

"I'm no longer who I used to be."

Ahu said something lightly, and a thick purple light flashed suddenly on the palm of the man's chest placed on the white shirt. The next second, the body of the white shirt man shrank rapidly, and finally only a pile of skinny bones remained.

"You are... what kind of heretic technique!"

Seeing this, Aaron subconsciously took a few steps back, his face turned pale instantly.

In his memory, Ah Hu didn't know these things!
"Heh, you may not understand, just now... my power has sublimated."

Ah Hu chuckled, the aura on his body instantly enveloped Aaron, and the corner of his mouth curled up: "The power of the Frost Dragon's bloodline has been obtained, and the next step is the power of the Blazing Dragon's bloodline on your body, and the body itself will be added at that time With the power of the wooden dragon, by then I will have a total of three kinds of dragon blood power!"

"Ahu, what's the matter with you?"

Aaron's face was full of horror, and he wanted to back up, but found that he couldn't do it at all!
"Didn't I just tell you that I... have sublimated."

Ah Hu slowly raised his right hand, and a faint purple energy phantom suddenly appeared on his arm, and instantly pinched Aaron's throat out.

"No... invincible..."

Before he finished speaking, Ah Hu's strong body gradually became shriveled, and finally only a lump of skin and bones remained, soft to the ground, without a sound.

"...Hehe, I didn't expect that after being imprisoned for so many years, I was finally freed!"

A ray of purple light flashed in Ah Hu's eyes: "Next... it's time to contact other people."

Turning his head, he took a deep look in the direction of Guan Ren, a meaningful smile flashed in his eyes, and then he turned and left.


Guan Ren on the other side was completely unaware of what was going on between the three idiot brothers. Now he was knocked out by the system notifications that kept ringing in his ears.


【Ding!Successfully killed the invincible lobster king!Obtain a dragon soul spar! 】

【Ding!The plunder was successful!Get 【Super Shield】×1! 】

【Ding!The plunder was successful!Obtain secret key × 1! 】

【Ding!The plunder was successful!Obtain [Invincible Fragment] × 1! 】

【Ding!The plunder was successful!Attributes are improved! 】

【Ding!Kill the invincible BOSS for the first time!Complete the system hidden upgrade task!Unlimited plunder acceleration system level is automatically upgraded! 】

"I don't care... what's going on?"

A series of system notifications sounded in his ears, which stunned Guan Ren.

The reward for the first kill, in addition to those numerical rewards, he was also rewarded with a red treasure chest and a talent enhancement scroll!
Needless to say, the talent enhancement scroll is used to strengthen the talent. What needs to be mentioned here is the red treasure chest!

According to the information he learned in his previous life, the red treasure chest is an exclusive reward for killing a high-level god-level boss!
Exclusive rewards for high-level god-level kills!

A few simple words are enough to represent the preciousness of this red treasure chest!

Even in his last life, Guan Ren never had the opportunity to open a red treasure chest!
But there is no doubt that the rarity of the reward for opening the red treasure box must have reached the level of a god!

If you are lucky enough, it is very possible to directly open a powerful artifact!

It’s just that!

Guan Ren was a little excited. If the reward for the first kill of the invincible boss caught him off guard, the sudden upgrade of the infinite plunder acceleration system shocked him even more!
He remembered very clearly that the experience value of the system had reached the critical value some time ago, but unlike before, if you want to continue to upgrade the system, you need to complete the challenge task to complete it. According to the information fed back by the system, it is a very cumbersome task. The serial tasks are more time-consuming.

Due to time constraints, Guan Ren could only put it on hold temporarily, and planned to do the task again and upgrade the system when he had time.

However, the reality is full of chances. He never expected that the first kill of the invincible boss would actually trigger the system's hidden upgrade conditions, directly allowing him to skip the cumbersome chain tasks and directly allow the system to complete the upgrade!

[Infinite plunder acceleration system]

Rating: 5
Plunder: You can plunder everything, currently unlocked: attribute plunder, experience value plunder, skill plunder, equipment plunder, energy plunder.

Acceleration: It can accelerate everything, currently unlocked: ten times the attack speed, ten times the movement speed, ten times the casting speed, ten times the recovery speed, ten times the training speed.

Capsule Exploration: The ability of the plunder system has a certain chance to be triggered directly when attacking.

Blessing: The system acceleration ability can be bestowed on the selected target person in a short time.

Experience Points: 0/100000000
Five-level system!

Guan Ren stared wide-eyed, carefully looking at the brand new system interface.

In addition to the tenfold upgrade experience, there is a brand new ability in the plunder and acceleration categories!

Energy plunder: Chance to plunder the energy in the target's body for its own use.

Ten times the speed of practice: the speed of practice has been greatly improved.

In addition to the two new abilities, the system has been upgraded this time with two new functions, namely [Exploring the Bag] and [Blessing]!
These two functions are very powerful. After the capsule detection function is activated, Guan Ren only needs to keep attacking the target to have a chance to trigger the plundering ability. He no longer needs to kill the target to plunder successfully. His predatory efficiency.

Especially when targeting special targets, such as invincible bosses, once killed, they will not respawn. In the past, any abilities that could be plundered were left to fate. It was just a one-shot deal, but now it is completely different. Guanren can It is very convenient to use the function of [Exploring the Capsule] until you are satisfied with the ability!
As for the other [Blessing] function, it is even more perverted. This function allows Guan Ren to directly bless the selected target with the system's acceleration ability in a short period of time!

Just imagine how terrifying it would be if the army of vampire bats summoned by Guan Ren suddenly had an extra layer of the system's ten-fold acceleration buff?
"What a powerful five-level system!"

Guan Ren sighed in his heart, unable to calm down for a long time.

The fifth-level system is already so strong, if it reaches the sixth level, wouldn't it be against the sky?

too strong!
Guan Ren took a deep breath to adjust his mentality, closed the system interface, and looked at the three things looted from the Invincible Lobster King.

 The tenth update, please give me a reward~
(End of this chapter)

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