Chapter 176
The story of Ding Niu's selection of Taoist soldiers has spread all over Hanlao County. With his current reputation, his potential at a young age, and the fact that he is a local immortal, many factors have gathered, and there are many responders. , The first selection of Taoist soldiers must be a grand event.

Yuhou Mansion started preparations early.

Regarding Ding Niu's selection of Taoist soldiers, the people from the Xieyue Mountain Gate stationed here were not surprised the first time they heard the news, but when they knew the number of Taoist soldiers he recruited, everyone was dumbfounded.

Ding Niu actually wanted to recruit 1 people!

1 people, what concept?
There are more than ten thousand people, and there are no boundaries.

What is he doing?
Besides, how much money does this person have?

Not to mention the equipment, training, and daily maintenance of soldiers, the promised monthly subsidy alone is 10 taels of silver per person per month, 100 taels of silver per month, and more than [-] million a year...not just a random Qi trainer Affordable.

This kid came from a humble background. It has only been a long time since he went up the mountain. Even if he ran fast, he still hasn't had time to accumulate wealth. How can he get so much money...

The grandson of the eight kings was the first to get the moon near the water tower, so he took the lead to visit Ding Niu and ask about Taoist soldiers.

Before the two of them could say a few words, people from Xieyue Mountain came to visit one after another. Within an hour, even Xin Zhenzi, Xing Zhenzi and a group of elders came to visit.

Let's not talk about other things, everyone is very curious about Ding Niu's recruitment of Taoist soldiers.

In the words, they are extremely concerned about his assets:

"In matters of cultivation, wealth comes first, and wealth is the most important thing. Niu Zhenzi, you have made such a big move, where did you get your fortune?"

"That's right, when I left the teacher's school, I was responding to the call of the teacher's school, but I also suffered from lack of funds. I came to do some chores and get some salary from the teacher's school.

It is very distressing to be disturbed by mundane things in cultivation. "

In the face of everyone's ardent love, Ding Niu did not give in:
"Everyone, although I, Ding Niu, was born in a low-born family and didn't have much money in the past, but fortunately, I have a very pure yang, so I have some affinity with women. Don't you forget? I have a Taoist partner in the Overlord Realm, who was originally a senior elder of the Nanhai School. A well-to-do waterman."


"My Mrs. Shui not only has a lot of savings, but now she also has several properties in the Nanhai faction, specializing in the sea pearl business, earning a lot of money every day, and can afford to raise some Taoist soldiers."


When many people heard it, they fell down immediately.

The soft rice is so hard!
Ding Niu said again: "Actually, not only did I not spend any money on raising these Taoist soldiers, but now I got some money first."

"……how do I say this?"

"Recently, there have been a lot of wealthy gentry and wealthy businessmen who have come to visit my residence. Everyone has heard that I want to recruit Taoist soldiers, and they are very enthusiastic. They say that they will definitely come to help." Ding Niu said: "This one donates a thousand taels, that one donates ten thousand taels. He also said that he will always be filial in the future, and he only asks to send his nephew to my Yuhou Mansion to receive some training, so that I can be beaten or scolded, but I will feel embarrassed."


"I can't refuse people from the village." Ding Niu sighed: "No, there is a charity event in the backyard. When I said that the soldiers needed money for food and clothing, the villagers came to donate enthusiastically."

"..." Everyone quickly used their minds to look at the backyard, only to see that Xueshan boy was on the stage, his face was flushed.

In the audience are the rich gentry who are full of jewels, and the businessmen who are potbellied are competing for the places in the auction with red faces.

Everyone has a look, good guy, everyone is raising cards!

What kind of charity is this?It's clearly an auction!
What is being auctioned is nothing else. The one that is being auctioned right now is actually the quota of the servants in the Yuhou Mansion, and the bid has reached 10 taels!

"...Isn't this a prostitute?"

"Hey? This senior brother made a mistake. This is not an official, and the errand boy has a hard job on weekdays. If the usual salary is low, he would not be able to recruit him. Why is he selling an official?"

"...Then why spend money to campaign?"

"What do you think, brother?" Ding Niu smiled, "Isn't it because of the crowd's support? If you are also the heroes of Hanlao County, and save the people from suffering, these villagers will also be so supportive."


"If you want to do good things, don't ask about your future, you will have your own rewards." Ding Niu announced to everyone: "I know that you are concerned about why I recruit so many Taoist soldiers, and some people think that I, Ding Niu, have great plans and some conspiracy. Argument."

"I don't want to explain too much, because this kind of people don't know the suffering of the people!"

"Can't you see it? Why are the people so enthusiastic? It's just because I am a Taoist soldier, not my own wish, but the wish of the people! I am a Taoist soldier of the people's children, not my own private Taoist soldier! The Baohan old county is safe, so take precautions before they happen, otherwise, if there are such disasters as in recent days, is it just a matter of suffering?"


"Look at it, everyone. Ten thousand Dao soldiers are still short. According to the wishes of the people, one hundred thousand Dao soldiers are enough. After a while, I will expand the number of recruits."


"Everyone who cares about my Dao soldiers so much, I will remember your kindness. I know everyone who came to my mansion today. They will come to my Yuhou Mansion to help in a few days. My Dao soldiers training this period There is a shortage of people, you all come and teach me these Taoist soldiers, astronomy, geography, martial arts, martial arts, forging alchemy... none of them can escape!"


All these people sitting in the hall were suddenly speechless.

At this time, Xin Zhenzi was the first to speak, and said seriously: "It's not bad, I can teach some alchemy."

"..." Xing Zhenzi looked constipated, seeing Xin Zhenzi opening his mouth, he could only say: "Then I will come with Junior Sister Xin, and I will teach you how to forge weapons."

Ding Niu looked at the others, first at Tie Zhenzi: "Brother Tie is good at practicing horizontally."

Tie Zhenzi looked gloomy, but seeing that Xing Zhenzi and Xin Zhenzi took the lead, he would follow these two in the future, so he could only say: "Okay."

"Senior Brother Gao, Senior Brother Tong?"

Tong Zhenzi smiled wryly: "I would like to help."

Gao Mako snorted and agreed.

Ding Niu looked at the others again, and the person who was named by the person who saw it secretly said that it was bad luck.

Seeing that Ding Niu was making progress, looking at them, several elders hurriedly said goodbye: "I am stationed here, and I am busy with business. Since the arrangement of the teacher, nephew, and Taoist soldiers is properly arranged, I am relieved. Let's go first."


Several elders left in a hurry, and the rest hurriedly made excuses to leave, and everyone was ashamed.

Today's door-to-door interrogation, not only was full of jealousy, but also taught a lesson, and in the end, he was pulled as a young man again. The gain outweighs the loss!

Lose too, lose too!
Some people thought: Oh, this Niu Zhenzi is getting more and more powerful, the two true legends are so face-saving, even the masters and uncles face him, and he has no temper at all... This person, It will also be a big backer in the future.

Some people moved their minds and made friends with him at this time, finally paving the way for the future, if they don't make friends, don't offend them!

At this time, only the Eighth King Sun, Xin Zhenzi, Xing Zhenzi and a few people left in Yuhou's mansion.

Xin Zhenzi talked about another matter, which was related to the golden shackles of the ancient battlefield.

"A few days ago, I asked Yi Tianxing, Huang Xuan and other senior brothers if they knew of a human immortal who used Huang Yun at will, but I got some other information... not only in our country of Zhao, but also in other places. Recently, two things happened. It is not a special case that a mysterious qi trainer seized the earth vein and left, and the ancient battlefield is not a special case."

"Is someone eyeing the leylines?"

"That's right, someone is staring at the veins that are about to transform into a dragon, they captured it and left, not knowing what they want to do."

"The veins of the earth, the essence of the earth, the essence of the mines, once the veins are gone, the land will suddenly lose its spirituality, and it will take a long time to recover. However, if it is a dragon, it must be bred for hundreds or thousands of years. It is extremely rare. It is the virtue of heaven, and all things have Spirits, generally won't stop it...but staring at Hualong's earth veins to capture, this move is outrageous!"

Ding Niu asked: "What's so magical about the earth vein Jackie Chan?"

Xing Zhenzi chuckled: "Among the true disciples of our generation, there is a senior brother Long Zhenzi who is Jackie Chan from the Earth Vein. He is low-key, not as ostentatious as some juniors who turn fish into dragons."


"Brother Long Zhenzi has a profound cultivation base and countless abilities. One of them is to stand upright and form a mountain. He can use the power of mountains and rivers. Compared with your Shanhe Geography Pill, it is not inferior."

Ding Niu said indifferently: "...if there is a chance, I would like to meet this Senior Brother Long."

Xin Zhenzi brought the topic back: "The evil plague ghost king disturbed Hanlao County and harmed countless people. He used our power to eradicate the kings of the Five Dynasties. His ultimate goal was to seize the land line of the house, but his younger brother saw through the conspiracy and broke the plan. Therefore, Huang Yunren The immortals made the move, so it can be seen that their goal is the land veins... Yue Xin thinks that there is a lot of suspicion in this matter, and they took the land veins probably to reclaim land from the sea."

"...reclamation from the sea?"

"Yes, Yamatai is located in the East China Sea, tens of thousands of miles away from the mainland of China. It is an island country in the sea. It dominates one side, but it has a small land and a large number of people. Therefore, it has to borrow land from the sea and has a strong ambition to expand westward."

"I'll wait until the end of the banquet on Xieyue Mountain. The Yakumo evil god of Yamatai, the Southwest Demon God, and the Northwest White Elephant Supreme will join forces to attack. This is the signal."

Ding Niu understood, and asked, "What is Senior Sister Xin going to do?"

"Senior brother Xing and I have been traveling around for many years, and we happened to know a place with Jackie Chan's aura. We wanted to lure the snake out of the cave and set up an ambush." ​​Xinzhenzi said: "I want to ask my brother for some mountain and river geography pills. It will be very useful at that time."

"..." Ding Niu saw that they were preparing to deal with human immortals. These true disciples of Xieyue Mountain really had aspirations. They are not weaker than human nature.

Out of curiosity, he asked: "The two of you plus me, I'm afraid they won't be the opponent of Huang Yun Renxian."

"To tell you the truth, senior brother Yi Xingtian and Huang Xuan also made the move this time. The two senior brothers are quite moved by killing the immortal."


This kind of thing made Ding Niu quite moved, and he really wanted to see it, but he also knew the danger in it.

When Xin Zhenzi told him about this, he was also asking him whether he would go or participate.

Whether to go or not, Ding Niu kept weighing.

Xin Zhenzi and Xing Zhenzi are also waiting for his reply.

(End of this chapter)

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