Those who eat qi, live long life

Chapter 142 Ghost Maru LAN

Chapter 142 Ghost Maru LAN
Master Cao sighed, he had expected it: "Sure enough, this Bazi the past, it was not as rampant as it is in recent days."

Being eaten by a boy is already filled with righteous indignation: "This gang of evil spirits... Didn't you hear about Mr. Cao? It's because the Bazi Festival is approaching, and the Evil Plague Ghost King wants to extradite more ghosts to accumulate Yin Gong. Recently, another ghost from the ancient battlefield General, so there is some action."

Ding Niu wondered: "What does Bazi Festival do?"

The boy who was eaten sneered: "It's a big festival in the ghost capital. Among them, there is a group of ghosts who don't hone their cultivation skills, but only look for various heretical methods to prolong life...the atmosphere is smoky."

According to Ding Niu, he also participated in this festival, but judging from his tone, he was very disdainful.

This evil ghost is grateful for his life experience and hates cannibalism the most in his life. Hearing that he hates Bazi Festival so much, Ding Niu can also think of what the so-called Bazi Festival is.

It also made him extremely uncomfortable.

Don't ask any more questions for a while, and solve the Caojiashan matter first.

Bazibie is too far away, and it is beyond reach right now, but the ancient battlefield is close at hand.

The ancient battlefield is located in a valley at the junction of the original Zhao, Han, and Lao Three Kingdoms. It has been a place where there have been many disputes and battles. I don’t know how many soldiers died here. I don't know how many, the generals who originally belonged to Zhao Han's old Three Kingdoms killed themselves with great hatred, and continued to entangle after death. The conflicts and entanglements are intricate, and they are generally divided into three major camps and countless small camps.

Originally, the Three Kingdoms bordered and the three areas were ignored. Now that Han Old City is in the hands of the Zhao Kingdom, this area belongs to the Zhao Kingdom.

So jump out, want to stir up wind and rain, and manifest existence?

act recklessly.

Ding Niu said: "Master Cao, would you like to help me?"

Master Cao hurriedly said, "Immortal, please tell me."

"I want to open a furnace to refine Guishen Pills for Cao Jiashan and strengthen Cao Jiashan's force."

"...Isn't this a great thing?" Master Cao said in shock: "Instead, the Immortal has helped us a lot!"

But Ding Niu said: "Guarding the country is the main responsibility of the guards and county guards of a place. As long as they are in the territory of Zhao State, no matter whether they are strangers or ghosts, they are all citizens of Zhao State, and they are all under the protection of Zhao State and my Xieyue Mountain. Among them. Right now, our Xieyue Mountain is not strong enough here, and we can’t take care of Cao Family Mountain and its surroundings for a while, causing the activities of the evil spirits in the old country to be rampant.

Master Cao sighed after hearing the words: "Guarding the country is like guarding the land of the home, not giving up an inch of land, the words of the immortals make the old man feel deeply, the matter of our Caojiashan is the responsibility of us housekeepers, now with the words of the immortal, even the old man To die in battle is to have no regrets!"

"Master Cao wants to leave it to a useful body, how can he say death so easily?" Ding Niu said: "The Ghost God Pill I refined is a technique of heretics, it does not increase cultivation and cannot live forever, but once used, it is powerful , It makes people want to stop, is Master Cao willing to use it?"

When Mr. Cao heard it, why is it all a good thing, this Immortal Niu is still afraid that he will dislike him?

He hurriedly asked: "Niu Xianren, how can this pill make people want to stop?"

"This pill of mine is a dharma tool in the alchemy. It uses the wind and qi of the local area as its bones. It is used for cultivation from time to time. It is connected with the local aura. When it is used, it can echo with the local power and become a local ghost with infinite power. Therefore, it can make people addicted." Ding Niu said: "It's a pity that this power does not come from one's own cultivation, it is a heretic in the end, and it is easy to get lost. After using it for a long time, people can't recognize how much they are. Therefore, not good."


If it was someone else, Mr. Cao must have thought he was showing off, but this is Immortal Niu, so it is naturally different.

This is a different pattern.

Master Cao sighed straight away, I am afraid that only immortals would feel such troubles!

These ghosts are inherently inferior to others, and if they don't have incense from descendants to worship, they will be precarious, their situation is miserable, and there are many disasters, regardless of their inside ways and outside ways, things that can increase their strength have always been urgent, and they should be used when they are used!
I heard this Niu Xianren sigh again:
"Some qi practitioners use secret methods to extract the qi of mountains and swamps and refine them into qi. They become the mountain gods and water gods of a locality. They call wind and rain. In fact, they are not officially recognized. Go down to the land of the king."

"But there are human dynasties and decrees put down by the country, with different personalities. They are the righteous gods and patron saints of the place, and they are worshiped by the people and subjects under their jurisdiction."

"In terms of my Guishenwan, it is still the method of wild gods." Ding Niu shook his head: "After all, it is not the way."


After a few words of emotion, not to mention Mr. Cao, even the few Cao family ghosts who have been silent for a long time can't help but beam with joy, and the faces wink and wink at each other, as vividly as possible.

What I heard was dazzled and flying, and I was already very willing, and I almost shouted:
"I am willing!"

Master Cao was mature and prudent, and couldn't help but be excited: "The wind and rain are turbulent now, and the threat is in front of us. Even if we drink poison to quench our thirst, we still have to do it. What's more, the immortal's ghost pill is so wonderful, we can't thank you in time!"

Ding Niu said: "Since that's the case, I'll start the alchemy furnace right away."

Ding Niu didn't delay, he had a well-thought-out plan, and he slept soundly at night, collecting wind and water in Caojiashan all night.

Since it is a pill made for ghosts, the wind and yin at night are the best, but the feng shui during the day is not beautiful.

The yin elixir is refined, so it is better to practice it at night.

Dan fire, if it is Yin fire, it is the best.

After working hard all night, Ding Niu continued to work hard.

It was night, and Ding Niu borrowed the Cao family's ancestral temple to open a furnace to make alchemy.

The boy who was eaten was protecting the Dharma, Master Cao was watching from the sidelines, and the ghosts scattered in Caojiashan, looking out for him.

What Ding Niu wants to refine is Wansewan, which shines in the Nine Daoes of Tianmen in Xieyue Mountain and wins the first place in the gift.

Also known as Shanhe Geography Pill.

What is practiced here is a simplified version, and only one wind color is practiced, which can be called one color pill.

Master Cao doesn't know alchemy, he just watched it for fun, but he watched it with admiration.

The boy who was eaten was also peeking while protecting the law: this person's alchemy with a single glance has been admired for a long time, so I have to take a good look today.

I saw this person casually pulled out a pill stove, took the ingredients, put the ingredients into the pill stove in one pot, stuffed the cauldron and boiled it.

Talking and laughing with them in the middle seemed extremely relaxed.

About two hours passed.

Around the alchemy furnace, the cold wind swirled, and there seemed to be roaring yin gods all around.

The surrounding air was suddenly cold.

The boy who was eaten and Master Cao knew that the pill was probably done.

Sure enough, as soon as the man pushed the furnace lid, nine black pills of average size jumped into the air, ready to move, with some spirituality.

Ding Niu collected the Dili pills and Guishen pills specially used by ghosts one by one.

"That's it!"

Master Cao readily praised, and the eaten boy kept nodding his head.

But Ding Niu knew that the two of them really didn't understand.

If an expert, seeing how easy he practiced and the fineness of the finished product, at this moment, he would inevitably praise him for his sharp eyes and exquisite technique, and he would inevitably boast of a flower.

Even if you are uneducated, should you say something awesome?

Such a faint boast is an expression of incomprehension.

Master Cao was very emotional, and asked about the two followers around him:
"Just now you two watched it for a long time, and applauded at the end, what did you learn?"

A ghost laughed and said: "Hey, I watched it, but it seems like I didn't see anything. But my heart is full of satisfaction, watching the master's work, I have a sense of participation.


Make a ghost nod again and again: "That's right, this is an immortal alchemy, it's really amazing!"

Master Cao laughed and cursed a few words, and then saw the two ghosts' eyes burning.

Looking over, it was Ding Niu who took out the pill and brought it to him:

"Master Cao, it's ready."

Master Cao wished he could burn incense and take a bath. He was cautious and excited, and took the pill:

"Immortal, how to use this?"

"Similar to your possessed objects, you can always sacrifice and strengthen the connection."

"Can I try first?"

Seeing Ding Niu nodding, Master Cao couldn't wait, and a wooden board flew out of his body, which was his possession.

Master Cao smiled embarrassedly: "This is the old man's coffin board, just kidding, just kidding..."

Without further ado, a ghost pill landed on the coffin board and twirled around.

Master Cao sank into his mind, and saw the rudimentary shape of Caojia Mountain in the ghost pill, which looked like it, but at the moment it was blurry and unclear.

His heart moved, and he fell down. It was the place of the Cao Family Ancestral Temple. When he landed, he felt a sense of flesh and blood, and he was connected with Cao Family Mountain.

I am afraid that this is the key to connecting with Cao Jiashan and becoming Cao Jiashan's guardian of ghosts and gods.

Master Cao was both surprised and delighted.

Their Cao family has lived here for generations, and they love this land deeply, otherwise they would not have taken root here as ghosts protecting the family after death.

He sensed it for a moment, and knew it was true, with a move in his heart, Guishenwan flew out, pushed away the two ghosts who were supporting him, and bowed:

"Thank you Immortal Niu for your kindness..."

Ding Niu quickly supported him: "Why is Master Cao like this?"

"I really don't know how to repay."

Ding Niu shook his head: "I also have selfish intentions. Master Cao must be on our side after receiving this benefit."

Master Cao laughed: "Naturally."

At this time, the other elite ghosts of the Cao family who were assigned to Guishenwan couldn't wait to experience Guishenwan, and possessions were flying all over the sky, not wooden boards, but old objects such as rags and combs.

After a while, a ghost exclaimed: "I'm waiting inside, how can I see others?"

Ding Niu nodded and explained: "I don't know what you guys are, but these are pills made from the same furnace. They are connected like a mother with the same womb. They are connected like a network. I call it a local area network. People who hold these nine pills in the future , they will be able to practice together, coordinate and cooperate, and be intimate."

"Local area network? It's an uncommon word, but the image is vivid." Master Cao praised it highly, and couldn't put it down when he touched Guishenwan.

Seeing that these ghosts were ignorant, and being dismissed by the same sentence, he was angry and funny. He has a lot of vision and knows that the method of mutual induction is not so simple, let alone appearing in the same scene. Practice together.

This kind of usage, the more you think about it, the more incredible it is.

The usage of Wansewan, the boy who was eaten had already learned a thing or two from Xueshan Tongzi, it was used to help him reshape his physical body. He didn’t want Wansewan to have a local area network usage, which made him feel more and more wonderful about Ding Niu’s idea sky open.

This person not only tells good stories, but also has unique ideas, which are unpredictable.

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard Ding Niu say: "Master Cao, do you have any familiar mountain spirits and wild monsters who are willing to become mountain gods and water gods? If they are trustworthy, as long as they stand by our side, they can refine Shuiliwan , Shanli pills, which are similar to the Dili pills in the hands of Master Cao."


When Master Cao heard this, his heart moved.

Hearing this, the eating boy was moved in his heart:
This person is doing this to seal up the mountain gods, water gods, and ghosts. What exactly is he trying to do?
(End of this chapter)

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