Three bodies

Chapter 35 Tomoko

Eighty-five thousand three-body hours (approximately 8.6 Earth years).

The head of state ordered the convening of an emergency meeting of all the consuls of the Trisolaran world. This is very unusual, and something important must have happened.

Twenty thousand three-body hours ago, the Trisolaran fleet set sail, they only knew the general direction of the target, but did not know its distance.Perhaps, the target is tens of millions of light-hours away, or even at the other end of the Milky Way, facing the vast sea of ​​stars ahead, this is an expedition with little hope.

The Council of Consuls is held under the Giant Pendulum Monument. (When Wang Miao read this piece of information, he couldn't help thinking of the United Nations General Assembly in the game "Three-Body Problem". In fact, the giant pendulum monument is one of the few things in the game that actually exist in the Three-Body Problem world.)
The choice of this meeting place by the first Yuan Dynasty puzzled most of the participants.The chaotic era is not over yet. A small sun has just risen in the sky, and it may set at any time. The weather is so cold that the participants had to wear fully enclosed electric heating suits.The huge metal pendulum swings majesticly, impacting the cold air, and the small sun in the sky casts its shadow long on the earth, walking like a giant standing upright.Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the head of state stepped onto the pedestal of the giant pendulum, flipped a red switch, turned around and said to the consuls:

"I just turned off the power supply of the giant pendulum, and it will slowly come to a stop under the air resistance."

"Führer, why is this?" asked one of the consuls.

"We all know the historical meaning of the giant pendulum, which is used to hypnotize God. Now we know that it is more beneficial for the Trisolaran civilization that God is awake, and it has begun to bless us."

Everyone was silent, thinking about the meaning of the head of state's words.After the giant pendulum swung three times, someone asked, "Did Earth civilization call back?"

The head of state nodded, "Yes, the report I got half an hour ago was to answer that warning message."

"So fast?! It's only over 8 hours since the warning message was issued, which means, that means..."

"This means that Earth civilization is only [-] light-hours away from us."

"Isn't that the star closest to us?!"

"Yes, that's why I said: God is blessing the Trisolaran civilization."

Ecstasy spread throughout the venue, but could not be fully expressed, like a suppressed volcano.The Führer knew that it would be harmful to let such fragile emotions erupt, so he immediately poured cold water on the "volcano":

"I have ordered the Trisolaran fleet to head for this star, but things are not as optimistic as you imagined. According to the current situation, the fleet is heading for its own grave."

The Führer's words immediately calmed down the consuls.

"Does anyone understand what I mean?" the Führer asked.

"I understand," said the Science Consul, "we have all carefully studied the first Earth messages we received, most notably the history of their civilization. Consider the fact that, from the age of hunting to agriculture, man used It took 10,000+ earth years; it took thousands of earth years from the agricultural age to the industrial age; it took only two hundred earth years from the industrial age to the atomic age; after that, it took only a few dozen earth years for them to enter The information age has entered. This civilization has a terrifying ability to accelerate evolution! In the Trisolaran world, among the two hundred civilizations that have existed including us, none of them has experienced this kind of accelerated development. The progress of science and technology is constant or even decelerated. All technological eras in our world require basically the same long development time."

The head of state went on to say: "The reality is that after 450 million hours, when the Trisolaran fleet arrived in the planetary system where the earth is located, the technological level of that civilization has already far surpassed ours in the process of accelerated development! To cross the two interstellar dust belts, it is likely that only half of the spacecraft will reach the solar system, and the rest will be lost during the long voyage. By then, the Trisolaran fleet will be vulnerable to the civilization of the earth—we are not going on an expedition, but Go to die!"

"If that's the case, Führer, there's something more terrible..." said the military consul.

"Yes, it's easy to think of. The position of the Trisolaran civilization has been exposed. In order to eliminate future threats, the Earth's star fleet will counterattack our galaxy. It is very likely that the Trisolaran civilization will be destroyed before the expanding sun swallows this planet. It has been wiped out by the people of the earth."

The bright and bright prospects suddenly became so dim that the meeting hall was silent for a long time.

The Führer said: "The next step we have to do is to curb the scientific development of civilization on Earth. As early as when we received the first information, we began to formulate plans in this regard. Now, a very favorable condition has emerged for the realization of these plans : The reply message we received this time was sent by a traitor of the earth civilization, so we have reason to guess that there are quite a lot of alien forces inside the earth civilization, and we must make full use of this force."

"Prince, it's easier said than done? Our connection with the earth is as thin as a gossamer, and it takes more than 8 hours to complete a response."

"It's not necessarily true. Just like us, the earth world's knowledge of the existence of alien civilizations is a huge shock to the entire society, and will have a profound impact on the civilization itself. We have reason to believe that alien forces within the earth civilization will continue to gather and growth."

"And what can they do? Destroy?"

"In a time span of as long as [-] hours, any traditional war and terrorist activities have little strategic significance and can be restored. In such a long time span, to effectively contain the development of a civilization, remove its There is only one way to arm them, the science of killing them. Next, please briefly introduce the three plans we have formulated."

"The first plan is code-named 'Dyeing'," said the Science Consul. "The side effects of science and technology are used to make the public fear and loathe science. For example, the environmental problems caused by technological development in our world must be the same on Earth Existence, the dyeing plan will make full use of these factors. The second plan is code-named 'miracle'. It is to demonstrate supernatural power to the people on earth. This plan tries to build a falsehood that cannot be explained by scientific logic through a series of 'miracle'. Cosmos. When this illusion lasts for a certain period of time, the Trisolaran civilization may become an object of worship for religious believers in that world. In the ideological world of the earth, non-scientific thinking will overwhelm scientific thinking, which in turn will lead to the entire scientific thinking The collapse of the system."

"How do miracles happen?"

"The key to a miracle being a miracle is that it is absolutely impossible for people on Earth to see through. This may require us to import some technologies higher than their current level to alien forces on Earth."

"It's too risky, who will get these technologies in the end? It's just playing with fire!"

"Of course, what level of technology to import to produce miracles remains to be further studied..."

"Science Consul, please stop!" The military consul stood up and said, "Führer, I want to express my opinion: these two plans will have little effect on killing human science."

"But doing it is better than not doing it." The science consul argued before the head of state could answer.

"That's all." The military consul said disdainfully.

"I agree with you that the two plans of 'dye' and 'miracle' can only cause some interference to the development of earth science." The head of state said to the military consul, and then turned to all the participants, "we need a decisive action , completely suffocate the science of the earth and lock it at the current level. Here, we need to grasp the key point: the overall development of science and technology depends on the development of basic science, and the foundation of basic science lies in the exploration of the deep structure of matter , if there is no progress in this field, it is impossible for science and technology as a whole to produce major breakthroughs. In fact, this is not only for the civilization of the earth, but also for all the goals that the Trisolaran civilization wants to conquer. Long before we received the alien information for the first time, we In the process of making efforts in this area, the pace has been greatly accelerated recently. Please see, what is that?"

The Führer pointed to the sky, and the consuls looked up in that direction and saw a ring in space, shining metallic in the sunlight.

"Isn't that the dock for the construction of the second space fleet?"

"No, that is a giant particle accelerator under construction. The plan to build a second space fleet has been cancelled, and all its resources will be used for the sophon project."

"Sophon Project?!"

"Yes, at least half of the people present don't know about this plan. I will now ask the Science Consul to introduce it to everyone."

"I was aware of the plan, but did not expect it to go this far," the industry consul said.

Cultural and Educational Consul: "I know that too, but it feels like a myth."

"The sophon project, in short, is to transform a proton into a super-intelligent computer," said the Science Consul.

"As a widely circulated scientific fantasy, everyone has heard of it." The agricultural consul said, "but it is still too sudden to become a reality. I know that physicists have been able to manipulate the eleven-dimensional structure of the microscopic world." Nine dimensions in the world, but we still can't imagine that they can put a small tweezer into the proton and build a large-scale integrated circuit in it."

"Of course not. The etching of microscopic integrated circuits can only be carried out in the macro, and only on the two-dimensional plane of the macro. Therefore, we need to expand a proton in two dimensions."

"Expand the nine-dimensional structure into two dimensions? How big is the area?"

"It's big, you'll see," said the Science Consul with a smile.

Time flies, and [-] trisomy time has passed.When the gigantic accelerator in space is fully completed and there are [-] Trisolarans, the two-dimensional unfolding of protons will be carried out on the synchronous orbit of the Trisolaran planets.

This is a sunny and sunny day in Hengjiyuan, and the sky is very pure.Just like when the fleet set sail [-] Trisolarans ago, people in the Trisolaran world were all looking up at the space, looking at the huge ring.The head of state and all the consuls once again came under the giant pendulum monument. The giant pendulum had already stopped, and the pendulum was solidified between the tall brackets like a stable rock. It seemed hard to believe that it had ever moved.

The Science Archons issued the activation order for the [-]D unfolding.In space, there are three cubes around the ring, which are fusion power stations that provide energy for the accelerators, and now their fins shaped like long wings are gradually glowing dark red.The Science Consul reported to the Führer that the deployment was in progress, and the people nervously looked up at the accelerator in space, but nothing happened.

After a tenth of an hour of trisomy, the Science Consul listened for a while with his earphones covered, and said, "Prince, unfortunately, the unfolding failed, and one more dimension was subtracted, and the target proton was reduced to one dimension."

"One-dimensional? A line?"

"Yes, an infinitely thin line. According to theoretical calculations, its length is [-] thousand light-hours."

"Huh!" said the military consul, "expend the resources of a space fleet and get this result?"

"This is a scientific experiment, and there is always a process of debugging. This is the first time an experiment has been carried out."

People left disappointed, but it wasn't over.It was originally thought that the protons expanded in one dimension would always run in the synchronous orbit of the planet, but due to the resistance generated by the solar storm, it slowed down, and some of the one-dimensional filaments still fell into the atmosphere.After six hours of trisolaris, people who came outside found strange flashes of light around them. Those flashes were in the form of filaments, fleeting and appearing and disappearing.They soon learned from the news that the one-dimensional protons fell to the ground under the action of gravity.Although these one-dimensional filaments are infinitely thin, their nuclear force fields can still reflect visible light and can still be seen.This is the first time people have seen matter that is not made of atoms, which are themselves just a small part of a proton.

"These things are really annoying." The Führer kept brushing his face with his hands. At this time, he was standing on the wide steps in front of the Government Building with the Science Consul. "I always feel itchy on my face."

"Führer, this is just your psychological effect. The sum of the masses of all one-dimensional filaments is equivalent to a proton, so they have almost no effect on the macroscopic world, and of course there is no harm, as if they do not exist."

But the one-dimensional filaments falling from the sky became denser and denser. Under the sunlight, the space near the ground was filled with tiny flashes of light, and the sun and stars seemed to be surrounded by a circle of silvery velvet.The people who went out were covered with a dimensional silk, and they trailed a tiny flash of light as they walked.When they were back inside, the one-dimensional filaments shone in the light, and as soon as they moved, the reflections of the filaments traced the shape of the air disturbed by them around them.Although the one-dimensional silk can only be seen in light and does not produce any tactile sensation, it is disturbing enough.

The torrential rain of one-dimensional silk did not stop until it rained more than 20 three bodies. This is not because the filaments all fell to the ground. Although their mass is unimaginably small, they still have some, so the acceleration under gravity Like a normal object, but once it enters the atmosphere, it is immediately and completely controlled by the air flow, and it will never fall.But after the one-dimensional unfolding, the strong interaction force of protons is greatly weakened, so that the strength of the one-dimensional filament is not strong, and it gradually breaks into small pieces. The reflected light is invisible to the naked eye, and people feel that they have disappeared.The dust of one-dimensional thread is always floating in the space of Trisolaran.

After fifty trisomy hours, the two-dimensional unfolding of protons proceeds for the second time.This time, the people on the ground quickly saw the strange sign. When the heat sink of the fusion power station glowed red, several huge objects suddenly appeared at the position of the accelerator, all of which were in very regular geometric shapes. The surface colors of spheres, tetrahedrons, cubes, and cones are very complex. If you look closely, you will find that there is no color at all. The surfaces of the geometric bodies are all fully reflected mirrors. What people see is only the distorted image of the reflected planet surface. "Did it work this time?" asked the Führer. "This is the proton unfolded into two dimensions?"

The Science Consul replied: "Prince, this time is still unsuccessful. I got a report from the accelerator control center. This time, one dimension was lost, and the target proton was expanded into three dimensions."

Huge mirror geometry continued to emerge at a very fast speed, with more diverse shapes, including rings and three-dimensional crosses, and even a twisted ring similar to a Möbius strip.All geometry drifts away from the accelerator's position.After about half an hour, these geometric bodies filled most of the sky, like a giant child scattered a box of building blocks in the sky.The sunlight reflected by the geometric body doubles the brightness of the ground, and it flickers, and the shadow of the giant pendulum appears and disappears in the skylight cast on the ground, swaying from side to side.Then, all the geometry began to deform, gradually losing its regular shape, as if it had been melted by heat.This deformation intensified, and the changing shapes became more and more chaotic and complex. Now the objects in the sky no longer reminded people of building blocks, but more like the dismembered limbs and internal organs of a giant.Due to their irregular shapes, the sunlight that they scatter onto the ground is more even and softer, but the colors on their surfaces are even more weird and unpredictable.

Among the disordered three-dimensional bodies that covered the sky, some of them attracted the special attention of ground observers, first of all because these three-dimensional bodies were very similar, and when they looked closely, people recognized what they expressed, a huge A sense of horror swept the entire Trisolaran world.

Those are eyes! (We don't know the shape of Trisolaran's eyes, but one thing is certain: any intelligent creature is very sensitive to the image of the eyes.)
The head of state is one of the few people who really keeps calm. He asked the scientific consul: "How complicated can the internal structure of a microscopic particle be?"

"That depends on how many dimensional perspectives you observe from. From a one-dimensional perspective, microscopic particles are the perception of ordinary people, just a point; from a two-dimensional and three-dimensional perspective, particles begin to show internal structures; elementary particles from a four-dimensional perspective It’s already a huge world.”

The head of state said: "I always find it inconceivable that the word grand is used on such a microscopic object as a proton."

The Science Consul ignored the head of state, and continued on his own: "In higher dimensions, the complexity and number of structures inside particles rise sharply. My analogy below is not accurate, it is just a vivid description: Seven-dimensional perspective The complexity of the elementary particle may already be comparable to the three-body galaxy in the three-dimensional space; from the eight-dimensional perspective, the particle is as grand and vast as the Milky Way; when the perspective reaches the nine-dimensional perspective, the number of internal structures and The complexity is already equivalent to the entire universe. As for the higher dimensions, our physicists have not been able to detect them, and I have not yet imagined their complexity."

The head of state pointed to the huge eyes in space, "Does the matter in front of you indicate that there is intelligent life in the microcosm contained in the unfolded protons?"

"The definition of life may not be suitable for use in the high-dimensional microcosm. To be more accurate, we can only say that there is intelligence or wisdom in that universe. Scientists have already predicted this possibility. Such a complex and grand world, if there is no It's not normal to evolve something like intelligence."

"Why do they change their eyes to look at us?" The head of state looked up at the sky.Those eyes in space are very beautiful sculptures, lifelike, they all look at the planet below, their eyes seem to be very strange.

"Maybe I just want to show my existence."

"Does all that stuff fall to the ground?"

"No, please rest assured, the head of state. Even if it falls, it will be the same as the one-dimensionally expanded filament last time. The sum of all the masses of these huge objects is only equivalent to a proton, and it will not have any impact on our world. All one has to do is to adapt one's mind to the spectacle."

But this time, the science consuls were wrong.

Now, people can feel that, in all the three-dimensional bodies covering the sky, the moving speed of the “eyes” is obviously faster than other geometric bodies, and they are all converging towards the same point.Soon, the two eyes met and merged into one, and the combined shape was still the eye, but the volume increased.More "eyes" were added to the composite, which also rapidly increased in size.In the end, all the "eyes" merged into one, and this "eye" was so huge that it seemed to represent the entire universe staring at the Trisolaran world.Its eyes are clear and bright, with a sun in the center, and a flood of colors rolls across the wide eyelids.After a short time, the details on the surface of the "Giant Eye" began to fade and gradually disappeared, and the "Giant Eye" became a blind eye without pupils; then, its shape began to change, and finally lost the shape of the eye completely, becoming a perfect circle.When the giant circle began to rotate slowly, people found that it was not a plane, but a paraboloid, like a part cut from a giant sphere.

Staring at the slowly turning giant in the air, the military consul suddenly realized something, and shouted: "Führer, hurry up, there are others, hurry up to the underground shelter!" He pointed upwards, "It is... "

"A mirror," said the Führer calmly. "Order the Space Defense Force to destroy it immediately. We'll just watch it here and not go anywhere."

At this time, the sunlight focused by the reflector had already projected onto the Trisolaran planet, the area of ​​the light spot was very large at first, and the heat at the focal point was not lethal.This light spot is moving on the continent, looking for the target.The reflector obviously found the largest city, the capital, and the spot of light moved here, quickly covering the capital within its range.The people under the giant pendulum monument only saw a huge light appearing in space, and this light was so strong that it covered up everything else in the sky.At the same time, people felt a burst of heat.The large spot of light covering the capital is shrinking rapidly. This is because the reflector is further focusing the sunlight. The brightness of the light cluster in space continues to increase, making it impossible for people to look up. People inside the spot feel the heat is increasing sharply.Just when the heat was unbearable, the boundary of the light spot swept across the giant pendulum monument, and everything suddenly darkened.It took people here a while to adjust their eyes to the normal light.The first thing they saw when they looked up was an upright beam of light, in the shape of an inverted cone. The reflector in space was the bottom of the cone of light. The head of the cone of light was piercing the center of the capital, causing everything there It turned into an incandescent state, billowing columns of smoke rose from there, and the tornado triggered by the uneven heat of the light cone formed several other dust pillars reaching the sky, twisting and dancing around the light cone...

Several balls of dazzling fire appeared in different parts of the mirror.Their color is different from the light emitted by the reflector, which is blue, which is the nuclear bomb launched by the Trisolaran space defense force and exploded on the target.Since the explosion was carried out outside the atmosphere, no sound could be heard.When these fireballs were extinguished, several large holes appeared in the mirror, and then the entire mirror surface began to tear, and finally broke into a dozen pieces.At the same time, the death light cone disappeared, and the world returned to normal light. For a moment, people felt that everything was as dark as a moonlit night.The fragments that had lost their intelligence continued to deform, and soon became indistinguishable from other geometries in space.

"What will happen next time we start the experiment?" The head of state said to the science consul with a mocking look, "Will you expand a proton into four dimensions?"

"Prince, even this is not a big problem. The volume of the proton after four-dimensional expansion is much smaller. If the space defense force is prepared to attack its projection in three-dimensional space, it can also be destroyed."

"You are deceiving the Führer!" the military consul angrily said to the science consul, "you keep silent about the real danger! What if the proton is expanded in zero dimension?"

"Zero dimension?" the head of state asked with great interest, "that's a point with no size."

"Yes, the singularity! A proton is infinite compared to it, and all the mass of this proton will be contained in this singularity, and its density will be infinite! Of course, you can imagine what this is, Führer. "

"Black hole?"


"Führer, it's like this—" the Science Consul quickly explained, "We chose protons instead of neutrons for two-dimensional expansion to avoid this danger. If zero-dimensional expansion really appears, the electric charge carried by protons will It will also be transferred to the black hole that formed when it unfolded, and we can capture and contain it electromagnetically."

"What if you can't find it or control it at all?" asked the military consul, "it may fall to the ground, absorb all the matter it encounters on the way, rapidly increase its mass, and then sink to the bottom of our planet. The center of the earth will finally suck the entire Trisolaran world into it!"

"It won't happen, I promise! Why do you always have trouble with me? As I said, scientific experiments..."

"Enough!" said the Führer. "What is the chance of success next time?"

"Almost [-]%! Head of state, please believe me, through these two failures, we have mastered the law of low-dimensional expansion from the micro to the macro."

"Well, for the survival of Trisolaran civilization, this risk must be taken."

"Thank you Head of State!"

"However, if you still fail next time, you, as well as all the scientists involved in the sophon project, are guilty."

"Yes, of course, all are guilty." If Trisolarans could sweat, the Science Consul must have wiped a cold sweat.

It is much easier to clean up the three-dimensionally expanded protons in the synchronous orbit than the one-dimensionally expanded protons, and a small spacecraft can drag that mass of proton matter away from the near-Earth space of the planet to prevent them from entering the atmosphere.Those mountain-like masses were almost massless, gigantic silver phantoms that a baby could easily drag along.

Afterwards, the head of state asked the science consul: "In this experiment, did we destroy a civilization in the microcosm?"

"At least an intelligent body, and, Head of State, what we destroy is the entire microcosm. That universe is very grand in high dimensions. Obviously, there may be more than one intelligence or civilization, but they have no chance to express themselves to the macrocosm. That’s all. Of course, in the high-dimensional space on a microscopic scale, the forms of wisdom and civilization are absolutely unimaginable to us, and they are completely different things. Also note: this is not the first time this has happened.”


"In the long history of scientific development, how many protons have been hit by physicists with accelerators? How many neutrons and electrons have they been hit by accelerators? Probably no less than a billion times. Every collision may affect the wisdom or civilization in that micro universe. are destructive. In fact, even in nature, the destruction of the microcosm is happening every moment, such as the decay of protons and neutrons, and a beam of high-energy cosmic rays entering the atmosphere may destroy into Thousands of won't get sentimental about it, will you?"

"You are very humorous. I will immediately notify the Propaganda Consul, and let him repeat this scientific fact to the whole world, so that the people of Trisolarans can understand that the destruction of civilization is actually an event that happens every moment in the universe. Nothing more than ordinary."

"What is the significance of this? Is it to enable the people to face the possible destruction of the Trisolaran civilization?"

"No, it is to let them face the destruction of the earth's civilization calmly. You also know that after the announcement of our basic policy on the earth's civilization, some extremely dangerous pacifist sentiments were aroused. We have only now discovered that in the Trisolaran world like 1379 There are actually a lot of people like the number listener, and this fragile emotion must be controlled and eliminated."

"Prince, this sentiment is mainly caused by the recent new information from the earth. Your prediction has come true, and the alien forces on the earth are indeed developing. They have established a launch base completely controlled by themselves, and began to continuously send We send a lot of information about the earth civilization. I have to admit that the earth civilization is very lethal in the Trisolaran world. For our people, it is the holy music from heaven. The humanistic thinking of the earth people will make many Trisolarans People go astray spiritually, and the Trisolaran civilization has become a religion on Earth, and Earth civilization is also possible in the Trisolaran world.”

"You pointed out a great danger, and the flow of information from the earth to the people, especially cultural information, should be strictly limited."

The third experiment of the two-dimensional expansion of the proton was carried out after thirty three-body hours, this time at night.The accelerator ring in space cannot be seen from the ground, only the red cursor on the heat sink of the fusion power station next to it shows its location.Shortly after the accelerator's launch, the Science Consul declared the launch a success.

People looked up at the night sky and saw nothing at first, but soon, they found a miraculous sign: the starry sky was divided into two parts, and the patterns of the constellations in the two parts did not match, as if two pictures of the starry sky were stacked on top of each other. Together, the smaller one is placed on top of the larger one, with the Milky Way truncated at the boundary between the two.A small portion of the starry sky is circular, expanding rapidly against the normal starry background.

"The constellations there are from the southern hemisphere!" the cultural and educational consul pointed to the expanding circular starry sky.

While people were exhausting their imaginations trying to understand how the stars seen on the other side of the planet were superimposed on the night sky in the northern hemisphere, an even more astonishing sight emerged: at the moving edge of the expanding southern hemisphere sky, A portion of a huge sphere appeared, brown in color, being scanned like an image on a very slow monitor, a familiar sphere with familiar continental shapes clearly visible.When the display of the sphere is complete, it has occupied one-third of the sky, and the details of its surface can be seen more clearly: the brown land is covered with folds of mountains, and the clouds seem to be clinging to the continent. Can Xue... Only then did someone tell the truth: "That is our planet!"

Yes, another three-body world has appeared in space.

Immediately afterwards, the sky brightened, and next to the second trisolaran planet in space, another sun was scanned at the boundary of the expanded southern hemisphere starry sky. This is obviously the sun that is shining on the southern hemisphere now, but it seems that only its half size.

Now, someone finally realized the truth of the matter: "That's a mirror!"

The gigantic mirror that appears above the Trisolaran is the proton being unfolded into a two-dimensional plane, which is a true geometric plane without thickness.

When the two-dimensional unfolding is completed, the firmament has been completely covered by the starry sky of the southern hemisphere, and the mirror image of the three-body planet and the sun is in the center of the zenith.Immediately afterwards, the starry sky around the horizon began to deform, and the images of the stars were elongated and distorted, as if they had melted and flowed.This deformation is developing from the periphery upwards.

"Führer, the proton plane is bending under the gravity of our planet," said the Science Consul, and he pointed to the many halos that had just appeared in the starry sky, like someone shining a dangling flashlight on the ceiling of a cave. "That is the electromagnetic radiation emitted from the ground, which adjusts the gravitational bending of the plane, so that the proton plane finally completely wraps our planet, and then the electromagnetic radiation will continue to emit, like many spokes, to maintain the shape of this large sphere Stable, so that Trisolaris becomes a working platform for fixing two-dimensional protons, and the etching of integrated circuits on the proton plane can begin.”

The enveloping of the three-body planet by the two-dimensional plane of the proton is a long process. When the deformation of the starry sky approaches the image of the three-body planet on the zenith, the stars disappear sequentially from top to bottom, and the proton plane that has been bent to the other side of the planet blocks it. starry sky.At this time, sunlight still shines into the curved proton, and the reflection of the Trisolaran world can be seen in the universe mirror in space, which has become unrecognizable.When the last ray of sunlight disappeared, everything was hidden in the boundless darkness.It was the darkest night in Trisolaran's history.Under the balance of the planet's gravitational force and artificial electromagnetic radiation, the proton plane forms a large spherical shell with a radius of synchronous orbit, completely enclosing the planet in the center of the sphere.

The severe cold came.The fully reflective proton plane reflected all sunlight back into space, and the temperature in the Trisolaran world dropped sharply, and finally dropped to the point where the three flying stars that had caused the destruction of civilization for many rounds appeared at the same time.Most of the citizens of the Trisolaran world were dehydrated and stored, and the land shrouded in darkness was dead silent.In the sky, only the weak halo excited by the electromagnetic radiation that maintains the proton giant membrane swayed, and occasionally a few lights on the synchronous orbit could be seen, which were spacecraft that etched integrated circuits on the giant membrane.

The principle of microscopic integrated circuits is completely different from that of ordinary integrated circuits, because its substrate is not composed of atoms, but itself is a proton.The PN junction of the circuit is formed by twisting the local strong interaction force on the proton plane, and the wire is also used to conduct nuclear force mesons.Because the circuit plane is very large, the macroscopic size of the circuit is also large, and the lines are as thick as a hair, which can be clearly distinguished with the naked eye after getting close.If you fly close to the proton plane, you can see a vast plain composed of sophisticated integrated circuits, the total area of ​​which is dozens of times the land area of ​​the Trisolaran planet it wraps.

Proton circuit etching is a huge project. It took fifteen thousand three-body hours to complete thousands of spaceships, and another five thousand three-body hours to debug the software. Finally, it was time for Sophon’s first test run. .

On the large screen of the Sophon Control Center deep underground, after the lengthy system self-inspection procedure is over, the loading process of the system is displayed, and finally, a line of large characters appears on the blank blue screen:
The loading of "Micro Wisdom 2.10" is complete, Sophon [-] is waiting for instructions.

The science consul said: "Now, the sophon is born, and we have endowed a proton with intelligence, which is the smallest artificial intelligence we can create."

"But from our point of view, it is the largest artificial intelligence." The head of state said.

"Führer, we will increase the dimension of this proton, and it will become smaller soon." After finishing speaking, the Science Consul entered a query on the control terminal:
Sophon [-], is the space dimension control function normal?

Normally, Sophon One can activate the spatial dimension control function at any time.

Shrink dimensions to three dimensions.

After this command was issued, the two-dimensional proton giant membrane that wrapped the Trisolaran world shrank rapidly, as if a giant hand in the universe had torn apart the cloth of this world, and almost instantly, the sun shone on the earth.The proton shrinks from two dimensions to three dimensions, and becomes a giant ball in a synchronous orbit, which looks as big as a giant moon. It is on the night side of the planet, but the sunlight reflected by the mirror sphere turns the night into day.Now, the outside world is still freezing cold, and the people in the control room can only witness it from the screen.

Dimension contraction is successful, Sophon [-] is waiting for instructions.

Shrink the dimensions to four.

In space, the giant ball shrinks rapidly, and finally looks only the size of a flying star. On this side of the planet, night descends again.

"Führer, the sphere we see now is not a real sophon, but its projection in three-dimensional space. It is a four-dimensional giant. Our world is a three-dimensional thin paper. It stands on this paper. We can only see the part where the soles of its feet touch the paper."

Dimension contraction is successful, Sophon [-] is waiting for instructions.

shrink the dimensions to six dimensions.

The small ball in space disappeared.

"How big is a six-dimensional proton?" the Führer asked.

"The radius is about fifty units." The Science Consul replied.

Dimension contraction is successful, Sophon [-] is waiting for instructions.

Sophon One, can you see us?
Yes, I can see the control room, see everyone in it, and see everyone's guts, and even the guts of your guts.

"What does it say?" asked the Führer in amazement.

"Sophons look at three-dimensional space from six-dimensional space, just like we look at a painting on a two-dimensional plane, of course we can see our interior."

Sophon One, enter the control room.

"Can it penetrate the ground?" the Führer asked.

"The head of state is not penetrating, but entering from a higher dimension. It can enter any closed space in our world. This is also the relationship between us in three dimensions and the two-dimensional plane. We can easily enter a circle on the plane from above, Whereas a two-dimensional creature on a flat surface would never be possible unless it broke that circle."

As soon as the Science Consul's words fell, a mirror sphere appeared in the middle of the control room, suspended in mid-air.The Führer walked over and looked at his own deformed reflection on the fully reflective sphere. "This is actually a proton?!" He said with surprise and exclamation.

"Prince, this is just the projection of the six-dimensional entity of the proton in the three-dimensional space."

The Führer stretched out his hand to see that the Science Consul did not stop him, and touched Sophon's surface.With this light touch of his hand, Sophon was pushed a certain distance.

"It seems very smooth. It has only the mass of a proton, but there is a little resistance in my hand." The head of state said puzzled.

"The cause of air resistance acting on a sphere."

"Can it be retracted into eleven dimensions and become the size of an ordinary proton?" asked the head of state.Before he finished speaking, the Science Consul shouted to Sophon in horror:

"Attention, this is not an order!!"

Sophon One understands.

"Führer, if we shrink back to eleven dimensions, we will lose it forever. When the sophon shrinks to the size of an ordinary microscopic particle, the sensors and I/O interfaces inside it will be smaller than the wavelength of all electromagnetic waves, which means it cannot Perceive the macroscopic world, and cannot receive our instructions."

"But we will eventually restore it to a microscopic particle."

"Yes, but that will have to wait until Sophon No. [-], No. [-] and No. [-] are built. More than one Sophon can form a system that perceives the macroscopic world through certain quantum effects. For example: Suppose there are two Protons, they will follow certain rules of motion between each other, such as spin, maybe the spin directions of two protons must be opposite. When these two protons are separated from the nucleus, no matter how much they are separated from each other The rule remains valid even if the distance is large; change the spin direction of one proton, and the spin direction of the other must immediately change accordingly. When these two protons are constructed as sophons, there will be such a Based on this effect, it forms a whole of mutual induction, and multiple sophons can form a sensing array. The scale of this array can reach any size, and it can receive electromagnetic waves of all frequency bands, so it can perceive the macroscopic world. Of course, the formation of sophons The quantum effects of arrays are extremely complex, and my description is just a metaphor."

The subsequent two-dimensional expansion of the three protons was a success, and the construction time of each sophon was only half of that of the first one.After the completion of Sophon [-], [-] and [-], the quantum sensing array composed of four sophons was also successfully established.

The head of state and all the consuls once again came under the giant pendulum monument.Above them, there are four sophons that have shrunk to six dimensions, and in each crystal mirror sphere, a rising sun is reflected, which reminds people of those three-dimensional creatures that once appeared in space. body eyes.

Sophon array, the continuous dimension shrinks to eleven dimensions.

After the command was issued, the four mirrored spheres disappeared.The Science Consul said: "Prince, Sophon [-] and [-] will fly to the earth. Relying on the huge knowledge base stored in the microscopic circuit, sophons know the nature of space like the back of their hands. The sophon becomes a high-energy particle within a time, and travels at a speed close to the speed of light. This seems to violate the law of energy conservation. Sophons 'borrow' energy from the vacuum structure, but the return is far away, and it will wait until the proton decays, and then The end of the universe is not far away."

"After the two sophons arrive on the earth, the first task is to locate the high-energy accelerator used by human beings for physics research, and then lurk in it. At the scientific level of earth civilization, the basic method used to study the deep structure of matter is to use Accelerated high-energy particles collide with selected target particles, and when the target particles are smashed, the results are analyzed in order to find information reflecting the deep structure of the material. In actual experiments, the material containing the target particles is used as When hitting the target, the interior of the material is almost empty. If an atom is as big as a theater, the nucleus is just a walnut suspended in the theater. Therefore, successful collisions are very rare, and often occur in a large number of high-energy particles for a long time. It happens only once after bombarding the target material, and it's like finding a raindrop of a slightly different color from a summer rainstorm."

"This gives the sophon a chance to replace the target particle to accept the impact. Because it has high intelligence, through the quantum sensing array, they can accurately judge the trajectory of the bombarded particle in a very short time, and then move to Appropriate position. Therefore, the success rate of impacting a sophon is hundreds of millions of times higher than that of an ordinary target particle. When a sophon is impacted, it will intentionally give wrong and confusing results. Even if there are occasional correct Impacts happen, and it's impossible for geophysicists to separate the correct results from the hordes of false ones."

"So, isn't Sophon also consumed?" asked the military consul.

"No. Protons are already the basic structure of matter. They are fundamentally different from ordinary macroscopic matter. They can be crushed, but they cannot be destroyed. In fact, when a sophon is broken into several parts , a few sophons are produced, and there is still a strong quantum connection between them, just like you cut off a magnet, but get two magnets. Although the function of each fragmented sophon will be much lower than the original whole Sophons, but under the command of the restoration software, the individual fragments can quickly close together and recombine into a whole sophon that is exactly the same as before the impact. This process is that after the impact, the fragmented sophons show errors in the bubble chamber of the high-energy accelerator or on the latex photosensitive film After the results are completed, it only takes a millionth of a second."

Someone asked again: "Is there such a possibility that people on earth use some method to identify sophons, and then use a strong electromagnetic field to capture them and imprison them? Protons are positively charged."

"This is even more impossible. To identify sophons, human beings need a breakthrough in the study of the deep structure of matter, but high-energy accelerators have become a pile of scrap iron. How can this kind of research be carried out? The hunter's eyes have already been destroyed. His prey was blinded."

"The people on earth have another stupid way," said the industry consul, "they can build a large number of accelerators, faster than we can build sophons, then there will always be a certain accelerator on the earth that has no sophons lurking in it, and the correct result will be obtained. "

"This is the most interesting bit of the sophon project!" The question excited the Science Consul, "Mr. Industry Consul, you don't have to worry about building a lot of sophons to collapse the Trisolaran economy. We don't have to, maybe A few more sophons will be built, but not more, in fact, two are enough, since each sophon is multithreaded in behavior."


"This is a term for an old serial computer. At that time, the computer's central processing unit could only run a single program at a time, but due to its high speed and interrupt scheduling, our observers at the low-speed level It seems that the computer is running multiple programs at the same time. You know, the sophon can move at a speed close to the speed of light. The earth world is a small place relative to the speed of light. If the sophon travels between different accelerators on the earth Then, in the eyes of the people on earth, it seems to exist in every accelerator at the same time, and it can almost produce false impact results in all accelerators at the same time."

"We have calculated that each sophon can control as many as 450 high-energy accelerators, and it would take four to five years for people on earth to build such an accelerator. From the perspective of economy and resources, it is impossible to build a large number of them. Of course, They can increase the distance between the accelerators, for example, build on various planets in their galaxy, which can indeed destroy the multi-threading of sophons, but in such a long time, Trisolaris recreates ten or more sophons Nor is it difficult. More and more sophons will roam that planetary system, and together they will not be a billionth the size of a bacterium, but will never allow physicists on Earth to peer into the depths of matter The secret, the control of the people on the earth on the microscopic dimension will be limited to below the fifth dimension, not to mention 450 million hours, even [-] trillion hours, the science and technology of the earth civilization will not have an essential breakthrough, they will always be in the original state The era. The science of the earth has been completely locked, and this lock is so strong that human beings can never break free with their own strength."

"It's wonderful! Please forgive my disrespect for the Sophon Project." The military consul said sincerely.

"In fact, there are currently only three accelerators on the earth that have reached the energy level required for possible breakthrough research results. Sophon [-] and [-] will be almost idle after arriving on the earth. In order to make full use of their working capabilities, except for the three In addition to interfering with the accelerator, we have also arranged other tasks for the sophons, and they will become the main technical means to implement the miracle plan."

"Can Sophon perform miracles?"

"For people on Earth, yes. Everyone knows that high-energy particles can make film sensitive, which is also one of the methods used by the earth's primitive accelerators to display individual particles. Every time a sophon passes through a film in a high-energy state, it is produced on it. A photosensitive point, they pass back and forth, and these points can be connected into a row of letters or numbers, or even graphics, like embroidery. This process is extremely fast, far faster than the photosensitive speed of the film when the camera of the earth is taken. In addition, The retinas of people on Earth are similar to those of Trisolarans, so high-energy sophons can also print letters, numbers or graphics on their retinas in the same way... If the above-mentioned small miracles can confuse and frighten people on Earth, then what? A giant miracle is enough to scare those bug scientists to death: sophons can cause the cosmic background radiation in their eyes to flicker as a whole."

"It's also scary for our scientists, how to do it?"

"It's very simple. We have compiled the software that allows the sophon to unfold itself two-dimensionally. After the expansion is completed, the earth will be surrounded by that huge plane. This software can also make the unfolded plane transparent, but in the waveband of the cosmic background radiation In fact, its transparency can be adjusted...Of course, when the sophons expand in various dimensions, they can display more magnificent 'miracles', and the corresponding software is also under development. These 'miracles' will create a kind of An atmosphere in which scientific thought is led astray, so that we can use the Miracle Project to create a strong containment of science other than physics in the world of Earth."

"The last question: why not send all the four sophons we have to Earth?"

"Quantum sensing is at a distance. Even if the four sophons are located at two ends of the universe, the sensing can still be transmitted in an instant, and the quantum array they form still exists. If the three and four sophons are left here, they can receive them in real time. The information sent back by Sophon [-] and Sophon [-] located on the earth has realized the real-time monitoring of the earth by Trisolaran. At the same time, the sophon array also enables Trisolaran to communicate with alien elements in the earth civilization in real time."

"Here is an important strategic step," the head of state interjected. "We will use the sophon array to inform the people on Earth of Trisolaran's true intentions for Earth's civilization."

"That is to say, we will tell them that the Trisolaran fleet will make this species disappear from the earth by prohibiting the earthlings from procreating for a long time?"

"Yes, there are two possible results: one is to make people on Earth abandon all illusions and fight to the death, and the other is to make their society degenerate and collapse in despair and fear. With careful study, we think the latter possibility is more likely."

At some point, the rising sun disappeared below the horizon again, the sunrise turned into a sunset, and another chaotic era in the Trisolaran world began.

Just as Ye Wenjie was reading the information from Trisolaran, another important meeting was being held in the combat center to conduct preliminary research on the captured information.Before the meeting, General Chang Weisi said: "Comrades, please pay attention, our meeting may already be under Sophon's surveillance. In the future, any secrets will no longer exist."

When he said this, everything around him was still familiar, and the summer tree shadows swayed on the drawn curtains; but in the eyes of all the participants, the world was different from the past, and they felt a pair of omnipresent eyes staring at themselves , Under these eyes, there is nowhere to hide in this world, and this feeling will haunt them all their lives, and even their descendants will not be able to escape.It takes many years for human beings to adapt mentally to this situation.

Just three seconds after Chang Weisi finished speaking, Trisolaran had the first communication with humans other than the Earth rebels. After that, they interrupted the communication with the Earth Trisolarans Advent faction. Communications, in the lifetime of all the participants, Trisolaris never sent any messages.At this time, everyone in the combat center saw the message in their eyes, just like Wang Miao saw the countdown. The message only flashed for less than two seconds and then disappeared, but everyone read its content accurately. It only has five words——

You are bugs!

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