I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 400 Dragon Soul Perishes!

Chapter 400 Dragon Soul Perishes!

The corner of Guan Ren's mouth curled up, and he raised his hand to directly open the dream space, releasing Mo Lan who was hiding in it. By the way, because the favorability point has increased to 1000 points, Guan Ren has been able to increase the original five-fold bonus of the blessing ability to Ten times, in this way, Mo Lan's strength has become even stronger with the addition of blessings!


The sudden appearance of Mo Lan made Longhun tremble.

When is she... wait!Could it be that from the very beginning...


Dragon Soul was furious in his heart, and he calculated and calculated, but in the end he couldn't make it, and he lifted a rock and smashed his own foot!
"Hmph! But you are only at the level of a fairy, and you are still a little too young to shake my god-level power!"

Dragon Soul thought secretly, and a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

However, he forgot one thing at this time. Now, he is not the guardian dragon soul with the full power of the gods, but a weak lamb who has been cursed by the sheep stick and reduced to being slaughtered!

Now, although he possesses god-level power, he can't use it at all!

"Dragon Soul, today is your death day!"

Holding the three-foot Qingfeng sword in her hand, Mo Lan struck out with a light tap, stabbing the little lamb's glasses.


With a cry of pain, the body of the lamb in the form of a dragon soul that was rushing forward was stopped immediately.

The lamb wants to break through, but Mo Lan is a dragon blood warrior who is good at speed, and with Guan Ren's ten times speed bonus, it is easy to stop the dragon soul who turned into a lamb.

"Today, you must die!"

Mo Lan frowned, and a rare joy flashed in her eyes.

The existence of the dragon soul seemed to be like a sharp thorn stuck in her throat, making her sleepless for thousands of years!

Now, with the opportunity to kill the Dragon Soul so nakedly presented in front of him, Mo Lan's inner demons finally let go with a smile!

Originally, the strength that he hadn't advanced by an inch a few years ago showed signs of loosening and breaking through!

If it weren't for being in the space of the Dragon Tomb and being suppressed by the power of rules, Mo Lan would have already succeeded in advancing!

Previously, she was a two-star god-level god, and this breakthrough will naturally step into the realm of a three-star god-level god. At that time, her overall strength will directly increase by more than double that of a two-star god!
"Damn it! I didn't expect the two of them to secretly collude! If I could have noticed it sooner..."

Long Hun regretted it in his heart, but the current scene was almost all thanks to himself, if he hadn't forced Guan Ren to be sent to him in the Boneyard, if he hadn't been smart enough to agree to Guan Ren's signing of the soul contract , he will not be sent to the fourth floor of the Dragon Tomb directly by the latter in the opposite direction!
"Damn it! Am I going to explain this here? No! I'm not reconciled! Even if it's death, I'll have to put someone on my back!"

A flash of madness flashed in Longhun's eyes, and his heart moved. He thought of Ling Lan, who had a deep connection with Guan Ren and Mo Lan, and was ruthless in his heart.

Although I was transformed into this appearance, it is still possible to unseal the seal and release the power in the little girl's body!
Since you guys want to deal with me like this, then I won't make you feel better!
The power of sealing, solution!

Dragon Soul laughed wildly in his heart, and directly lifted the seal in Ling Lan's body.

And this matter naturally fell into Guan Ren's eyes. After communicating with Lily Lan in the dream space Fantasy Township through consciousness, after learning that the latter's body is constantly releasing power uncontrollably, not much After making a gesture to Mo Lan, he directly used the phantom step space to jump away from the battlefield, and then directly opened the dream space and entered Gensokyo.

"Little officer! I..."

"Don't worry! This is part of the plan. I didn't expect that the dragon soul would cooperate so much and immediately remove the power of the seal on you!"

Guan Ren quickly walked up to Ling Lan, and said with a slight smile, "But he forgot one thing, you have more than one seal! In addition to the seal of Dragon Soul, there is also the seal of your teacher Mo Lan! So... ...The power released from your body now is only a part of it!"

"But... Even so, I still can't hold on to this powerful energy."

"That's for sure. These are the energies you have accumulated for more than ten years. Once you release them, they are enough to explode your body!"

"Then you still look so calm and breezy, I'm going to die!"

"I can't die, have you forgotten what you ate before you came in?"

"Nine-turn soul-returning pill! That's right..."

"So, you can absorb and refine these energies here with peace of mind. With Mo Lan's seal, the energy will not flow too fast, and there is a nine-turn soul-returning pill to save your life, so you can do it with confidence, it's just a pity My three nine-turn soul-returning pills, thirty times of soul-returning effects, may be wasted by me..."

After Guan Ren comforted Ling Lan, he slowly shook his head and sighed, and left the dream space.

And at this time, three seconds have passed in the blink of an eye.

In the gray vortex above the dragon tomb space, an inexplicable energy fluctuation suddenly descended. The entire space seemed to freeze at this moment, everything around it seemed to freeze instantly, and the energy in the air seemed to liquefy, becoming very viscous, like a stream of water Generally, a flowing track is left in the surrounding space.

boom! ! !
With a bang, the struggling dragon soul was suddenly shattered by an invisible force, scattered into countless golden fragments, and fell to the ground.

"Oh, why didn't you catch up!"

Guan Ren couldn't help muttering, a look of regret flashed in his eyes, he just had to be a little faster, and he could have launched a long-range attack on the dragon soul before the power of the rules came down, but it's good now, the soul clone is under the rules. The power was affected and crushed, and he himself didn't have time to make up the knife to the Dragon Soul at the end, which caused him to miss the boss kill in the end, which made him very depressed.

God level!

And it was the first kill at the god level!

Apart from these, the rewards from the looting system are probably rich enough!
"Oh, what a pity..."

Guan Ren thought to himself, shaking his head regretfully.

The matter has come to this point, and it is useless for him to regret it.


Just when Guan Ren lost his mind, the Tianxuan Token in his backpack suddenly vibrated violently, bringing his thoughts back to reality.

"That's right! There's also the blue aura of the Profound Sky!"

Guan Ren suddenly came back to his senses, and rushed towards the area where the dragon soul collapsed in the distance.

"It's okay, it's okay, the blue sky profound energy is still there, if this is the case, this wave can be regarded as a steady profit!"

 There is another chapter before twelve o'clock~
(End of this chapter)

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