Those who eat qi, live long life

Chapter 173 Under the Double Calamity

Chapter 173 Under the Double Calamity
The dragon's claws stretched across the sky, and the giant claws hundreds of meters long pressed down on the head, and the sky suddenly turned black.

Don't look at this claw that covers the sky and blocks the sun. It looks very powerful, but it can't be used a little, but it is actually just a deadly force.

Ding Niu hurriedly dodged to the distance, landed on the ground, and the giant claws chased after it through the air, also not slow.

Although Ding Niu's eyesight has come, but his own cultivation is not enough, if he is photographed by this deadly force, he has to lie down.


Only by falling on the ground and connecting with the power of the land can we have the power to fight.

When the power of the earth gathers, Ding Niu volleys a finger, which refers to the art of transformation to change something.

The ground suddenly rose to thorns, Ding Niu used his spiritual power again, and then used the technique of ascending and copying, it was like adding oil to fire to make it burn more vigorously.

The ground thorns suddenly become huge thorns, small hills, and if the magic power is enough, they can become giant peaks piercing the sky!

Seeing this, the colleagues of Xieyue Mountain who were fighting in the distance immediately waved their flags and shouted:

"Niu Zhenzi is so powerful!"

However, Ding Niu was not satisfied:
Far worse than expected!

It's just because the change that refers to the ground into a mountain is still borrowed, not the control of the Golden Immortal Realm, the mighty power belongs to itself, there are several levels of difference in the middle.

The power of the earth is inexhaustible, even if there is only Jinxi Town, it can erect a thousand-foot-high peak at will, piercing this so-called dragon of the veins,

However, when he really used it, he could only raise a peak the size of a mountain bag, and the gap was too big.

Now that the layout has just been completed, his ability to borrow power from the ground is also limited, and it looks cumbersome and stiff to use, and can only be used for head-to-head encounters with hard bridges and hard horses.

One stroke is one stroke, without turning around, one after another.

The mountain bag is raised, shaking with the giant claws under the cover.

In just a moment, the mountain bag shattered, the surrounding ground jumped, and the ground exploded continuously.

If it wasn't for making the ground into a mountain to block the blow, Ding Niu would have been smashed to pieces.

Ding Niu's energy and blood surged, and he didn't fall down. In the eyes of others, he stood proudly: "I don't think it's very good for the earth veins and dragons to belong to Tianlong!"

"...Okay, is this the land of the mountain gods formed by Shanhe Geography Maru? It can actually block my trick, and it really has a trick!"

The Evil Plague Ghost King is not surprised but happy, his power has not yet been unblocked, and gradually becomes mellow with the blow!

Endless power is flowing in the body, and there is endless strength. Now the Evil Plague Ghost King is full of vigor and elation, what a wonderful feeling!
It's such a wonderful feeling!

Dragon Claw took another shot, several times in a row.

"Niu Zhenzi, let's see how many moves you can block!"

The ever-rising mountain bumps and ground thorns kept shrinking in size after he beat them repeatedly.

This is the presentation of the other party's lack of spiritual power.

After all, it is only a congenital realm!

The Evil Plague Ghost King is in power and will not forgive anyone.

Boom boom boom!
The more you fight, the more fun you have, this is the power of the flesh!

Flesh to the flesh truth!
After killing this person, after being tempered by the rain of the underworld, the earth dragon will transform into a heavenly dragon, which will be another real transformation!

At that time, it will be a fairyland!

There were constant attacks from behind, and they were attacks from Xieyue Mountain disciples in the distance, but even his body surface couldn't be broken.

Haha, they are all ants!
I don't care.

The evil plague ghost king controls the central yellow dragon, twisting its head and tail, making a loud noise.

In the sky, the yellow clouds are getting thicker and thicker, and the clouds are about to hang down!

The rain of yellow beams is coming soon!

In the distance, the disciples of Xieyue Mountain saw the change in the sky, and were startled and frightened:
"The catastrophe is about to come! This place will be affected by the catastrophe!"

"Let's go! Everyone, let's go! Niu Zhenzi, let's go!"

"Haha, run for your life!"

The evil plague ghost king laughed loudly, and continued to suppress the small bull on the ground:
"Niu Zhenzi, you do have means, and you can still block my divine power!"

"But you are overthinking yourself, the only thing you can do is die!"

The mountain rises again, blocking the dragon's claw:
"Just because you want to transform into a dragon?"

"Haha, haha!" The Evil Plague Ghost King can clearly feel that his power at this time is several times stronger than his peak, even a human immortal is no more than that!
Such power is worth paying a huge price for him!

But it's all worth it.

With the control of the dragon body, from the discomfort at the beginning, to now I gradually get used to it, the more I control it, the muscles and bones are stretched, and slowly, I feel like I am using my arms and fingers.

The aura of the Plague Ghost King climbed to the peak, and the infinite power made him tremble. It's so wonderful!

With one paw, the small mountain was scattered with one blow!

This blow was different, it not only shattered the mountain peak, but also sank its claws to the ground.

"Is it finally unstoppable?"

The evil plague ghost king sensed his surroundings, and suddenly his spiritual sense moved, and he noticed a slight movement in the ground:
Earth escape technique?

The dragon claw slapped again, the ground trembled, and a force penetrated directly to the ground, locking on to the abnormal movement.

The ground subsided and cracked, and a ray of light was forced out.

The Plague Ghost King had no time to be happy, and suddenly the dragon claw got stuck in the quagmire, and couldn't pull it out:
"This is?"

Countless mud and rocks flowed against the current like water, climbing along the dragon's claws.

The Evil Plague Ghost King kept shaking and pulling, but for a while he kept pulling.

The Plague Ghost King laughed loudly:

"Can't trap me just now? How can it trap me now?"

"You are made of earth and stone, and your strength comes from the earth. If you don't have the strength, you can't break free."

After saying a word, the Evil Plague Ghost King suddenly found that the mud and rocks were getting tighter and tighter, making it almost impossible for him to move!

This is?

Why did Niu Zhenzi's strength grow so rapidly?
The man said again: "You came out of the earth, and I am the land. I am your father and your king! You kill the king and your father, and heaven will not tolerate it!"

"...Absurd! What's the use of saying that?"

However, as the man's voice fell, the clouds in the sky became even worse. Not only that, but above the clouds, a fire appeared!

The Evil Plague Ghost King was shocked immediately, and the expert who instructed him once said:
"Soil is the mother of the five elements, and water is the source of the five elements. There is no soil, no growth, and no water, no growth. The dragon of the earth's veins escapes from the soil and is tempered by the water of the Yellow Spring. It is a disaster of heaven and water. In fact, it is unique. No matter how severe the calamity you encounter, as long as it is earth and water disasters, it will not hinder you."

The Evil Plague Ghost King once asked, "What is the problem?"

"It's the catastrophe of heaven and fire, and there is a saying that fire and water cannot tolerate it."

Now that fire calamity is born on top of water calamity, how can the evil plague ghost king not be afraid?
Not only that, the dragon body also has a spontaneous response, which is instinctive fear.

The Evil Plague Ghost King secretly thought it was not good, but the harder he exerted, the stronger the force of the land became, and the more he struggled, the tighter he grasped.

The Plague Ghost King secretly cursed Wei Wei, the power of the land seemed to have a spiritual change, before he had time to think about it, he heard the man say again:

"The poison of a tiger does not eat its offspring, and the earth dragon returns to the earth. Returning to the earth is to bow to your parents. Being protected is also your chance of survival!"


At the same time, the Plague Ghost King seemed to hear a charming voice from somewhere: "Come back, come back..."

A powerful, familiar force, warm and familiar, seemed to pull him into his mother's arms.

The Evil Plague Ghost King was horrified to find that the qi of the underworld on the dragon's body was no longer solidified, and it was erratic.

With a loud roar, he immediately pulled himself together, broke out in an instant, and finally broke through most of the mud and rocks, and the fiery red clouds in the sky became more and more intense. At this time, the Evil Plague Ghost King finally realized that something was wrong.

Even if it's just the body of an earth dragon, it's hard to come by, it's worth noting that the body of a sky dragon is not extravagant!
Don't cross the catastrophe!

He didn't even want to waste any more time, but cut off his own foot, leaving a claw of gold and stone like a hill, and the gecko cut off its tail to survive!
At this moment, he finally escaped from the entanglement of the earth and soared into the sky.

And a magic hidden sound, like a maggot attached to the bone, lingers on:
"Wake up, wake up..."

The Evil Plague Ghost King was horrified to find that a fluctuation was contending with his consciousness.

It is the original consciousness of the earth dragon!
In the world, there are fish-turning-dragons, snake-turning-dragons, and jiao-turning-dragons, etc., and there is one that turns into dragons from the veins of the earth.

The most rare thing for an earth vein to become a dragon is to awaken consciousness. Once awakened, it becomes an earth dragon.

Get out of the ground, experience the catastrophe and become a dragon!
Under the guidance of an expert, the evil plague ghost king searched all over Hanlao County, and the place names here also have clues: Jinxi Town, Jinhe Town, Jinshui Town...

Gold, the appearance of the yellow dragon, in the ancient battlefield, there is also a source of Yin evil, which is the golden evil, all of which show that this place has an earth vein, which has been continuously cultivated for a long time.

The Evil Plague Ghost King was sent by Bazibiedu to Hanlao County to expand his influence, and was assigned to Jinxi Town. The other ghost kings thought that he was old and weak, so he was assigned to the difficult bone, but they didn't know that he did it on purpose.

In fact, it was to get close to the ancient battlefield, to break into the camp of the five dynasties and get close to the kings of the five dynasties, just to get in touch with the source of evil spirits.

By cultivating the evil plague qi, he came into contact with that strand of golden evil spirit, and at that time, the evil plague ghost king has confirmed the "life force" in this golden evil spirit, otherwise, it will not combine with his epidemic qi, and there will be a chance of contagion. effect.

Infection means the breath of "birth".

Therefore, relying on the golden evil spirit here, it is judged that the veins of the land are the weather of the dragon, and it will soon turn into a dragon.

He tried his best to use his strength to eradicate the kings of the five dynasties and the camp of the five dynasties, in order to enter the source of evil spirits and steal the energy.
The consciousness of the earth veins was born, and it was suppressed by him in the past two days. Although it has not been completely eliminated, it has become a sign of silence.

Now, he was awakened and violently resisted when he was unlucky.

not good!

The leaping dragon body was suddenly out of control, and fell to the ground, splashing smoke and dust all over the sky!

Not only that, the dragon's claws and body penetrated into the ground, and they merged again!
This stupid dragon was bewitched by that boy from Xieyue Mountain!
The ghost king of the evil plague has lost his soul. If this continues, not only will he not be able to obtain the body of this earth vein, but it will be difficult to get out of this place, and he will definitely die!
One moment he was still in high spirits, the next moment he was already in a mess.

He also couldn't understand why the situation was reversed in an instant?

If Niu Zhenzi had such strength, he couldn't get out of the ground at first!Then there was no such thing as pressing Niu Zhenzi to the ground and beating him violently.

This person deliberately pretends to be weak, is he teasing himself?
Could it be that he has some serious illness!
But if this power does not belong to Niu Zhenzi, who is plotting against him?
Infinite doubts arose in the evil plague ghost king's heart, and there is no doubt that he fell into a huge predicament at this time!

Tick ​​tock!

Rain, it's starting to rain.

The yellow rain from the Yellow Springs is pattering.

When it falls on the ground, dense air rises. This is the qi of the underworld. Strangers should not get close to it, and those who fall into it will be mourned.

The rain fell on the dragon's body, and the qi of the yellow spring on the surface of the body did not resist it at all. The rainwater turned the dragon's body into mud, and the khaki muddy water flowed to the ground, forming a bay of yellow springs.

It hurts, it hurts too much!
However, in the midst of the pain, there is also vitality that emerges, and the transformation obtained in the pain makes the strength in his body emerge.

But at this moment, the calamity fire in the sky ignited sparks, falling more and more down.

When the fire enters the water, the breeze blows until it returns to the source, and the fire bursts out in the water!
The dragon's body lit a fire, like lighting a sky lantern.

The little vitality that was born from the water washing the dragon's body was completely burned by the fire.

Water and fire are under the same calamity, and within a moment, the several-mile-long body of the central yellow dragon has been reduced by more than half.

The area covered under the double catastrophe is also a Jedi!
The evil plague ghost king curled up his dragon body, and at this moment, he couldn't care about anything else.

According to instinct, or the consciousness of that stupid dragon, the dragon's body was actively propelling and merging with the ground again, but the plague ghost king did not stop it, otherwise he would not be able to live now, and would be melted under the double calamity.

"Come back and be blessed."

(End of this chapter)

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