Those who eat qi, live long life

Chapter 122 My Chapter Has Touched Your Soul

Chapter 122 My Words Have Touched Your Soul

These images seemed to flash before Ding Niu's eyes for a moment, and after a while, Ding Niu came back to his senses, still holding Azu in his hand.

Azu looked at him: "That's right, you didn't inhale the Qi of Mara."

"A little bit, otherwise you won't be caught." Ding Niu stared at him with a complicated expression: "I already understand how you kill people, and if I eat your... anger, I will be eaten by you."

"That's true. How about it?" Azu smiled triumphantly: "Let me tell you a truth: People eat people who eat people. They are greedy for my life energy, so I eat them, it's not too much."

"If they eat me, they can only be eaten by me." Azu chuckled and said, "Look, they will be eaten by me."

The phantoms in mid-air, the dark wind, and even the white light, together with the Heishui Taoist hiding in the temple, all made a distorted sound as Azu's words fell, and turned into streams of air, which were sucked into Azu's mouth one after another. .

The air flowed into the abdomen, Azu looked satisfied.

"So that's how it is." Ding Niu looked at it and said, "He who eats qi is a god and lives long, but if he eats some qi, his life may be short."

"It seems that you understand." Azu said: "Niu Zhenzi, although you don't know right from wrong, since you didn't get angry with me, you're still cautious, and you passed the test...why don't you let go?"

"Oh." Ding Niu said: "I passed the test? No way, haven't I killed you yet?"

"...Kill me?" Azu laughed loudly: "Why did you kill me? Did I do something wrong? Am I not pitiful? They shouldn't die?"

"You are pitiful. They eat you, and you eat them. There is a reason for you." Ding Niu said with a stern look, "But because you are as pitiful as you are, our generation of qi practitioners follow the heaven and the earth. Learning to drink northwest wind and northeast wind can also make you feel better." To live spells, you must live long and live well."

"Now that you are capable, you still only see cannibalism. You think you are dissecting human nature, playing with people's hearts, and complacent, but you are still wallowing in the quagmire."

"My generation has improved its cultivation and can survive by feeding on Qi. Apart from cannibalism, there are other ways and other choices to survive. If so, can we do something with style?"


Azu was stunned for a moment.

"My words must have touched your soul... You taught me the truth just now?"

"You deserve it too?"

"I'll swell your mouth first!"


Ding Niu slashed down with one palm, using the mental method of fish and dragon transformation contains [-] kinds of changes, which is equivalent to using [-] kinds of true sects.

With such a palm, gold and stone can be smashed into mud, and Azu in front of him was also smashed into ashes.

Ding Niu's eyes lit up, and the surrounding Heishuidao Guanguan disappeared.

Ding Niu took a step forward and appeared in the fourth level.

Looking up, he saw a gust of wind following him, and a familiar breath lingered at the tip of his nose.

Ding Niu stopped and frowned.

"...You are guarding the third level, how can you follow?"

This path turned into a child, just like Azu, glaring at him angrily:
"It's rare and strange. Although I guard the level, it's only my qi. Otherwise, you think you can kill me?" Azu said: "I am the disciple of the cannibal monk, so I am naturally eligible to enter the challenge level. It doesn't count in the rankings."

"What's your business?"

"Hehe! I want to follow you and keep an eye on you!" Ding Niu, who was entangled by the eating boy, said, "Niu Zhenzi, you passed the test honestly and nothing happened, but you are amazing, you are noble, and you scold me, yes What's the point? I want to see if you are sanctimonious and what you are capable of!"

Ding Niu strode forward: "Go aside."

"You are amazing, you have never been eaten by anyone! I am a ghost!" The boy who was eaten followed closely behind, giggling: "I used to eat a lot of high-sounding people, the meat is very sour, I hope you The taste can be different!"

"If others don't touch you, you can't touch others... This is your qi, right? So you like others to harm you, right?" Ding Niu said: "You are so pitiful."


The boy who was eaten turned into a wind and lingered around him: "Niu Zhenzi, am I fragrant? This is the Qi of Mara. Take a breath to increase your skill for ten years and restore your essence and blood. No matter how many heroes want to take a breath, they can't."

"Stink." Ding Niu strode forward. He knew that this product was not some kind of ginseng fruit, not Monk Tang, otherwise, he would still be smiling here.

The third level tests the ability to watch qi and distinguish qi. The boy who eats deliberately creates a dangerous situation and seduces him several times, just to want him to swallow the wind of Mara and catch him.

"Haha, the little martial artist really doesn't understand the mystery of qi..."

The boy who was eaten looked up to check the ranking of the disciples of Xieyue Mountain in the sky: "Niu Zhenzi, you only ranked 320 and [-], so behind, not only can you not compare with geniuses such as Yi Xingtian and Yan Zhanxuan who broke through the third level in an instant, but You don't even have a middle-level level, so it seems that you have a good mouth."

Ding Niu asked: "How can Yi Xingtian and Yan Zhanxuan quickly break through the third level?"

"Crush the illusion with magical powers for the first time, tsk tsk, it's really amazing, you are far inferior."

Ding Niu looked at him strangely: "You appreciate my kind words, but you are convinced when someone beats you up, and you still don't admit that you are a cheap bone."

"...Hehe, whatever you say, I don't care."

"When I talked to you for the first time, I didn't find you so annoying." Ding Niu said: "Since you can pretend, why don't you pretend to be cute?"

"Why should I please you?"

"Then what are you doing like a follower?"

"Niu Zhenzi, I like to talk to you. My master cannibal monk will only tell me that if others want to eat me, let others eat. He has his own way of reincarnation. He is very pedantic! I have always thought he has no style. , On the contrary, your words make me feel a little interesting, but there are many people in this world who speak beautiful words, but very few people can do it. Hee hee, I only like to eat such people, and I will follow you in the future. If you do not match what you just said, I will eat you."



In the center of the main peak of Banquet Peak, the man-eating monk watched this scene, and couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of spirit wine.


Everyone said strangely:

"Monk? Your disciple is going to be kidnapped, why are you shaking?"

The man-eating monk shook his gray beard and wept with joy: "Double Happiness, Linmen!"


The man-eating monk looked up to the sky and sighed, "200 years, almost 200 years! This haunter is finally willing to leave, and he doesn't want to be the gatekeeper, and there are benefits!"

The man-eating monk smiled until the old chrysanthemum bloomed on his face: "I have been eating vegetarian food and praying to Buddha for so many years, today I am finally liberated!"

Everyone immediately looked at him, and the man-eating monk smiled and bared his teeth: "Good, good, Niu Zhenzi is really blessed. Although my apprentice was born as an evil ghost, he is jealous of evil. In the future, he will follow Niu Zhenzi. I will meet you from time to time." Supervisor, keeping Niu Zhenzi from doing evil is really a great merit."

Everyone asked: " don't want this disciple anymore?"

"Disciple?" The man-eating monk shook his head: "He is the ancestor! 200 years, do you know how the old man lived in 200 years? The old man is already in his old age, and he has been vegetarian for half his life, so he can't enjoy it when he is old?"

"...You old jackal, do you still want to go back to your old job?"

"Hey, everyone, don't look at me like that, I've changed my mind a long time ago!" The man-eating monk hurriedly said, "It's true that the old man became a jackal, and he had a ridiculous life, but after being entangled by a boy-eating boy, he became a vegetarian every day. Plain monk! So many years have passed, the old monk has also realized his fate a few days ago, and changed his dharma title to the idiot monk. Unexpectedly, there is a response today, this villain is finally willing to leave! Ha, remove all the vegetarian dishes from my table Now, let’s serve the meat, serve the big meat!”


At the fourth pass, Ding Niu walks quickly, and the eaten boy walks behind him:

"Niu Zhenzi, don't waste your efforts."

"The place from the fourth pass to the fifth pass is a space of unknown size and length. There is a big mountain blocking the way. It has a radius of several thousand miles and a height of several thousand feet. It cannot be circumvented or passed. You have to use the magic power of the mountain to move it. How many master-level disciples are disheveled and become mountain porters, and how many innate-level disciples are afraid in front of the mountain, you, a little martial artist, will definitely not be able to pass this level."

"Why don't you save your energy and tell me the truth about being a ghost. I really like to hear that."

" are so annoying."

Ding Niu ran quickly to the front of the pass, and saw that many disciples were standing in front of the pass. They gathered in a circle shaking their heads and sighing, standing up and commenting:
"The innate realm is still spiritual power, and the vitality of the heavens and the earth that can be mobilized is scarce, and such a mountain cannot be moved at all. This level must be the mana of the overlord realm to pass."

"The Overlord Realm is also difficult. Our senior brother Yi Xingtian arrived here first. He has such magical power that he can't even move this mountain. He can't move it a little bit. Senior brother Yi Xingtian can only gather his energy into claws, and he can't stop day and night. , It took two days and one night to dig through the mountain and pass this pass."

"That's right, Yan Zhanxuan, who came after him, used the magic power of the overlord to slash the mountain. It took him three days in a row to cut a way out, and he was the second to break through."

"The disciples who will pass the level later on are all at the Overlord level. They have spent a lot of time moving mountains and earth to pass the level... Now that I have waited too late, and my level of cultivation is not high, I am afraid I will not be able to pass this level. gone."

"Many senior brothers have retreated in spite of the difficulties."

"I tried it too, but I couldn't dig through it at all."

In front of everyone is a space of unknown size and length, and a series of high mountains have been erected, like a panoramic sand table for the sales department.

Each of the above mountains represents a disciple who has broken through the level, and the progress inside can be seen from the size of the mountain:
Some have been dug up a large piece, and some are almost untouched.

Ding Niu also went up to watch, one by one, when he suddenly heard a familiar name, he stopped and moved closer.

I saw many people commenting in front of a mountain:
"Senior Brother Xing Zhenzi came early, and he has almost dug through. When I used his experience to pass the first level, I also received a favor. I should cheer for him and celebrate."

"That's the reason. Hey, even if a master brother like Xing Zhenzi is as strong as Xing Zhenzi, it will take more than ten days to move the mountain. We are absolutely hopeless."

When Ding Niu heard that it was Xingzhenzi who was breaking through the level, he immediately paid attention.

Xing Zhenzi passed the first level more than ten days earlier than him, and he was at the level of the overlord. He didn't want to be in the fourth level now. What is the difficulty of this fourth level, which actually blocked him?

Ding Niu went forward to inquire about the news:

"Several brothers are right. I just came to the fourth level. I would like to ask you a few questions."

"Oh." Everyone looked at him, and they couldn't help being surprised when they saw that he was a martial artist with thick eyebrows and big eyes:
"Hey! A martial artist, how did he pass the third level?"

(End of this chapter)

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