Three bodies

Chapter 37 Epilogue Ruins

No one believed that Ye Wenjie could reach the Radar Peak again with her own physical strength, but she did it in the end. She did not ask others to help her along the way, and only rested twice in the abandoned sentry box on the mountainside.She was mercilessly consuming her irreplaceable vitality.

After learning the truth about the Three-Body Civilization, Ye Wenjie remained silent and seldom spoke. She only made one request: she wanted to go back to the site of the Red Bank Base.

When a group of people climbed the mountain, the peak of Radar Peak had just come out of the clouds. After walking for a day in the hazy mist, now they suddenly saw the sun shining brightly in the western sky and the clear blue sky. It was like entering another world.

Looking from the top of the peak, the sea of ​​clouds is silvery white under the sun, and the undulating shape seems to be a metaphysical abstract reproduction of the Greater Khingan Mountains under the clouds.

The ruins that people imagined do not exist, the base has been completely demolished, leaving only a piece of grass on the peak, the foundation and roads are covered under it, it looks like a wilderness, and everything on the Red Bank seems to have never happened.

But Ye Wenjie soon discovered a relic. She walked to the side of a tall rock and pushed away the vines growing on it, revealing the mottled rust. Only then did others discover that the "rock" turned out to be a huge metal base.

"This is the base of the antenna." Ye Wenjie said.The first call of the earth civilization heard by the alien world was sent to the sun through the antenna on the base, and then amplified by the sun and forwarded to the entire universe.

People found a small stele next to the base, which was almost completely buried by weeds, and wrote:

The original site of Hong'an Base

Chinese Academy of Sciences

The monument is so small, it is more like to forget than to commemorate.

Ye Wenjie walked to the edge of the cliff where she had personally ended the lives of two soldiers.She didn't look at the sea of ​​clouds like other people in the same company, but focused her eyes on one direction. Under that cloud, there was a small village called Qijiatun...

Ye Wenjie's heart was beating hard, like a string that was about to break, black mist began to surge in front of her eyes, she used up the last energy of her life to hold on, before everything fell into eternal darkness, she wanted to see A sunset at the Red Bank base.

In the western sky, the setting sun that was sinking in the sea of ​​clouds seemed to be melted, and the blood of the sun diffused in the sea of ​​clouds and the sky, reflecting a large expanse of magnificent blood red.

"This is the sunset of mankind..." Ye Wenjie said softly.

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