Those who eat qi, live long life

Chapter 150 Dao Soldiers

Chapter 150 Dao Soldiers
On the skin of the Kui Niu drum, there are scattered spots, and a huge crack looks like a mouth on the drum surface. Just by looking at the appearance, it can be seen that this magic weapon has been damaged.

When the cruelty saw the Kui Niu Drum being ruined like this for the first time, he almost couldn't believe his eyes.

A bad breath rushed straight to his forehead, and his eyes couldn't help but jump wildly.

Play for fun, play for play, make fun of Lao Tzu's Kui Niu Drum!

"Daoist Sifang, Immortal Niu sent me to bring the drum back, and repeatedly told me to convey my apology."

The boy who brought the drums back passed the message vividly.

Cruelty made a reluctant smile: "It's okay... Where is Immortal Niu now? Did he say anything else?"

"Immortal Niu said: Taoist Master Sifang, I have a chance to drink together."

"……that's it?"

"Yes." The boy said goodbye.

The cruelty makes him look away, and the heart is extremely cruel.

The Kui Niu sea monster, whose skin is stronger than steel, and the Kui Niu drum covered with its skin is durable, it is a magic weapon for attracting lightning, and for many Qi trainers who practice the art of sky thunder, it is nothing more than a divine weapon.

What kind of tricks are the two of them playing to make the drum surface burst?

Cruelly lost such a magic weapon, blood dripped from my heart:

The sea is vast, and the number of Kui Niu is rare. It is not easy to meet, let alone capture, such a precious Kui Niu Drum, it is so ruined!
The cruelty made the anger in my heart continuously erupt, and when the sleepy-looking Zaojian Ji came to report, it was even more evil.

With just one glance, he realized that this woman was different.

Overnight, this woman's complexion became warm and fleshy, giving birth to a mature temperament.

The Cruel Envoy is also a veteran, and he immediately understood that Ding Niu had won.

Immediately, evil and excited emotions emerged from the anger, filling his mind, his eyes were burning with cruelty, and he almost swallowed Zaojian Ji alive, he was impatient:
"Ding did he play with you? Why don't you tell me soon?"

Seeing his expression, Zaojianji turned pale, and carefully said a little bit about what happened yesterday.

The Taoist from the Four Seas licked his tongue: "I'll do it again as he did to you, take it off quickly..."

"President, please stop!"

"...What?" The cruelty made it unexpected that she dared to resist. She was a little surprised for a while, and then she became furious:
"Little bitch... Ding Niu can play, but I can't? Who gave you the courage!"

Zao Jianji saw that he was furious, and backed away in fear: "President... I have become a soldier of Ding Niu, if you are like that... Ding Niu must have a sense, and I am afraid that the president's plan will be ruined!"


Hearing the words, the cruel messenger was filled with shock and anger, and couldn't believe it: This little bitch, it's wrong!
At this moment, he even suspected that there was an ambush outside.

All the desires in his mind disappeared, and he immediately regained consciousness. While sweeping away his consciousness, he scolded in a deep voice:
"You! You are so bold! Are you going to join Ding Niu and be his Taoist soldier? You feel that your wings are hardened, and you want to betray me?"

"How dare I betray the president!" Zaojian Ji wept again and again, talking about what happened yesterday:
"Yesterday I went to find Ding Niu according to my plan. With the blessing of the peach blossom qi of the God of Gaoxi, the desire of orchid grass, and the surroundings are full of spring scenery, the Ding Niu finally couldn't bear it..."

"I took him to a remote place. I knew that Ding Niu loved to watch the Spring Thunder Dance, so I started it... Ding Niu stepped on the drum and asked me first: I would like to be his Taoist soldier. I was also surprised by his request, so I asked why? Ding Niu said: "He doesn't sleep with people who are unknown... I remembered the president's instructions, knowing that Ding Niu is good at maids, maids... all kinds of roles, so I think this soldier must be a role."


"It was the president who taught me to cooperate no matter what. At that time, I thought it was just Ding Niu who was going to play some tricks. Who knows... who knows..."

Zaojian Ji kept sobbing: "This person is really serious. He possesses me and controls me at the same time. A wave of qi stretches towards me. I just realized that the Taoist soldier he said is really going to be his Taoist soldier... Of course I don't want to." , Unexpectedly, this person suddenly attacked fiercely, which made me feel numb for a while, and accidentally fell into his way."


Unexpectedly, the cruel man talked about it, including his own pot, and almost wanted to vomit blood.

Seeing Ji crying early, the cruelty made him irritated:
"No reason!"

"Ding Niu told me to go find him again tonight... and asked me to bring a new Kui Niu drum..."

"...What?" The cruel envoy was furious, pushing an inch!

"Destroy me a Kui Niu Drum, I haven't peeled off his skin, he has the face to come to me again?"

Zaojian Ji kept sobbing:

"Yes, Ding Niu is really too much...President, if I look for Ding Niu again tonight, I will definitely fight him."

The Cruel Envoy took a deep breath, looked at Zao Jian Ji, and suddenly sneered:

"I saw Ji early, you did a good job... Ding Niu has already taken the bait, you can continue to work hard, I will not mess with you, and you don't need to play tricks in front of me."

"...How dare my subordinates."

"Hmph, Taoist soldiers?" The Cruel Envoy ignored it, thought for a moment and said, "I'll pass on to you a qi that can subdue the superior, and use it at a critical moment, just to break the qi of his Taoist soldiers. If you can counter-control him, it will be It is a great achievement, this person is extremely talented in alchemy, if he can be used by you, you may not be able to win the position of president of the Ten Society in the future... The Spring Field Envoy also stood out in this way."

Zaojian Ji's eyes flickered: "Yes!"

"Okay, guide Ding Niu well to the prodigal energy planted by the Spring Field Envoy on Ding Niu, so that this person will completely sink, and I will have to work hard for you next."


"Since you have become a Taoist soldier, it is better for us to have less contact in the future." The cruel master waved his hand, out of sight and out of mind: "You go."

See Ji Xingli and leave early.

On the way, seeing Ji was greatly relieved, and finally passed the test of the cruel envoy, and was spared from being humiliated by him.

At the same time, the soreness and embarrassment all over his body slowly hit.

That bull last night was really like a bull.

I'm going again tonight, and when I think about it, I feel sore all over.

Seeing Ji's life, I'm afraid I will never forget what happened on the Kui Niu Drum last night. There is one thing she didn't tell the Cruel Envoy:

Ding Niu's rhythm and strength even beat the drum song of the Spring Thunder Festival on the Kui Niu drum. She stopped resisting at that time and accepted the Dao soldier's qi stretched out by this person and became his Dao soldier.

At least this person has really appreciated her Spring Thunder Dance.

And did not replenish her spiritual energy.

Compared with the Cruel Envoy and other Qi practitioners in the club, this person is indeed on the right path.

As early as I saw Ji walking, walking, there was a cold smile on her face.

Just wait and see, do I have to be at your mercy!

the other side.

Ding Niu was talking to the Eighth Kingsun, and the Eighth Kingsun couldn't help laughing at Ding Niu's face:
"Yesterday, I was in love with the scene. I was expropriated for public food, and I paid a lot... But it seems that I am not as haggard as my senior brother."

Ding Niu shook his head, he was really tired last night, but if the Eight Princes thought he was so tired, he really underestimated him.

Drumming last night, of course, was caused by addiction, but also because I heard the words of God Gao, and I was going to use the opportunity of spring thunder and thunderbolt and the combination of yin and yang to try to stimulate spiritual evolution in Huangliangtu.

Doing that is also cultivation.

Tried again last night and it worked surprisingly well.

From the very beginning, he could feel the impending vitality in Huangliangtu, so he cheered up, applied what he learned, and relied on the Kui Niu drum to continuously stimulate the sound of spring thunder.

In response to Yin and Yang, the sound of thunder in spring, and the right time and place to gather together, a phantom image of an old ghost, Kui Niu, is formed in the yellow beam map, but it is always dumbfounded, not a real spirit.

The situation is so good that it is only a short shot, Ding Niu insists on it.

Until the dawn of the sky, when the sky and the earth turned from yin to yang, Ding Niufu reached his heart and suddenly released the yang truth.

At the same time, the priestess is blossoming and crying, the heaven and the earth are united, and the Kui ox is bursting.

The Kui Niu drum cracked, and at the same time, the first creature in Huangliang Tu finally took shape and became real, appearing in the form of Kui Niu.

This Kui ox has been floating up and down in the river and sea in Huangliang map, patting its belly to attract thunder and playing, enjoying itself.

With the birth of the first creature, the vitality in the Huangliang map germinated, and the memory fragments from the "last life" were the first to wake up and revive... The mountains, rivers, vegetation, birds, beasts, insects and fish, the entire world of the Huangliang map is vivid and lively to the naked eye.

Then, people appeared, to be precise, they were spirit bodies, true spirits, who were enlightened by the "Way of Heaven" while wandering around, and then discovered various inheritances scattered in it.

The Qi trainer appears.

The situation is changing, and the true spirits who were first inherited began to establish their own orthodoxy, absorb members to establish organizations, and compete for territory, orthodoxy, and even the avenue.

Families, sects, countries, all kinds of organizations appeared...

At the beginning, because the world was not stable, the flow of time in the Huangliang map was extremely fast and unpredictable, but as the pattern in the map was gradually determined, it gradually changed from fast to slow. same.

At this time, the world is changing with each passing day. During the time when Ding Niu and the Eight Princes were talking, it has been several years. Ding Niu devotes part of his energy to pay attention to the changes inside, so he seems a little unresponsive, which is considered by the Eight Princes to be caused by exhaustion. haggard.

He spends most of his time observing the changes in the map, intervening occasionally to correct the direction.

His plug-in is finally online.

Is the new version of the ship.

Ding Niu came here to bid farewell to the Eight Kings. Next, he will spend a lot of time sorting out the direction of the world in the picture, so he is going to go back to Liangjiaao for a period of retreat.

When he got out, he saw that Ji had been waiting for him:

"Master of War."

"Have you made a clear settlement with Taoist Sifang?"


Ding Niu then ordered: "Shazhi, go ride my dragon horse and take me back to Jinxi Town."

"...Does the soldier master want to ride with me?"

"That's right, just be patient on the way."


Zao Jianji didn't know why she had to be patient at first, until the person behind her got on the dragon horse and hugged her, she knew that the journey would be very hard.

The breath and body of the person behind was closely connected with her, and the bumps and ups and downs when the dragon horse was running made this journey extremely difficult.

"Is it hard?" The man behind noticed her strangeness and asked.


The man was silent for a moment, but he still raised his hands: "It's so hard, you still bear it yourself...Your body is tense and you can't relax."


"I don't know what your purpose is, but you made me happy last night, and I won't treat you badly." The man behind said suddenly.

Seeing Ji Wenyan earlier, his whole body tensed up, and the person behind him snorted in enjoyment:
"Don't be nervous, calm down and restrain your mind. It will be very helpful for you to go back this way."


(End of this chapter)

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