Two Cities, I build mecha in Picheng

Chapter 430 Want to go?Let Swain lead the way

Chapter 430 Want to go?Let Swain lead the way

After an unknown amount of time, Katerina woke up from a deep coma, and the first thing she saw was a strange ceiling.

Startled for a moment, she immediately recalled everything that happened before:
When Li Lin asked that sentence, she didn't admit it at first.

But he showed her in front of her the picture of Tyrone sneaking around Gilamann and drawing the blueprints of the manor as if by magic.

Katerina didn't know nano-stealth drones and camera technology, and thought her mission had failed, so she immediately walked behind Li Lin to get rid of him.

Although her father did not issue such an order, she still knew that the way of an assassin would not leave her alive.

However, after using magic, Katerina was shocked to find that the young man in front of her was behind her at some point, which was obviously impossible.

Her last consciousness was that Li Lin slashed her neck with a hand knife, knocking herself out.

Responding to everything that happened before, and feeling the restraint on her body, Katerina immediately turned her body and sat up.

She first looked at the strange place beside her, it was a man wearing Piltover clothes, and also a man who had fought with her and left a permanent scar on her left eye.

"Talon?" Katerina asked in astonishment, she didn't expect him to be arrested too.

In the next second, her face darkened instantly.

Obviously, his father had given him the task of directly contacting Li Lin and finding out his personal information by the way, but he secretly sent this second-rate assassin from the Assassin Guild.

I originally thought that I had regained your trust father, but I didn't expect...

She gritted her teeth, feeling a sense of humiliation.

This is no longer a one-time or two-time thing. Du Kecao has done similar things to humiliate her before.

Of course, she had already killed all the assassins promoted by her father, but she still couldn't get back his respect.

But immediately, looking at Tai Long who hadn't woken up, Katerina felt gloating again, and a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth.

If I couldn't complete the task, wouldn't your proud subordinate also fall into Li Lin's hands?

At this moment, following the soft knock of the door behind her, came the sound of heavy footsteps, "Oh, I've injected you with sleeping pills and tranquilizers, yet you can still wake up so quickly?"

Naturally, Katerina could recognize that this was the voice of Li Lin who easily subdued her.

"You bloody bastard!" she cursed in her most familiar Noxian tongue.

Afterwards, Katerina struggled hard to break free from the shackles on her body, but the powerlessness all over her body made her unable to even do the Shunpo that she was proud of, let alone use magic to conjure a small dagger to cut the obviously unusual hemp rope rope up.

"Don't struggle anymore. It's nanotechnology. It's made of the zero-element synthetic material I've developed. Ordinary god warriors may not be able to break free."

Li Lin casually moved a chair and sat down just a few steps away from them. He raised his legs and a projection interface appeared in front of his eyes.

Just now, because the intelligence brain encountered difficulties in detecting the magic powder that Tai Long could use to make the body transparent, some substances were not recorded in the system, and he supplemented them with "data-based thinking".

This "invisibility powder" is made of a magical plant that grows in the over-climate zone of Noxus and Freljord, and mixed with various materials, it can be ground into such a solid potion that can make people invisible.

However, because it is a Noxus special plant, the material is very rare, and it can only make people enter a transparent state, so you can still tell it if you look closely.

Even if it is a magic potion, this kind of powder cannot achieve the true "invisibility" that ignores physical effects similar to Draxa's curtain blade, and even the effect of optical camouflage is not as good as it is, which is not very practical.

While Li Lin was studying the potion, Katerina frowned and observed his movements.

Thanks to the drug resistance she had trained for many years, she finally activated the magic to condense a blade and cut the rope on her wrist.

"I told you not to struggle, unless this material is a demigod, an ancient god, or an ascendant in the form of a god, it is impossible to damage it."

Li Lin turned off the projection panel, moved his eyes to Katerina with a stiff expression, met her sharp blue-green eyes, and pointed to the wall behind her.

"Besides, there are my mechanical engineers and drones staring at you all the time. Even if you can break free from my high-tech rope, if you dare to make any changes, they will not show mercy to you... Katerina Du Ke Kaa."

"You actually knew my name long ago?!" Katerina exclaimed in amazement, her knife-sharp eyes did not hide her strong killing intent, "You're just pretending this afternoon!"

Li Lin spread his hands and said in a teasing tone: "Or else? Do you think that your acting skills can be awarded the Golden Broom Award?"


Although I don't understand what the "Golden Broom Award" is, it is definitely not a good word.

Katerina was about to explode, but suddenly realized that what the other party said was right, and changed the question: "How did you do it?"

"You want to did I defeat you?"

Li Lin stood up, and Katerina tensed up, realizing what he seemed to want to do.

In the next second, following the pavement, the strong wind that even scratched her cheeks, she felt that her eyes suddenly went dark, and her chin was pinched by a big hand that was as powerful as a vise.

when? !

Katerina's pupils shrank suddenly, and a stormy sea roiled in her heart.

"To defeat you, I don't even need a battle armor, I just rely on my own strength." Li Lin said lightly.

Feeling the man's breath gushing on her face, Katerina wanted to turn her face away, but was pinched by strong fingers, unable to move at all.

"I won't follow you to death!" She maintained a gaze that seemed capable of cutting people into pieces, and uttered each word.

Li Lin was stunned for two seconds, and let go of Katerina with a little disgust, "You think too highly of yourself, don't you? Do you think I'm interested in you?"

He intentionally changed a word, in order to make Katerina understandable, and specially used Noxus language.

"You fucking... damn bastard!" she cursed again.

"Okay, okay, I found that you are really poor at cursing people." Li Lin shook his hand and sat back on his chair, "You are all imprisoned, and you dare to be so arrogant, you are not afraid that I will throw you into the most chaotic Stillwater Prison in Picheng ?”

He looked Katerina up and down, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and deliberately threatened: "Oh yes, I have to inject you with a tranquilizer that will make you weak, and if you don't let go of the rope that binds you, then you will not even You can't do suicide."

Katerina thought about it for a while, and suddenly felt chills, "Devil, you are really him..."

Noticing the look in Li Lin's eyes, she couldn't utter the curse words in the end.

"whispering sound……"

After a pause for a few seconds, Katerina spat in a low voice, slumped on the ground weakly, "What do you want?"

"You asked that." Li Lin shook his head and laughed, "You came to my place to find fault with me, and now you are asking me what I want?"

"Since you know my name, you should naturally know the name of my father, Du Kecao, and know that he is on good terms with the commander-in-chief Swain, right?"

Seeing that she was stuck in the quagmire and unable to protect herself, Katerina moved her identity out.

"I suggest that you release me quickly, so that the iron hooves of Noxus will not crush the city-state you love!"

She didn't have enough confidence, and she didn't mention that she let Tai Long go.

The two of them can be said to be in a competitive and hostile relationship. Even if they are not blood relatives, Tai Long is likely to take over the Du Kecao family in the future.

Katerina would not help him, a guy who left a scar on his face and wanted to replace him.

Li Lin shook his head, with an amused smile on his face, "I said you think highly of yourself, I was right, but now, you don't even have the slightest self-knowledge, and you think I'm afraid of Noxus?"

He sighed and waved his hands casually. The two mechanical engineers who were standing by the wall went straight to this side, picked up Katerina and Tai Long who hadn't woken up from the coma, and walked towards the gate of the workshop.

She panicked all of a sudden, thinking that Li Linzhen was going to throw herself into the prison he said: "Hey! Wait... What do you want to do?!"

"Don't worry, I don't have that kind of bad taste, I won't throw you into the Jingshui prison... But, since you are here to spy on information, the next thing you have to face is the treatment of captives."

"How on earth did you let me go?" Katerina yelled, "You treat war masons like deporting them!"

Li Lin stared at Katerina with a terrified expression, and said seriously: "You are a big fish sent by Swain... Want to leave? Let him come and lead the fish himself."

(End of this chapter)

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