Chapter 634
Qianqing Palace.

"The harvests of sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn are very good. It seems that it is right to use the local disaster relief agencies as the leader to promote high-yield crops from outside."

Emperor Chongzhen smiled, flipped through the memorials he held, nodded in approval and said: "The Academy of Agricultural Sciences, which is also led by the Qing family, has played a great role before, otherwise the memorials presented by the disaster relief offices in various places would not state that there are such Wait for the gratifying output.

Without food, people's hearts are unstable.

Especially in times of famine, there are many people who can eat enough to fill their stomachs, not to mention sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn that have never been seen before, even if they let hungry and red-eyed victims eat Guanyin soil.

Not to mention that in some places, Yi Zi cannibalize each other.

What the Academy of Agricultural Sciences will do in the future is to continuously increase the planting scale of the above-mentioned crops in Zhili, Shandong, Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Liaodong and other places with the assistance of local disaster relief agencies, and at the same time, cultivate them according to local conditions. Only good breeds will do.

This is not an easy thing to do.

But for the sake of the common people of Ming Dynasty, if they can have more food, no matter how many difficulties they encounter, they must do this well. This is a major matter of saving the people. "

As he spoke, Emperor Chongzhen's expression became serious.

During the Little Ice Age, frequent natural disasters still deeply troubled Daming, and they would not subside for a long time to come.

In view of such complicated national conditions, Emperor Chongzhen must plan ahead and try to increase the grain output of Ming Dynasty to ensure that when disasters occur, the imperial court can provide disaster relief food to solve the problem.

In the eyes of Emperor Chongzhen, the cheaper and higher-yield potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn were obviously one of the most suitable strategic disaster relief foods.

In the context of precarious disasters, a human life can be saved if there is a bite to eat, and a person cannot be called a human being when the disaster hits a serious place.

"Your Majesty's idea is good, and it is enough to allocate money to the Academy of Agricultural Sciences. However, if you want to continue to increase the planting scale of potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn, you are facing various problems."

Xu Guangqi bowed his hands to Emperor Chongzhen with a serious expression, "The most practical problem is that although their yields are high, few people are willing to plant them, especially in places that have not encountered disasters.

Planting these crops cannot pay land tax and per capita tax, and the local people do not recognize it. No matter how hard the court makes efforts, it will be in vain.

Moreover, the storage of potatoes and sweet potatoes is very troublesome. If you are not careful, the potatoes and sweet potatoes stored in the whole cellar will germinate or rot. "

Emperor Chongzhen frowned slightly.

Although potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, etc. were brought in through sea trade in the late Ming Dynasty, their promotion and planting cycle in China has gone through a relatively long period.

On the one hand, it is caused by traffic inconvenience.

On the one hand, it is caused by the tax system.

There are other reasons as well.

The reason why potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, etc. were gradually popularized during the Qing Dynasty was mainly due to the fact that there were too many disasters, which caused people everywhere to slowly accept these foreign crops after they knew about them.

"It's a long way indeed."

Emperor Chongzhen sighed softly, squinted his eyes slightly and said, "Since this is the case, then in the name of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we will temporarily allocate a sum of money to the local disaster relief agencies every year to purchase sun-dried sweet potatoes and corn. One crop, try to process it.

The batch of grain purchased every year must be registered by the local disaster relief agencies, looking for suitable areas to build granaries, and conducting regular inspections to use them as strategic disaster relief grain needed for disaster situations.

I will ask the Ministry of Internal Affairs to formulate corresponding regulations on these matters and properly resolve this matter. I believe that if this is clarified, the corresponding troubles will be reduced. "

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Xu Guangqi was overjoyed when he heard the words, and hurriedly cupped his hands in a bow.

If the Ministry of Internal Affairs intervenes in this matter, then in the future, under the rule of the northern provinces, if they want to gradually increase the scale of planting such crops, it will definitely alleviate a lot of problems.

If you want to promote something in the vast Ming Dynasty, you will inevitably face many problems. If you can't solve these practical problems, it is simply unrealistic to promote the thing.

Fortunately, Emperor Chongzhen knew a lot.

Choosing to let the Ministry of Internal Affairs intervene in the acquisition of these crops, in addition to serving as strategic disaster relief food, can also be used for brewing wine, processing vermicelli, processing whole flour, etc. As long as a batch of industries can be formed and the products produced can be sold. Invigorate the big game of promoting planting.

Especially the wine made from sweet potatoes or corn may not taste very good, but it is also a good choice to dump it to the Mongolian ministries in the frontier through the customs opened in the frontier. The price is lower and the profit is less. , in exchange for war horses, cattle and sheep, etc., this bitterly cold frontier will surely expand the frontier market gradually.

The meal should be eaten one bite at a time.

Do these basic things first, and then rely on the Ministry of Internal Affairs to solve the follow-up process one by one. There are always more ways than difficulties.

"Your Majesty, the chief assistant of the cabinet, Han Yu, and all the ministers of the cabinet are seeking an audience outside the palace."

Wang Chengen walked in from outside the hall, cupped his hands respectfully and said, "The appalling assassination incidents occurred in the Jiangnan provinces, leading to the assassination of Qian Qianyi and a large number of people..."


Hearing this, Xu Guangqi suddenly blurted out his surprise, and looked at Wang Chengen in shock. Xu Guangqi never thought that such a thing would happen in Daming.

Qian Qianyi was assassinated? !

This is no small matter.

How could such a thing happen!

Emperor Chongzhen sat firmly on the dragon chair, glanced at Xu Guangqi who was disrespectful in front of the imperial court, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After waiting for such a long time, the assassination planned by Jiangnan has finally come to an end, which means that he can effectively use this matter to intervene in Jiangnan provinces.

Emperor Chongzhen also knew in his heart that using the so-called assassination method to deal with a group of people who did not have much loyalty to Ming Dynasty was somewhat petty.

As the emperor of Ming Dynasty, even if he wanted to kill people, he would do so in a dignified manner, which was terrifying. However, the current national conditions of Ming Dynasty were different from those of Daming in the original timeline.

Kill in an aboveboard manner.

Sneaky kill.

In fact, they all came according to the needs of Emperor Chongzhen. How Qian Qianyi and the others died is the key.

What active advantage their death can bring to Emperor Chongzhen is the key.

Emperor Chongzhen wanted to use this assassination incident, which he knew the truth but pretended not to know, to stir up the situation in the Jiangnan provinces, and then achieve the strategic deployment he wanted!
(End of this chapter)

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