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Chapter 370 Inverse Space Dragon Tomb!

Chapter 370 Inverse Space Dragon Tomb!
"Hey, why don't you finish talking! What is the relationship between the old sow and the bad omen! Why did you bring it? And... what did you mean by that just now!"

Li Chen'er asked anxiously, her tone full of thirst for knowledge.

"Be obedient and obedient, and I will tell you when I feel better in the future."

With his back to Guichenjian, Guan Ren rubbed his nose in embarrassment, and said in a serious manner.

"...Hmph, you actually threatened me!"

"I don't dare. If you want to know, just be obedient during this time. After you get out of this ancient tomb of the dragon, I will naturally tell you the meaning of what I just said!"

"Okay, that's what you said! If you lie to me then, be careful and I'll suck you dry!"

"Don't worry, we keep our word. It's not like you don't understand me."

"I believe you ghost! Little officer, you are very bad!"

Li Chen'er said bitterly: "I clearly remember that in your last life, you were in the boudoir of the little dragon girl in the East China Sea Dragon Palace..."

"Stop it! It's all a misunderstanding!"

"Hmph, who would believe it!"

Li Chen'er snorted coldly, and the Guichen sword shot up into the sky, and finally fell straight into the Shenxi sword box.

"I just woke up, and I still need to adjust for a while. Don't look for me if there is nothing important!"

Li Chen'er said lightly: "That's right! This is the ancient tomb of the Dragon God, right? Don't forget to collect some Profound Sky Qi along the way!"

"What do you want that for?"

"That thing is a great tonic. For me, it has a lot of benefits!"


"Also, remember to save a little bit of the Dragon God's blood at the end. I have just absorbed the power of the Dragon Soul. If I can have the Dragon God's blood to assist me, it will be much easier to mobilize my power."

"Are you sure it's a little bit, not a billion bit?"

Guan Ren's face darkened, and he asked in disbelief.

"I didn't expect to be seen through by you!"

"Of course, what kind of personality do you have, can I not understand?"

"Okay, you just need to give me a drop of the Dragon God's blood in the dragon tomb of the positive space, but you can give me more if you go to the dragon tomb of the reverse space!"

"What did you just say? What positive space and negative space? Do you know anything!?"

Guan Ren was shocked when he heard the words, and hurriedly asked.

"Hey... Strange, how do I know this?"

Li Chen'er was also dumbfounded by Guan Ren's question. After being silent for a while, she slowly said: "I see, it should be that I have just absorbed the energy of the dragon soul, and by the way, I also know the secret hidden in it!"

"In other words, the upside-down dragon tomb is the so-called reverse space?"

Guan Ren frowned when he heard this, and muttered to himself.

"That's right! Inverse space is upside down, left and right are all upside down! The dragon tomb is also hanging upside down!"

"Then do you know how to enter inverse space?"

"……I do not know about this."

Li Chen'er said with some embarrassment: "That's all the information I read from the energy of the Dragon Soul."

"……All right."

Guan Ren shrugged, feeling a little helpless.

"The dragon tomb is guarded by a complete dragon soul, he should know this secret, so you just need to destroy it, then let me absorb the power of his dragon soul, won't you know how to enter the reverse space? "

Li Chen'er said excitedly: "Are you right?"

"The truth is that this truth is correct... It's just that the dragon soul guarding the dragon tomb is at the level of a god!"

Guan Ren frowned and said, "Don't you say I'm trash? Where is the opponent of a god-level dragon soul?"

"...That's why you want to defeat him, to prove that you are not trash."

Li Chen'er said in a natural tone.

"...What kind of logic are you talking about?"

"Okay, okay, I'll help you deal with him when the time comes! Now I need to adjust my state, let's not talk about it~"

Li Chen'er left without saying a word, and was about to leave.

"and many more!"

"What else do you have to say?"

Li Chen'er frowned, pouted and said in dissatisfaction.

"Do you know Kuang Xiao?"

"Ah! Oops, I just said that I really want to forget something! That fucking fag should get out!"

As soon as Guan Ren finished speaking, Li Chen'er exclaimed, her tone full of remorse.

"Damn gay? What's going on?"

"Oh, that crazy owl, he's a gay guy. He stalked the Sword God back then, but in the end, the Sword God had no choice but to trick that guy to Heavenly Sword Island and let me seal him up!"

Li Chen'er said distressedly: "When I reunited with you back then, I forgot about it in a moment of excitement. This time, that guy must have escaped from the seal!"

"Ahem, I've seen him before."

Guan Ren coughed twice and said, "He's looking for the Frozen Throne."

"Sure enough! This guy wants to use the power of the Frozen Throne to resurrect the Sword God!"

"Resurrection of the Sword God?"

Guan Ren was stunned: "These are people who have been dead for tens of thousands of years. I'm afraid their bones have almost weathered, right? Can they be resurrected?"

"Well, if it is an ordinary god level, it is probably useless, but the sword god slaughtered countless times in the battlefield of gods and demons, and he became the heart of the sword. The moment he died in battle, he sealed his soul in the heart of the sword. As long as the seal is released , using the special power of the Frozen Throne on Jian Xin, the Sword God can indeed be resurrected!"

"Isn't this good? That's the sword god. After the resurrection, the human race will have another extraordinary combat power."

Guan Ren asked with some puzzlement.

"Fart! Who do you think the Sword God was killed by?"

"The legendary Demon Lord?"

"That's right! The Sword God is not dead, and of course the Demon Lord is not dead either! If the Demon Lord is also resurrected, I'm afraid it will immediately lead to a second war between gods and demons!"

Li Chen'er said distressedly: "Oh, it's all my fault. If I remembered this incident at the beginning, I should have killed Kuang Xiao when he left in the first place when his soul power was weak. Now it's good, it's over... ..."

"This...it's actually okay, the Frozen Throne was hidden by me."

Guan Ren touched his nose and said, "So in a short time, he won't have any chance."

"That's great!"

Li Chen'er said happily: "When we go out, hurry up and find that faggot and kill him!"

"……Are you serious?"

"Of course!"

"Is that mad owl powerful?"

"It's certainly not weak to be able to entangle with the sword god at his peak."

"...Then how do you kill him?"

"Isn't it you?"


Guan Ren's face darkened, aren't you cheating on me?

A sword god-level powerhouse, can I do it?
"Then it's settled, I'll go to recover first!"

"hold on!"

Guan Ren called Li Chen'er again, frowned and asked, "Do you know a man named Tian Di?"

"Who is that? I've never heard of it."

"Okay, it's okay, you go."

The official sighed and shook his head slowly.

 Fourth update! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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