How did I become a god of evil!

Chapter 124 Victor's Warning Comes

Chapter 124 Victor's Warning Comes
Recently, the relationship between Ted and Slade has become closer, almost to the point of being inseparable.

Bloodbath will be very poor, but Ted is very rich. He pays for the food and drinks out of his own pocket, and invites Slade to the Fox Nightclub to assume the title of assistant manager.

Spend the day and drink, sing and sing every night.

The enthusiasm of the half-orc chicks made Slade so happy that he simply lived in the nightclub apartment.

The mouth of others is short, and the hand of others is short.

Coupled with the half-giant blood, it completely let go of Ted's wariness.

Now Ted has replaced Bronn as Slade's number one confidant.

But after all, it was the blood priest of the Holy City Branch of the Blood Plague Society. Although Slade trusted Ted, he still kept the core secrets tightly covered, and even when he was drunk, he didn't reveal a word.

Three days earlier, Ted had run errands for Slade and picked up two large boxes at the Santos River pier.

I don't know what's inside, but I can tell from Slade's instructions that it is a very dangerous and evil thing.

Today is to deliver two large boxes to someone.

The person who can be called "Master" by Slade, Yadi speculates, is most likely the chariot of the mysterious organization.

So after receiving the information, I decided to come here in person, preferably to see the true face of the recipient.

He got off the airboat at Hepan Street Station in Kapok District, and walked straight to Hepan Park.

The Huaxiang River flows through the Tulip Valley into the urban area of ​​the Covenant. This section is called the Shengdu River. Every year when the tulips bloom in late May and early June, the fragrance of flowers on the river is overflowing and the aroma is overwhelming.

But at this time, it is already the winter season, so naturally the fragrance of flowers cannot be smelled.

In the open park built along the river, heavy snow covered the tall fruit pines on both sides of the river bank, like tall and straight old men with white heads, adding a bit of winter fun to the Shengdu River in winter.

Yadi's woolen coat was covered with a camouflage cloak, and he turned into an ordinary young man, carrying an easel and drawing board, like a painter in style.

Walking along the shore path, the snow that has not been cleared under your feet makes a crunching sound, and you can see the 66-meter-high Shengdu Tower Bridge from a distance, which is also one of the landmark buildings of Shengdu.

The timing was just right. On the downhill steps more than 40 meters ahead, two people were walking down with big boxes and turned into the dense woods.

It's Ted and Slade.

Yadi ordered Beria, "Don't get too close, as long as you can see people."

Beria cheered and walked away through the void.

Since the return of the Evil Fallen Sea, Beria's detection distance can reach about 250 meters.

With Beria's super vision, people's faces can be seen clearly at a distance of about [-] meters. I hope this distance can guarantee that they will not be discovered.

In the field of vision of the left eye, Slade and Ted walked into the fruit pine forest one step deep and one step shallow.

Yadi walked forward holding the easel, looking forward and backward as if he was choosing the best angle, but he was actually controlling the distance.

Soon, the two people in the forest stopped and put down the big wooden box.

But no one else was around.

Slade turned around and said something to Tad, who turned back out of the woods and waited on the steps.

Beria passed through Ted's body.

"Stupid gorilla, I'm in you! . . . I'm out again!"

Under the high slope, Yadi also put down the easel, reminding Beria not to get too close.

Not long after, a man in a black cloak, black silk, and a civilized stick appeared in the woods.

Slade bowed deeply.

Beria, who was a hundred meters away, saw the man's face clearly.

This person did not wear any disguise props, and under the round and stiff brim of his hat was a chubby old face with no beard and a clean chin.

The civilized stick knocked on the wooden box, and the two began to talk.

Too far away to hear conversations.

Yardie tried hard to get the old, fat face into his mind.

Then I saw the man reach out and touch the wooden box.

The two large boxes disappeared, and the man took the wooden boxes away.

Slade bowed, the man nodded, and the two went back the way they came.

"Follow that old fat man!"

Yadi ordered in his mind, put away the easel and walked forward.

One is high and the other is low, one is in the woods on a high slope, and the other is on the bank of the river, covered by dense trees, he is not afraid of being discovered.

From a distance, I saw the old fat man coming out of the woods and going up the steps, all the way up to Riverside Street.

There was a very luxurious black car parked on the side of the road, someone opened the door for the old fat man, and then the car went away.

"Come back after playing for a while."

Yadi put down the easel again, clamped the canvas pretendingly, frowning as if thinking about it.

Because I was worried that it was the blood-clothed archbishop or a similar strong man, I didn't dare to let Beria get too close, I couldn't hear anything, I only saw the face of the old fat man, and the buttocks of the black luxury car, and I also saw the car. license.

Very interesting, judging from the initial letters of the license plate, it turned out to be the car of the Holy Covenant Pastoral Court.

He didn't expect that the Blood Disaster Society would actually collude with the people from the Covenant Pastoral Court.

Yadi remembered something.

In the case of Samaki’s extermination, the villa’s defense formation was not activated. According to Totti, a mysterious person cut off the alarm network and closed the defense formation.

It seems that it is very likely to be this old fat man.

I have memorized the license plate and this face, so it is not difficult to dig out this person.

Yadi put away the dye box, brushes, etc., and prepared to retreat.

"Great master, I want a body."

Beria ran back and knelt in front of him in the void.

But Yadi couldn't see it, but he could see himself in his own eyes.

"You want a body?"

"Yes, master." Beria said pitifully, "With a body, Beria can serve master better."

"Okay, I promise you."

"Belia praises you forever, my supreme master, who will surely become the eternal legendary and immortal Yadi Xius!"

Yadi smiled and put away Beria.

It is all nonsense to better serve the master. I know from my heart that Beria in the form of a soul body will grow stronger very slowly, unless a large number of ghost body creatures are devoured.

The abyssal demons have entities, and they really need a body.

After tidying things up, Yadi picked up the easel, heard the sound of snow creaking behind him, and looked back subconsciously.

A big tall man was walking over with a snow shovel, dressed like a sanitation worker.

But Yadi's eyes jumped, he lowered his head and picked up the drawing board, intending to pass him by.

The two walked towards each other, getting closer and closer.

When he got closer, Yadi stepped aside.

"Good afternoon, Master Yadi." The sanitation worker stopped and bowed slightly.

Yadi suppressed his pounding heart, and pretended to be surprised, "Sir, you have mistaken the person."

The sanitation worker took off his hood, showing his black face and grinning, his teeth white as snow, "Master Yadi, you know me, and I know you...Let me introduce myself formally, I am Narudo Sass Road Odd, faithful servant of lord and lady."


"Master Yadi, the master asked me to tell you that you and Master Ted have been involved too deeply in this matter. For safety reasons, it is the best choice to stop in time."

(End of this chapter)

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