Two Cities, I build mecha in Picheng

Chapter 367 Forbidden Magic Stone Forest

Chapter 367 Forbidden Magic Stone Forest
On the beach on a moonlit night, Zoe snuggled into the arms of Li Lin, who had just established a relationship, enjoying the calmness of the rolling waves and the sea breeze.

Knowing the reason why Li Lin has been refusing to respond to her, Zoe still lived in what she "hated"——she grew up and became a girl.

"Oh, I didn't want to grow up!" She wrapped her hands tightly around Li Lin's waist, buried her face deeply in his chest and rubbed it, "Who made the rules? It's so annoying!"

After getting louder, Zoe's voice has changed a lot compared to before.

Instead of the sharpness of a child, it has the maturity of a youthful and energetic girl.

Of course, there is no shortage of vitality and childish temper that belong to Zoe alone.

"There's no one specifying it, it's for the protection of the kids."

Li Lin put his arms around her shoulders, stroking her hair with his right hand.

In fact, for Zoe, he still has some guilt-like emotions in it.

Now, he has a chance to make up for the little girl who has been willing to stay by his side.

However, Caitlin's words...

Li Lin couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Zooey felt the change in his mood, and guessed what he was thinking all of a sudden, "Stay with me, don't think about other women, if you're worried about Caitlin..."

At this time, even Zooey hesitated.

She knew that Li Lin also loved Caitlin deeply. Although she also wanted to monopolize Li Lin and was reluctant to share this love with others, the most important thing was not to make him sad.

"Tsk..." Zooey smacked her lips and stroked Li Lin's face with one hand, "For her side, we can take our time~~"

"I'm just thinking about how to take it slowly so that she can accept you."

" about you say I forced you?"

"Come on."

Li Lin pressed on the center of Zooey's eyebrows, with doting eyes in his eyes.

Now that the relationship has been established, there is no need to hide anything.

"It's so unfair to you, and it's not good for your relationship with Caitlin. Don't you want to be friends with her?"

The corner of Zooey's mouth curled up, and her heart couldn't help but feel warm.

So handsome, cute, considerate and charming~~
It seems that I still have a good eye!
"I read in the book that women are most receptive to external information only when they are the most excited and powerless... How about we try?"

"Excited and powerless?"

No matter how "honest and gentleman" Li Lin is, he can't help thinking in the wrong place.

He stared at Zooey strangely, and asked tentatively, "What do you mean...?"

"It's literally!" Zooey had an unnatural blush on her face, "It's just... that's what you and Caitlin often do!"


Li Lin was stunned for a moment, but then he thought of what Zoe had done, and suddenly understood.

"You little girl!"

Angrily, he flicked Zoe's forehead with his hand, which caused her to hold her head in her hands, puffed up her cheeks and said in dissatisfaction, "Can you stop flicking me like this! I'm obviously thinking of a way..."

"What kind of bad idea is this? How could it be at that time?" Li Lin said angrily, "When she reacts afterwards, she will be angry!"

"It's okay. We've done what we should do by then. Could it be that she won't let you take responsibility?"

"But... this?"

It's still hard for Li Lin to imagine what Caitlyn's attitude will be if she really wants to do this.

However, Zoe's method is not without merit...

Oops, what the hell was I thinking?
Li Lin shook his head violently, and quickly put some eclectic scenes behind him.

"Let's take this kind of thing slowly later, at least we still have some time to think about it before returning to Piltover."

Li Lin patted Zooey, then stood up.

The nano-material automatically filters out the sand contaminated on his clothes.

"Okay, let's go back, you have to go with me to apologize to King Jarvan III."

"Slightly~~ People don't apologize, and I'm right!"

"You're disturbing everyone's interest."

"That's your fault, so who told you to go find that big cow?" Zoe pouted and snorted softly.

"The first thing people need to do is to respect each other, don't call them Sona Cow anymore."

"Could it be possible that you like her? I already have me..."

Li Lin didn't reply, and slapped her hard again, which made her blush, "Oh! You...where are you going to take the photo?"

"Children will be spanked if they are disobedient."

"Hey, I'm no longer a child!"

Sensing her back, Li Lin raised her palm again, and Zoe immediately leaned back and fell into the condensed portal below her.

In the blink of an eye, she appeared in mid-air four or five meters away from Li Lin.

Zooey made a face at him, "I won't call you!"

"Really?" The corner of Li Lin's mouth curled up into a vague arc, and that penetrating smile made Zooey cover her arms and shudder, "Then don't let me catch you!"

Without even saying a word, he was instantly covered by the nano armor, and then flew into the sky, and rushed straight to Zoe who was not far away from him.


She screamed, then got into the portal at a faster speed than Li Lin, and then appeared in a farther place.

Seeing that she and Li Lin had separated again, Zooey grinned and made faces at him again.

"I won't let you catch it, slightly~~!"

"You little girl..."

Li Lin used the flashing function to approach, but Zoe always got into the portal one step faster than him, and then appeared within a fixed range of 10 meters.

"Can't catch me~~"

The two of them were just laughing and joking, chasing each other in the air like a playful one.

In a short time, he traveled nearly a hundred kilometers from the west side of Xiongdu to the north of Wangcheng.

During this period, they deliberately avoided the Demacians and patrolling rangers, so as not to make themselves uncomfortable.

Unknowingly, Li Lin and Zoe broke into a forest with gray and white towering stone trees.

Because the main material of the nano-energy core is the original crystal, Li Lin noticed that there was some problem with the power supply of his armor, so he stopped Zoe, who was having fun in front of him, and stopped.

When she returned to Li Lin's side, she complained sullenly: "Oh, why did we break into the boring forest?"

The "boring forest" in Zoe's mouth refers to the forbidden magic stone forest.

That's right, the forbidden magic stone is actually a special kind of stone tree.

The ancestors of Demacia, who suffered from the rune wars, found this forest that can restrain magical energy, so they made their home here.

Although there are only gray and white trees and their khaki leaves, there is no other vegetation.

But even so, the magnificence of the Forbidden Stone Forest was far beyond Li Lin's imagination.

According to Zhinao's calculations, every tree here has a diameter of at least five meters and a height of no less than 50 meters.

What's more, there are towering ancient trees with a diameter of 20 meters, a height comparable to Gaiboga, and an age of nearly ten thousand years.

As Li Lin and Zoe continued to go deeper, the age and size of these trees continued to increase.

However, there is also a considerable part of the open space, which is full of felled tree stumps, which should be used by Wangcheng to build city walls or expand houses.

"Can these trees regrow?"

Li Lin's "data-based thinking" has no relevant information, so he asked Zhinao softly.

But Zooey, who was right next to him, took this question as a question for her.

"I don't know, I've never paid attention to this place." She said in an indifferent tone.

"So, can we get out of here? It's so boring here, I can't feel the surge of magic power... Wait!"

As she was talking, Zooey's eyes suddenly lit up, and she looked back at Li Lin excitedly, "Guess what I found?"

 Thanks to the big fan group for the reward!Add more for the boss!

(End of this chapter)

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