Chapter 567 Breaking into the General and Seeking Change (2)

"The unified military system proposed by the general is beneficial to the development of our Liaodong Rebel Army in Liaodong in the future."

Yang Fangxing smiled, and complimented Li Zicheng: "Especially the clarification of the field army and the garrison army has enabled our army to have stronger confidence when facing the Ming and Jian captives."

"The current enemy of our army is Jianlu."

Li Zicheng smoked a dry pipe in his mouth, and said with a serious expression: "For the firearms, artillery, gunpowder and other needs of our army, we must maintain the arms trade with Tianjin.

Therefore, it is good for our army to let the Ming army occupy Jinzhouwei.

It is an indisputable fact that he has fought against Jianlu Eight Banners many times in the past, and he is indeed brave and good at fighting.

It is unrealistic to resist the invasion of Jianlu without making these adjustments and changes.

In addition to changing the military system, what I am most concerned about is the preparation of the lecture hall. Chongzhen Xiaoer is hard to say, but he is very strong in running the army.

Vigorously cultivate the generals who command the soldiers and form a fixed pattern, which has a positive effect on the combat effectiveness of the army. "

Yang Fangxing felt a little emotional.

His own commander showed such importance to the construction of the army under his command, which actually made him a little uneasy in his heart, and the literati problem in his bones was committed again.

Although Yang Fangxing is a capitulator.

However, now Li Zicheng relied heavily on him, which made Yang Fangxing recommend a group of surrenderers to Li Zicheng when he was ordered to sort out Gaizhou and Fuzhou.

"I will not mention matters related to military affairs for the time being."

Holding a pipe, Li Zicheng stretched out his hand and said to Yang Fangxing: "Let's talk about the governance of the local area. In view of the current complicated situation in Liaodong, I decided to create the Temple of Heavenly Blessing to take charge of governance.

There is a prime minister who is in charge of everything in Tianyou Hall.

Set up Zuo Fu and You Bi to assist the Prime Minister in handling political affairs.

This day, the post of Prime Minister in the Blessing Palace, I thought about it and thought that Mr. is the most suitable, but I don't know Mr., would you like to share my worries? "

"Humblely willing!"

Yang Fangxing couldn't hide his excitement, and immediately bowed and saluted.

The Privy Council is targeting the Daming Military Aircraft Department.

The target of Tianyou Hall is the Daming Cabinet!

These plans made clear by Li Zicheng made Yang Fangxing feel Li Zicheng's ambitions, which clearly wanted to separate the party and become the king and hegemony.

If Li Zicheng could really succeed, wouldn't Yang Fangxing follow him to the top?
A prime minister in the Palace of God Blessing, one person is under ten thousand people!

"Marshal, you are so wise and mighty, leading us to occupy all the places in southern Liaoning, do you want to go further?" Yang Fangxing, who became more and more excited as he thought about it, immediately advised him: "If the commander can go further, it will be a good thing for you." subordinate..."


Li Zicheng frowned, looked at Yang Fangxing and scolded: "What are you going to do further? To be king? Or to be emperor? Do you really want to see me die so handsomely?"

"Don't dare to be humble!"

Yang Fangxing, whose face changed slightly, subconsciously knelt down on the ground, and expressed his loyalty to Li Zicheng: "Humbleness is absolutely loyal to the commander-in-chief, and I definitely never thought about it that way."

"This commander is the commander-in-chief of the Liaodong Rebel Army. Don't call yourself king or emperor!"

Li Zicheng said with a cold expression: "I want to unite with Daming so that we can fight against the Eight Banners of Jianlu. If we really proclaim ourselves kings and emperors, then it will be Daming who will be angered.

Do you think Chongzhen children will allow Liaodong to have a king or new emperor who will fight against Ming Dynasty?
Don't forget.

The firearms, artillery, gunpowder, etc. listed by my Liaodong Rebel Army were all secretly purchased from Daming, and they were only determined by Chongzhen children who were greedy for money.

If Ben Shuai dares to do this, let's not talk about what Chongzhen's son thinks.

As for the civil servants of the Ming Dynasty, once they knew about this, they would persuade Chongzhen's children one after another and raise troops to encircle and suppress our Liaodong Rebel Army. "

Seizing Gaizhou and Fuzhou did not make Li Zicheng arrogant, thinking that he could challenge Emperor Chongzhen.

In fact, many aspects of the Liaodong Rebel Army under Li Zicheng's jurisdiction were limited by the barriers built by Emperor Chongzhen, such as arms transactions, such as maritime trade.

At present, there are no more than 500 craftsmen controlled by Li Zicheng's command, and there is not even a gunsmith among them, which means that Li Zicheng did not dare to anger Emperor Chongzhen.

Otherwise, if he wanted to rely on firearms and artillery to forcibly shake the Jianlu Eight Banners, he would be completely shattered. If such a pattern is formed, the end of the Liaodong Rebel Army will be wiped out by the Jianlu Eight Banners.

"Get up."

Looking at Yang Fangxing, who was like a sieve, and Li Zicheng, who was suppressing his anger, he frowned and said, "Don't kneel down at every turn, don't raise up the rebel army in Liaodong like that.

We are of Huaxia ethnicity, Zhengshuo Han people, and it is polite to bow down.

Let's move on to governance.

In order to better govern the region, I decided to set up six governments of officials, households, rituals, soldiers, criminals, and workers under the Temple of Heaven's Blessing to be responsible for the corresponding powers..."

Yang Fangxing trembled and listened carefully to what Li Zicheng said.

For Li Zicheng, he cared more about actual interests than the so-called fame, so as to ensure that what he had in mind could be gradually implemented in Liaodong.

He wants to challenge the man who scares him! !

The current military and political system he has defined, including complaints, public trials, and land distribution, was taught by Emperor Chongzhen.

This also enabled the occupied Fuzhou and Gaizhou to integrate in the shortest possible time and recruit corresponding soldiers and horses to ensure the stability of their own forces.

It's just that what Li Zicheng didn't know was that the real core idea of ​​what Emperor Chongzhen said was not taught to him, and what he pursued could only be regarded as a castrated version at best.

Emperor Chongzhen wanted to limit the establishment of captives and enhance the cohesion of the pan-Liaodong strategy, but for Li Zicheng's forces, he was more of a pioneer and a sharpening stone, rather than truly cultivating a powerful enemy of Ming Dynasty.

Before the Eight Banners of Jianlu were completely suppressed, the role of Liaodong was to be the dumping ground and resource ground of Ming Dynasty, so as to promote the development of primitive industrialization in the pass.

When Emperor Chongzhen initially planned to reform the Ming Dynasty system, eradicate some bad governance and cancer, and prepare for the establishment of a sound military system, then the strategic deployment for the comprehensive recovery of Liaodong could be put on the agenda.

"Marshal, if our army wants to maintain trade relations with Daming and simply rely on gold and silver to buy in bulk, I'm afraid our army won't be able to last long."

Yang Fangxing endured his fear, looked at Li Zicheng and said: "After all, the batch of gold and silver that was confiscated will not only be rewarded to the troops under his command, but also various expenses of the Tianyou Temple, and even the Privy Council. It may take a year or so. In the future, our army will not have various problems, but it will be different after a long time."

"This matter has been clarified between the commander-in-chief and Chongzhen's son."

Li Zicheng frowned and said: "Things like Jianlu Zhentar, war horses, various mineral deposits, medicinal materials, salt, etc. can be offset by discounts, but the prices are lower.

In the future, Tianyoudian will gradually clarify these matters to ensure that there will be no problems in the arms trade between our Liaodong Rebel Army and Daming. "


Yang Fangxing bowed immediately.

"Also, the lack of officials should be screened out as soon as possible." Li Zicheng continued: "The team of Tianyoudian must be put into operation as soon as possible. After the corresponding manpower is determined, lead them to meet the commander in batches , when the time comes, the commander-in-chief will select the best for the appointment."


Yang Fangxing paid homage again.

The current situation seems to be stable, but in fact it is undercurrents. Li Zicheng has too many things to do, and the forces he leads must develop as soon as possible.

In particular, the arms trade with Daming must be facilitated as soon as possible, so that the field army under his command can equip firearms and artillery of a corresponding scale.

The foundation of the power under his jurisdiction is unstable, so Li Zicheng must plan as soon as possible to continue to attack the Liao land controlled by Jianlu. He will try to seize Xiuyan City, Dingliao Youwei and other places. Only when the territory under his jurisdiction increases, the corresponding background can become stronger. .

In fact, Li Zicheng can be seen. What he is doing in Liaodong now is to work for Emperor Chongzhen. The benefits are all for Emperor Chongzhen. The Jianlu Eight Banners were destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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