I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 388 Long-term meal ticket?

Chapter 388 Long-term meal ticket?

With one empty step, Guan Ren dodged the fireball attack.

boom--! ! !
A huge roar sounded behind Guan Ren, and for a moment, the flames filled the air, and the flames were raging to the sky.

"Heh, it's kind of interesting, you can actually take my instant fireball, it really deserves its reputation!"

The corner of Huolunzi's mouth curled up, and bloodthirsty madness and excitement flashed across his eyes under his messy hair: "But next, you won't be so lucky!"

Fireball... Not only can I fire it instantly, but I can also fire it in bursts!
The complacent look in the eyes of the fire lunatic flashed away. He put all his wealth on strengthening the fireball technique. So far, he has strengthened the fireball technique to level [-], and there is only one step away from the final level [-]. away!
But just this one step, let him spend all his assets!
He is now unkempt and crazy, and it is also because of this.

In fact, he was a mine owner of Planet Seablue in real life, and he was in charge of three mine veins, but in order to strengthen the fireball technique, he has now gone bankrupt!

He has strengthened the fireball technique to the nineteenth level no less than ten times!
However, this last step of level [-] ended in failure every time!
He couldn't get angry, so he kept throwing money!

But... In the end, it also proved that even if there is a mine at home, don't touch the enhancement lightly, otherwise... In the end, you can only cry with your loved ones and fall into endless madness.

Guan Ren, who has resurrected his life, is naturally well aware of these experiences of Huolunzi.

Even in the last life, at the beginning, although many players were amazed at Huolunzi's "big hand" and his power in the sky, but these were just superficial flattery, in fact, everyone felt that in the bottom of their hearts, Very disdainful of the performance of the fire lunatic.

Isn't it just a game?
He even wiped out all three mine veins in the family.

What an internet addicted boy...

In fact, at the beginning, Guan Ren thought so too, until one day, the virtual synchronization came!

At that time, when everyone woke up and wanted to spend sea blue coins to exchange for gold coins to strengthen themselves, they were shocked to find that the game currency exchange function had been permanently closed!
And Huolunzi's desperate bet also made him stand out among countless players and become one of the strongest!
In the early stage, the fireball technique was strengthened to level [-], and later, relying on his own obsession, he forcibly piled up the fireball technique to level [-]!

In the end, what he got in exchange was the title of "Emperor Yan" of the fire lunatic!

Without any bells and whistles, with just one fireball technique, countless masters were bombarded and killed by his subordinates!
"Your official, you can go there with peace of mind. After this battle, I will replace you as the number one, and I will gain both fame and fortune!"

Crazy Huo stared at Guan Ren, with murderous intent in his heart.

Now his fireball skill is still only level [-]!
This is not his ultimate goal!
He wants to strengthen the fireball technique to level [-]!

However, now he doesn't have enough savings to continue doing this!

Therefore, he thought of a way to become the number one expert in Tianlin, earn Seablue coins through live broadcast and other means, and then exchange them for gold coins, buy skill enhancement points, and continue to strengthen the level of fireball!

Open the bow without turning back the arrow.

There is only one obsession in his heart now - to strengthen the fireball technique to the top!

Even if others say he is crazy, he will never look back!
"...I'm drunk too."

Guan Ren shrugged helplessly. This guy was absolutely bewildered.

However, thanks to the character of this lunatic, he was able to make such a name in his last life.

"By the way, even if you admit defeat, I won't let you go! If you want to escape, you have to rely on your own ability!"

Huo Crazy said in a deep voice, holding the flame staff above his head, and at the same time, preparing to activate the live broadcast function.


The corners of Guan Ren's mouth twitched slightly, wishing he could kill this kid on the spot, but after thinking about it carefully, he gave up the idea. After all, with the strength and character of Huo Crazy, if he can be guided correctly, his future achievements will definitely far surpass those of his predecessors. A generation!
This is a great help for Seablue Star!
If he directly crushes this guy, he will be devastated, right?

"Well, wait a minute, I have something to say."

"Hmph, if you have any last words, hurry up and say them!"

"...Can you turn off the live broadcast, it's for your own good."

"Oh, joke, do you think I will do what you say?"

A gleam of disdain flashed in Huolunzi's eyes: "I think you, the number one player, are nothing more than that!"

Did you do this to preserve your reputation?

Hmph, daydreaming!

"I'm serious, it's really for your own good Why don't you listen to advice."

Guan Ren rubbed the center of his brows, looking like he was having a headache.

"Stop talking nonsense! Eat my fireball!"

The fire lunatic shouted, and the burst of flame began to condense on the red staff!

"Wait! So... I'll give you money, but you shut down the live broadcast room, how about it?"

"Hmph, do you think I'll agree?"

Crazy Huo snorted coldly, and his impression of Guan Ren fell to the bottom.

the first?

I think it's a joke!
"I'll give you [-] million gold coins!"

"You think I'll... what! How much do you say?"

Crazy Huo wanted to speak harshly, but before he could finish speaking, he was suddenly taken aback and dumbfounded.

Am I hallucinating?
"I said... [-] million gold coins."

Guan Ren said lightly, "How about it? If you agree, nod your head and lock the live broadcast function."


Huo Feng twitched slightly at the corner of his mouth, getting into a tangle.

He thought that there would be absolutely no change in the plan this time, but...he gave too much!
Moreover, the live broadcast function can only be locked for 72 hours at a time, which is three days. Once the lock time is over, you can continue to use the live broadcast function!
Got it!

I promise him now!Then after three days, continue to threaten him!

If he didn't want his reputation to be ruined, he had to take money to keep his mouth shut, and then... another huge sum of money!
In this way, I can always get gold coins, which can be used to strengthen the fireball technique!

He calculated that it would cost about [-] million gold coins to strengthen the fireball technique to the nineteenth level.

Judging from the current exchange ratio, it is one billion sea blue coins!

If he follows his current plan, even if he succeeds in banning the title of No. [-] player of Daguanren, it will take a lot of energy and time to turn this title into money, compared to directly threatening Guanren now. Look, the speed of making money is naturally clear at a glance!
[-] million gold coins for three days, this is a perfect meal ticket!
Although Huo Kuangzi was crazy, he was not stupid, so under the temptation of Guan Ren's [-] million gold coins, he wavered.

A wave can be strengthened in three days. For him, there is simply no more exciting news than this!
"Okay, deal!"

 The second update!In the continuous explosion, everyone remember to vote, comment and reward one-stop support~
(End of this chapter)

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