I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 375 I still owe Dongfeng!

Chapter 375 I still owe Dongfeng!

[Wishing tree seeds: It can grow into the legendary wishing tree seeds. Each wishing tree can bear three wishing fruits, which can be used to make wishes and fulfill wishes.Current growth stage: germination stage, time required to enter the next growth stage: 10 days]

Ten days!

Guan Ren was faintly excited. Now that he had done what he could do to the extreme, the growth speed of the wishing tree seeds had finally improved by leaps and bounds, and the germination period had been shortened to only ten days left!

You must know that it will take a full 100 years for it to germinate without any preparation!
It can be shortened to only ten days to germinate, it is unimaginable!
"This is already the limit of what I can do now. If I still want to speed up, I can only find the legendary gardener after leaving the Shenlong Tomb, and get the exclusive fertilizer for the wishing tree seeds from him. Come to speed up the growth of the wishing tree seeds."

Guan Ren calmed down and thought to himself.

Although the germination period has been shortened to only ten days, it takes more than the germination period for the wishing tree seeds to bear fruit.

Germination, growth, maturity.

These are three tree growth cycles. Among them, the germination period is the shortest, and the longer it goes, the more time it takes. To obtain the wishing tree seeds, it can only be realized after the tree grows to a certain stage in the late maturity period.

So for Guan Ren, if he wants to get the fruit of the wishing tree in a short time, what he has done now is far from enough!

The germination stage is the easiest stage.

As the later stages of the growth cycle progress, the growth requirements of the wishing tree seeds will become more and more demanding.

Germination is just the first step!

Otherwise, the legendary master gardener would not have given up cultivating it in the end!
But since he has chosen this path, Guan Ren will not give up easily.

He's not the type to give up easily.

"Okay, the matter of the wishing tree seeds can only be like this for the time being. After I go out, I must contact Master Yaobusi as soon as possible."

Guan Ren thought to himself, then took out a large bag of candy from the backpack space, and gave it to Guo'er, making the latter dance happily.

"Come on, let me bless you too."

Guo'er took the elite rabbit team to study the "pink dress", leaving Guan Ren and Ling Lan.

Guan Ren chuckled at Ling Lan, and then did the same thing, bending his fingers, ready to bless Ling Lan.

Then, Guan Ren was dumbfounded.

"This... isn't fake, is it?"

Guan Ren looked nervously at the looting effects among the options. There are five looting abilities in total, and there are as many as three options that can be blessed!
Favorability bonus!

Looking at Lily of the Valley who slowly closed his eyes, raised his chin, and blushed, Guan Ren instantly felt a great deal of pressure.

This favorability is simply harmful!

Guan Ren smiled wryly, and thought to himself: "Can't you forcibly know the degree of favorability others have for you?"

Guoer, for example, thinks that she should belong to the stage of intimacy and trust, so she unlocks a blessing of plundering ability, and Lily of the Valley is even more powerful, directly unlocking three bonuses of plundering ability, not only that, the continuous The upper limit of time has also directly reached three months, which is a full three times as much as that of Guo'er!

Even though Guan Ren is an elm bump, with such an obvious contrast, he knows that Ling Lan has a special affection for him.

"It may not be what I think. High favorability does not necessarily mean that I like me. If I train a bunch of Deadpool, as long as the loyalty is high enough, I can achieve this effect!"

Guan Ren thought to himself: "And during this period of time, I helped Ling Lan's family reunite, and I think she has a relatively high affection for me, probably because of this influence, yes, it must be like this!"

Guan Ren took a deep breath, convinced himself, and then selected the three plundering abilities of attribute plundering, skill plundering, and energy plundering among the five plundering abilities, and blessed Lily of the Valley with all the acceleration abilities. It's just that when he chose the time of blessing, he hesitated a little and chose a month.

With a flick of her fingers, Ling Lan received a blessing bonus, but Guan Ren fell silent strangely.

"What's wrong with you? What's on your mind?"

"...No, nothing. I was just thinking about the Dragon Tomb. Now... I probably already know what is hidden in the Shenlong Tomb."

Guan Ren came back to his senses, his eyes dodged, and he looked at the ground.

"Really? That's great! It seems that the mission that Senior Medicine King gave you has finally come to fruition!"

Ling Lan smiled happily: "And thank you, your blessing is really amazing!"

"Well, this...as long as you like it."

"Yes, I like it very much."

"...By the way, let me tell you about the secrets hidden in the Dragon Tomb. As the inheritor of the generation of dragon blood warriors, you may know something."

Guan Ren quickly changed the subject.

"Okay, I'm also very curious about what this secret is! If I know the relevant clues, I will definitely tell you!"

Ling Lan nodded without thinking, looked curiously at Guan Ren who lowered his head, and asked aloud, "Why have you been lowering your head since just now, is it uncomfortable?"

"Ahem... No, I'm normal."


Guan Ren told Ling Lan about the Dragon Tomb and the hidden key together, causing the latter to exclaim in surprise, with an unbelievable look on his face.

"There is such a thing! Inverted space... This is the first time I have heard of it! But is the Ered secret key you mentioned related to those people who made Guo'er sick last time?"

"Yes, it's them."

Guan Ren frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Uncle Yaobusi said before when he mentioned them that these Yirad people were actually the ones behind the battle between gods and demons ten thousand years ago! But now these people... ...after ten thousand years of dormancy, went to our world!"

"They went to another world?"

"That's right!"

Guan Ren's eyes were dark, and his face was full of solemnity: "Although they haven't made any big moves yet, I always have an ominous premonition. After what happened to Guo'er last time, the Yirad people...seem to speed up their pace. Already!"

"...I'm not very clear. If the teacher is here, I can ask her. She should be the person who is most familiar with the Dragon Tomb space besides Sydney!"

Ling Lan frowned slightly, and said with some distress: "It's just that we have entered the Dragon Tomb space now, and all means of communication have been blocked. Otherwise, I can ask the teacher for you."

"No way, this can't be forced."

Guan Ren smiled wryly, and was about to say something when his face suddenly changed: "Someone is coming from outside!"

 The first update, today is the same as yesterday, try my best for the fourth update, it is estimated to be about [-] o'clock after writing, if you don't want to endure the suffering, you can read it again at [-] o'clock.

  Okay, let's go to the liver...

(End of this chapter)

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