Three bodies

Chapter 33 Guzheng Action

"It's okay, I'm no longer radioactive." Shi Qiang said to Wang Miao, who was sitting next to him, "In the past two days, I let people dig it out and wash it like a washing bag. I didn't arrange for you to attend this meeting. I was the one who insisted on inviting you, hey, we brothers will definitely show off this time."

As Shi Qiang said, he picked out a cigar butt from the ashtray on the conference table, lit it, took a puff, nodded, and slowly exhaled the cigarette to the opposite participant in a relaxed and happy manner. Among them was the original cigar. The host, Stanton, a colonel of the US Marine Corps, cast a contemptuous look at Da Shi.

This time there were more foreign soldiers in attendance, and they all wore military uniforms.For the first time in human history, the armed forces of the world are facing a common enemy.

General Chang Weisi said: "Comrades, everyone present at this meeting has a basic understanding of the current situation. In Dashi's words, the information is equal. The war between humans and alien invaders has begun, although Four and a half centuries later, our children and grandchildren will really face the three-body invaders from alien planets, and we are still fighting against humans; but in essence, these human traitors can also be seen as coming from This is the first time we have faced such an enemy outside the civilization of the earth. The goal of the next operation is very clear, which is to capture the intercepted Trisolaran information on the "Judgment Day". Survival matters."

"We haven't alerted the 'Judgment Day', which is still sailing in the Atlantic Ocean legally. It has applied to the Panama Canal Authority and will pass through the canal in four days. This is an unprecedented move we have taken. Good opportunity, with the development of the situation, it is likely that there will be no such opportunity again. Now, various combat centers around the world are formulating action plans, and these plans will be selected and determined by the headquarters within ten hours. Our The task of the meeting is to discuss the action plan, and finally determine one to three most feasible ones to report to the headquarters. Everyone, time is tight, and we must work with the highest efficiency."

"Please note that all plans must ensure one thing: to ensure the safety of the Trisolaran information on the 'Judgment Day' and capture it. The 'Judgment Day' was refitted from an oil tanker, and complex structures were added to the upper and interior of the hull. It is said that Even the crew, relying on maps to find their way into infrequently visited areas, we know even less about its structure. Currently, we don't even know the exact location of Judgment Day's computer center, nor Whether the intercepted Trisolaris information is stored on the server in the computer center, and there are several backups. The only way for us to achieve our goal is to fully occupy and control the 'Judgment Day'. The most difficult thing is to attack In order to prevent the enemy from deleting the three-body information. Deleting this information is extremely easy, and it is unlikely that the enemy will delete it routinely in an emergency, because it is easy to recover with the current technology, but it only needs to hit a shuttle on the hard disk of the server or other storage devices, and everything It's all over, and this can be done in ten seconds. And we must disable the enemy near the storage device within ten seconds before the action is detected. Since the location of the storage device is unknown, the number of backups It is also unclear, so it is necessary to eliminate all the enemies on the 'Judgment Day' in a very short period of time before being detected by the target, and at the same time, it must not cause major damage to other facilities inside it, especially the computer equipment. Therefore, This task is very difficult, some people even think it is impossible to complete."

A Japanese Self-Defense Force officer said: "We believe that the only possible successful operation is to use our reconnaissance personnel who are lurking inside the 'Judgment Day' and are familiar with the storage location of the Trisolaris information to control them before the operation. or transfer storage devices."

Someone asked: "The surveillance and reconnaissance of the 'Judgment Day' has always been carried out by the NATO military intelligence agency and the CIA. Are there such lurkers?"

"No," said the NATO coordinator.

"Then what's left behind us is just nonsense." Da Shi interjected, and many people stared at him immediately.

Colonel Stanton said: "The first thing we thought of was the ball lightning weapon to eliminate the personnel inside a closed structure without causing damage to other facilities in it."

Ding Yi shook her head, "No, this weapon is widely known, and we don't know if the hull is equipped with a magnetic field wall that shields ball lightning; even if it is not, ball lightning can guarantee the destruction of all people in the ship, but it cannot guarantee simultaneity; and , after the ball lightning enters the hull, it may have to wander in the air for a period of time before releasing energy. This period of time can be as short as ten seconds or as long as 1 minute or more. They have enough time to detect the attack and respond Take action to destroy information."

Colonel Stanton said, "And what about the neutron bomb?"

"Colonel, you should know that's not acceptable!" A Russian officer said, "Neutron radiation can't kill you instantly. After the neutron bomb strikes, the time left for the enemy in the ship is enough to hold a meeting like ours."

"Another option is nerve gas, but because of the process of its release and diffusion in the ship, it is impossible to achieve the goal that the general said." A NATO officer said.

"The remaining options are shock bombs and infrasonic waves." Colonel Stanton said, people were looking forward to his next words, but he did not say anything further.

Da Shi said: "Sound bombs are used by our police. They can indeed stun people in a building at once, but they seem to be only effective for one or two rooms at the moment. You have a bomb so big that it can stun a boat of people at a time." small?"

Stanton shook his head, "No, even if there is, it is impossible for such a large explosive to not destroy the facilities inside the ship."

"What about infrasonic weapons?" someone asked.

"It's still in the experimental stage, so it can't be used in actual combat. Especially the ship is very huge. With the power of the infrasonic weapon currently in the test, if the entire 'Judgment Day' is attacked at the same time, at most it will make the people inside dizzy and sick. "

"Ha," said Da Shi Nian Mie, who smoked a cigar the size of a peanut, "I said the rest is nonsense, it's been so long, everyone remember the words of the chief: time is running out!" He She turned to the interpreter with a smirk, a beautiful female lieutenant with an uncomfortable expression on her face, "It's not easy to translate, comrade, just make sense."

But Stanton seemed to understand. He pointed at Shi Qiang with a cigar he had just smoked and said, "What right does this policeman have to talk to us like that?"

"What about your qualifications?" Da Shi asked back.

"Colonel Stanton is a senior special operations expert. He has participated in almost all major military operations since the Vietnam War." A NATO officer said.

"Then tell you my qualifications: more than 20 years ago, my reconnaissance platoon penetrated dozens of kilometers deep into the Vietnamese army, occupied a heavily fortified hydropower station there, and prevented the Vietnamese from blowing up the dam to block our army's offensive road. plan. This is my qualification: I have defeated the enemy who defeated you."

"Enough of Da Shi!" Chang Weisi patted the table and said, "Don't get too far away, you can tell your own plan."

"I see no need to waste time with this policeman," said Colonel Stanton contemptuously, and began to light his cigar.

Before the interpreter could translate, Da Shi jumped up and said, "police, I heard this word twice, what's wrong, I look down on the police? If you want to say that a bunch of bombs blow up the big ship to pieces, then You soldiers are fine; but if you take something out of it intact, no matter how many stars you carry on your shoulders, you are not as good as a thief. This kind of thing requires evil tricks, absolutely evil tricks! This, you are far away Not as much as criminals, they are masters of evil tricks! Know how evil that trick can be? I did a robbery where the criminals were able to steal a car in the middle of a moving train, and the rest of the front and back. They were connected in good condition and drove to the terminal. The tools used were only a steel wire rope and a few iron hooks. This is a special operations expert! And a criminal policeman like me who has been working at the grassroots level for more than ten years, received provide them with the best training and education."

"Talk about your plan, otherwise don't speak anymore!" Chang Weisi pointed at Dashi and said.

"There are so many heavyweights here, I was afraid that it would not be my turn just now, and then you, the old leader, would say that I am rude."

"You're already so rude! Come on, tell me your tricks!"

Shi Qiang picked up a pen and drew two curved parallel lines on the table, "This is the canal," he picked up an ashtray and put it between the two lines, "This is the 'Judgment Day'." Then , he leaned over the table and ripped off Colonel Stanton's freshly lit cigar.

"I can't stand this idiot!" cried the colonel, standing up.

"Shi Qiang, get out." Chang Weisi said sharply.

"When I finish speaking, it will be only one minute." Da Shi said, holding out his other hand to Stanton.

"What?" asked the colonel, puzzled.

"Give me another one."

Stanton hesitated for a moment, then took out another cigar from an exquisite wooden box and handed it to Shi Qiang, who pressed the smoking end of the first cigar onto the table, making it stand upright on the table with the picture of the Panama Canal On the shore, flatten one end of the other branch and stand on the other side of the "canal".

"Two pillars are erected on both sides of the canal, and many filaments are stretched parallel to each other with a distance of about half a meter. These filaments are the nanomaterial called 'Flying Blade' produced by Professor Wang and the others."

After Shi Qiang finished speaking, he stood there and waited for a few seconds, raised his hands and said to those who hadn't reacted, "It's over, that's all." After speaking, he turned and walked out of the venue.

The air froze, everyone was motionless as if petrified, and even the buzzing of the surrounding computers seemed to become cautious.I don't know how long it took before someone timidly broke the silence:

"Professor Wang, is 'Flying Blade' filamentous?"

Wang Miao nodded, "Using our existing molecular construction technology, we can only produce filamentous materials, about one-tenth the thickness of a human hair... Police Officer Shi asked me about it before the meeting."

"Are there enough of them?"

"How wide is the canal? How high is the boat?"

"The narrowest part of the canal is 150 meters. The 'Judgment Day' is 31 meters high and has a draft of about eight meters."

Wang Miao stared at the cigars on the table and made a rough calculation, "Basically enough."

There was another long silence as the participants tried to recover from the shock.

"What if the equipment for storing the three-body information, such as hard disks and discs, is also cut?" Someone asked.

"It's not very likely."

"It's not a big problem to be cut," said a computer expert. "That kind of filament is extremely sharp, and the cut must be very neat. In this state, whether it is a hard disk or an integrated circuit storage body, the information in it is absolutely Most can be recovered."

"Is there any other more feasible plan?" Chang Weisi looked at the venue, but no one said anything, "Okay, let's focus on this plan and start studying the details."

Colonel Stanton, who had been silent all this time, stood up, "I'll call the police officer back."

Chang Weisi waved his hand to signal him to sit down, and then shouted: "Da Shi!" Shi Qiang walked in, looked at the crowd with that smirk on his face, picked up the two cigars on the table by the "canal" , put the ordered one into his mouth, and put the other in his pocket.

Someone asked: "When the 'Judgment Day' passed, would the two pillars be able to withstand the 'flying blade'? Would the pillars be cut first?"

Wang Miao said: "This can be solved. There is a small amount of flake-like 'flying edge' material that can be used as a spacer where the filament is fixed on the column."

The discussion that follows is mainly between naval officers and navigational experts.

"'Judgment Day' is the largest tonnage ship that can pass through the Panama Canal, and it has a very deep draft, so the deployment of nanowires underwater must also be considered."

"The underwater part is more difficult. If the time is too late, you can give it up. There are mainly engines, fuel oil and some ballast. The noise, vibration and interference are very loud, and the environment is harsh. It is unlikely that the computer center and similar institutions will be located there. location. But in the water part, if the distance between the nanowires is smaller, the effect will definitely be better.”

"Then it is best to do it at one of the three locks in the canal. The 'Judgment Day' is a Panamax[11] ship, and it just fills up the lock when passing through. The length of the 'Flying Blade' wire is only about 32 meters , the spacing can be very small, and the operation of erecting pillars and wire drawing is relatively easy, especially for the underwater part.”

"No, the situation at the ship lock is complicated. The ship must be pulled through by four rail locomotives at a very slow speed, and this must be the most vigilant time on board the 'Judgment Day'. Discover."

"Is it possible to consider the Bridge of the Americas outside the Miraflores locks? The piers can be used as brushed columns."

"No, the spacing between the piers is too wide, and the 'flying blade' material is definitely not enough."

"Then let's make sure that the action location is the narrowest point of the Gaillard Waterway [12], 150 meters wide. Considering the allowance for the construction of the pillars, it will be 170 meters."

Wang Miao said: "If this is the case, the minimum distance between the wire drawing is [-] centimeters, no matter how small the material is, it is not enough."

"That is to say," Da Shi breathed out a puff of smoke, "we have to find a way to let that boat cross the canal during the day."


"People on the boat sleep at night. They all lie down. The [-] centimeters of space is too big. During the day, they just sit or squat down, which is enough."

There were a few sporadic laughs, and the people under heavy pressure felt a sense of relief tinged with blood.

"You are such a devil." A female UN official said to Da Shi.

"Will it hurt the innocent?" Wang Miao asked, with an audible tremor in his voice.

A naval officer replied: "When passing the lock, there must be more than a dozen cable workers on board, but they went down after the ship passed. The Panamanian pilots must be sacrificed to complete the 82-kilometer canal with the ship."

A CIA official said: "There is also a part of the crew of the Judgment Day who may not know what the ship is doing."

"Professor, don't think about these things now. This is not something you should consider. The information we want to obtain is related to the survival of human civilization, and someone will make the final decision." Chang Weisi said.

When the meeting was over, Colonel Stanton pushed the exquisite wooden cigar box in front of Shi Qiang, "Officer, the fine Havana is here for you."

Four days later, the Gaillard Channel of the Panama Canal.

Wang Miao didn't feel at all in a foreign country.He knew that not far from the west was the beautiful Gatun Lake, and the east was the magnificent Bridge of the Americas and Panama City, but he had no chance to see them. Two days ago, he flew directly from China to Panama City near Panama City. Kumen Military Airport, and then came here directly by helicopter.The scenery in front of him was too ordinary. The ongoing canal widening project has made the tropical rainforest on the hillsides on both sides sparse, and a large area of ​​loess was exposed on the slopes. The color really made Wang Miao feel very familiar with this place.The canal also looks ordinary, probably because it is so narrow in this section.This section of waterway was excavated by 10 people at the beginning of the last century.

Wang Miao and Colonel Stanton were sitting on the deck chairs in a gazebo halfway up the hill. Both of them were wearing loose flowered shirts and their big straw hats were thrown aside. They looked like two ordinary tourists.From this position, there is a panoramic view of the canal below.

Just below them, on both sides of the canal, there are two 24-meter-long steel pillars, and fifty 160-meter super-strength nanowires have been connected to the two steel pillars at an interval of about [-] meters. The end of each nanowire near the right bank is also connected to a piece of ordinary steel wire, which allows the nanowire to sink to the bottom of the river with the falling objects tied to it, in order to allow other boats to pass through.Fortunately, the traffic on the canal was not as busy as Wang Miao imagined, with only about [-] large ships passing through on average every day.One end of the two steel columns is connected with a movable hinge. Only when the last ship in front of the "Judgment Day" passes through can the ordinary steel wire be pulled back, and the nanowires be finally fixed on the steel column on the right bank, and then the steel column can be opened. Stand up.The code name of the operation is "Guzheng", which is a natural association, and the cutting net made of nanowires is called "Qin".

An hour ago, the "Judgment Day" sailed from Gatun Lake into the Gaillard Waterway.

Stanton asked Wang Miao if he had been to Panama before, and Wang Miao said no.

"I came here in 1990," said the Colonel.

"Is that the war?"

"Yeah, but that was the least memorable war for me, just playing Jackson's 'No Escape' in front of the Vatican embassy for the besieged President Noriega, that was my idea. "

In the canal below, a snow-white French cruise ship was slowly passing by. On the deck covered with green carpets, there were several colorfully dressed tourists wandering around.

"No. [-] observation post reports that there are no ships in front of the target." Stanton's walkie-talkie rang.

"Stand up the 'qin'." Stanton ordered.

Several people who looked like workers in hard hats appeared on both sides of the strait.Wang Miao stood up, but the colonel held him back, "Professor, don't worry about it, they will do a good job." Wang Miao watched as the people on the right bank quickly pulled back the ordinary steel wire connected to the nanowire, pulled the already taut The nanowires are fixed on the steel column.Then, people on both sides of the strait pulled several long steel cables at the same time, so that the two steel columns were slowly erected.In order to camouflage, some navigation buoys and water level marks were hung on the two steel columns.They worked very calmly, and even looked a little lazy, as if they were engaged in a dull job.Wang Miao stared at the space between the steel pillars. There seemed to be nothing there, but the piano of death was already in place.

"The target is four kilometers away from Qin!" said the voice in the walkie-talkie.

Stanton put down the walkie-talkie and continued the topic just now, "I came to Panama for the second time in 1999. I participated in the handover ceremony of the canal sovereignty. It was very strange. When we came to the front of the authority building, we saw that the Stars and Stripes had already been lowered. , It is said that it was lowered one day earlier at the request of the US government to avoid the embarrassing scene of lowering the flag in front of everyone... At that time, I thought I was witnessing a historic moment, but now that I think about it, how insignificant these things are.”

"The target is three kilometers away from Qin!"

"Yes, insignificant." Wang Miao echoed.He didn't hear what Stanton was saying at all, the rest of the world no longer existed for him, and all his attention was focused on the Judgment Day, which was not yet in sight.At this time, the sun rising from the Atlantic Ocean in the morning was setting towards the Pacific Ocean, and the canal was shining with golden light. Nearer below, the harp of death stood quietly. The two steel pillars were dark and could not reflect any sunlight. , looking older than the canals that flow through them.

"The target is two kilometers away from Qin!"

Stanton didn't seem to hear the voice in the walkie-talkie, and he was still talking endlessly: "Ever since I learned that the alien fleet is flying towards the earth, I have suffered from amnesia. I don't know, I mean the wars I have been through, I can't remember them, as I said just now, those wars are so insignificant. After knowing this, everyone will become a new person in spirit, the world It will also become a new world. I have been thinking, assuming that 2000 years ago or earlier, people knew that an alien invasion fleet would arrive in a few thousand years, what would human civilization look like now? Professor, Can you imagine it?"

"Oh, I can't..." Wang Miao perfunctory absent-mindedly.

"The target is [-] kilometers away from Qin!"

"Professor, I think you will become the Gaillard of the new century [13]. We look forward to your 'Panama Canal' being completed. Isn't it? The space elevator is actually a canal, just like the Panama Canal connecting two oceans, space The elevator connects the Earth to space..."

Wang Miao now knew that the colonel was actually trying to help him through this difficult time by nagging these meaningless nonsense.He was grateful, but it didn't do much.

"The target is one kilometer away from Qin!"

The Judgment Day appeared, a black silhouette against the golden waves of the river in the light of the setting sun over the side ridge.This [-]-ton ship was much bigger than Wang Miao had imagined. When it appeared, it seemed as if another mountain peak appeared in the west. It is indeed a strange feeling to drive in such a narrow river.Compared with its hugeness, the river below seems to have disappeared, and it is like a mountain moving on the land.After adapting to the light of the setting sun, Wang Miao saw that the hull of the "Judgment Day" was black, the superstructure was snow-white, and the giant antenna was gone.The roar of the giant ship's engine can already be heard, and there is also a roar of water, which is the sound of waves pushed up by its round bow hitting the banks of the canal.

As the distance between the "Judgment Day" and the Qin of Death shortened, Wang Miao's heartbeat accelerated suddenly, and his breathing also became rapid. He had an urge to flee immediately, but a burst of weakness made him unable to control his body.A burst of hatred for Shi Qiang suddenly surged in his heart, how could this bastard come up with such an idea? !As the UN woman official said, he is a devil!But this feeling was fleeting, and he thought that if Da Shi was by his side now, his situation would be much better.Colonel Stanton once applied for Da Shi to come, but Chang Weisi did not approve, and he is needed more there now.Wang Miao felt the colonel pat his hand.

"Professor, everything will pass."

The Judgment Day is passing, passing through the lyre of death.When its bow touched the seemingly empty plane between the two steel columns, Wang Miao's scalp tensed, but nothing happened, and the huge hull of the giant ship slowly passed between the two steel columns.When the hull passed halfway, Wang Miao even wondered if the nanowires between the steel columns really didn't exist.But a small sign dispelled his suspicions. He noticed that a slender antenna on the highest part of the superstructure of the hull had snapped off from below, and the antenna rolled down.

Soon, the second sign of nanofilaments appeared, which almost broke Wang Miao completely. The wide deck of the "Judgment Day" was very empty, except for a man on the back deck who was washing the bollards with a tap. Wang Miao could see clearly from a height. When this part of the ship moved between the steel columns, The man's body stiffened suddenly, and the faucet slipped from his hand; at the same time, the rubber hose connecting the faucet broke in two not far away, and the water gushed out from there, and the man stood straight Standing for a few seconds before collapsing, his body split in two as it touched the deck.The upper part of the man was still crawling in the pool of blood, but he could only crawl with two half arms because his arm was also cut in half.

After the stern passed the two steel pillars, the "Judgment Day" was still moving forward at a constant speed, and there was no more abnormality visible for a while.But Wang Miao heard a strange twist in the sound of the engine, and then it was replaced by a chaotic loud noise. The sound sounded like a wrench being thrown into the rotor of a large motor, no, it was many wrenches—— He knew it was coming from the cutting of the moving parts of the engine.After a harsh crack, a hole appeared in the stern side of the "Judgment Day", which was knocked out by a huge metal structure.The flying component immediately fell into the water, stirring up a high water column. When it flashed past, Wang Miao saw that it was a section of the crankshaft of the ship's engine.

A puff of thick smoke gushed out of the hole, and the "Judgment Day", which had sailed in a straight line on the right bank for a while, dragged the smoke tail and began to turn, and soon crossed the river and hit the left bank.Wang Miao saw that the huge prow of the boat rushing up the slope deformed rapidly, and at the same time, it washed away the soil slope like water, stirring up turbulent soil waves.At the same time, the "Judgment Day" began to disintegrate into more than 40 sheets, each of which is half a meter thick. From this distance, it looks like a sheet of sheets. Come on, this giant ship is like a stack of playing cards being pushed forward. These more than 40 huge sheets rub against each other when they slide, making a sharp and strange sound, like countless giant fingers scratching glass.After the unbearable sound had died away, the Judgment Day had been reduced to a pile of flakes ashore, rushing farther and farther forward, like a stack of plates toppled forward from the hands of a stumbling waiter .The flakes, which seemed soft as sheets of cloth, quickly deformed into a mass of complex shapes that made it impossible to imagine that it was once a giant ship.

A large number of soldiers began to rush from the hillside to the river bank. Wang Miao was surprised when and where so many people were hiding nearby.The helicopter group roared and flew along the canal, crossed the river surface covered with a layer of colorful oil film, hovered over the wreckage of the "Judgment Day", threw a large amount of white fire extinguishing agent and foam, and quickly controlled the spreading fire in the wreckage. Three other helicopters quickly lowered cables to the wreckage to search for personnel.

Colonel Stanton had already left. Wang Miao picked up the binoculars on his straw hat, and overcame the trembling of his hands to observe the "Judgment Day" that had been cut into more than 40 pieces by the "flying blade".At this time, more than half of it had been covered by fire extinguishing powder and foam, but a part was still exposed.Wang Miao saw the cut surface, which was as smooth as a mirror, reflecting the fiery red sunset in the sky without distortion.He also saw a crimson round spot on the mirror, and wondered if it was blood.

three days later.

Interrogator: Do you know about the Trisolaran civilization?

Ye Wenjie: I don't know. The information we have obtained is very limited. In fact, no one knows the true and detailed appearance of the Trisolaran civilization except Evans and other core members of the Advent faction who intercepted the Trisolaran information.

Interrogator: Then why do you have such expectations that they can transform and perfect human society?
Ye Wenjie: If they can cross the interstellar world and come to our world, it means that their science has developed to a considerable height. A society with such a prosperous science must have a higher level of civilization and morality.

Interrogator: Do you think this conclusion is scientific in itself?
Ye Wenjie: ...

Interrogator: Let me take the liberty to speculate: Your father was deeply influenced by your grandfather's ideas of saving the country through science, and you were deeply influenced by your father.

Ye Wenjie (sighs imperceptibly): I don't know.

Interrogator: Let me tell you now, we have obtained all the information about the Three-Body Problem intercepted by the Adventists.

Ye Wenjie: is Evans?

Interrogator: During the operation on the Judgment Day, he died.

(Evans was cut in three by the Flying Blade. He was in the command center of the Judgment Day, and the top part of him crawled forward for more than a meter, and when he died, his eyes were fixed on the one he was crawling towards. direction, it was in a computer in that direction that the intercepted Three-Body information was found.)
Ye Wenjie: Is there a lot of information?
Interrogator: A lot, about 28G.

Ye Wenjie: This is impossible. The efficiency of interstellar ultra-long-distance communication is very low. How can it be possible to transmit such a large amount of information? !
Interrogator: That's what we thought at first, but things are far beyond anyone's imagination, even the most daring and bizarre.Well, please read a part of this information, and you will see what the Trisolaran civilization looks like in your wonderful fantasy.

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