I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 391 Your name is Li Jingze, right?

Chapter 391 Your name is Li Jingze, right?
Guan Ren stopped in his tracks, and a smile couldn't help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

The golden light lasted for a full ten seconds, and then slowly faded away, finally revealing a young man with a short hair and thick eyebrows and big eyes who was shirtless.

"Hey... who are you?"

A look of doubt flashed in the eyes of the young man with flat hair, and he looked around.

"Hmph, who are you kid? Report your name quickly, otherwise..."

The fire lunatic not far away frowned, sparks had already appeared on the staff in his hand, and he was ready to strike at any time.

"Wait, don't do it yet."

Guan Ren spoke directly, signaling Huo Crazy to stop.

However, the strange thing is that the fire lunatic didn't have such a hot temper as before. Instead, he took a step back silently and put the staff in his hand behind him.

Seeing this, Guan Ren's smile flickered away.

It seems that the initial effect has been seen. According to his plan, as long as he shows his strength in all aspects, this lunatic... will be his little brother!

After all, the catastrophic battle brought about by the opening of the battlefield of gods and demons is a matter for all human beings on Aquamarine, and it is difficult for him alone to deal with it.

Therefore, it is very necessary to properly train some younger brothers to help you manage various things.

Of course, after reviving his life, he knows the personalities of many people very well, so he is also extra cautious when choosing younger brothers.

This is also the advantage of its rebirth.

Otherwise, just like the previous life, if you were finally betrayed and besieged and killed by the demon army, you would be completely finished!

"Guo'er, can you hear me?"

Guan Ren uses his mind to talk to Guoer in Gensokyo.

"I can hear it!"

"Help me make a black suit and a pair of sunglasses. I've already sent you the shape. No special attributes are needed. Just make it as it looks."

"Okay! If you just imitate the shape, it only takes a few seconds!"

After receiving Guan Ren's layout drawing, Guo'er glanced at it twice, then moved her hands back and forth in front of her body, the colorful energy light slowly condensed, and finally formed a pure black suit and a pair of black sunglasses.

"The fruit is awesome! Remember to tell me what kind of candy you want, and I will prepare it for you!"

"Okay! But Guo'er hasn't figured it out yet, can I owe it first?"

"Okay, tell me anytime you think about it!"

Guan Ren smiled slightly, and took out the black suit and sunglasses made by Guo'er in the Dreamland Fantasy Township using the Dazzling Bell Summoning Technique, and slowly stepped forward, walking up to the shirtless man with short hair and saying, "Hello, first time meeting, These things are for you!"

"Really? You are such a nice person! Thank you!"

The young man with a crew cut looked overjoyed at the clothes and sunglasses held in Guan Ren's hands.

This... is exactly the same as my previous favorite!

Very good!
Quickly put on the black suit, and then put on the sunglasses, the young man with flat hair stretched out his hand to Guan Ren, and said, "Hi, my name is Dachun, thank you for giving me the jacket and sunglasses, I really like them so much! "

"Hi, I'm a high official."

Guan Ren smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to hold Dachun, then his eyes sank slightly, and he suddenly exerted strength!

"You...you are..."

"You are Dachun, right? I seem to have heard that as long as there is someone who is stronger than you, you are willing to follow that person. Am I right?"

"...how do you know? I never told anyone."

"Stop talking nonsense, just say yes or no?"


"Then you pay attention, I will work hard!"

The corner of Guan Ren's mouth curled up, and he stopped talking nonsense at the moment, and his hair became tense.

"……All right."

Dachun frowned when he heard the words, doubts flashed in his eyes under the sunglasses, and he wanted to say something more, but a huge force suddenly came from Guan Ren's hand, making him serious.

Looking at Dachun, who was approaching a formidable enemy, Guan Ren smiled slightly in his heart.

This was the first time he had seen this kid like this, even in his previous life, no matter how strong his opponent was, he had never seen Dachun put on an appearance like a formidable enemy.

How should I put it, this kid has a lot of nerves, coupled with his rough skin and thick flesh, under normal circumstances, he would not pay too much attention to other things except his suit and sunglasses.


Sure enough, because of the attribute crushing, within a second, Dachun's palm couldn't hold it any longer.

But at this moment, a wave of golden energy surged from Dachun's body, and the next moment, the palm that was pinched red and white suddenly turned golden.

"King Kong is not bad boy skill!"

Dachun drank in a deep voice, and the painful palm suddenly became numb, no matter how hard Guan Ren tried, it was useless.

"Although I admit that your strength is very strong, don't waste your efforts in vain. The defensive power of the Vajra Indestructible Boy Kungfu is very strong."

Dachun looked at Guan Ren who was exerting his strength in a low voice, and slowly shook his head.

"Oh, really?"

Guan Ren laughed lightly when he heard the words, and said, "I heard that the Vajra Indestructible Boy Kung Fu has a total of ten levels. You haven't reached the full level yet, have you?"

"...How could such a clumsy routine skill succeed?"

The lunatic Huo who had already approached raised his brows when he heard this, and a look of helplessness flashed across his face, you are just a cliché, at least you should be more advanced!

"Wow, I didn't expect to be seen through by you! That's right, my Vajra Indestructible Boy Kungfu has only reached the ninth floor!"

"...Fuck, the cliché actually succeeded!"

Huo Crazy was dumbfounded.

On the other hand, Guan Ren also heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words. This way, he would save a lot of trouble.

Otherwise, the power of the ten-level Vajra Indestructible Boy Kung Fu is an invincible existence!

But since there are only nine floors now, it is convenient.

The corner of Guan Ren's mouth curled up, and immediately out of everyone's reach, he quickly stretched out his other hand and poked at the dantian below Dachun's navel.

Guan Ren's eyes were fixed, and a flame flashed on his fingertips.

Under the restraint of attributes and the addition of attacks, Dachun's Vajra Indestructible Boy Skill was suddenly broken, and at the same time, his golden arm quickly became dim.

Guan Ren let out a soft shout, and at the same time, he suddenly exerted force in his hand, directly defeating Dachun in one fell swoop!

With a crisp click, the bones in Dachun's palm were directly crushed.

"How about it, are you convinced?"

Guan Ren smiled faintly.

"……you win."

After waiting for a full ten seconds, the golden light on Dachun's body lit up again, and at the same time, his palms that had been crushed gradually recovered.

"By the way, how do you know so much information about the Vajra Immortal Boy Kung Fu?"

"Needless to say, your teacher and I are old acquaintances! Of course I know this well."

"So it is!"

"That's right, follow me from now on, I have a way to help you break through to the tenth level!"

Guan Ren patted Dachun on the shoulder, and the corner of his mouth curled up.


Dachun couldn't help taking off his sunglasses when he heard the words, and stared at Guan Ren with big eyes, full of excitement.

"Of course it's true. You'll mess with me from now on. Call me boss from now on. I promise you will break through to the tenth level within three months!"

"Your strength... I am convinced! You can be the boss!"

Guan Ren nodded in satisfaction when he heard the words, then turned his eyes to the side, and smiled at the madman Huo: "And you...call me boss, and I will give you enough benefits! How about it?"

"Impossible! I am crazy, even if I die, even if I don't get the [-] million gold coins, I will definitely not call you boss!"

Crazy Huo flew into a rage, feeling that his dignity had been trampled on!

"By the way, you were a mine owner before. If I remember correctly, your real name seems to be... Li Jingze, right?"

"What's the matter? There are countless people who know my true identity. You expect to threaten me with this? How ridiculous!"

"No, no, no, I won't threaten you, it's just your name...you can't escape your fate!"

Guan Ren shrugged and said with a smile, "Do you believe it or not?"

"Fucking fate! I can't help my fate! Fuck fate!"

Crazy Huo cursed loudly, and said, "Don't think that I will back down just now when you are strong, I will definitely take that one hundred million gold coins from you!"

(End of this chapter)

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