Chongzhen: I am the king of prosperous times

Chapter 565 Calling the Cabinet Ministers

Chapter 565 Calling the Cabinet Ministers (2)

"I would like to report to Your Majesty, from the new regulations on the administration of officials proposed by the Metropolitan Procuratorate, to the establishment of the Independent Commission Against Corruption by His Majesty, except for Zhili and Shanxi, no other places have effectively conducted corresponding reviews."

Looking at Han Yu with a complicated expression, Xu Guangqi stepped forward and bowed: "It is true that the imperial court has a plan to assess officials in Beijing and local officials, but many things cannot be easily decided by a plan.

I think that His Majesty's proposal to review local fire consumption and disaster relief over the years will help the country to have a more intuitive understanding and control of the situation in various places.

As far as the warehouse led by Yichen is concerned, all the memorials and documents received by the household department are excellent, and there is no problem at all. However, when the Jingcang and Tongzhou warehouses were actually checked, there were various deficits, and there were even double entries. question. "

"Old Xu Ge, the investigation is in the Beijing Government Office, which is different from the inspection place."

Han Yu frowned, looked at Xu Guangqi, and said, "The most important thing for the country now is stability. If during the review period, people in the local area are panicked, and then there are major changes, who will bear the impact?

What the current state needs to do is to resolve the counter-insurgency as soon as possible, especially the rebellion of the bandits in Shaanxi, the military report issued by the military plane..."

Emperor Chongzhen leaned on the dragon chair and listened to what Han Yu and Xu Guangqi said, but he felt emotional in his heart. It was not easy to be the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and it was not easy to be the chief assistant of the Ming Dynasty.

The most fundamental problem lies in the fact that the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty has completely collapsed, and most places are in bad shape, which cannot withstand a deep investigation.

If the investigation is carried out, all kinds of corruption and violation of the law may be found out, but the local chaos caused may be unbearable for the court.

If you don't investigate, you will let all kinds of corruption and perverting the law continue to run rampant in the local area, and then destroy the roots of the Ming Dynasty.

Rectifying the administration of officials is not as simple as talking about it.

What's more, the group of civil servants in Beijing has a corresponding relationship with local officials in private, no one can say for sure.

"Actually, this matter is not as complicated as Han Yuanfu thought. The imperial court only needs to draw up corresponding names and deploy corresponding manpower to properly resolve this matter."

"I'm afraid it won't be that simple. In the past, officials with problems were punished accordingly in the grand plan of the Beijing police. Now it is not conducive to the stability of the country to do such things in such a way. I think what Han Yuanfu said is right."

"Don't tell me the court doesn't even have such authority? If that's the case, then the court..."

There was a tumult in the main hall.

Emperor Chongzhen looked calm, looking at the group of cabinet ministers and courtiers in front of him, each expressing his own opinion, some firmly supported, some firmly opposed, and some remained silent.

Through this high-level meeting of the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Chongzhen could also see some problems.


Seeing that the ministers were arguing non-stop, Emperor Chongzhen slammed the case angrily, and said in a deep voice: "I called you into the palace, not to watch you quarrel here, and I called the right one, it was a decision, not a discussion.

Local fire consumption and disaster relief over the years, these two things must be thoroughly investigated. Considering the current situation, only Beizhili, Shandong, Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi and other places will be reviewed accordingly.

The matter of local fire consumption is up to Zhou Yanru to deal with it in detail. The Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Independent Commission Against Corruption must allocate corresponding manpower to form a patrol team in each province.

Xu Guangqi has been responsible for the disaster relief in the past years. The Ministry of Household Affairs and the Metropolitan Procuratorate have to allocate corresponding manpower to form inspection teams in various provinces.

After clarifying all the matters, I immediately submitted the memorial to the imperial court, and after I gave my approval, I was ordered to leave Beijing and rush to various places to promote this matter.

The cabinet clearly issued an edict, ordering the governors of various places to cooperate, and I will review the above-mentioned matters one by one within half a year. "

"The minister obeys the order."

"The minister obeys the order."

Xu Guangqi and Zhou Yanru immediately stepped forward to bow to each other.

Emperor Chongzhen restrained enough, only investigating local fire consumption and disaster relief over the years, and the scope of delineation was limited to the northern provinces of Ming Dynasty.

The mistake is not to worry that there will be problems in various parts of the Ming Dynasty, which will cause chaos as Han Yu said. According to the character of Emperor Chongzhen, it is necessary to conduct a hierarchical review in the field of taxation, to clarify the deficits of various places, and even to clarify in the entire territory of the Ming Dynasty. .

The meal should be eaten one bite at a time.

Greed is not enough to swallow elephants, even if you want to solve these maladministrations, it will not be done overnight. Emperor Chongzhen will take this action.

Completely change the bad habits of fire consumption, and speed up the circulation of the newly established money. At the same time, build momentum for the disaster relief office in the court to promote the clarification of this system in various places.

"Your Majesty, if you really want to do this, I'm afraid there will be a serious vacancy in the manpower of the Metropolitan Procuratorate." Han Yu stepped forward, wanting to make a final effort.

He is not obstructing the review, he is worried about something going wrong.

Once there is a problem with the position, then he, the chief assistant of the Ming Dynasty, may not be able to sit firmly in his position.

"This matter is easy to solve."

Emperor Chongzhen looked at Han Yu with firm eyes and said, "A group of six departments were temporarily transferred to the Metropolitan Procuratorate to co-organize. That's it."

In order to push forward Ming's reforms in an orderly manner, some things must be done, even if there are some problems, they must be done.

Now the situation inside and outside Daming has improved significantly, and the Beijing camp is also gradually expanding. If there is a local civil disturbance during the investigation period, it will be called Mao Chenglu and his troops to suppress it.

What's more, there are officials like Lu Xiangsheng in Beizhili, Shandong, Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi and other places involved, as well as generals like Zhou Yuji. Even if something really happens, they will take action to solve it immediately.

"Okay, let's all go back."

Looking at the ministers in front of him, Emperor Chongzhen waved his hands and said, "Xu Guangqi and Zhou Yanru are here to stay. I have something to explain to you in detail."

"The ministers obey the order."

It is not a trivial matter to promote the rectification of officials in Ming Dynasty. There are many levels involved behind it. The selection of Xu Guangqi and Zhou Yanru was still considered by Emperor Chongzhen.

In particular, Xu Guangqi, who is responsible for reviewing disaster relief over the years, besides doing these things well, Emperor Chongzhen also planned to ask Xu Guangqi to lead some people to pass sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn, etc. , to grow these high-yielding crops.

After all, with the gradual expansion of large-scale chemical workshops, the number of out-of-production groups under the Ming Dynasty will increase year after year. If he does not try to increase grain production, enrich the types of rations, and only rely on external demand for grain trade, Emperor Chongzhen will not be able to sleep well. , once there is a problem in the grain trade, then there will be a problem in Daming.

(End of this chapter)

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