Chapter 158
"Beware of fraud!"

The ghost messengers teamed up to take precautions, sweeping the ruined temple back and forth, but found nothing.

The plague ghost just now disappeared without a trace and without a sound.


The four ghosts looked at each other...

"How to do?"

"It's not difficult to kill that plague ghost right under our noses, but he didn't make a single sound, he didn't make a sound, and there isn't any lingering breath of true spirit here, it's really terrifying..."

"It's not the mountain god from before."

"It's definitely not... who is teasing us?"

The ruined temple that can't be seen is like a hidden vortex at the bottom of the water.

He knew there was danger inside, but he couldn't see it.

A quick exchange of thoughts:
"Retreat first..."

When the wind blew, the four ghosts flew out of the ruined temple.

Seeing that they were so cautious, Ding Niu immediately activated the energy of yellow beams:

"The four ghosts got nothing. Thinking of losing a plague ghost and retreating empty-handed, I feel unwilling."

The qi of the yellow beams was scattered, and outside the ruined temple, four ghosts circled in the wind, and one ghost suddenly said:
"Senior's methods are so powerful, I admire them! I am the ghost messenger of Bazibiedu, and I did what I was ordered to do, so I didn't know I disturbed senior."

"Senior, can you leave your honorable name behind!"

After shouting, there was no answer in the ruined temple.

The four ghosts were suspicious: Did they scare themselves?
Dare not to enter the temple easily, but today's errands have not been completed, the four ghosts discussed for a while, and then they came up with an idea.

The four ghosts took out the chains and exercised their minds, and the four chains were connected into one, thick and long.

This chain can hold the soul and lock the essence, and it is a magic weapon that Bazibiedu ghosts specialize in practicing Dharma.

The four ghosts used their skills and threw the chain into the temple, and the chain was like an automatic navigation device. If there is a soul, it will be taken, if there is energy, it will be locked, and if there is nothing, it will return to its hand.

The moment it was thrown, the four ghosts felt that their hands sank, and the weight was quite heavy, as if they had caught a big fish...

The four ghosts were both surprised and happy, they moved their qi, and their minds followed the chains to look, and they jumped in shock when they saw it!
Who is locked at the other end of the chain, not the plague ghost who disappeared just now?
Where did this come from?
The four ghosts hesitated for a moment, and pulled him back.

His eyes were closed tightly and he didn't say a word.

"Being stunned by our chains, or what?"

They are chains that can lock people's minds.

"Anyway, wake him up first and ask what happened?"

The four ghosts displayed their aura to stimulate the plague ghost.

Not long after, the plague ghost woke up, looking very dazed.

The four ghosts hurriedly asked: "After you entered the temple, what's unusual? Why didn't you suddenly disappear?"

Thinking back, the plague ghost was in a daze: "Entering the temple... nothing unusual, the villain was swallowing the plague qi according to the instructions, and suddenly found a person with abundant yang energy, so he couldn't help but go to check. For some reason, he lost his mind and fell into the one place……"

"...Where!" The four ghosts hurriedly asked.

Epidemic ghost said: "I don't know where, I landed there, all I met were evil spirits, the villain immediately felt kind."

"The villain saw those evil spirits taking turns going to the altar to teach the Dharma, so he leaned over to listen. It turned out that they were all evil and very cruel people, but they got together and went to the altar to repent and regret...these evil spirits regretted it. , and at the same time said a truth."

The plague ghost talked about his wonderful experience.

The four ghosts looked at each other, they were all evil spirits, and where did they come from, they couldn't help asking: "What's the reason?"

The plague ghost had a strange expression on his face, but when he spoke, his tone became a little low and solemn:
"There is only one truth they say, which is: right or wrong, success or failure, turn your head and empty your head."


As his words fell, the plague ghost's body was stripped off quickly, and a little bit of true spirit and spiritual energy turned into an unknown breath, which infiltrated into the four ghosts' bodies silently.

"...Aya! What is this!"

Caught off guard, the four ghosts were so frightened that their ghosts sprang up. They hurriedly checked their bodies, but there were no clues or abnormalities.

In the hearts of the four ghosts, even more turbulent waves:
It was obvious that he had been hit by a trick, but he didn't know exactly what trick he was hit by.

This is the most terrible thing.

A feeling of retreat welled up in my heart.

"Back, back quickly..."

As soon as the idea popped up, it expanded rapidly and could not be suppressed. The four ghosts looked at each other, tacit understanding.

Fleeing away at high speed, I dare not stay any longer.

"Don't stay here for long!"

"But I'm waiting for today's errands to be completed..."

"What errand, how can life be important! Go back and ask the ghost king for help!!"

"Exactly, what's the point of working hard here? Isn't it all for nothing in the end?"

"Success or failure, success or failure..." A ghost recited a sentence unconsciously, and then he was horrified:

"What did I just say?"

The other three ghosts looked at him as if they had seen a ghost.


The four ghosts roared away, and within an hour, they saw the ancient battlefield approaching.

The more the four ghosts thought about it, the more afraid they became, and the more they thought about it, the more they regretted it. The complaints accumulated in their hearts in the past kept gushing out:

"I waited thousands of miles to come here from Bazibiedu. I originally wanted to make contributions, but in the end I found that all this was meaningless."

"That's right, it's just working for the ghost king, what can we brothers get?"

"I waited to rush forward, risking my life and forgetting to die, but half of the Yin Gong I obtained had to be shared by the ghost king. What's the reason?"

"If this continues, when will I be able to accumulate enough Yin Gong!"

"I don't think Yin Gong has accumulated enough, I'm going to die here first, and my work is in vain!"

"If you think about it this way, it's not worth it!"

"Since that's the case, it's better not to do it. I will be able to live comfortably for the rest of my life when I return to Bazibiedu with the Yin Gong I have accumulated. I still have more than a hundred years to live, so why work so hard?"

"Not bad! Right and wrong, success or failure is turned around!"

The more the four ghost brothers thought about it, the more they felt it was worthless.

Not long after, they came to the depths of the ancient battlefield.

A joint camp is the five-dynasty camp that stretches for ten miles and is formed by the old ghost generals of the past dynasties, imitating their habits in life.

"Stop here!"

The ghost general guarding the south camp gate shouted to stop the four ghosts from entering the camp.

A ghost sneered: "General Wei doesn't recognize us anymore? Why bother? You know that everything is too fussy, so it's a trick."


What is this guy talking about?
General Wei was surprised by this ghost's attitude. When they went out, the four ghosts were still quite serious. They didn't know how they became so light when they came back.

My heart suddenly became suspicious.

Recently, the ancient battlefield is not peaceful. A few days ago, it was said that the ghost kings who practiced qigong went crazy and blew themselves up one after another. It was very strange. Many ghosts said that it was because of the abnormal changes in the world and the confusion of energy, but many ghosts said that it was Xieyue Mountain who shot... There are different opinions. No matter what, So now no one dares to practice under the moon.

In order to avoid chaos, the king told him to guard the barracks. General Wei's duty was to interrogate him carefully.

After asking a few words, General Wei was very displeased:
The words of these four ghosts were full of yin and yang, and there were a lot of complaints in their mouths, as if to say that everything they did was in vain in the end, so it's better to break up as soon as possible.

It was depressing to hear these words.

If it is serious, it is already a move to shake the morale of the army.

If it weren't for them not belonging to the Five Dynasties camp, it would not be too much to serve them with military law!
"Four, you have only been out for a while, why did you return so soon?"

"Just because I don't want to do it anymore!"

"...Why is that so?" Facing their straightforwardness, General Wei didn't know what to say for a moment.

One of the four ghosts approached him, with a solemn and low expression, and said, "General Wei, have you ever heard a word?"


"Success or failure, turn your head and empty your head!"

When the four ghosts talked about success or failure, they turned their heads empty, and there was no wave, unlike when they casually said this sentence at the beginning, they felt a burst of shock in their hearts.


"I've already figured it out, haha." The four ghosts smiled at him strangely.

The identification of the four ghosts was correct, and General Wei could only let them go.

Thinking of the weird smiles of the four ghosts, General Wei's heart kept echoing that sentence: success or failure, turn your head empty.

These words seem to have magical powers, and they are constantly rooted in his heart.

General Wei's heart gradually became strange.

Not long after, I heard a commotion at the Nanying Evil Plague Ghost King's place.

Interrupted General Wei's meditation.

Not long after, General Wei saw that the four ghost messengers had been tied up with standard chains by their group of ghost messengers and escorted out.

General Wei was not surprised: Come and leave whenever you want, if Bazibiedu's organization is so loose, what can happen?
These four ghost messengers don't want to do it now, they are no different from deserters.

If the Evil Plague Ghost King still maintains his majesty and is respected by the King, these four ghost messengers will be out of luck.

No matter which army you are in, no matter the underworld or the underworld, deserters, be decisive!

Sure enough, the Evil Plague Ghost King issued an order immediately:

They must be executed on the spot!

It is also necessary to ask other ghosts to watch, as a warning to others.

However, the four ghosts who were tied up were all the same, they neither cursed nor begged for mercy, their expressions were calm.

Calm too much.

Many ghost messengers from Bazibeidu looked at them with different expressions.

"What is this for?"

"Hey, I heard..."

For a while there was discussion.

"Death is imminent, what else do you have to say?"

The ghost messenger in charge of the execution is also their colleague, and they can be regarded as old acquaintances. I don't understand why these four ghosts suddenly became confused!
He actually contradicted the ghost king and wanted to leave this place, quit!

What do you take here for?What do you take Bazibie for?
"What joy is there in life, and what is there to be afraid of in death. Life and death are just illusions, and we are just passing by in a hurry." The four ghosts continued to preach their ideas when they were about to die, and said calmly: "Success or failure, success or failure, everything is like a dream. Well, everyone, you'll understand sooner or later."

The ghost messenger opened his mind and said: What is right and wrong, success or failure, turn your head empty, crazy!
The ghost king was still waiting, and the four ghosts kept talking more and more vigorously, which made the ghosts below think wildly.

The ghost messenger opened without delay, and sacrificed the ghost knife.

With one blow, the possessions of the four ghost messengers were cut off, and the four ghosts' cultivation bases suddenly vented.

The ghost knife stirred again, and the true spirits that they had escaped were also smashed into pieces.

The four ghosts who were cultivated in the innate realm, with pure cultivation, did not die in the hands of the enemy, but died here.

Until death, there was no resistance at all, and he accepted it calmly.

The onlookers shook their heads in deep thought.

It's inevitable that there will be a burst of sighs when the ghosts are nervous.

The ghost messengers watching around began to absorb their remaining energy, which was also tacitly approved.

Not long after, everything about the four ghosts dissipated, and there was no more sound or trace left behind.

In Wuchaoying, everything seems to have returned to calm.

The Evil Plague Ghost King was sitting in the tent right now, wondering and uncertain.

Thinking of those four ghost servants who didn't know what to do just now, they actually told him to quit and go back to Bazibiedu. When he heard it, he immediately became furious, wondering what happened to the four ghosts who had been with him for a long time!
The Plague Ghost King naturally refused, and asked them why they were like this at first, persuading them to stay.

Unexpectedly, the four ghosts had already decided to go, and they kept talking about doing it for nothing, so it was better not to do it.

Of course the Plague Ghost King knows that they did it for nothing, if you don't do it for nothing, I can still get something good?
If you don't do it for nothing, if you don't work hard, how can I get enough Yin Gong!
Unexpectedly, they suddenly became enlightened!
The Evil Plague Ghost King still tried to persuade them, moved them with emotion, and realized their benefits, but these four ghosts seemed to have eaten a weight.

If persuasion fails, it's just a threat. Unexpectedly, the four ghosts would not accept their softness and insistence, and reasoned with him instead!

I remembered the sentence that the four ghosts told him: success or failure, turn your head and empty your head!

The aura of the Evil Plague Ghost King was sharply felt trembling at that time, as if he had sensed some kind of extreme danger.

He is also a decisive person, he will make a decisive decision not to listen to their nonsense anymore!

The next step is to kill them, to make an example to others!
If all his subordinates are enlightened, he will be a fart!
Now, those four ghosts are gone, and there is no one left. It is said that the evil plague ghost king should be relieved, but there is always a lump in his heart, which will not go away for a long time:

Whether it is success or failure, turn your head empty?

what is this!

Not long after, the King of the Five Dynasties sent someone to invite him.

The Evil Plague Ghost King tidied up and went happily.

During normal times, the camp is not allowed to fly by escaping, otherwise it will be regarded as an intrusion from outside. Under the leadership of the ghost general, the evil plague ghost king kept walking through the camp.

The night is quiet, and through the gray sky, a round of cold moon timidly sprinkles mottled light on the horizon.

On the top of the highest peak of the Wuchao Camp, the camp of the Chinese Army stands erect.

A mast stands outside the camp, on which the flag with the word handsome is blown everywhere by the wind.

Between the misty sky and the earth, black shadows at seven or eight o'clock floated in it, whining continuously, it was extremely miserable.

The tents of the Chinese army barracks were opened, revealing the world inside.

It is a space filled with dense air.

The Evil Plague Ghost King knows that the source of the evil spirits is guarding this place under the camp of the Chinese army.

The yin and evil spirit, which is extremely dangerous to ordinary people, is a great tonic for ghosts, which is beneficial to cultivation.

The Five Dynasties Battalion occupying this place, occupying the source of evil spirits, is the number one force in the ancient battlefield, and the King of the Five Dynasties is undoubtedly the number one expert here!

They are the peak cultivation base of the Overlord Realm, the ghosts who have the most hope to transform the yin gods into the yang gods and break through to the human fairyland.

If the ghosts enter the Yangshen, they are ghosts and immortals, traveling in the daytime without hindrance, not only that, they can also directly absorb the essence of the sun, no different from normal qi practitioners.

At this point, for the ghosts, it is reborn and rejuvenated, and there is no need to work hard to reincarnate and rebuild.

The evil plague ghost king is very jealous. If he has hope to break through to the human fairyland, he doesn't have to work hard to accumulate yin skills, go to the pure pool to temper the true spirit, and gamble on the future.

If there is a sure-fire way, who would give up all the hard-earned cultivation and fight for an uncertain result?
With such a mood, the Evil Plague Ghost King stepped into the tent, and was exposed to the evil spirit, the Evil Plague Ghost King only felt that he was in good health.

"If I possess this source of evil spirits, my achievements may not be as good as his..."

(End of this chapter)

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