Chapter 118 The Truth
On Monday morning, Yardi skipped class and drove to the central area in Camuel's car.

When he got off the car, he looked up, and the 341-meter-high Covenant Cathedral looked more majestic and solemn in the sunny morning.

Follow Camuel around the cathedral, behind the church is a group of buildings distributed in the form of a pentagram array, which is somewhat similar to a certain Ministry of Defense in the previous life. This is the seat of the covenant pastor.

Opposite the main entrance of the Holy Covenant Pastoral Court is a lush pine forest.

Saints Cemetery, the place where all the saints of the five Orthodox churches and affiliated churches are buried. Yadi visited it several times when he was in elementary school.

To be born in front of the Covenant Church and buried behind the Covenant Church is the common pursuit of the followers of the Five Gods Alliance.

It was also Yadi's pursuit.

But not anymore.

Among the tall black pines, small tombs of saints looked inconspicuous. Passing by the tomb of His Majesty Constantine, the two entered the small building of the cemetery management office, entered a secret door and took an elevator to enter the underground .

This is where the headquarters of the Second Tribunal is located.

On the seventh floor, the two got out of the elevator and entered a corridor. Camuel motioned to the small door at the end on the left, "I'll wait for you here."

He has insufficient authority to enter the top-secret file room.

Putting on a camouflage cloak, Yadi went straight to the small door, pressing the Z4 badge on the door in his hand.

The heavy door opened silently.

Behind the door is a small hall. Behind a small desk, a man wrapped in a black robe made an old voice, "Show your ID."

This time, Yadi took out a black card license.

"What do you want to check?" The black-robed man handed back the black card with a cold voice.

It was the first time I met someone who didn't show any respect when I saw Heika, and Yadi said, "The original files of the Orthodox Anglican Church."

"100 Evil Contribution Points, the query time limit is two hours." The tone of the man in black did not change at all.

Yadi secretly rejoiced that he went to the sea of ​​evil and fell into the sea once, and there were still 240 contribution points in his account.

It seems that it is still necessary to enter the sea of ​​evil falling into the curtain again.

After swiping the card, the man in black stood up tremblingly, carrying a large bunch of ancient copper keys in his black lacquered gloves, leading him into the dark corridor and opening a small door with no sign.

"You'd better come out early."

The man in black reminded, "I've been very forgetful recently, it would be bad to lock you up inside, pretty young man."


Yadi's heart trembled, watching the old man in black robe staggering away.

The camouflage cloak was nothing to this man.


The archives room is not too big, with layers of steel frames on both sides and stacks of folders occupying the entire two walls, and 400 years of unknown history are full of piles.

It is impossible to read these files in two hours.

Fortunately, the index entries on the back of the special alchemy folder are very clear, and it is not difficult to look them up. Even so, it took Yadi nearly an hour to find what he wanted.


The first part is the secret of Semyon I going to the Savit Peninsula in the Eastern Continent.

Unlike the official records, His Majesty the Pope did not voluntarily "let go of all the respect and glory bestowed by the five gods", but was deprived of all duties by the oracle descended from the oracle book, and the four cardinals were the same.

The Kingdom of God interfered in the human world.

"I would like to use myself as a firework to guide the five holy lights to illuminate the wild land" is also false. These five big men were expelled to the Savi Peninsula to commit crimes and meritorious deeds.

The specific reasons and charges are not recorded in the file.

The second part is the fundamental difference in doctrine between the Orthodox Anglican Church and the five Orthodox Churches.

The differences in etiquette rules such as sacraments, sacraments, prayers, and praises are superficial. The real difference is that the orthodox Anglican Church recognizes the existence of the Kingdom of God and the five Lords of God, but believes that God and man live in two worlds. , God cannot descend to the earth at all, and can only intervene in the world through oracles of "maliciousness, ignorance, and absurdity".

Therefore, believers can believe in God, but this belief is only a necessary way to gain power.

Rather than saying belief, it is more accurate to say "stealing".

And God can't do anything about this kind of "stealing".

[The world is the world of people! 】

Seeing this sentence, Yadi couldn't help but "good guy".

The civilized man didn't say the next word, the subtext was: "How much does it have to do with God!"

Therefore, under the rule of the Orthodox Anglican Church, there were no statues of gods in the Eastern Continent, and there were no images representing God in churches, murals, shrines, and works of art. There was only a symbol of light breaking darkness. The same is true.

The Orthodox Anglican Church believes in the five gods in name, but actually believes in power.

This is also one of the reasons why the Eastern Continent was able to compete with the Three Continent Alliance for as long as 400 years.

There are countless strong people in the Eastern Continent.

No wonder I checked a lot of information in the library last night, but I couldn't find the teachings of the Orthodox Anglican Church. The Supreme Pastoral Court erased all of them.

In Yadi's view, it's a pity.

The orthodox Anglican Church can break the myth of God, but it can't break the concept of human race. Otherwise, it is not yet known who will win the prize at this time if it joins hands with the cultists of different races in the North Continent.

The third part is about His Majesty St. Constantine.

The most special saint in history, however, smuggled to the Eastern Continent single-handedly, as recorded in official documents.

But Constantine was originally a spy sent by the Supreme Pastoral Court to the Eastern Continent. After decades of lurking, he sat on the throne of the original Third Tribunal, the first adjudicator of the Anglican Tribunal under the Orthodox Anglican Church.

In the end, he conspired with several key figures to kill Semiyang VI, and directed a good show in which Semiyang VI publicly announced the dissolution of the church and set himself on fire under the fire of punishment as a sinner.

At that time, the soul of Semiyang VI had been completely controlled.

The so-called story of the five masters of the divine court descending to the mortal world to enlighten King Semiyang VI is completely fabricated.

The advantage of doing this is that it ended the hostile relationship between the Eastern Continent and the Three Continents, prevented countless people from dying in the flames of war, and successfully completed the handover of believers' beliefs. The Supreme Pastoral Court took over the Eastern Continent peacefully.

St. Constantine undoubtedly made a remarkable contribution.

However, this saint did not return to the kingdom of God. After meeting with the Supreme Patriarchate and rejecting the throne of the Supreme Patriarch for life, he disappeared from the world.

It's a strange man who flicks his clothes away.

The fourth part is a list.

Before the Eastern Continent returned to the embrace of the Supreme Pastoral Court 30 years ago, the top leaders of the Orthodox Anglican Church followed Semiyang VI and were buried in the fire of divine punishment, but some people were "reborn" after death.

This list is not long, only a dozen or so people.

Many of them were assassinated in the next 30 years, and few died normally.

The two most recent deaths were Prime Minister Cadolu Dossac, formerly known as Beto Alfonso, and Bishop Andrew Samarchi, formerly known as Imogen Ruther.

Only one of them is still alive.

[Laubrian Occam, Duke of Tulip personally appointed by the supreme pastoral court, honorary chief knight of the Knights Templar, family territory: Tulip Valley, original name: Dundee Albert, former supreme pastoral guardian of the Orthodox Anglican Church Commander of the Grand Army of the Knights. 】

(End of this chapter)

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