Those who eat qi, live long life

Chapter 120 You Are So Clueless, Fellow Daoist Ding

Chapter 120 You Are So Clueless, Fellow Daoist Ding

Ding Niu asked:

"Director Heishui, when will that boy be 12 years old?"

"Just at the end of the month."

So there are still seven days.

Ding Niu nodded: "Where will the boy be then?"

The old Taoist Heishui said: "Her mother came to ask today to send the boy to me on that day. I hope there will be a different result."

Ding Niu was surprised: "Are you serious? Could it be that you said that you are not capable enough to keep this child?"

The old Taoist of Heishui chuckled: "Of course I can't rely on the old way alone, but the family has agreed to take refuge in Taoist Heishui, and the one who will protect this son will be Taoist Heishui. The Taoist Heishui enshrined by the old Taoist has quite magical powers!"

"..." Ding Niu looked at the old man and became more and more suspicious.

You and what Laozi Heishui Daoist, don't you want to set up a guard and steal yourself?
Suspicious, really suspicious.

Ding Niu pressed his doubts and didn't ask any more questions. We will see the result in seven days.

On the banquet peak.

Shui Daoist was staring at Ding Niu, while his fellow junior sister Ji Ruhua and Waishan junior sister Fei Laifeng were fighting openly and secretly, comparing each other's beauty.

The two female cultivators are lively and fragrant, both with wasp waist and thin buttocks, with graceful appearance and their own styles, it is no wonder that they make the Qi practitioners next to them restless.

Ji Ruhua and Feilaifeng peeked at Shui Taoist's cloud shadow spectroscope, covered their mouths and chuckled:
"Junior Sister Shui's husband, a few days ago, he changed from a fish to a dragon to a dragon. He looks young, but he is the most calm person I have ever seen. He actually stays at home, waiting for opportunities to come."

"Since I have seen something strange, I am actually wandering around in the temple again. Apart from practicing martial arts every day, I just sit there in a daze. I don't look like anyone else. I ran into Heishui Town long ago to look for clues."

"That's right. I see that at the third pass, those challenging disciples have already traveled all over Heishui Town. They are a little impatient, and they have already destroyed several temples."

Ji Ruhua smiled and said:
"That day when Yi Xingtian entered the third level, without even looking at it, he suppressed the illusion and passed the level in one go. He is truly unparalleled! In the future, if I am looking for a gentleman, I will definitely look for someone like this."

Not to be outdone, Feilaifeng said, "Hehe, Yan Zhanxuan is not bad, a labyrinth of sword energy cuts the illusion to pieces, and he is out of the gate in an instant! This person has unlimited potential, and also has a stern and unparalleled temperament, which is really heartbreaking. "

"Could it be that you have taken a fancy to him?"

Feilaifeng smiled coquettishly: "So what if it looks good, are you going to snatch it from me?"

"Hmph, not interested!"

The two women looked at Taoist Shui in unison again: "Yue, this little ox has no reputation, and his cultivation level is not outstanding, how did you fall in love with him in the first place? If it wasn't for you, when the Tianmen presented the gift, the two of us would be together." It’s not about getting favors, but telling Master Uncle Wang of Xieyue Mountain to turn around and teach him a lesson, he’s so pissed off!”

Shui Taoist said with a smile: "Ding Niu is the first gift, and the two sisters let him pass the test that day, which also proves that you two have unique eyesight."

"...Oh my sister, what you said means that the two of us have not seen the peculiarity of Ding Niu." Fei Laifeng covered his mouth and snickered: "That's not bad, if we understand it, how can we understand it? I can know his strengths better than Sister Obscure Moon."

"..." Shui Taoist blushed, "Sister, what nonsense are you talking about... Ding Niu doesn't move in the illusion, I am also optimistic: what happened inside is inconclusive, so don't draw conclusions one-sidedly, if you only act subjectively , it will inevitably be biased in the end.”

Ji Ruhua shook her head: "Then you can't do nothing."

Fei Laifeng laughed and said, "It's really in the eyes of the beholder, everything is good."

The Shui Taoist didn't say any more, and looked at his disciple Yu Taoist. At this time, the Yu Taoist was making a dummy of the boy, and he wanted to save the boy's life by using tricks.

The Shui Taoist knew that she would make such a choice, because it is difficult to change a person's disposition for a while.

The cloud shadow spectroscope in the hand of the water Taoist moved again, and at this time he arrived at Huang Qi, and saw that this woman had already inquired around Heishui Town and found some abnormalities, and now returned to Heishui Taoist temple, and was also preparing to wait for time Arrived, fight against the strange again.

There are many trial disciples who practiced similarly to her, and they are all ready to fight at the last moment.

But like Ding Niu, there is only one person who has been waiting in the Heishui Gymnasium.

The Shui Taoist moved again, and at this time, Lin Songyun from the Sun Moon Sect appeared in the cloud mirror, and at this time he was already in great trouble.

It's just because he chose to take the initiative to attack and attack the temple, wanting to solve the weirdness earlier.

This person first went to the Blackwater Temple to call for battle, but before the black hands behind the scenes counterattacked, the foolish men and women of the Blackwater Temple came to abuse and besiege first. Under the siege of the townspeople, they fled in a hurry, hiding in the east, and were devastated.

Shui Taoist saw the hesitant appearance of the man with a head and a mouse, so he didn't look any more.

The challenged disciples who are still in the third level make their own choices and actions in the face of strangeness, some of them get better, and some of them get into trouble.

As for Ding Niu, there was no change at all.

Time passed quickly in the illusion, and in the blink of an eye, it was the seventh day.

On this day, the Heishuidao temple closed its doors to thank the guests. The old Heishuidao first held a ceremony for the couple and the little boy who came to the door, which means that the family will pay homage to the Heishuidao temple from now on, to worship and be blessed by it .

Ding Niu already knew at this time that the little boy was called Azu.

In the main hall of the Heishui Taoist Temple, the old Heishui Taoist is arranging the magic formation, and at the same time writing and pasting talismans on Azu's body. Ding Niu somehow learned a few tricks from Wang Wenjing of the Zhenfu School, and found that the old way's formation and drawing talismans were rough. That is to say, to the extent of fooling ordinary people... It seems that the main combat power will be this clay sculpture of the Black Water Daoist.

"The old Daoist will protect the law here later?"

"This is natural!" Heishui Laodao was fully armed at this time: wearing a soul Taoist robe, holding a demon sword in his hand, and a large pile of charms hanging from his waist, full of style.

"Oh, I'm moving out tonight."

"...What? Fellow Daoist, don't you come to help the old Taoist?" The old Taoist Heishui looked shocked, as if to say that the good wine and meat these days have been fed to the dogs!
"It's not that I don't care about loyalty, it's that I can't get involved in the affairs of the gods. The so-called fire at the city gate will hurt the fish in the pond, and the gods will fight. We are afraid of suffering if we watch from the sidelines. Old Taoist priest, listen to my advice, Azubai!" It's Taoist Master Heishui, and it's not you who worshiped, why did you bother to come up and get beaten?"

"...Alas! Alas! You are so ignorant, Fellow Daoist Ding!" The old Taoist priest of Heishui said anxiously, "What will you do if Azu is killed after you go away? God has the virtue of good life, can you bear it?"

Ding Niu said: "I'm sorry about that. I practice the Tao of the Immortal Gou. If I can avoid causing trouble, I will never cause trouble. If I am as old as I am, it is better to kill my opponent. I don't want to care about some trivial matters."



"Fellow daoist, don't go!" Heishui Taoist said hurriedly: "Please help me with today's matter, I will report later! Anyway, I will tell you a shocking secret! Azu is actually the Taoist boy of the Fushou Immortal. People have deceived their destiny, if we can switch to our Black Water Sect today, we will definitely get the method of prolonging life from other places! Daoist friend Gou Dao, does it not need the support of longevity!"

When Ding Niu heard this, he showed emotion.

Priest Heishui continued his efforts: "Today, Azu has opened his eyes and exuded the aura of longevity. The evil spirits from all directions will definitely swarm and come to snatch it. Taoist Heishui is a righteous god with great supernatural powers, but I fear that two fists will be no match for four. Fellow Daoist's cultivation base is not low, if you help, the big thing can be settled!"

Ding Niu is also very involved in the drama: "There is still such a secret, the old Taoist is so hard to keep it from me! Even so, I will not hesitate to give it a go! The benefits afterwards..."

"I swear in front of Daoist Heishui that I will never lose! If there is any deception, there will be five thunders from the sky, and you will die!"

"Okay, I'll trust you once."

Ding Niu also made preparations.

It was night, and the main hall of Heishui Taoist Temple was brightly lit.

Azu, who was sitting in the formation, was covered with talisman seals. He was asked to sit in the center and did not dare to move.

When the time was up, as the time approached, Azu suddenly sat upright, and from the hole above his head, there was an aura that ordinary people couldn't see, dense and mysterious, and he suddenly yelled:

There was a clap of thunder in the sky, and Azu immediately rolled his eyes and passed out. At the same time, there were whistling sounds and whispers from the wind around Heishuidao:

The candlelight in the hall drags and elongates.

The head of the black water channel suddenly stood up:



The strong wind outside the temple began to impact the formation of the guards, and the chaotic breath surged, either fierce or evil, sending out a low-pitched threat:

"Hand over! Hand over!"

"Enjoy together...the one who eats alone will die!"

The crappy protective array arranged by the Heishuidao people suddenly crumbled.

When he was shocked, a brilliant light fell on the statue of Taoist Heishui in the main hall, and it seemed to come alive:

"Where is the evildoer, don't retreat quickly!"

"Heishui, how dare you stop me!"

Constant roars came from the void.

There is still a voice calling:
"Disciple! Disciple, the master is here, come out quickly, come out..."

Fierce battles that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye took place in the void. Even ordinary people could detect the crackling of the air and the flickering lights, forming a strange atmosphere.

Director Heishui lit a spell and wiped it on his forehead, looked up and shouted, "Daoist Master Ding, go and protect Azu!"

After all, he also brandished the Demon Subduing Sword, stabbing the air indiscriminately, and grunting a few times, blood red fell from the sky.

A voice was angry and furious: "Looking for death!"

The tyrannical black wind suddenly swept from the ground, and suddenly hit the head of Heishui Road in the middle, the ninety-year-old Taoist screamed in pain and fell to the ground, spitting out a big mouthful of blood.


Ding Niu took a look, okay, this old Taoist priest has rushed to the street, and he is the only one left at the scene!
"……Big brother!"

Azu, who was sitting in the center of the formation, was also awakened at this time, and seeing this situation, he was even more panicked and shed tears in fear.

Under the eagerness, the dense air on his head became more and more intense.

Standing beside him, Ding Niu felt healthy and refreshed just by inhaling.

The upper part of the main hall absorbed the phantom of Azu's enveloping aura, and his power increased greatly. He seemed to be crying and laughing: "What a strong aura of life!"

"More, more!"

"It's so rich, haha!"

The phantoms crazily snatched the dense air, and after a while, they manifested as real phantoms, and the whistling in the air became more violent and crazy:
"It's all mine!"

And the old Taoist who fell to the ground also smelled the breath of life, and unexpectedly healed from his serious injuries in an instant, jumped up, his face flushed:
"This is life, the breath of life! Fellow Daoist Ding, do you feel it! The old man didn't lie to you!"

"Protect Azu, kill all these demons and heretics, and we will enjoy eternal life!"

"it is good!"

Ding Niu was as swift as the wind, and grabbed Azu: "Azu, stop, there are ghosts outside!"


(End of this chapter)

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