Those who eat qi, live long life

Chapter 144 I'm True

Chapter 144 I'm True
According to the seniority, Director Zhao is still the elder of the Eighth Prince, so he really cares, the Eighth Prince still has to call him Uncle Wang... But no matter how rebellious Director Zhao is, he will not be so ignorant.

The attitude towards the Eight Princes is indeed neither cold nor cold.

Seeing Ding Niu is young, Director Zhao asked knowingly, "Who is this?"

"It's our true disciple nominated by Xieyue Mountain, Makoto Ding Niu." The Eighth King Sun first introduced: "It's also the Marquis of Yu in Jinxi Town today."

The Eighth Prince said that he was more polite and saved face.

When he heard that he was nominating a true disciple, Director Zhao had stayed in Xieyue Mountain after all, so he didn't dare to be careless, but it was a matter of power and position, no matter how difficult it was, he couldn't back down.

Director Zhao said: "...It turned out to be Ding Yuhou. I don't know how much Yuhou knows about ghosts and gods."

"Know a thing or two."

"Oh, ghosts and gods are unpredictable. It may not be easy for Yu Hou to win over ghosts and gods for his own use."

"How unpredictable?" Ding Niu asked casually after hearing the words.

What is this nonsense?

Director Zhao was taken aback. This person's tone was light, and he was a bit arrogant. He couldn't help but get angry. Is the true biography of Xieyue Mountain, hehe...

Director Zhao smiled and said: "It's not my race, its mind is unpredictable, and our town demon division also catches mountain spirits and wild monsters, and makes trouble with ghosts. Most of them have weird minds and are different from ordinary people, so we can't use common sense In other words, their opinions, words and deeds are not in line with normal people, and it is tantamount to idiotic dreams to expect them to obey orders wholeheartedly."

Ding Niu agreed: "Director Zhao's words are also good. Mountain spirits and wild monsters grow in a very different environment from humans, and have different habits and thoughts. It is very unusual for them to have different views."

"Don't talk about mountain spirits and wild monsters, even between people, it's normal for people to disagree."

"However, there are many people who disagree with the three views, and there are also many people who work together... There is no need to be biased when employing people."

Director Zhao sneered: "Could it be that Marquis Yu has never heard of the principle that differences of Taoism do not conspire with each other?"

"There is no need for conspiracy, I just need them to obey orders and have their own rewards and punishments."

Seeing that he couldn't convince him, Director Zhao knew that he was wholeheartedly trying to grab the class and seize power, so he couldn't help but take a deep breath:

"Rewards and punishments? It seems that in the eyes of the younger brother, it is easy to understand the minds of ghosts and gods."

But Ding Niu asked: "...junior brother? Are you also a disciple of Xieyue Mountain?"

"Exactly, I practiced Qi on the mountain in the early years. I went down the mountain, and the younger brother hasn't gone up the mountain yet."

Ding Niu then corrected: "Oh, then you should call me Senior Brother, I'm a true biography."


Ba Wangsun laughed secretly, and Director Zhao often regarded himself as an elder in front of him on weekdays, which often made him feel depressed.

He suppressed a smile and said, "Let's not talk about these things. I came here today to see the daily affairs of Zhenyaosi, so that it will be convenient for Zhensi and Yuhou Mansion to cooperate in the future."

Director Zhao felt that he was inferior by a generation, and he was extremely unhappy. If it weren't for the eight kings and grandsons who overwhelmed others, he would have no intention of paying attention to the two juniors.

Director Zhao said angrily, "You two, please."

Leading the two of them into the underground prison, there are two torturers from the demon town who are interrogating a mandrill.

Ding Niu and Ba Wangsun looked outside for a while, and the judge inside was already in a state of desperation.

Just because the two sides are talking about chickens and ducks, when the criminal officer said something about obeying the law, the mandrill said that there was no law on the mountain, only that he could not fight; The whole nest was caught and eaten by hunters, so there is nothing wrong with it.

After some interrogation, nothing came out.

However, this is also the norm. The procuring officer is familiar with the process of sentencing a person to prison to be executed, and then escorting him to the headquarters of the capital for execution.

When Director Zhao saw him, he took the opportunity to ask Ding Niu:

"Ding Yuhou, look at this mandrill, it doesn't make any sense, he doesn't recognize my laws of Zhao country, even communication is difficult, but I use Zhao country's laws to rule him and sentence him to death, he naturally refuses to accept... such a situation , how do you rule?"

Ding Niu looked at it: "Let him take it first."

Director Zhao was amused: "How to convince him?"

"You watch."

After Ding Niu finished speaking, he went inside.

The two criminal judges inside were startled, and hurriedly came to see, extremely displeased.

Director Zhao came in from behind and deliberately reminded: "This is the true disciple of Xieyue Mountain, you should learn more and see what other people do!"

"...Oh." The two looked at Ding Niu with burning eyes.

Ding Niu stepped forward quickly, and when the mandrill saw the stranger, he felt that he was full of blood, staring at him with purring eyes, salivating at the corners of his mouth:

"Spicy flesh and blood, delicious!"


Ding Niu stepped forward and looked at it for a moment, and a big one got confused.


"What kind of method is this?" Director Zhao looked at it later and almost laughed out loud: Torture to extract a confession!
However, if slapping is useful, why do you want them to suppress demons?
Is this true biography of Xieyue Mountain joking with them!
The two probation officers were dumbfounded: If slapping is useful, why do you need these probation officers?
This is the true disciple of Xieyue Mountain?I'm afraid it's not a fake!
The mandrill was taken aback by the beating, and suddenly struggled furiously, baring its teeth:

"eat you……"

The second big bidou fell immediately.

The mandrill opened its bloody mouth and was about to roar, but unexpectedly, his mind went blank. With his mouth open for a long time, he blankly looked at the people in front of him from left to right. For some reason, an indescribable discomfort made him become Dazed and silly, the ferocity on his face gradually dissipated, and he was a little at a loss.

He squatted on the spot and curled up on the ground.

Like an old dog with no energy.

Ding Niu asked: "You are sentenced to death, do you accept it?"

The mandrill yawned: "Submit it, you guys just kill me, I admit it."

After Ding Niu's death, Ba Wangsun and others were surprised, not knowing why.

For a while, the interrogation room was completely silent, and a needle could be heard falling.

" is this done?"

Director Zhao came back to his senses, surprised by his interrogation skills, and went down the mountain with two slaps to subdue him. What kind of ability is this?
And what to ask and what to answer next, the mandrill did not hide anything, knowing everything.

For a while, everyone looked at Ding Niu, both surprised and suspicious. Ding Niu looked at Director Zhao:

"Is this monster subdued?"

"...Using mana to control people may cause future troubles." Director Zhao guessed that it was because he had some kind of magical energy that he had such an effect.

"If it makes sense, understand it with reason, and if it doesn't make sense, let him repent and make it make sense." Ding Niu said: "This is the way to convince people with virtue, does the director agree?"


Seeing that Director Zhao didn't speak, Ding Niu said: "From now on, Director Zhao has any mountain spirits and water monsters that he can't take down, you can come to me if you want, and I will conquer them one by one, and kill them all. It would be violent to kill these mountain spirits."

Director Zhao was very upset when he heard this, and he snorted to express his dissatisfaction.

Ding Niu looked at the two young judges behind him, and asked, "You two also have cultivation, how did you get into the demon town?"

"...I was originally an out-of-the-mountain disciple of the Toshi Sect. Many years ago, I went down the mountain and was admitted to the town demon division. I met senior brother Niu Zhenzi."

The other one was quite arrogant, and looked at Ding Niu neither humble nor overbearing: "I have no family or sect, and I learned the ability after being admitted to the town of demon division!"

Ding Niu nodded: "Okay, I will come and go more in Jinxi Town in the future. I am Yuhou of Jinxi Town, and I am in charge of the local mountains, rivers, waters, birds, animals, insects and fish. If there are any monsters in the mountains and waters, I will also be under my jurisdiction. Let me know." , I will not let it go."


The two looked at each other in blank dismay. They are the demon masters who are arresting demons. When do they need to contact Yu Hou to inform them?

But Director Zhao knew that this was meant for him, what kind of shit Yuhou, he managed so much and so leniently!
Take chicken feathers as arrows!
Director Zhao became more and more dissatisfied. By saying this, is he determined to seize the power of the demon town?
Want to order them to suppress demons?Relying on his status as a disciple of Xieyue Mountain, he is so defiant!

"You don't need Marquis Yu to worry about killing demons and demons." Chief Zhao said coldly, "Marquis Yu's responsibility is to keep an eye on the mountains, forests and waters, so as not to be poached, poached, hunted and fished."

"Oh, Director Zhao should already know that the old country's plague ghost came to spread the plague and harm people. It was ordered by Bazibiedu. How is your guarding department going?" Ding Niu asked: "Is it going to organize troops and enter Bazibiedu Have you killed the culprit?"

"..." Director Zhao didn't even know what he was talking about!
Enter Bazi Bedu?

That is the ghost capital of the old country, and it is a violation of the law for them to enter the old country without permission from the Demon Town Mansion!Cause disputes between the two countries!Who can afford it?

What's more, they are always looking for trouble when they go to Bazibie in the Zhenyao mansion... Just because of a plague ghost's one-sided words, your one-sided words, is it too long to take the entire town guard mansion into it?

Seeing that he didn't answer, Ding Niu asked again: "I understand, since you are not going to deal with the mastermind behind the scenes, what are you going to do if the evil spirits from the old country invade the country?"

"Surely kill the incoming enemy!" Director Zhao replied without hesitation this time, appearing to be tough.

Ding Niu smiled and said, "That being the case, as soon as I have news, I will immediately notify Director Zhao."


Director Zhao's eyes were full of gold stars, and he knew he had fallen into his trap:
Isn't this a word from this person, and they will point and hit wherever they want, and become his thugs?

Looking at the eighth prince again, this person must support this Niu Zhenzi.

It really makes no sense!

Ding Niu said goodbye.

Director Zhao stood at the same spot and watched Ding Niu and Ba Wangsun leave, and immediately turned around to summon the judges to discuss the matter. He must first investigate the secret sabotage of the Bazibiedu ghosts crossing the border, take the initiative, and take the initiative to attack, so as not to be caught by someone The disciples of Xieyue Mountain are the spearmen!
The Eight Kingsun and Ding Niu returned to the town guard's mansion, and someone came to report the movements of the demon town master. Knowing that they were preparing for a big fight, the eight kingsun shook his head: "Behind the town demon master is the king, who always has his eyes up. The director is also obedient to my orders on weekdays, and it is rare for him to act so actively."

Ding Niu smiled and said, "Director Zhao also has the determination to defend his family and the country."

The Eight Kingsun shook his head, annoyed and funny: "Director Zhao must have thought that he had fallen into the trap of senior brother, and he was so active because he was unwilling to be passive, but how could he think that senior brother is actually dedicated to the public, so why would he want to rob them of any position in the Demon Town Mansion?" Secretary? Senior brother just used a small plan, but made Director Zhao feel like he was sitting on pins and needles, and had to move... I really admire it."

The eight kings and grandsons were convinced.

Ding Niu didn't say much about this matter, and continued to discuss with the Eight Kings, how to invite the Xieyueshan brothers who are here, and how to dispatch troops to wipe out the evil spirits of the old country.

This time they were going to make a big hit, punching hard, making sure to hit the enemy hard once, and they didn't dare to stretch out their minions easily.

(End of this chapter)

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