Those who eat qi, live long life

Chapter 147 Unforgettable

Chapter 147 Unforgettable
Many ghost kings whispered to each other, discussing, and then said:

"...Having said that, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Although Xieyue Mountain has declined, it is still not something we can shake. Why rush to hit a stone with an egg at this time?"

"Hmph, everyone is pushing the wall down, and someone needs to be the first to push the wall." The evil plague ghost king said impassionedly: "I have long been dissatisfied with Xieyue Mountain, and since Xieyue Mountain bumped into it today, I can't blame me for doing it first. I must try Xieyue Mountain." The weight of the mountain, the matter of the Cao Family Mountain, I will definitely not let it go! Everyone, would you like to help me?"

"How can I help you?"

"Marquis Yu of Jinxi Town is intervening in this matter, just to show the chariots and horses. Since I have torn my face, I don't need to worry about any means."

The Evil Plague Ghost King said: "I want to wipe out all the ghosts in Caojiashan. If you are willing to send some generals to help me, I will be very grateful!"


All the ghost kings hehe.

"Huh? This move is to scare the chickens and monkeys, and it will be beneficial to everyone. If it is successful, it will also let the erratic ghosts in Jinxi Town, but the whole Hanlao County, see the majesty of our Bazibiedu, and know how to go to our Bazibie. They are all the right way, if not, Xieyue Mountain will not be able to protect them!"

"How do you guys feel?"

The rest of the ghosts hummed:
"In this case, it depends on Brother Evil Pandemic's actions, and I will definitely cheer for you later."

This is to say that he will not stop, but he will not intervene.

The evil plague ghost king said in his heart, Lizi is not enough to seek advice!
However, he was able to guess such a result early in the morning, and it was not unexpected, but he kept sneering in his heart.

He no longer insisted, and the Ghost King of the Eight Towns discussed a few more words, and the Plague Ghost King left first, in a hurry:

I didn't expect you at all!
The ghost kings of the other seven towns watched him leave, and some of them were still doubtful about the evil plague ghost king:

"Did the plague get insane?"

"I don't think so. The Bazi Festival is approaching, and the evil epidemic is going to be a big one, to gain great Yin Gong. Could he miss the opportunity to clean the pool? The evil epidemic has been around for a long time... There is no good life for many years. "

Among the ghost kings, one ghost king revealed the real reason: "If he didn't see that his life expectancy is approaching and he has no future, why would he be given the difficult bone of Jinxi Town?"

"The Evil Plague Ghost King knows his own family affairs, so it is not difficult to understand why he is fighting to the death."

"Hehe, he is fighting to the death, but he has no progress in Jinxi Town. He just broke the jar! This move will inevitably cause Xieyue Mountain to counterattack strongly. We will suffer if we work around Jinxi Town. calamity!"

All the ghost kings are old, treacherous and cunning people:

"Evil Thought Ghost King, why didn't you stop it just now?"

Evil Thought Ghost King said in a deep voice:
"The determination of the evil epidemic is to carry out the will of the ghost capital, why stop it?"

"Evil epidemic is also an old ghost, with a deep mind. He is determined to follow the example of Han Laojun last year and make a big impact. I am afraid that there may not be other forces involved in this matter. I heard that he has entered the ancient battlefield based on an old relationship. Those ghosts beat the ghost soldiers fiercely... Otherwise, with a few old ghosts under his command, he would not be able to do this, he dare not be so reckless... Anyway, we will wait and see, if something goes wrong, it will be Yuandun."

All the ghost kings agreed.

In terms of combat power, they are indeed inferior to high-ranking Qi fighters, but in terms of concealment, they have no physical body, come and go without a trace, if they have the intention to hide, they are first-class experts, and they rely on it for survival Maximum skill.

Now, it depends on the outcome of the Evil Plague Ghost King. If the Evil Plague Ghost King is vulnerable, they immediately pack up and flee back to Bazi Bedu. Forgive that Xieyue Mountain can't do anything to them.

If Xieyue Mountain is really strong, they don't mind pounced on them fiercely, adding insult to injury, eating a piece of their flesh and blood, and enjoying a feast of flesh and blood.

At the same time, in Jinxi Town Demon Division, the lights were brightly lit, and Director Zhao called together the elite to discuss the matter of attack:
"I just received the news that there was an incident of evil spirits hurting people in Caojiashan, and Yuhou Mansion... intervened in this matter and repelled the evil spirits."

Director Zhao's expression was uneasy, with a stern expression:

"Suppressing demons has always been favored by the lord of the country, shouldering the responsibility of killing demons and eliminating demons, why do you need others to do it for you!"

"However, the Yuhou Mansion only replied with one sentence, leaving me speechless."

"The three-inch hairy boy named Shuang Zhenzi replied to me: Now that the Yuhou Mansion has met, can it still back down? The demon town is like a deaf or blind man, and has nothing to do. Our Yuhou Mansion can wait, and the people of Caojiashan Can you wait?"

"Could it be that the demon town master wants to disregard human lives?"

"I have nothing to say about this... I didn't even meet that Ding Yuhou from the Yuhou Mansion. He was just a subordinate officer under his command, so he sent me away!"


A group of criminal officers from the Zhenyao Division glowed in the face of Director Zhao, and could not utter a word of defense. The officer was ashamed, and their subordinates were also very shameless, with hot faces.

"This matter, I will be greatly ashamed!" Seeing his subordinates filled with righteous indignation and unconvinced looks, Director Zhao was also satisfied in his heart: "Where the face was lost from, we must find it back there!"

"Why is the news from the Marquis of Yu's Mansion better than ours? Everyone here is responsible for this matter!"


"Decree: Song Guihua is going to Hanlao County Town Demon Division, please bring a set of evil-breaking array flags, and fifty mirrors that illuminate the demons, go and return quickly!"

The prosecuting officer named Song Guihua stepped out of the team and handed over: "This subordinate takes orders!"

"Order: Qian Sen, Liu Miao, lead twenty riders to the ancient battlefield, and hand over my talisman to the ancient general... You two must be careful when you arrive at the ancient battlefield."



In the town demon division, orders were issued one after another, and they were running at full capacity.

The tutelary mansion not far away was brightly lit and held a family banquet.

Zhao Ji, the eighth king of Hanlao County, came here to find Dingniu.

"I wanted to invite my nephew to go to Hanlao County for a talk. I heard that you are too busy to leave these days, so I came to find you in person."

Ding Niu complained: "The governor of the county is always busy, so I trouble you to make a trip. I'm ashamed."

Seeing his politeness, Zhao Ji didn't dare to take it seriously. With Ding Niu's current status, they are the ones who are highly regarded by his family.

He made a long story short: "Tomorrow is the Shangsi Festival. The king wants to use orchid soup to ward off evil spirits, and hold a ceremony to remove ominous omens by the water. I hope my nephew can come to participate."

Ding Niu wanted to evade again, Zhao Ji said:

"Hanlao County is full of waste, and the population is the most scarce. This king wants to take advantage of the Shangsi Festival to offer sacrifices to Gao Yu on the banks of the Zhao Han River, praying for the birth of many newborn children this year... My nephew is the hero of Hanlao County. At that time, there were also many households in Han Old City who were married to Xianshan, and they were also included in this invitation, if the virtuous nephew showed up, it would definitely boost the hearts of the people."

When Ding Niu heard this, his heart suddenly moved. Hanlao County was short of people, and Huangliangtu was even more short of people. It would be effective if offering sacrifices to Gaozhen...

The Eight Kings Sun laughed and said: "This time it's a universal celebration. Not only commoner women, but also many royal family and noble daughters participated. Wearing rich clothes, swimming by the water, singing and dancing, it is also a chance for men and women to meet during the festival... Brother, Mr. Han In the city, there are many dignified and noble women who look up to you and hope to see you this time, if you don't go, they must be extremely disappointed."

"...Oh, then I don't show my face, it seems inappropriate."

"Exactly." The Eighth King Sun Xi said: "Tomorrow I will go with my brother, just show up and it won't take too long."

Seeing that Ding Niu agreed, the Eighth King Zhao Ji left satisfied, and immediately rushed back to Han Old City. He took time out of his busy schedule to visit Jinxi Town.

Tomorrow, he has high hopes for the Shangsi Festival, and hopes that Hanlao County will be more enthusiastic. He invited Ding Niu to participate a few days earlier, with a strong momentum, but unfortunately Ding Niu refused because he was busy... So he came over to invite Ding Niu in person. I hope to take advantage of Ding Niu's reputation in the old city of Han to hold a grand ceremony, and I have another thought:
Last time, many disciples of Xieyue Mountain drank Niangzi soup, but Ding Niu did not participate. This incident made him very regretful, and he wanted to use this Shangsi Festival to make up for his regret.

Naturally, the eight princes and grandsons fully supported him. He only hated that he didn't have any older sisters to introduce him to Ding Niu. The other cousins ​​were also afraid of being introduced to Ding Niu, so they would instead push Ding Niu to other princes and grandsons...

Ba Wangsun was thinking about his thoughts, and at the same time, organized the staff of the town guard to distribute invitations, and went to Han Laocheng together tomorrow to cheer for his father with a strong momentum.

In the early morning of the second day, after Ding Niu's morning exercise, the Eighth King Sun came to invite him, and all the people in the guard house had gathered and set off together.

Ding Niu and the Eight Princes rode dragon horses, surrounded by the stars and the moon, surrounded by the generals and soldiers of the guarding mansion, and behind them were the female relatives of the guarding mansion. Ding Niu wondered why the Eight Princes brought their female relatives, and the Eight Kings smiled wryly:
"Senior brother's family is thousands of miles away, out of reach. closely at home, but I am not as chic as senior brother."

"...there is something in Wang Sun's words."

The Eighth Kingsun was about to have a few jokes, when the soldiers came to report:
"My lord, Taoists from all over the world have come with priests and priests from Yushan Society."

"Okay, ask them to follow on the left."


Ding Niu asked, "Why invite them?"

"Sifang Taoist is an important supplier of spiritual fertilizers in this town. It happened that the priests and priests who were invited here did a good job at the Chunlei Dojo. They also have real talents and learning. They simply invited them to the Shangsi Festival to share my father's worries." The eight kings approached some, chuckled:

"Why did the senior brother just watch the priestess of the Yushan Society dance for a few nights without doing anything deviant, yet the priestess never forgets the senior brother?"

"What's up with her?"

"This girl has asked me about her senior brother several times, and she misses her very much."

Ding Niu then asked, "Will this girl have anything to do with me during the Shangsi Festival ceremony?"

"Brother guessed right, the orchid grass bath is organized by the priestess and priestess."

"I see."

Ding Niu said no more.

A group of people quickened their pace and arrived at the predetermined location at sunrise. It was a section of the Zhaohan River outside the old city of Han. There were already high platforms, courtyards, sheds, lights and festoons, and a stream of people.

Crowds of all colors stand in clusters and piles, with clear distinctions.

The female family members of the powerful and gentry families are full of flowers, and the number of people is small. They are in the middle group. The female family members of the common people’s family have lighter clothes. These people are in the side group, and the remote ones are poor women. Simple and the most numerous.

The participating men were roughly divided into these three categories. They all wore what they could afford, and attended in the best attire.

The atmosphere is cheerful, warm, and somewhat ambiguous.

For those who are paired today, the county governor's office will give five taels of silver to each of the men and women as a congratulatory gift.

What is the concept of [-]?
About the annual income of ordinary civilians.

With such a generous gift, it’s no wonder there are so many men and women of the right age participating in the ceremony
(End of this chapter)

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