Three bodies

Chapter 26 Rebellion

After Ye Wenjie narrated this history, the hall fell into silence. It was obviously the first time for many people present to hear such a complete narration. Wang Miao was also deeply attracted, temporarily forgetting the current danger and fear, and couldn't help but ask. road:

"So, how did Trisolaris grow to this size?"

Ye Wenjie replied: "This starts with my acquaintance with Evans... However, comrades present at this stage of history know that we should not waste time on this. I can talk about it for you alone in the future, but whether there is this opportunity , it’s up to you...Xiao Wang, let’s talk about your nanomaterials.”

"What you said... Lord, why are you so afraid of nanomaterials?" Wang Miao asked.

"Because it can enable humans to escape the gravity of the earth and enter space on a large scale."

"Space elevator?" Wang Miao thought immediately.

"Yes, once that ultra-high-strength material can be produced on a large scale, there will be a technical basis for the construction of a space elevator from the surface to geosynchronous orbit. To the Lord, this is only a small invention, but to the Earth Humans are of great significance. Humans on Earth can easily enter near-Earth space with this technology, and it becomes possible to build a large-scale defense system in space, so this technology must be eliminated.”

"What is the end of the countdown?" Wang Miao asked the question that frightened him the most.

Ye Wenjie smiled slightly, "I don't know."

"It's meaningless for you to do this! This is not basic research, and others can do it if the general direction is right!" Wang Miao said nervously and loudly.

"It's meaningless. It's the most effective way to disturb the minds of researchers, but we're not doing well. As you said, this is applied research after all, not as effective as basic research..."

"Speaking of basic research, how did your daughter die?"

This question caused Ye Wenjie to be silent for a few seconds. Wang Miao noticed that her eyes dimmed almost imperceptibly, but immediately took up the topic just now, "Actually, for the extremely powerful Lord, what we did Nothing makes any sense at all, we just do what we want to do."

As soon as Ye Wenjie finished speaking, there was a loud bang, and the two doors of the dining room were knocked open at the same time, and a group of soldiers with submachine guns rushed in. Wang Miao noticed that they were not armed police but regular soldiers, and they walked against the wall almost silently. Soon an encirclement circle was formed around the Trisolaris rebels.Shi Qiang came in at last, with his leather jacket open, holding the barrel of the gun in his hand, and the handle of the gun was exposed like a hammer.He looked around carelessly, then rushed forward suddenly, swung the hand holding the gun upside down, there was a muffled sound of metal hitting the skull, a three-body warrior fell down, and the pistol he hadn't had time to draw fell out. far away.Several soldiers shot into the sky, and a cloud of dust fell from the ceiling.Someone pulled Wang Miao up, quickly ran out of the crowd of Three-body rebels, and stood behind a row of soldiers.

"Throw all the weapons on the table! Whoever stabs them again will get pierced!" Shi Qiang pointed to the row of submachine guns behind him and said, "I know that everyone is desperate, and we are here too! Put it here: ordinary policing and legal restricted areas no longer apply to you, and even the human law of war does not apply to you! Since you have become the enemy of all human beings, we all have nothing to fear."

There was a commotion among the crowd of the Three-Body Rebels, but there was no great panic.Ye Wenjie remained calm.Three people rushed out of the crowd, including the beautiful girl who broke Pan Han's neck. They rushed towards the moving Three-Body Artwork. One of them grabbed a flying metal ball and held it tightly to his chest. forward.

The beautiful girl held up the shiny metal ball in both hands, reminiscent of a slender rhythmic gymnast, and she showed that moving smile again, and said in a pleasant voice: "Men, officers, we are holding three atomic bombs." , each equivalent of [-] tons, not too big, we like gadgets, this is the detonation switch."

Everything in the hall suddenly froze, and the only thing moving was Shi Qiang. He put the gun he was holding upside down into the holster under his left armpit, and clapped his hands calmly.

"Our request is very simple: let the commander-in-chief go, and then we can play whatever we want together." The girl continued, looking a little coquettish.

"I'm with my comrades." Ye Wenjie said calmly.

"Can you confirm what she said?" Shi Qiang whispered to an officer next to him who was obviously an expert in explosives.

The officer tossed a plastic bag containing a spring balance to the three men with the ball.A Trisolaran warrior holding a metal ball picked up the plastic bag, took out the spring scale, put the ball into the bag, hung it on the spring scale, lifted it up and shook it, then took out the ball and threw it on the ground.The girl laughed, and the explosives expert here also smiled contemptuously.The other person with the ball weighed it and threw it too.The girl laughed again, took the plastic bag, put the ball in it, hung it on the spring scale, and the ruler fell straight to the bottom with a bang.

The smile on the explosives expert's face froze, and he whispered to Shi Qiang, "This is it."

Shi Qiang remained calm.

"At least it is certain that it contains heavy element fissile material, but it is not clear whether the detonation system will work or not," said an explosives expert.

The beams of light from the flashlights of the soldiers' guns were focused on the girl holding the nuclear bomb. This gorgeous Flower of Death was holding [-] tons of TNT in her hands, smiling brightly, as if she was receiving applause and praise under the spotlight on the stage.

"There is a way: shoot at that ball." The explosives expert whispered in Da Shi's ear.

"Won't it detonate?"

"It will only detonate the conventional explosives on the periphery, but it will disperse the explosives, and cannot produce precise centripetal compression on the central nuclear explosives. A nuclear explosion will definitely not occur."

Da Shi stared at the nuclear bomb girl without speaking.

"Do you want to deploy snipers?"

Da Shi shook his head almost imperceptibly, "There is no suitable position, that little thing is good at catching ghosts, and the sniper's long guy will notice it as soon as it is aimed at her."

After finishing speaking, Da Shi walked straight forward, pushed aside the crowd, and stood in the open space in the middle.

"Stop." The nuclear bomb girl gave Da Shi a warning wink, her right thumb was firmly pressing on the detonation switch, and her nail polish was shining in the light of the flashlight.

"Take it easy girl, there is something you want to know." Da Shi stood seven or eight meters away from the girl, and took out an envelope from his pocket, "Your mother found it."

The girl's radiant eyes dimmed immediately, but at this moment, these eyes really led to her heart.

Da Shi took the opportunity to take another two steps forward, shortening the distance between himself and the girl to about five meters. The girl vigilantly threw a nuke and stopped him with her eyes, but her attention had been greatly distracted.One of the two who had thrown away the fake nuclear bomb just now walked towards Da Shi and reached for the envelope he was holding. Da Shi drew out his pistol like lightning. His action of drawing the gun was just blocked by the person who took the letter, and the girl didn't see it. She only saw a flash of light in the ear of the letter taker, and the nuclear bomb in her arms was hit and exploded.

After a dull bang, Wang Miao's eyes went dark and he couldn't see anything. He was dragged out of the cafeteria.Thick yellow smoke poured out from the gate, the noise inside and gunshots rang out, and people kept rushing outside from the thick smoke... Wang Miao got up to rush back to the hall, but was hugged by the explosives expert:
"Beware! Radioactive!!"

The chaos subsided quickly, and more than a dozen Trisolaris fighters were shot dead, and more than 200 people including Ye Wenjie were arrested.The girl from the nuclear bomb was blown to pieces, but the aborted nuclear bomb only killed her, and the trustee in front of Da Shi was seriously injured. Because of this person's cover, Da Shi only suffered some minor injuries, but he and Like everyone else in the hall after the explosion, they were severely irradiated.

Wang Miao looked at Da Shi in the ambulance through the small window. A wound on his head was still bleeding. The nurse who bandaged him was wearing a transparent protective suit. Da Shi and Wang Miao could only talk on their mobile phones.

"Who is that girl?" Wang Miao asked.

Da Shi grinned, "How the hell do I know? I'm guessing. Most of the girls like this have never met their mother. I have been in this business for more than 20 years, and I have learned to read people."

"You won. Someone really made trouble." Wang Miao tried hard to smile, hoping that Da Shi in the car could see it.

"Brother, you still win." Da Shi smiled and shook his head, "How could I have thought that grandma's fault was actually related to aliens!"

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