Those who eat qi, live long life

Chapter 103 Immortal Wind Dao Bone Yushu Facing the Wind Mighty and Magnificent

Chapter 103 Immortal Wind Dao Bone Yushu Facing the Wind Mighty and Magnificent
The judges were vague, the parties were behind closed doors, and there were only a lot of guesses and opinions from the participants, which obviously couldn't satisfy the curiosity of all the audience.

Tianmen Nine Daoes left enough suspense for the audience at the end.

Everyone who had seen the No. [-] Wanse Pill up close was immediately questioned and explored.

But many people, including the uncle who judged in the level, couldn't give a clear answer.

In the ninth level, what exactly did Master Baoqi see, and would say that it was not a pill, but a tripod.

And at the eighth level, as the first disciple of Xieyue Mountain to break through the Overlord Realm in 200 years, and also the most likely to refine the real Huoliwan, Shinmako, after seeing that pill, he showed a puzzled scene , was magnified, and then Niu Zhenzi's act of hastily collecting the Wansewan was also started to be interpreted.

Xin Mako and her friends revealed what she was wondering about at the time:
She vaguely felt that the changing wind and color on the Wanse Pill seemed to be alive.

Her feelings caused an uproar, and then more speculations were derived. After summarizing many news, someone made such a bold guess:
The so-called living, and Master Baoqi said that this pill is a tripod, so there is a possibility that the pill has become refined.

Niu Zhenzi refined a demon spirit pill or a fairy spirit pill.

What is this concept?
It is equivalent to refining a magic weapon rather than an illegal weapon.

The magic weapon has spirit and initiative.

Such guesses explain why Wansedan ranks ahead of the simulated Huoliwan and many top-quality instruments.

Just the word magic weapon is enough to explain everything.

However, such speculation also extends to a question:
How can Niu Zhenzi make a magic weapon?How can I get a magic weapon?
Even in the entire Xieyue Mountain, how many magic weapons are there?

Although it was a congratulatory gift for the head teacher, the cost to compete for two seats in the heavenly banquet must be too high!

The first two seats in the sky are the same as the two seats in the sky won by No.18.

Doubt, puzzlement, the more guesses, the more foggy.

Feng Yunlong's residence was trampled to pieces, and close friends, old friends, and new friends kept coming to congratulate and inquire about news.

The road we have taken.

On the Water Dragon Peak, Ding Niu retreated, and Taoist Shui Taoist received the visitors with a polite manner. She only said that she didn’t know about her husband Wanse Wan, and Ding Niu was preparing for tomorrow’s Tianmen Nine Dao Cultivation Challenge, so she had no time to receive them. In this way, all the people who visited were sent away.

On the other side, the Qingshi Yangdan Courtyard where Yangzhenzi was raised was also very lively. Everyone said that Ding Niu was one of the six masters of Yangdan, and the other five masters of Yangdan had no reason to know something about it, so naturally they wanted to inquire about it.

And all the hustle and bustle stopped at the True Dragon Hall on the True Dragon Peak.

When Master Baoqi came with the first eighteen congratulatory gifts, Huang Qiu, the head teacher, was meeting with the elders of Misty City, Qingxumen, Wanzong Xianjiao, Minshan Sect and other sects.

The multilateral meetings at this time are mostly reminiscing about the past and understanding the current situation of the various factions. They are not in-depth, and the atmosphere is relatively relaxed.

Master Baoqi came here, with the identity of Qin State Baoqi Mountain, and also a representative representing one side, so he took his seat naturally.

Speaking of the excitement of the Tianmen gift offering, many bigwigs congratulated and said a few nice words.

The head teacher Huang Qiu smiled and said, "The Xieyue Mountain is prosperous and stable, and so are the other sects. It depends on the common maintenance of the fairy mountains. This is also the purpose of our alliance. However, our Southeast Alliance still faces many challenges: evil sects, heretics, The evil gods and foreign enemies still have the tendency to move around and intend to stir up trouble, we at Xieyue Mountain are willing to form a consensus with you to maintain a stable situation, and we must not allow heretics and evil sects to subvert and cause disasters!"

"Sect Leader Huang is right!"

"In the northwest and southwest of our alliance, evil religions are prevalent, and they have been in chaos for hundreds of years. Recently, an evil god has risen and spread to 36 countries in the southwest, forming a terrifying force, which makes people have to guard against it!"

"Hey, the northwest frontier has been hit by disasters year after year, and the current situation is turbulent. It has been taken advantage of by a cult and has become a sweeping trend. When they annex the [-] countries in the northwest, I'm afraid they will extend their tentacles to us!"

"There are also magic hands in Southeast China..."

When everyone talked about the situation, they were worried. This was a pressure that ordinary disciples and disciples could not feel.

After talking for a while, I will talk about the birthday party this time:
"For two days in the sky, use the star map to deduce the secrets of the sky. It is related to the situation in the next ten years and the fate of the participants. I hope this time we can deduce the best results."

"Who dares not to do his best in this matter?"

"Fate is intertwined and complicated. What we can deduce is only about our destiny. It is just a tiny wave in the river of the future."

"That's true. Recently, I often deduce that the future is vague and fragmented."

Huang Qiu also sighed: "Under the Golden Immortal, we have not escaped the five elements, reincarnation, and the influence of worldly events. What we can do, in the face of future changes, can only choose a correct path based on how much we have in hand. "


The elder Wan Zongxian said with a smile: "There are a few more fresh blood in this feast of the world. With our fate intersecting, I don't know if there will be any different changes in the overall situation in the future."

Everyone laughed. There is only one possibility for a tiny individual to have an important impact on the general situation: the child of destiny.

The probability of this happening is extremely small.

It is the most reasonable move to try to select elite disciples to participate in the heavenly banquet, integrate everyone's fate, and deduce subsequent changes.

Only because elites and elites can influence the future to the greatest extent.

This is one of the reasons for setting up the Tianmen Gift and the follow-up Tianmen Nine Paths cultivation base challenge, aiming to tap the potential of the disciples as much as possible and pick out outstanding people.

Speaking of this, the representatives of the various factions present showed a certain interest in the elite disciples of Dan and Qi who were selected by Xieyue Mountain to participate in the heavenly banquet this time.

Master Baoqi, who was in charge of guarding the gate, smiled when he saw this: "The disciples of Xieyue Mountain have very good attainments in alchemy and equipment. This year, there are more than 110 people who have passed the eighth test. There are [-] five, who are placed in our Treasure Mountain, and they are also first-class craftsmen and alchemists."

"Xianyue Mountain is full of talents, which makes people have to envy."

"And the [-] selected are not only highly skilled, but also have their own ideas. This is the most important thing. Although some refining methods are a little immature, they have a bright future."

Facing the praise, Huang Qiu smiled: "As far as I know, two of the true disciples participated in the Tianmen tribute. I don't know how they behaved?"

Master Baoqi took out a five-color bright light armor: "Everyone, please take a look, how about this magic weapon?"

"Huh? This armor has five colors and deep accumulations, and it slightly echoes the void. It seems to have a hint of spirituality. It is a rare high-grade magic weapon."

"What Mr. Chen sees is not bad." Master Baoqi nodded: "In my opinion, the refining, materials, and techniques of this armor are all standard, not bad at all, and the most rare thing is that it is not bad at all. The four characters are a manifestation of full craftsmanship and a rare talent."

Master Baoqi commented on Xing Zhenzi as "not bad", but in fact he quite recognized Xing Zhenzi in his heart, otherwise he would not have chosen him as the fourth.

Huang Qiu knew who it was, and shook his head slightly: "Which one is ranked?"


Huang Qiu rejoiced: "Except for the true disciples, there are still two people who are better than Xing Zhenzi, and the rest of the disciples of the three peaks are quite competitive."

Then, Master Baoqi took out Shinmako's Huoliwan for everyone to watch.

When everyone saw it, they also adjusted their sitting postures, showing more solemnity:

"This pill is Huoliwan!"

"Although it's not a magic pill yet, it already has five or six points of charm, which is very rare!"

"If Huoliwan reappears, the situation in our Southeast Alliance will be greatly improved!"

Huang Qiu nodded: "Thousands of years ago, many objects have changed. The properties of the original medicinal materials have changed slightly, and the effects of the pills will vary greatly, especially the magic pills. If they are slightly worse, all previous efforts will be wasted. The reappearance of Huoliwan has never been successful. Success. Xinzhenzi has been pursuing for many years to find alternative solutions, and now it seems that there is not little progress."

The representative of Misty City smiled and said: "This pill is the first one. Back then, Xinzhenzi came to our Misty City and wanted to take a Misty Vine Flower. This pill may not be without our contribution to Misty City."

Master Baoqi laughed loudly: "You have to take credit for this too! But Elder Wu, you guessed wrong this time, this pill is ranked second."

"...What?" Elder Wu of Misty City was taken aback: "There are also pills and magic weapons that rank above this Huoliwan? Could it be a magic pill or a magic weapon?"

The rest of the people were also surprised: "How rare are the magic pills and magic weapons? It's incredible!"

Master Baoqi cherished it very much, took out a jade box, and slowly revealed a Wanse Pill inside.

When everyone looked over, they could only see that the scenery above flowed naturally, and all kinds of different colors are in harmony, just like watching flowers on horseback, coming one after another, which is very beautiful.

But after observing for a while, everyone's faces became a little strange:
This pill is beautiful because it is beautiful, and it is strange because it is strange, but after looking at it, I did not find anything miraculous.

"...This Dan, this Dan is weird."

Although I didn't see any abnormalities, most of the people present were old foxes, and they didn't easily expose their "short-sightedness".

Since Master Baoqi chose it as the first, there must be a reason.

Master Baoqi sighed: "Everyone can't see it, so why pretend?"


"This pill has to be used to see it clearly. In fact, the old man didn't see anything strange after a rough look. However, the old man's eyes of Baoqi saw a little abnormality in the changing wind and color, so he dared to touch it with his spiritual sense and found it. It's strange."

"……I see."

Everyone looked at Huang Qiu.

Touching magic tools and magic weapons with spiritual thoughts can create a sense. Since this pill is dedicated to Huang Qiu, others should not try it lightly, lest they will be misunderstood.

Huang Qiu was curious, but Master Baoqi didn't say anything, so he naturally wanted him to sense it himself.

Huang Qiu didn't shirk it either, and with a little distraction, he lightly touched the Wansewan.

As soon as I touched it, I heard a voice say:

"Why are you here again... Hey! Who are you!"

A voice fell on Huang Qiu's heart, causing his expression to change slightly:


Huang Qiu's ray of distraction fell into this Wanse Pill.

On top of Lingjue Snow Peak, there was a white and fat boy sitting and flopping in the snow. Seeing him landed in front of his eyes, he immediately widened his eyes and hurriedly got up to salute:

"The person here is the Master Headmaster on Xieyue Mountain!"

"...Who are you, how do you know me?"

"The villain's name is Ding Shuang. It was Ding Niu who told me that you are the majestic and majestic head teacher of Xieyue Mountain, who is also my teacher. If the villain sees you, he must be Serve carefully!"


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(End of this chapter)

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