Those who eat qi, live long life

Chapter 113 I heard that you told people everywhere that I was tortured to death

Chapter 113 I heard that you told people everywhere that I was tortured to death

On the banquet peak.

Elder Lin Qingquan of the Sun Moon Sect drank a cup of spiritual wine for a long time, and seemed to let out a breath of anger.

It was only because his nephew Lin Songyun had quickly broken through the first level after waking up. After breaking through the level, his ranking rose sharply among the challenged disciples in each fairy mountain. However, the fierce Niu Zhenzi was still trapped in the furnace In the middle, there will be ten days of claustrophobia.

Although he is still dissatisfied with the result, Xieyue Mountain is determined to protect his disciples, so there is nothing he can do.

Since Wang Wuji had confined Niu Zhenzi, and set fire to him every day to punish him, Lin Qingquan felt that this was the face of the Sun Moon Sect, and Xieyue Mountain did not dare to go too far.

This matter has been exposed first, as long as Lin Songyun shines in this pass, she will be able to regain face, and then the Sun Moon Sect will also be able to show their power in the mainland!

In the center of the main peak, the arson Taoist who quietly drank spiritual wine and enjoyed spiritual food saw this scene and suddenly smiled secretly.

He is so eager to win, and he misses the opportunity without knowing it.

Everyone is proud of breaking through the level quickly, but they don't know why he set the Taoist alchemy furnace on the first level.

The alchemy furnace can transform alchemy and human beings, isn't it just removing the chaff and saving the essence?

The first hurdle is to set up a blast furnace to refine the alchemy. Cultivation is like refining alchemy. Isn't it possible to cultivate in the alchemy furnace?

It is natural and unrestrained to cut through the alchemy furnace with a single sword, but it has lost a chance to refine it.

There are many opportunities for talented and brilliant disciples. If you miss the opportunity to temper like this, you may not regret it, but if you are an ordinary disciple, you are also impetuous and want to break through the test and win fame. It is a pity to miss the opportunity.

Is it true that Xieyue Mountain held such a grand gathering just to select some outstanding disciples and cultivate the best of the best, regardless of the future of other disciples?
If this is the case, Xieyue Mountain will not become bigger.

Seeing the impetuosity of his disciples, even Wang Wuji took action himself, taking the opportunity to point out many idiots.

Seeing him snickering, Wang Wuji immediately knew that this person had seen through his thoughts, so he laughed too, shook his head and sighed:

"It's a personal matter to understand whether or not to understand, but if the disciple is lost, as a teacher, he should try his best to give advice."

"That's true."

"I was cynical back then, but thanks to my master's advice, I didn't go astray. Now that I see the next generation, thinking of my mentor, I am not only teary... I hope these disciples will not let down everyone's painstaking efforts."

Everyone in the center of Yanyin Peak is the gatekeeper of the Nine Paths of the Heavenly Gate. Hearing this, he feels something in his heart:
"The inheritance of the fire is nothing more than this."

One elder joked:

"Elder Wuji, indulge and protect, it seems that you have high hopes for this Niu Zhenzi?"

“How come you see?”

"Prisoning him in the Alchemy Furnace, punishing him clearly and commending him clearly, it can be seen that this person is able to overwhelm the Xiantian realm with the Martial Arts realm, which won your satisfaction...Elder Wuji is still the same temper as before."

"Haha, it's always hard to change old habits." Wang Wuji thought of Niu Zhenzi's several times of near innate failure, so he couldn't help shaking his head: "This person has a good talent in alchemy, but he seems to be dull in martial arts, can't he make it this time?" It's still unknown... From now on, it will be hard work."

Daoist Liao Huo and the others were full of disbelief, smiling and saying nothing: "Let's see."

Everyone divided their minds and went to see the first floor.

At this time, Ding Niu was in the alchemy furnace, and the earth, fire, wind, thunder, mountains, and yin and yang came to refine from time to time.

For a while, his head was battered, his skin was scorched and his flesh was crispy, for a while he was swollen and watery, for a while he was numb and stiff, for a while he was overwhelmed by boulders flying over him, for a while he seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, unable to breathe, and for a while he was turned upside down and fainted. Drowsy... Suffering from torture, secretly not knowing the sun.

Several times, in the midst of suffering, Ding Niu gradually realized the benefits: the flesh, muscles, bones, and veins were constantly combed, like a newborn, stretched and shortened, collapsed and reborn in the fire, water, wind, and lightning strikes, and gradually recovered. Big and small, capable of bending and stretching, changing over time, just like the Qianlong Transformation he cultivated... At this time, the physical body changes, changing appearance and appearance is as simple as drinking water.

This is the tendency of the body to change thousands of times. When it comes to the realm of legends and myths, there are 36 changes, 72 changes, and ever-changing.

Slowly, the physical body got used to the attack of rebellion. I don't know how long it took, it seemed like a hundred years, the time was infinitely stretched, and sometimes distracting thoughts grew in my heart. Alright, let's escape!

Fortunately, he was reminded rationally, saying that he was locked up for ten days, it should be ten days.

Without knowing the space of time, time seems to become infinite, the sense of emptiness gradually becomes clear, and even gradually loses the sense of self.

The attack of rebellious spirit has become a rare pastime.

Whenever the adversity stopped, the endless emptiness would reoccupy the mind.

Lonely, lonely.

Fortunately, he was able to watch the creatures in Huang Liang Tu, which made him feel particularly alive.

This burst of anger, like the magic needle of calming the sea, made Ding Niu stabilize his mind, calm down and cultivate steadily.

At some point, a faint cry came from his ear, and Ding Niu woke up from his trance.


The sound is very weak, sometimes far and sometimes near, this is because the alchemy furnace is in a different space at this time, when the yin and yang are reversed, Ding Niu silently endures the changes, making people uncomfortable and easy to vomit. Shrink itself into one piece, condense in one force, and will not be affected by the rebellion.

When the changes in the furnace stopped for a while, Ding Niu looked at the time and responded with a voice:

"But Liu Zishan, Hou Zihao, and Fang Zijing?"

"Yes! Brother, it's me!"

"Brother, you are still alive!"

……What is this nonsense?

Ding Niu hurriedly asked, "How much time has passed?"

"Brother, it's been a day!"

...What, it's only been a day?
"Yesterday we came to call, but there was no response from this furnace. We came after a while, but there was no response... Senior Sister Huang Qi told us that you have been refined to death..."


"We don't believe it. Brother Fu Da Mingda died so easily. We came to call this morning, and sure enough, brother responded! Brother, how are you?"

"Fortunately... Brother is still reliable."

"It's natural. Senior sister Huang Qi was domineering and bullying our brother yesterday, asking us to hand over the challenge map that senior brother gave us yesterday. It was given to us by senior brother, and she came to snatch it!"

"...Then did you give it?"

"Senior Sister Huang Qi shows off her female power. Our brothers are good men who don't fight with women. We have to bow our heads under the eaves. Our brothers endured the humiliation and finally waited for the senior brother to respond!"

"...Okay, let me tell you the challenge route again, and come back to me if you have any questions."

"That's great……"

Hearing a few screams from outside, one person said: "You three are sneaky, and you don't call me when you come? Ding Niu, Niu Zhenzi, are you dead? Answer if you are not dead!"

"Senior Sister Xi, I heard that you told people everywhere that I was tortured to death?"

"Hmph, others said that you were locked up inside for a day and a night, and you were burnt to ashes long ago, so I told Yu Miaozhen to see if she is happy... Niu Zhenzi, you are really rough and mean, Seeing that you are full of energy, you can see that you are fine."

"Miaozhen?" Ding Niu's heart moved, and he said: "If what happened yesterday happened again, I would still do it like this, so that my heart will be refreshed, and I will not complain or regret... But this matter makes Miaozhen caught in the middle. I feel sorry for her."

Outside, a voice said softly: "Master... I, I don't blame you."

"Oh, is Miaozhen here?" Ding Niu sighed, "Miaozhen, you are also a poor person..."


"Yu Miaozhen, Niu Zhenzi is used to deceiving people with sweet words, do you believe that too?" Huang Qi taught outside, "Quickly put away your tears, and stay away from Ding Niu as soon as possible, you know?"

With red eyes, Yu Miao said to Ding Niu: "Master, from now on I will devote myself to cultivating the Tao, and I will never think about other things..."

Huang Qi sneered coldly: "Yesterday, the people from Sun Moon God Palace came to Yu Miaozhen, and they didn't know what they said, so they made our fish mermaid look disheartened and pitiful. Pity... I told her that you were tortured to death, but she shed two tears, it's really funny!"

Yu Daoist snorted: "Senior Sister Huang, I know you can't get used to me, but I don't want you to get used to it either. I don't ask you, I'm asking Master, why do you have to be sarcastic?"

"Okay, now you are a family, are you proud?"

Ding Niu said:
"Yu Miaozhen, it's good for you to have such an idea. There is no man in your heart, and you can cultivate Taoism naturally. Senior sister Xi, Liu Zishan, Hou Zihao, Fang Zijing, you all come and listen. Master Wuji locked me here yesterday to train me. I have realized the benefits, now I teach you, and you also go to practice, it will be of great benefit to your cultivation."

Ding Niu briefly talked about the cultivation in the alchemy furnace, and the three masters of Minshan hurriedly said: "Senior brother, it's not that I don't believe it, but our senior brother Zhou Zizheng told us before leaving that the calamity in the alchemy furnace is hard to endure. Tell us not to resist... Our skills are not good enough, if we are scorched, it will hurt too much..."

"It doesn't matter, I also know a little about your Minshan sect's martial arts, you just need to tell me the direction your true energy is used to go, and I will teach you how to block wind, water, or thunder... the rebellious energy."

Huang Qi hurriedly asked: "Junior brother, what should I do?"

"The martial arts of the peaks of Xieyue Mountain lead to the same goal through different paths, there is not much difference, but the senior sister has to tell me the direction of the true energy under Qihai's belly..."


"Senior sister, don't you know that boxing is divided into yin and yang? You and I practice Longzun boxing together, but the number of ways is different. It is because we are different from men and women, and the acupoints where the true energy flows are different. You transmit the sound to me, but others don't know."

"Hmph, don't have any wrong thoughts!" Huang Qi blinked: "Oh, if Yu Miao really wants to practice, doesn't she want to tell you the secret?"

Yu Dao said humanely: "I...don't dare to hide from Master."

"You don't have to tell me, I already know."

"...Why is this?"

"Your master is in the same line as you, so I naturally know everything about you."

Yu Daoist blushed when he heard this, and Huang Qi's nose turned crooked when he heard it.

(End of this chapter)

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