Those who eat qi, live long life

Chapter 167 Senior brother and father have a bad relationship

Chapter 167 Senior brother and father have a bad relationship
"...Niu Zhenzi? Why are you here?"

Xingzhenzi was so angry that he couldn't believe it.

Just now, he clearly felt his father's breath from Zhongtian's finger, and this finger was actually issued by Ding Niu, which made him unacceptable!

Xin Zhenzi and the other elders of Xieyue Mountain were also suspicious: this is a battle between human immortals and many overlords, and Xiantian realms are not even qualified to intervene. Far away, just protecting the law for Xin Mako.

But now Niu Zhenzi inserted into it, and defeated the ghost with one blow.

Something so magical it's unbelievable.

Even if that ghost fairy is suppressed, and his foundation is broken, and the consumption is huge, it will always be disadvantageous...but he is still a ghost fairy!

Among the people present, who would dare to say that fighting alone is their opponent?

What's more, the mysterious and mysterious aura of the empty finger just now, suppressing everyone, is genuine!
If this person can't explain why, everyone can't think that he is Niu Zhenzi, but a certain peerless demon who turned into Niu Zhenzi and is teasing everyone.

It can be seen that all the brothers, sisters and uncles are facing a big enemy.

Ding Niu asked back: "I also asked why you came here!"

"It is to capture the king of the Five Dynasties!"

"Okay! Capture the king of the Five Dynasties, why don't you tell me about it?" Ding Niu asked: "Yu Gong, I am Yuhou, the chief of Han Laojun, and Yu Si, I should also be your beloved relative, friend, brother and sister." what!"

"Sneaky! What do you mean? Didn't take me seriously?"


"Niu Zhenzi, your cultivation is only in the innate realm..."

Ding Niu proudly said, "What about the Xiantian realm? Have you ever seen such a strong Xiantian realm?"


Everyone was speechless for a while.

Xin Zhenzi's tone was sincere: "It's not something that ordinary innate realms can intervene in this matter. Junior brother, I didn't inform you. It was based on a general judgment that I misestimated your strength. This is indeed my senior sister's mistake."

Ding Niu hehe: "Even if I can't intervene in this matter, should I notify? Sister, I am sincere to the teacher and you, but you treat me as a goose!... Each of them is an uncle, and each of them is an old man. No respect, look at my jokes, brothers and sisters, be teasing!"

Ding Niu was heartbroken: "You are not hurting my heart, Niu Zhenzi, but the hearts of thousands of disciples of Xieyue Mountain!"

"I am low in cultivation, so I am your pawn, let you play with me!"

"Let me ask you, how can such an oblique moon mountain go up and down with one heart and one mind!"


After some accusations, Xin Zhenzi and the others were speechless again.

If it is an ordinary disciple, even if he speaks convincingly, but dares to question the elders and senior brothers like this, and is so aggressive, at least it is a crime of disrespect!
But this person... the strength he showed just now, everyone can only bear it.

Ding Niu was refreshed after criticizing and educating, then snorted and circled around, intending to bypass the crowd.

Everyone didn't want to be easily turned around by a person who didn't know the details and depth, and turned slowly facing him.

This person is not very stable even in the wind... This is indeed a sign of the innate realm:
Probably because the spiritual power is out of the body, it is slow and hasty when activated, not as easy to control as it is in the body.

Everyone observed his driving carefully, as if they could find some unusual clues.

This person fell up and down, just like everyone's thoughts, trembling and trembling.

The man seemed to be bored, and suddenly collected spiritual power and fell to the ground. At this time, two children jumped up from the shadow and followed behind him with a high spirit.


Just now everyone's attention was all on this "Niu Zhenzi" who didn't know how deep he was, and they didn't notice them for a while.

"...It's the Snow Mountain Boy and the Eaten Boy!"

Xueshan boy was once the door boy in charge, and many people recognize it. The boy who was eaten has just been the gatekeeper of the nine gates of Tianmen, which is also impressive.

The two boys had a unique aura, as if they were fake, and when they appeared, most of the doubts of the people disappeared.

Is it really Makoto Niu!

Then an elder asked aloud:
"... Niu Zhenzi, where do you want to go?"

"The responsibility is to suppress Yin Sha."


Ding Niu didn't stop, and went straight to the center of the ancient battlefield.

Xin Zhenzi, Xing Zhenzi, and all the elders looked at each other, and all kinds of voice transmissions to each other, and then silently followed.

The source of the golden evil is the gurgling flowing Yin evil.

Such yin evil spirits are not suitable for ordinary people to practice. In general, seals are used to seal them.

Seeing that Ding Niu found the source, they threw several pills into it without sealing it.

After a while, the evil spirits that kept emerging ceased.

Xin Zhenzi finally found a reason to start talking: "This is He Wan?"

Ding Niu didn't hide it: "Tutu pill, whoever controls this pill is the land here."

"...Is this pill thrown here?" Seeing that he didn't put it away, Shinmako asked.

Ding Niu said casually: "Yes, those who are destined will get it."

"...Senior brother seals ghosts and gods, what do you intend to do?"

"Forge a barrier in the Northeast to keep the enemy away from Yu Hanlao."

Ding Niu didn't say anything else. After this battle, his hometown became his foundation, and the land and mountain gods of Hanlao County belonged to him.

He is about to dominate alone, who can compete with him?

Others, are you sorry!

"..." Xinzhenzi secretly said: This person is ambitious.

Everyone is not a fool, but unexpectedly he is so straightforward.

To say that he is not qualified, but he can't... This person's reputation in Hanlao County is already in the sky, and he has won the hearts of the people. This is the foundation of conferring a god.

This person's strength...unpredictable, the record of capturing the king of the five dynasties, this ghost fairy, will make everyone's heart beat when they hear it.

The crowd didn't even dare to say that it was they who fought for a long time first, some who vomited blood, some who were injured, and this person suddenly appeared, cut off their beards, and stole their power!

Just relying on this person to win the King of the Five Dynasties with one move, other people can't do it even if they ask themselves.

Even Xing Zhenzi, who had the deepest opinion, seemed preoccupied and became silent.

Out of some scruples, everyone didn't even intervene in the follow-up arrangements here, but waited silently for him to finish dealing with Yin Sha, and then rushed back to Hanlao County together.

Not long after they left, ghost figures slowly appeared in the ancient battlefield, carefully exploring the surroundings, whispering ghostly words and sobbing.

In the center, the ruins of the Wuchao Camp, a ghost slowly sneaked in, standing on the ruins, laughing bitterly, crying and complaining:
"King of the Five Dynasties, do you still have today?"

This ghostly figure was staring at the original tent of the Chinese army with a greedy expression.

If he hadn't been able to reincarnate from the dirty soil, he would have died in the hands of the great kings of the Five Dynasties. For this source of evil spirits, the price he paid was not insignificant, but everything was worth it.

This ghost image is none other than the Evil Plague Ghost King.

At this time, he was no longer in the Tyrant Realm, and his aura was not only weak, but also very muddy and chaotic. This was the sequelae of cutting the true spirit and reincarnating from the dirt.

Even if the pure pool in Bazibiedu tempers the true spirit, the effect is not great.

The evil plague ghost king can only go to the dark one way.He didn't delay, and quickly used the method of escaping, and took the body of dirt, and got into the source of Yin evil.

Not long after, more evil spirits came and fought for the ownership of the source of evil spirits.

Here, another ghost king will rise again.


Cold Old City, Yuhou Mansion.

Ding Niu received the "uninvited" uncles and brothers.

Everyone sat down, and Ding Niu, as the master, was at the top.

Gossip less, straight to the point.

"The great king of the Five Dynasties has a lot of connections and has a lot of ties to him. We have planned for a long time to capture him, which took time and effort..."

"In today's ancient battlefield, the great king of the Five Dynasties was strangled. Niu Zhenzi's nephew took action at the last moment and captured the great king of the Five Dynasties. He made a great contribution."

"Martial nephew, King of the Five Dynasties, what are you going to do with it?"

A prisoner of ghosts and immortals, even if there is only a little true spirit left, is of infinite value.

Just because the most precious thing is his comprehension.

Such "trophies" are rare even for the entire thousand-year history of Xieyue Mountain.

Ding Niu said: "I have my own disposal."

The implication is that you don't care.

"...Although you have contributed a lot, but to capture the king of the Five Dynasties, I have contributed a lot..."

Ding Niu said: "You did take action, but you failed and were escaped by the Great King of the Five Dynasties, so there is no credit. To tell you the truth, to capture the Great King of the Five Dynasties, I alone will be enough."


"Don't say that I, Niu Zhenzi, don't care about people, it's because you don't care about people first," Ding Niu said lightly, "You guys kept this matter from me first, and it's you who acted first."

"Don't say I'm taking the credit. If I give you a chance, you won't be of any use."


The elders looked at each other in blank dismay, all of them displeased.

Xing Zhenzi suddenly let out a hey: "Niu Zhenzi, if you can really capture the king of the Five Dynasties by yourself, why wait until today? Sit back and watch the people of Hanlao County suffer from the plague, you will be punished!"

"That's right," the elders also agreed. At that time, they were shocked by this person's defeat of the King of the Five Dynasties, so they didn't think much about it for a while.

But when I came back to my senses, combined with the cause and effect of this matter, and then analyzed it in detail, it revealed something strange.

This person's move is really powerful, so don't question his strength, but you can question his intentions.

If his character is reliable, then this person was bragging just now, maybe that move has a lot of restrictions, and he actually took advantage of this matter.

Everyone echoed: "Since you have such strength, why didn't you make a move earlier, and what are your intentions?"

Everyone turned their faces when they saw that he wanted to take the credit for himself.

Seeing that they had spotted him, Ding Niu calmly said, "It's a coincidence that I only achieved my magical skills today, and I was delayed for some time, so I couldn't wait to go and capture the King of the Five Dynasties, otherwise I wouldn't be touched by you."

"..." Seeing that he was so thick-skinned and refused to admit it, everyone was speechless.

Xing Zhenzi sneered: "I don't know what magical skill it is?"

"Of course it's a magical skill handed down by the master." Ding Niu looked at Xing Zhenzi with a half-smile: "The last time I had a feast in the sky, I learned this finger of starlight just to deal with today's matter."

"Teacher Zhang respects everything in the world, and he knew that there would be changes in the northeast, so he sent me to Hanlao County to guard it, which is really a brilliant move."


Ding Niu pushed everything to Huang Qiu, the head teacher. If these people want to make trouble, they should go to Huang Qiu first.

Huang Qiu, why don't you cover for him?
Seeing that Huang Qiu was involved, all the elders were even more dumbfounded.

Xing Zhenzi sneered: "It's better that way, I'll know about it as soon as I ask..."

"It turns out that senior brother really doesn't know? No wonder, the teacher in charge respects and imparts my unique secret technique Starlight Finger, which is very important, but senior brother Xing doesn't know it." Ding Niu suddenly realized:
"The relationship between senior brother and father is not good."


(End of this chapter)

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