Those who eat qi, live long life

Chapter 105 1 Qi Comes East to Tianmen Purple

Chapter 105 One Qi Comes East to Tianmen Purple
The next day.

Xieyue Mountain is the peak of feasting, Yao grass and Qi flowers are all over the mountain, and the clouds are hanging on all sides, separated by screens, surrounded by spring, summer, autumn and winter scenery.

In spring and autumn, there is fragrance and mist in the tripod, and the sparrow tail furnace is full of auspiciousness. According to the case, it is covered with brocade, and the dishes are clustered with colors.

All the qi practitioners attending the meeting sat on the stone couches, talking loudly according to the previous plan.

"All over the world and all states, it is said that this year will never be worry-free. Long-distance banquets are held in high-rise buildings, and they are returned to the sea.


"The Holy Lord is happy for a thousand years, and the imperial ditch is full of golden emeralds..."

One after another birthday poems and songs were presented one after another, expressing the congratulations of all the immortal mountains and immortal sects to the head teacher of Xieyue Mountain.

There was only laughter and laughter, and it was earth-shattering for a while.

The banquet was halfway through, and with a loud sound, it lingered in my ears:

"One qi comes from the east to Tianmen Zi."

The Qi practitioners on the Yanyan Peak stopped their voices immediately, and looked at the Tianmen Peak in the distance.

Everyone saw a boundless purple cloud of Qi falling down Tianmen Peak from the sky, covering the entire mountain peak.

The qi practitioner who watched sighed: "Excellent! This is the celestial qi of Xieyue Mountain: the world in the palm of your hand. It can transform thousands of qi and change infinitely. It is the qi of golden immortals, and it is nothing more than that?"

"Haha, how sublime the Golden Immortal Realm is, I can't guess it."

"Exactly, we only care about who are the nine guards this time."

As soon as these words came out, everyone nodded.

In the Tianmen Peak, the next generation of disciples entered the Tianmen for more than [-] days, fighting and working hard, but before that, the game behind each fairy mountain was real, and the Qi practitioners in the banquet, more or less I know what I know.

At this time, a casual cultivator said with emotion:

"This time, there are 78 fairy gates in the three kingdoms of Zhao, Han, and Lao, 26 fairy gates in the eight kingdoms of Qin, Jin, and Yue, plus overseas fairy islands, and princes from all sides. The disciples of the power strive for an advantage."

"That's right, these elders of the master's sect and giants of the sect should remind the younger generation. If the elders of the sect guard the gate with the illusionary qi, the chances of the disciples passing the gate will be more than a little higher."

"Haha, before the elders of each faction take their disciples out, they must have practiced many times. It will be convenient for the elders of the sect to win the seat of guarding the gate."

There was a lot of discussion among the crowd, and one person said: "I also signed up for the elder banquet on that day. At the banquet, the giants of the immortal sects gambled and fought with each other to win the seats for the nine gate guards. It was very unique and exciting. Vision. My strength is low, but I also submitted a martial arts Tuoying to the Qi in the palm of the hand, and played a small role in it."

"Huh? Huang Fengren, you have always been alone in Huangfeng Mountain, why did you end up this time?"

"Hey, I recently accepted an apprentice and brought him to participate in the Nine Paths of the Heavenly Gate on Xieyue Mountain. I don't ask him to help me earn a seat in the sky, but I only ask him to pass a few more levels and gain more experience. Qi, fight for this opportunity for him to enter the arena."

"That's right. Among the Nine Daoes of the Heavenly Clan, the qi of illusion has prototypes. They are all the elders and seniors of the various immortal sects. Being able to fight against them will greatly improve the disciples."

"Yes, Xieyue Mountain took advantage of the birthday banquet to host the Nine Daoes of the Heavenly Gate. It is a rare opportunity for all parties. It is also an exchange meeting of the Immortal Gate. If you miss it, you will have to regret it for ten years."

"It is also the giants of the fairy mountains like Xieyue Mountain that can appeal to hold such a grand event."

The Qi practitioners on the Banquet Peak all sighed.

At the same time, at the foot of Tianmen Peak at this time, there was a lot of voices and crowds, all of them were disciples who came to participate in the Tianmen Nine Paths Breakthrough.

In addition to the disciples of Xieyue Mountain, there are also disciples of other immortal sects who are also participating. This time, the Tianmen Nine Dao Martial Arts Breakthrough is open to all disciples attending the birthday banquet.

The Qi practitioners around looked at each other, when people nearby saw Ding Niu, many of them came up to greet and make friends, and many of them came to discuss.

Everyone recognizes that this peculiar-looking man with a dragon face is Niu Zhenzi, the number one in the treasure offering contest. The pursuit target of Dan Dao's young Qi practitioners.

Ding Niu was overwhelmed for a while.

Yang Zhenzi, Lang Zhenzi, Zhou Zizheng, Minshan Sanjie and others were nearby, as if looking at other people's children, there was an indescribable trace of helplessness.

"On the feasting peak, there is a lot of wine and wine. Watching me wait for the wine, I have been waiting so hard, but I still want to watch Niu Zhenzi being flattered here."

"Hey, I just knew that Niu Zhenzi was good at concocting alchemy, but I didn't expect it to be so good! He is usually serious, but I didn't expect that he is actually a person who secretly hides and concocts alchemy!"

"Yeah, this person is too much. After this time, he must give each of us a taste of refining Wanse pills."

Then someone sighed:
"Niu Zhenzi will be fine. The first gift giver will sit on the seat in the sky. It doesn't matter whether he comes this time or not. Unlike me, my master is so jealous that he is crazy and teaches me every day: Look at that Niu Zhenzi. Long... Uncle Feng is fighting for the seat in the sky. You and Niu Zhenzi are both one of the six masters of Yangdan. Why don't you fight for the first place for your teacher? Let me watch that old man all day long, and put his tail up To heaven!"

Everyone laughed.

Lang Zhenzi said: "What is this? After I went back that day, my master beat me half to death. After beating me for a long time, I didn't confess that I had learned the master's one-eye method. It can be seen that I, Lang Zhenzi, was the sixth son of Yang Dan." Jiezhong's loyalty comes first!"


Feng Zhenzi said: "Brother Lang, you are nothing. After I went back, Master forced me to drink six bottles of Enlightenment Real Water, intending to let me also develop the talent of one-sightedness...!"

Ku Zhenzi yelled: "But that bitter and astringent Enlightenment Water? Last time you let me drink it, I vomited all my bile, and the newly grown gallbladder was seriously injured again!"

"Exactly! My master is crazy, the Enlightenment True Water he prepared is poisonous to death!"

"...Don't talk about it, you are passed down in the same line." Ju Zhenzi said: "My master is good, but I am also worried that I, one of the six masters of Yangdan, will fall behind from now on. Do you practice the evil spirit sword Qi?"

Everyone wondered: "What is the Evil Resisting Sword Qi?"

"It is said that it is a sword qi that can only be broken quickly, as long as it is fast enough, one qi can break through all dharmas."

"Ah? So powerful, why don't you practice?"

Ju Zhenzi let out a long sigh: "I am Ju Zhenzi, not wilting Zhenzi! Don't practice!"


There was a lot of excitement here, and it took a long time for Ding Niu to turn around and come back.

When Yang Zhenzi looked at the sky, he called everyone to form a circle, and gave special instructions before leaving.

The oldest qualification to raise Zhenzi, he taught Ding Niu and others face-to-face tips: "The human world in the palm transforms into thousands of qi, falls on Tianmen Peak and becomes a human world, and the faceless people inside are all qi illusions. The characters generated by the senior Budo Takuei have their own unique skills. Let's go in and challenge them. The first person who wins the challenge will drop some pills and magical weapons from Takuei's qi. Most of them are presented when we celebrate our birthdays. Congratulations."

"When we enter the Nine Daoes of Tianmen, we must not use qi, lest someone use the immortal qi and tyrant's qi bestowed by the teacher to pass the test, and lose the original intention of challenging and tempering. You can only rely on your own cultivation to break through the level, otherwise you will lose the qualification to challenge, everyone is like this, so these drops are a great supplement for clearing the level."

"After the rebirth of the phantasmal qi, if you challenge and win again, you will not lose it. The first victory will be rewarded, which is a commendation for pioneering."

"If you are sure, be the first to win!"


"Can it be besieged?" Ding Niu asked.

Yang Zhenzi shook his head: "The siege is useless. If two people join forces and sense the qi, two characters will be formed. If there are ten people besieged, ten will be formed. The same is true for hundreds and thousands."

"I see."

Yang Zhenzi continued to remind: "The challenge of the Nine Gates of the Heavenly Gate is commonly known as one life, and people who have transformed into Qi are merciless. If you enter it, you must be more careful."

"It's natural."

"In the first level, most of them are the qi of the Xiantian realm. It's okay for us to be more careful in the cultivation of the Xiantian realm. Junior brother Niu Zhenzi, and the three heroes of Minshan, Wang are still in the martial arts realm, so you have to be careful. .”

"Thank you, Brother Yang, for reminding me."

"Okay, I won't say much about the rest. Everyone, be careful of those wandering berserk qi. They will attack anyone they see. If you see it in advance and you don't know the details, it's best to stay away."


After saying a few more words, there was another loud sound, and the nine gates of heaven were officially opened.

Ding Niu and others immediately packed up their luggage and got ready to go.

Everyone began to climb the peak.

Crowds of people entered Tianmen Peak from all directions and reached the first floor at the bottom.

From now on for more than [-] days, they will spend at Tianmen Peak, unless they break through nine barriers to climb to the peak and get out.

The disciples from Xieyue Mountain and the disciples from the Outer Mountains were not tied in rankings. As the host, Xieyue Mountain reserved 64 seats, while all the disciples from the Outer Mountains fought for the other [-] seats.

In the clouds above the sky, the rankings and names of all the entering disciples are displayed in it in an instant, constantly rolling and alternating.

Above the Feast Peak, a light-splitting cloud mirror is displayed for the audience to zoom in and out, and track the movements of various places on Tianmen Peak.

As a master, he pays attention to his apprentices, and if he pays special attention to someone, he will follow the whole process, while the representatives of the various immortal sects take care of the overall situation.

Tianmen Peak.

Ding Niu followed the crowd into the boundary of Tianmen Peak, took only one step, only felt a slight strangeness, and found that the scenery in front of him changed, unconsciously, Yang Zhenzi and others around him disappeared, and the qi in the palm of the world instantly changed everything he met. Those who were scattered in all directions were effortless.

Ding Niu was surprised, his spiritual sense was fully opened, he watched his thoughts and listened to all directions, and remembered what he told him before raising his son:

If you get separated when you fall into Tianmen Peak, find a place to meet up first. If you have a discussion, you can discuss how to break the formation and the enemy, so that everyone can get a good ranking.

Watching the direction, Ding Niu walked to the southwest of the foot of Tianmen Peak, and after only a few steps, his expression changed.

I saw that the ranking of the clouds in the sky fluctuated drastically, and a person's name jumped to the top of the list: Tian Zhenzi.

followed by:

Second pass.

It took so much effort, and someone broke through the gatekeeper of the first level and entered the second level!
Tian Zhenzi, Ding Niu knows this person: he is the number one in the true story of Xieyue Mountain, the chief disciple of the dragon who sees the head but not the tail, and his common name is Yi Xingtian.

(End of this chapter)

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